Minecraft Stabyourself Server

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Post » 27 Oct 2015, 15:17

Defiant Shout wrote:Enderchests are multi-dimensional. The most you'd lose is a chest if you did what was suggested.
Sorry, forgot about ender chests momentarily.
LightningFire wrote:
ucenna wrote:@LightningFire remember that storm? When you lagged out and died? MagicPillow and I put your stuff in a chest at the death point
Yes I actually had a feeling you guys did. So I went and got it. And that's when I got stuck in the portal loop and died.
LightningFire wrote:Alright I'm sick of this.
This nether portal loop thing is really getting on my nerves, especially since I've already lost everything I had twice now.
Not even the pseudo-fix you made worked, ucenna.
In fact, the most it did for me was just spam me switching to survival mode nonstop. But thanks for the effort anyways.
So I'm probably not coming back into the server until they fix that. (I might come once in a while to see progress but that's about it)

Until then.
Didn't see the original post initially.
The pseudo fix wasn't completed at the time, only have done. I had to go to work so I couldn't finish it. I thought I'd disabled it, but evidentially not. Anyways, I have a new method that is all but guaranteed to work.

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Post » 28 Oct 2015, 00:21

Ucenna, did you ever fix the end portal glitch?

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Post » 28 Oct 2015, 00:57

That I did. I tried to tell you but you had already signed out.

As to the Nether portal loop, the current fix involves a tp to the spawn portal. The relative tp was to fast, so fast in fact that upon entering the overworld you were tped before your coords where adjusted to nether coords. If you give me the coords of both ends of other portals, I can create exceptions to the spawn portal tp.

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Post » 28 Oct 2015, 05:24

I did it!
So there were a few kinks in the patchs, but they're all good now.

Allow me to explain so that I can boost my ego.

Nevermind, they're just cool. Your welcome.

Forgot to mention, make sure to place an armor stand near your portal. The patch tp's you to the nearest armor stand.

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Post » 28 Oct 2015, 20:34

And now the server closed after everyone started lagging...

EDIT: It's back up now

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Post » 29 Oct 2015, 00:16

ucenna wrote:I did it!
So there were a few kinks in the patchs, but they're all good now.

Allow me to explain so that I can boost my ego.

Nevermind, they're just cool. Your welcome.

Forgot to mention, make sure to place an armor stand near your portal. The patch tp's you to the nearest armor stand.
And the next snapshot is finished. I'm gonna leave my patch in place for a little bit, because I don't have access to minecraft at the moment. Your welcome to break the armorstands if you'd like.
HugoBDesigner wrote:And now the server closed after everyone started lagging...

EDIT: It's back up now
:( Rude server....

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Post » 29 Oct 2015, 01:47

I don't play minecraft too much but... Image What do I do now?

TRANSLATE: Could not connect to server.

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Post » 29 Oct 2015, 02:15

FuriousHedgehog wrote:I don't play minecraft too much but...

What do I do now?

TRANSLATE: Could not connect to server.
"Outdated client! Please use 15w44a"

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Post » 29 Oct 2015, 02:22

FuriousHedgehog wrote:I don't play minecraft too much but...
What do I do now?

TRANSLATE: Could not connect to server.

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Post » 29 Oct 2015, 03:01

Go to edit profile on the launcher, check "Enable experimental development versions ("snapshots")",select the most recent version, let it download, then click play.

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Post » 29 Oct 2015, 05:31

So... trying to decide exactly what to do for halloween. So far people are mostly infavor of zombies. If we did do custom mobs, they'd likely be based on Blocky Discovery.

have a new/better survey, with more questions and a responses sheet included:

Anvil is broken in this snapshot. No doubt it will be fixed soon, but at the moment don't use it. If you must use it, make sure to shift-click. Manually clicking eats your items.
It ate my diamond pickax, and what ammounted to sharpness 3 in enchantment books. Also 30 levels. I'd like to use my admin privileges to get my stuff back, but I'm a somewhat biased judge of myself. If the community allows me to I'll cheat my enchanted ax back, otherwise I'll just regather things.

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Post » 29 Oct 2015, 20:02

Of course you should cheat it back. I mean it's not your fault the game fucked up.

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Post » 30 Oct 2015, 17:33

I just built a skeleton-xp-farm, currently doing the minecart track there

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Post » 31 Oct 2015, 09:24

So good news and bad news. Bad news first:
I didn't have time to setup some fancy Halloween thing. Sorry! I decided to stick some pumpkins on a bunch of mobs head instead. (That was TOTALLY me, and DEFINITELY not Mojang.)

However the good news is that, thanks to the efforts of MagicPillow and Turtle95. The Ender Dragon has been defeated. Go explore end cities! Yay!!!

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Post » 31 Oct 2015, 10:48

The server keeps closing and reopening...

EDIT: Found a mesa: -2373/74/442

Can anyone tell me the stronghold coordinates btw? The signs aren't helping me much...

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Post » 31 Oct 2015, 21:02

go to the nether, then at the bottom, search for a second portal, it's a portal into the stronghold next to the end portal

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Post » 01 Nov 2015, 16:13

Apparently the End fix isn't fixed. I temporarily turned on KeepInv. I'll have to fix the fix when I get home from work.

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Post » 01 Nov 2015, 16:24

I'd like to join
My username is Wary_

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Post » 01 Nov 2015, 18:07

ucenna wrote:Apparently the End fix isn't fixed. I temporarily turned on KeepInv. I'll have to fix the fix when I get home from work.
~20 hours right after I die from falling in the end, resulting in me losing my best pickaxe


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Post » 02 Nov 2015, 03:26

OrbitalBlueprint wrote:
ucenna wrote:Apparently the End fix isn't fixed. I temporarily turned on KeepInv. I'll have to fix the fix when I get home from work.
~20 hours right after I die from falling in the end, resulting in me losing my best pickaxe

On the topic, I'm doing refunds on glitch deaths that are a result of portal bugs. So if you lost something from that I can cheat it back for you. (Unless the community disagrees.)

I got yah Wary

Repatched portal. Break it again. I DARE you!
If it does get broken again, I might keep keepInv on as a temporary fix.

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Post » 03 Nov 2015, 04:58


Or rather I got an Elytra, presumably first.

Then a shulker killed me.

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Post » 03 Nov 2015, 20:42


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Post » 05 Nov 2015, 07:31

At somepoint I'd like to respawn the dragon. Mainly cause I never got a chance to get lingering potions and by extension tipped arrows. But not everyone has explored the end, and the dragons presence might make the journey somewhat more dangerous. Perhaps I'll wait for a few others to be ready.

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Post » 05 Nov 2015, 07:57

Was happily placing some rails on a tunnel when chunks got corrupted. I reloaded and now it seems like even more chunks are corrupted. So yay, I guess... :(

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Post » 05 Nov 2015, 12:28

ucenna wrote::P
At somepoint I'd like to respawn the dragon. Mainly cause I never got a chance to get lingering potions and by extension tipped arrows. But not everyone has explored the end, and the dragons presence might make the journey somewhat more dangerous. Perhaps I'll wait for a few others to be ready.
make sure to kill 4 skeleton horse

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Post » 05 Nov 2015, 23:04

Sign me up, I'm bored :U-- MHcarlin

EDIT: What're the things I should know about the server? Also are you on 15w45a?

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Post » 06 Nov 2015, 01:33

HAPPYFACES wrote:Sign me up, I'm bored :U-- MHcarlin

EDIT: What're the things I should know about the server? Also are you on 15w45a?
I'll whitelist you right after I finish updating to the latest snapshot. (So like 2 seconds.)
Things of note, Ender Dragon's dead, and the end gateway portal is open. You'll have to go a ways to find unexplored cities.

HugoBDesigner wrote:Was happily placing some rails on a tunnel when chunks got corrupted. I reloaded and now it seems like even more chunks are corrupted. So yay, I guess... :(
That might explain a lot actually, I'll see if I can't fix them sometime tonight/tomorrow.

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Post » 06 Nov 2015, 02:34

the chicken farm we have next to the cow farm is producing way too many eggs
the chest is full of stacks and the hopper doesnt let any items in anymore, so they're jumping about everywhere ->lag?
also a thing i wanted to note: almost all of those "automatic" farms we have are running on clocks, wich cause lag aswell. melon-, pumpkin- and sugarcanefarms could be done with BUDs which wont cause lag unless the plant actually grows

Oh and a public note: minecarts are glitchy as hell so dont even try using them over long distances, e.g. to the xp-farm

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Post » 06 Nov 2015, 06:54

Tecminer wrote:the chicken farm we have next to the cow farm is producing way too many eggs
the chest is full of stacks and the hopper doesnt let any items in anymore, so they're jumping about everywhere ->lag?
Originally that farm only had ~10 chickens in it, someone else added more....
Tecminer wrote: also a thing i wanted to note: almost all of those "automatic" farms we have are running on clocks, wich cause lag aswell. melon-, pumpkin- and sugarcanefarms could be done with BUDs which wont cause lag unless the plant actually grows
Not a bad idea. I might whip up a few farms that might be more lag free when I have time. If we get a constant flow of resources maybe everyone else could disable theirs? Until then though, if you could keep them well lit that would be nice. Light updates can be laggy.
Tecminer wrote: Oh and a public note: minecarts are glitchy as hell so dont even try using them over long distances, e.g. to the xp-farm

As a side note, have you noticed a significant amount of lag?

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Post » 06 Nov 2015, 22:58

Quite a surprise to see how Minecraft has changed in the last few Snapshots. Unforutnately I probably won't be able to play much in the future, but I'm holding out for the hope that I can :3

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Post » 06 Nov 2015, 23:05

you can see here all the huge changes

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Post » 08 Nov 2015, 15:22

Chunks got corrupted again. I kept disconnecting (most likely because of lag), until one time I joined and it was corrupted.

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Post » 08 Nov 2015, 15:56

HugoBDesigner wrote:Chunks got corrupted again. I kept disconnecting (most likely because of lag), until one time I joined and it was corrupted.
Unfortunately I'm a bit busy right at the moment, but later tonight I can fix things. I haven't come across any corrupted chunks myself, do you have an estimated location?
Otherwise I've noticed a bit of lag from time to time, but I haven't the slightest what's causing it. The auto farms shouldn't be that bad. And Tecminer's things haven't caused lag in the past. I'll look into it tonight as well.

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Post » 08 Nov 2015, 18:28

Well, after a bit of testing, I think the server crashing might have to do with the blaze farm I just built, since I kept logging back in, despite all the server crashes, and killed all the blazes that were collected in one spot, and the server ran fine after that.
I then guessed it fixed itself somehow, so I let the spawner run for a while, and the server started crashing again. Once again, I killed all the blazes and stopped them from spawning, and the server worked again.

What I don't understand is, how can such a small amount of blazes (because there really weren't that many) crash the server, but like 10x more chickens not?

EDIT: Ok, now I don't think it has to do with the blazes. I think it has to do with pistons pushing entities. Since the way I did the blaze farm pushes blazes with pistons.
The reason being, while I was building the blaze farm, I tested if the piston thing worked, and when I stepped on a pressure plate, a piston pushed me into a pressure plate which activated a different piston which pushed me a different direction, and the server crashed.
I didn't think it crashed because of it, so I just brushed it off, guessing it was just my internet being shitty.
I'm pretty sure it is because of that, since I tested it some more, and saw it even crashed right after the first few blazes spawned.
So that's something that's gonna have to get fixed in the next snapshot or something.

Also as a side note, I came across a skeleton trap for the first time, and it was right next to where the villagers are.
Long story short, I now have 3 skeletal horses in my house (It would've been 4 if the skeleton riding the 4th one hadn't moved so much, making me accidentally kill it).
Last edited by LightningFire on 08 Nov 2015, 22:26, edited 1 time in total.

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Post » 08 Nov 2015, 20:14

lol i built a blaze farm yesterday aswell OoO

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Post » 09 Nov 2015, 01:51

Oh, I have a second account that I give to my most trusted friends. It's mainly my brother's, but he has no way to play right now. x0Schurmanator0x. One of my friends would like to join us.

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Post » 09 Nov 2015, 03:48

LightningFire wrote:Well, after a bit of testing, I think the server crashing might have to do with the blaze farm I just built, since I kept logging back in, despite all the server crashes, and killed all the blazes that were collected in one spot, and the server ran fine after that.
I then guessed it fixed itself somehow, so I let the spawner run for a while, and the server started crashing again. Once again, I killed all the blazes and stopped them from spawning, and the server worked again.

What I don't understand is, how can such a small amount of blazes (because there really weren't that many) crash the server, but like 10x more chickens not?

EDIT: Ok, now I don't think it has to do with the blazes. I think it has to do with pistons pushing entities. Since the way I did the blaze farm pushes blazes with pistons.
The reason being, while I was building the blaze farm, I tested if the piston thing worked, and when I stepped on a pressure plate, a piston pushed me into a pressure plate which activated a different piston which pushed me a different direction, and the server crashed.
I didn't think it crashed because of it, so I just brushed it off, guessing it was just my internet being shitty.
I'm pretty sure it is because of that, since I tested it some more, and saw it even crashed right after the first few blazes spawned.
So that's something that's gonna have to get fixed in the next snapshot or something.

Also as a side note, I came across a skeleton trap for the first time, and it was right next to where the villagers are.
Long story short, I now have 3 skeletal horses in my house (It would've been 4 if the skeleton riding the 4th one hadn't moved so much, making me accidentally kill it).
That's hopefully it. Corrupted chunks are 'fun' to deal with.
Tecminer wrote:lol i built a blaze farm yesterday aswell OoO
:P I trust you'll change it if necessary. Though if LF disable his fixed the server maybe it isn't a problem. Unloaded chunks though...
HAPPYFACES wrote:Oh, I have a second account that I give to my most trusted friends. It's mainly my brother's, but he has no way to play right now. x0Schurmanator0x. One of my friends would like to join us.
Consider him added.

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Post » 10 Nov 2015, 00:45

I think I broke the server.
I was redesigning my zombie farm, because I really needed a good way to get levels, and since I couldn't use my blaze farm, in the meanwhile I would just use the zombie one.
I had just finished adding piston crushers so I could take them out with a single hit, and when I pressed the button, right at that moment another zombie came down, and got pushed by the pistons as he was falling. Then the server crashed.
I was confused, so I logged back in, and saw everything after that was working as normal, but I knew the server crash was the same as the blaze one.
Since I didn't want to crash the server anymore, I continued working on the crusher, trying to get that exact timing for a one hit kill, but there was always that one zombie that came out of nowhere, just as I pressed the button, and crashed the server.
So what I'm saying is, the server crashes are caused by a mob being pushed by a piston as they ascend/descend. And seeing how blazes move up and down constantly, that's why they also crash.
When I can, I'm just going to do something so that doesn't happen in the zombie farm, but I can't say the same about the blaze farm.

Also, for some odd reason, after the last crash, the server is not going back online.
So basically I broke the server. Sorry :P

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Post » 10 Nov 2015, 02:36

Aight I was trying to log on just now, good to know LF.

Srsly though, if you want an XP/mob farm I got a pretty basic one running that doesn't require pistons. It's one of the oldest ones and it's still super efficient, it's just modified to require some player input. It's a 10x10x4 closed off bunker with plenty of dark space, stemming off from the middle of each side of the bunker are two water source blocks creating a stream of 8 water blocks, leading to a 2x2 hole with a 21 block drop. It leaves mobs with one half heart of health, so all you need to do is hit 'em with a sword and you have your mob drops and XP. I put hoppers at the bottom so the drops lead to a chest, and they're considered entities by the game so XP just flows right through them. Much less server-killing than piston work. Also should note I use stairs to open up some holes to stab the sword through at their feet. Doesn't aggro Endermen and skeletons can't shoot through.

Edit: Safe to say no more pistons on mobs? I'm actually kinda upset I couldn't get on today, no fault on you LF but damn I was really lookin forward to playin some MC with you guys :c

Edit 2: Ucenna, I think you should find someone you trust with the rcon so that they can cover for you if you're going to be gone. I vote Hugo or OBP, if they ever feel like coming on or checking up on the server.

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Post » 10 Nov 2015, 05:57

Server's back up. I could give someone the rcon. How would hugo or OBP or someone else feel about it?

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Post » 10 Nov 2015, 13:40


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Post » 10 Nov 2015, 21:22

Remote console. Since the server is hosted on a computer you can't access physically, the rcon allows you to remotely access the server and its various tools. Like, you know... Restarting it if it crashed. Ucenna can help you out with it if you'd like to know more.

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Post » 11 Nov 2015, 02:54

Don't know how or why, but the armor stand fix for the nether portal bugged out.
Now it's not letting me move away from the armor stand, by constantly teleporting me into it.
I was able to break it, but when I place it back down, it starts teleporting me again.

EDIT: Because of it, I have now become the armor stand.

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Post » 11 Nov 2015, 05:30

LightningFire wrote:Don't know how or why, but the armor stand fix for the nether portal bugged out.
Now it's not letting me move away from the armor stand, by constantly teleporting me into it.
I was able to break it, but when I place it back down, it starts teleporting me again.

EDIT: Because of it, I have now become the armor stand.
GAH! Stop breaking my things! -.-
Well if someone's good with command blocks and has spare time I might consider adding a second admin.

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Post » 11 Nov 2015, 12:06

You probably set the command blocks to update every tick. Or you're still checking for player positions at the armor stands, to teleport to the armor stands.

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Post » 11 Nov 2015, 21:00

Well, all I can say from my experience with them, after you go through the portal once, it constantly checks if that player is close to any armor stands, and then teleport them to it, but for some reason it keeps doing so after that, even after you either break and replace the armor stand or you run into another one.
ucenna wrote:GAH! Stop breaking my things! -.-
Hey, what can I say? Minecraft does what it wants :v

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Post » 12 Nov 2015, 06:13

Hey, what can I say? Minecraft does what it wants :v[/quote]
HAPPYFACES wrote:You probably set the command blocks to update every tick. Or you're still checking for player positions at the armor stands, to teleport to the armor stands.
Alas not, the fix operates by using 2 repeating command blocks. 1 to tp anyone who has entered the nether (triggering the achievement scoreboard etc.) to the nearest armor stand. The other resets the scoreboard/detector of anyone standing near an armor stand. So far this has been working fine. That is until LF decided to go and break it.
LightningFire wrote:Well, all I can say from my experience with them, after you go through the portal once, it constantly checks if that player is close to any armor stands, and then teleport them to it, but for some reason it keeps doing so after that, even after you either break and replace the armor stand or you run into another one.
ucenna wrote:GAH! Stop breaking my things! -.-
As a temporary fix I'm turning keep inv on and disabling the command blocks (including end fix, seeing as keep inv is on). I don't have time to do digging into stuff tonight. If we don't have problems with the portals I won't re apply the fix.

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Post » 12 Nov 2015, 07:25

I'm thinking LF needs to just reinstall Minecraft 'cuz I ain't got no problems.

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Post » 12 Nov 2015, 10:08

actually these are universal things across the server which runs on a buggy version of minecraft

that, and you're not breaking the limits of minecraft quite yet

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Post » 12 Nov 2015, 10:56

And I am satisfied with that. Although going to the nether isn't really breaking a limit. Soooo