[OSX] No sound on Mari0

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Joined: 30 Sep 2013, 21:54

Post » 30 Sep 2013, 21:57

I am running Mac OSX 10.8.5 (Lion) and I have just downloaded Mari0. I boot it up first time and there is no sound. I mute and unmute, re-open many times and there still isn't any sound. I have deleted the LOVE folder in my Application Support folder and redownloaded with no avail.

What else can I try?

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Shaders guy
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Post » 01 Oct 2013, 11:36

It's possible there's an issue with the audio library the game uses (OpenAL), in OS X.

Can you try this build of Mari0? https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/421 ... x-test.zip

It's the same as 1.6, but it has some updates to the third-party libraries the application uses. In particular, instead of using Apple's version of OpenAL which is built-in to OS X (it's notoriously buggy), it uses OpenAL-Soft, a popular cross-platform implementation of OpenAL.

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Joined: 30 Sep 2013, 21:54

Post » 01 Oct 2013, 19:13

Thanks, that worked perfectly first time. It seems you're correct about the audio library issue :)