if any one has any requests, I can send a private message (or public just tell me what you prefer)
to you, so ya can use it for you're avatar or whateva the f*ck ya want
oh btw no 3d game requests
and I need a high quality sprite sheet to work with as well as a map (if ya don't know where to find I'll search for the images my self k)
why I'm doing this
ok seeing as I won't be online and I know someone won't have the patience to wait for me to get online
I present a tutorial

ok as you can see we have z3lda 2
oh and if it's an avatar you want remember the max amount of pixels for an avatar is 100x100
step 1 - collect 2 images 1 of the sprite sheet the other of a image of a level (if someone asks for credit remember to give... unless it's all riped in wich case they have no right to force you to do it seeing as they didn't do anything to help make the actual sprite, unless you want to be kind of course)
step 2 - get any kind of pic of mari0 in order to get the portal gun (edit it any way you want)
step 3 - place the gun over the sprite you are using (in this case link)
step 4 - create a portal 32 pixels wide/tall depending on how it's angled
and add ripples to the edge of said portal
step 5 - now carefull place your images on top of the map image, if the character's half way through a portal remember to place him/her/it 1 pixel away from the actual portal so it doesen't look like he/she/its going through a wall
step 6 - save and now you have an 0 game pic.
and if you need help finding good sprites try these websites
-Spriters resource-
-Mario fan games galaxy-
-sprites inc-
-Metroid fan mission-
-vg maps-
-shy guy kingdom-
hope this helps
interesting avatars
xXxrenhoekxXx and Pyr0saur



LawnboyInAJar and kyudoxp

MrCytosine (it's a big one)

xXxrenhoekxXx edited kirby

and me age 5

and remember the threads moto