The entire series so far:
So this story starts a little early, before I can remember becoming an active member. It all started when Jorichi (or at least I think so) made this:

I can't really find any other commentary regarding it, but it is the start of everything relating to this.
As you can see, Idiot followed that image with an avatar version.
And to the hilarity of it, MM102 created something to top that:
This was the discussion of the Art Thread for awhile, before it died down.
Luckily, MM102 drew that image again in non-pixelated form. Turret got left out, though.

This is (probably) the image that inspired Hugo to do more.
And Hugo did do more, over a month later:

Full size: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-fRibaO3NHRk/U ... Edited.png
It was his turn to shine, although that inspired me to win this game.
And so I topped him and took away his spotlight in a hasty drawing that I don't really want to look back on.

This was followed up with some panels at the end of this timeline, and everyone thought the joke was over at that point as well.
However, yet another month later, a wild Kiashi appeared:

Where he made the suggestion of having to be fat to be cruel to animals.
He also sat on my neck.
Being the competitive person I am, I couldn't resist:

Where I suddenly crown Magic Pillow, since I already appeared in the drawing myself.
I also drew this really late at night, I have no idea what I was thinking.
But when Saulo saw my drawing, he finally decided to jump into the fray.

Now, I don't mean any offence to Saulo, but he made a mistake:
Burying Sundae Scoops. (That's the name of Jorichi's avatar, in case you didn't know)
This detail is one of the only conflicts in the entire timeline, and a redraw by Saulo is being encouraged.
There was yet another gap, a large gap, of conflict-resolving drawings- contributed by Victinistar, Hugo, Kiashi, and MM102.
These are also found at the end of the timeline.
I didn't complete this next tower drawing like my others; I took my time. About a month of time.

I had introduced Victinistar, Mindnomad, B-Man, and Turtle95 for their first times here. They have yet to be included elsewhere.
There were also plans to include LightningFire, but they were canceled.
Victinistar also followed up with a new dilemma, specifically tailored to me.

Meanwhie, HAPPYFACES came in unannounced (is that an inside joke or something, because it occasionally screws up other's projects) and is having difficulty deciding on what to do.
This remains as a cliffhanger, for now.

Now, the tower section has 2-3 more drawings, at most. Coming to stores near you, 2014.
This next section is now one not organized by time; the following drawing was done shortly after Saulo's.

This was also a surprise by Hugo.
As for timeline conflicts, (or who's not present) anyone that was located above Saulo fell off-page.
The next drawing was done back when there were 5 people in the tower, still.

I love my character
It was also shortly followed by Hugo, yet again. (He really contributes a lot.)

Original size: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-ASPRLhM_934/U ... Edited.png
This short bit is also Turret's first inclusion into the series:
LIghtningFIre also did his own rendition of the hospital scene, too.

I just realized this slightly conflicts, as Hugo's position changes.
Let's just say he went back for more food.
And then there was this debate about whether or not Sundae Scoops was dead.
The vote favored not-dead.
And the joke, at this point in time, (the same point in time that I mentioned earlier, before my 2nd tower drawing) had died down for a month.
Kiashi saved it, though.

Something something cliffhanger.
Hugo, with his quick thinking drawing moved Kiashi somewhere else temporarily.

(Hugo really is contributing a lot to this comic.)
And meanwhile... (From LightningFIre's point of view.)

I guess we won't be seeing him for awhile.
And Victinistar, who 'was in the shady corner or something', came outta nowhere and gave chase to Kiashi.

Into the hospital cafeteria they go.
But soon after all of that commotion, Sundae Scoops wakes up.

There's more planned in this gap, which both Victinistar and Hugo are teaming up to fill.
And Victinistar filled that gap with a

and this is what Hugo is doing within those short few panels:
While HAPPYFACES is still around.
But in the meantime, we have an ultimate ending to all of this, courtesy of MM102.

Infinite repeats are always the best.
So yeah, that's the history of it all.

I can't really find any other commentary regarding it, but it is the start of everything relating to this.
idiot9.0 wrote:I got bored, read through past posts, found an image by Jorichi that he made not too long ago, and made something based on it.
Based on the fanfic coming out in the year 20-Never
also I suck at making ponies so shut up.
As you can see, Idiot followed that image with an avatar version.
And to the hilarity of it, MM102 created something to top that:
MM102 wrote:
This was the discussion of the Art Thread for awhile, before it died down.
Luckily, MM102 drew that image again in non-pixelated form. Turret got left out, though.

This is (probably) the image that inspired Hugo to do more.
And Hugo did do more, over a month later:

Full size: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-fRibaO3NHRk/U ... Edited.png
It was his turn to shine, although that inspired me to win this game.
And so I topped him and took away his spotlight in a hasty drawing that I don't really want to look back on.

This was followed up with some panels at the end of this timeline, and everyone thought the joke was over at that point as well.
However, yet another month later, a wild Kiashi appeared:

Where he made the suggestion of having to be fat to be cruel to animals.
He also sat on my neck.
Being the competitive person I am, I couldn't resist:

Where I suddenly crown Magic Pillow, since I already appeared in the drawing myself.
I also drew this really late at night, I have no idea what I was thinking.
But when Saulo saw my drawing, he finally decided to jump into the fray.

Now, I don't mean any offence to Saulo, but he made a mistake:
Burying Sundae Scoops. (That's the name of Jorichi's avatar, in case you didn't know)
This detail is one of the only conflicts in the entire timeline, and a redraw by Saulo is being encouraged.
There was yet another gap, a large gap, of conflict-resolving drawings- contributed by Victinistar, Hugo, Kiashi, and MM102.
These are also found at the end of the timeline.
I didn't complete this next tower drawing like my others; I took my time. About a month of time.

I had introduced Victinistar, Mindnomad, B-Man, and Turtle95 for their first times here. They have yet to be included elsewhere.
There were also plans to include LightningFire, but they were canceled.
Victinistar also followed up with a new dilemma, specifically tailored to me.

Meanwhie, HAPPYFACES came in unannounced (is that an inside joke or something, because it occasionally screws up other's projects) and is having difficulty deciding on what to do.
HAPPYFACES wrote:I was drawing a thing, but it kinda sucked... So I turned it into a thing for this.
Saint: Okay, this is really getting out of hand...
Little Shoulder Angel: What was your first clue?
Little Shoulder Devil: YEESSS! Kill it!!!
This remains as a cliffhanger, for now.

Now, the tower section has 2-3 more drawings, at most. Coming to stores near you, 2014.
This next section is now one not organized by time; the following drawing was done shortly after Saulo's.

This was also a surprise by Hugo.
As for timeline conflicts, (or who's not present) anyone that was located above Saulo fell off-page.
The next drawing was done back when there were 5 people in the tower, still.

I love my character
It was also shortly followed by Hugo, yet again. (He really contributes a lot.)

Original size: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-ASPRLhM_934/U ... Edited.png
Therefore extending the comic to more than just a tower fad.HugoBDesigner wrote:I couldn't let her die at all.
This short bit is also Turret's first inclusion into the series:
TurretBot wrote:Meanwhile, outside Sundae's hospital room...
Because everyone forgot I was part of that fad so they didn't let me in.
LIghtningFIre also did his own rendition of the hospital scene, too.

I just realized this slightly conflicts, as Hugo's position changes.
Let's just say he went back for more food.
And then there was this debate about whether or not Sundae Scoops was dead.
The vote favored not-dead.
And the joke, at this point in time, (the same point in time that I mentioned earlier, before my 2nd tower drawing) had died down for a month.
Kiashi saved it, though.

the guard that was blocking turret was blocking me out too so I kinda...

Something something cliffhanger.
Hugo, with his quick thinking drawing moved Kiashi somewhere else temporarily.

(Hugo really is contributing a lot to this comic.)
And meanwhile... (From LightningFIre's point of view.)

I guess we won't be seeing him for awhile.
And Victinistar, who 'was in the shady corner or something', came outta nowhere and gave chase to Kiashi.

Into the hospital cafeteria they go.
But soon after all of that commotion, Sundae Scoops wakes up.

There's more planned in this gap, which both Victinistar and Hugo are teaming up to fill.
And Victinistar filled that gap with a

and this is what Hugo is doing within those short few panels:
HugoBDesigner wrote: Anyway, I got the most powerful gun FROM THE HISTORY OF HUMAN KIND: Aperture Science!
Original size
Original size
Original size
Original size
Original size
Original size
Original size
Original size
Original size
Also, some details (things like mountains or darker wall) are hard/impossible to see because I'm not using MY scanner, but my cousin's scanner, which is really bad.
While HAPPYFACES is still around.
Title: The Hospital (Reality B)
Saint: I'm here to see Sundae Scoops.
Front Desk woman: Down the hall to your left, third door on the right. Hail Kiashi.
Saint: Oooookay... Kiashi is here. Not... Going in there. Where's the restaurant?
Front Desk woman: To the right. You won't miss it. Hail Kiashi.
Saint: Okay... shut up.
Front Desk woman: Hail Kiashi.
~In the Restaurant~
Saint: Ahh... Foooood... Hugo? Must have gotten a snack...
Restaurant Clerk: Would you decide already?
Saint: Yeah hold on...
*Kiashi and Vic barrel through the portal*
Saint: Huh?
OH F***!!!
But in the meantime, we have an ultimate ending to all of this, courtesy of MM102.

Infinite repeats are always the best.
So yeah, that's the history of it all.
This Summer: (Spoiler for all art not pertaining adding to the story)

A movie-like poster created by Hugo; he also mentioned that a 'This Winter' poster is planned.
When Victinistar mentioned that he wanted to fight with Kiashi, he understood perfectly.

He created this as a 'final form' version of himself, specifically for Victinistar to fight.
LightningFire went and combined Victinistar's ideas and Kiashi's art, in a RPG-like boss battle.

LightningFire wrote:They're all aligned in order.
I didn't really want them to have the same class, so I just made them different kind of classes.
Victini is the one with the light, quick sword, I'm the one with the heavy two-handed sword, Hugo with his Portal Gun, you as a Black Mage, imaginary cake as the gunsmith, and idiot as the White Mage.
And when Victinistar (might of) complained about LightningFIre's 'quality' scans, he decided to create his own version of the above image:

My scanner is always the best scanner to use
I can't really say more about this, other than the day will come when this does happen.
Prepare your body, folks.
Scribbles: Ironic Comedy/Additional Things:

Drawn by B-Man, this is what created this category in the first place.

MagicPollow decided to 'try'.
Qwertman dropped in unannounced with this:

QwertymanO07 wrote:So I know this is unannounced, but I just made something for this. I don't think I should post it, but it probably won't mess anything up continuity-wise. Feel free to completely ignore this if you like because it's so poorly drawn.

Hugo also did this without warning, and I think this is a good example for the 'scribbles' category.
Go go Turrret, go go!
And Qwertyman makes another (odd) appearance:

(Sorry to keep adding your stuff to the scribbles category, but I just think it belongs here more than anything.)