Life has taught me that i should not be scared of little things, but i've also learned that there's a lot of stuff you should be scared of:
1. Toasters.
Just kidding, now to the legit answer:
1. The feel that no one needs you and that you're useless.
2. Failure, but specifically failing in something you really care about.
2.1 The feeling of impotence and unability to help others.
3. Dying before doing everything you want to do in your life.
4. Becoming something i hate.
5. Something that is linked to the fear of darkness is the fear of the unknown (i got over my fear of darkness though).
There's other stuff i didn't mention but since they are heavily related to the fears mentioned in the list (guns, falling of high places, the presence of an entity that wants to kill you, etc), i didn't mentioned them.
1. Certain distorted things
2. noises that are loud as shit. (especially those in horror films)
3. Complete darkness
4. Creepy music
5. Heights
6. What happens after you die (not really just fear but i feel weird when i think about it)
5. Close-ups of bugs
4. Being buried alive (Had a nightmare about this recently)
3. Waking up one day in someone's torture dungeon (think SAW)
2. Death (sometimes?)
And the biggest one surpassing death itself
1. Going blind. Almost everything I do is sight based.
Now watch as someone will use one of these to be a dick to me.
1. The Average things most are scared of. (Absolute Silence, Pitch Dark, Heights, Huge Insects that can jump, etc.)
2. The fucking Sonic CD FM 46 PCM 1 DA 25 message.
3. I Feel Fantastic video from YouTube.
4. /b/ (I go there everyday though).
5. Loss of Family.
6. Loss of Trust from family members and friends.
Just sticking to non-anxiety-driven phobias to keep the list short.
Heights, specifically over three stories.
Bugs/insects of any kind, but especially spiders.
Loss of self-control; it's kind of hard to define. Mind control, hypnosis, drugs, but also things like unconsciousness, being bound, or confined spaces.
Any sort of pain, really. Although it's less to do with irrationality and more to do with hypersensitivity.
God damn mate. This is the funnest thing I've seen in awhile. There is a reason why your occupation is 2nd best poster here. (not sarcasm) Is there a subreddit/verse for missleading titles? Surely this would get many upvoat/votes.
Ontopic, I'm scared of the fam finding out I'm bi. Why? Cause of my heavy-headed uber-religious grandma that hates things she refuses adapt to. (I'm actually Lutheran (im atheist now), so don't think I hate religion)
Last edited by MF064DD on 19 Mar 2016, 03:21, edited 2 times in total.
5. Responsibility
4. Wasps (now I know to just stand still and not give a shit, otherwise they'd be higher on the list)
3. Spiders (dunno why)
2. Jumpscares (jumpscares themselves don't scare me, just knowing one is coming but being unsure when is what gets me)
1. Hornets, mother f*cking hornets. I've only seen one in my entire life and they're pretty rare where I live, but still.
I just noticed how many Twatter threads are about personal stuff, kinda creepy
why is my alleged fear of black people considered irrational but this isn't? you're never gonna get teleported randomly to some random place why the fuck is that even considered a fear.
also no one considered the fact that i could've been in a traumatic situation involving a black person at a young age and just left me traumatized. i know it would be generalizing but if that makes in invalid then fuck your fear of dogs u racist just cos u got mauled by a pitbull at a young age u judgemental fuck.
rokit wrote:
why is my alleged fear of black people considered irrational but this isn't? you're never gonna get teleported randomly to some random place why the fuck is that even considered a fear.
also no one considered the fact that i could've been in a traumatic situation involving a black person at a young age and just left me traumatized. i know it would be generalizing but if that makes in invalid then fuck your fear of dogs u racist just cos u got mauled by a pitbull at a young age u judgemental fuck.
that basically.
I have read this at least four times and I still don't know what you're trying to say...
rokit wrote:
why is my alleged fear of black people considered irrational but this isn't? you're never gonna get teleported randomly to some random place why the fuck is that even considered a fear.
also no one considered the fact that i could've been in a traumatic situation involving a black person at a young age and just left me traumatized. i know it would be generalizing but if that makes in invalid then fuck your fear of dogs u racist just cos u got mauled by a pitbull at a young age u judgemental fuck.
that basically.
Congratulations, you just compared a part of the human race to an unintelligent species of mammals.
A black people can do exactly the same as every other people, saying you fear humans is not racist.
Saying you hate chihuahuas with white hair, when you like other hair-color chihuahuas are okay to you, is racist.
Okay, you officially surpassed Turret in the "trying too hard to be funny in ways that make you look like an idiot". I'd much rather if you were genuinely racist than just a "prankster" :)
Google wrote:rac·ism
noun the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
Google wrote:pho·bi·a
noun A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder, usually defined as a persistent fear of an object or situation in which the sufferer commits to great lengths in avoiding, typically disproportional to the actual danger posed, often being recognized as irrational.
As stupid as his "phobia" is, he never said he hated black people. He never said he found them inferior. He just said he was scared of black people. I am not defending his actions, I am just saying that he has said nothing that we can use against him to prove that he is indeed racist.
Now as I said, stop giving him attention. You're only fueling him by replying to him.
Needles, the Dark (50% of the time, the other half I'm in a mood to fight whatever doesn't really lurk within it, random adrenaline rushes are weird, man), and my own want to jump off of a building (heights themselves don't scare me, planes are awesome, it's more of a self-trust in my own restraint kind of thing).
If you can consider a lack of anything being real beyond your own perception a fear, I guess it's kinda spooky. It doesn't bother me in a scary way, but it makes my life a lot more miserable.
I have to stab myself (heheheheheheh) with one every day except Sunday because I'm too short.
Good thing you're not me.
Anyways, I really don't like empty, black, infinite void. I hated when Minecraft made it so that the void was black below a certain level, made the skylands look weird too...
I don't think I have any fears either. I used to be afraid of the dark, and also of wild animals coming out of nowhere (things like lions or tigers coming through my bedroom's door). But today, I can't think of anything.