Alternative: just post a timeline of your avatars, if you have one.

The only old avatar I could salvage. The avatars before this were a Portal 2 "man standing on button" sign with a blue hat (much like this), and said avatar as a take on the chess piece fad.
The lever guy from a depiction the trolley problem. He's sad.
Chip flailing his arms. Hopefully, from here on, I'm never going to use an OC for my avatar like with the blue hat button man - which was based off of another OC, which was quite literally a recolor of Mario with no definable personality traits.
Mega Man-esque Coach Z, from H*R, ripped from the toon New Boots. Looks all weird because the minimum avatar size is 37x37 and I wanted it to display right below the username like a normal-sized avatar.

Maybe it's for the fucking best that this one was lost and you just had to go and reopen Pandora's box by recreating it you bitch!
Yeah good choice not that it helps.
Don't fool me I can see Veev in the url
And this would start the worst trend in the series
Oofa doofa why did I put myself in the fascist's chair?
Just gonna steal this ship real quick
Yeah, good, I didn't wanna give you any shred of respect anyway
I never even modded Blivio back then, so I don't know how I could stand it
You know, I'm starting to be reminded of something qcode I think posted
Damn I can't believe this idiot started a resonance cascade scenario and doomed Earth
Just why?
Just why? 2: Reloaded
Damn who didn't pack my avatar into the .bsp?
Nah mate, it won't
If I was smart I would've just changed the graphics in the game but I wasn't
Mistakes were made
It's not, I'm sorry.
Back in the fascist chair
At least you used the right bloody map this time and let an expert handle the graphics
Just why? 3: Revolution
I would later use this on Distractionware and make this character into Billy Bones
Yeah, we get it, you know highschool level biology
She's screaming at him because he's stupid (also I guess SE was out by then)
Damn I can't believe he's dressed like Santa and pretending to be a candle flame
Did I ever use this one because I don't remember it?
Come on take that elevator so I don't need to see your stupid face
I would later retroactively earn this award for my work in the Map Contests
Pew pew!
If I ever see this image again my souls will be torn from my body and I'll immediately die
Fun fact I never finished this map and I lost all the files. It leaked like a sieve anyway
It's a shame Kleiner's expression doesn't really show well at this resolution
Yeah we get it you know how to use Hammer (also first one I ever uploaded to imgur)
Damn I remember Avatar
Damn I remember Reservoir Dogs
I would later use this one for Distractionware for like two seconds
"Leave him alone, he's peeing" —Some wise person from Caption the Avatar
Or else you will die
I still like this one, even if the followthrough isn't very good. Maybe it's just because he dies. Also fun fact: this was inspired by something I did in Gmod with the Stargate mod
OH SHIT I got spooked by how bad this is
Yeah, thanks Turret!
Damn I remember Veev
I still like swords
Hooray we're at the new stuff!
She's named Iota by the way; I never had a reason to tell you before
A new version for a small redesign
I know there's more, but I took one look in that folder and I'm not gonna bother.













Hooray we're at the new stuff!

I know there's more, but I took one look in that folder and I'm not gonna bother.