E3 2015

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Post » 24 May 2015, 07:34

E3 is rapidly approaching, with only a month remaining. It's pretty much the most exciting gaming event of the year.
Anyways, post info about upcoming presentations here, and maybe even predict a game or two.
Here's some updates I've found:
-Square Enix and Nintendo are holding their presentations at the same time, but I'm pretty sure we're all going to watch Square Enix's.
-Nintendo's mobile games, Quality of Life project, and upcoming NX will not be shown at E3. More info on the NX (Which has been confirmed to replace neither the 3DS nor the Wii U) will be revealed at E3 2016.
-Nintendo will have a digital event like last year, with a grand Nintendo Direct- like presentation. They will also have Mario Maker at Best Buy to demo.
-There will be a Nintendo World Championships 2015, (In place of the Smash Tourney) but with no details on what the games will be.
-Nintendo has some unannounced games that will launch before April 2016, probably too be shown at E3.
-There will not be a new Zelda demo this year.
...I believe that's all that's been said so far.

Anyways, here's my predictions: (Not backed by any proof so far because I'm trying to cut this short)
-Ryu and Roy announced as DLC in smash
-N3DS exclusives, namely a port of a Wii game and maybe a Pikmin title
-Animal Crossing U
-More Mario Maker

-NGC Virtual Console support
-Card amiibo versions of smash amiibo
-The new 3D Mario in development is announced
-MK8x Pikmin DLC (Or just more DLC for MK8 in general)
-Maybe another Mario spinoff, Mario Paint or a Luigi game.

Edit: A new Pokemon Mystery Dungeon game has been announced, called Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon.
It arrives Winter 2015, and that's all that's been said so far about it.

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Post » 24 May 2015, 08:29

The amiibo cards are already out.
they're for the animal crossing designer thing

Also cards really ruin the whole point of amiibos imo

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Post » 24 May 2015, 08:46

...in the video, it's saying that the amiibo cards will launch fall 2015. They're not out yet. Announced for Animal Crossing, but not released. I'm pretty sure they said somewhere that card amiibo versions of all of the current amiibo will be available at some point.
Also I think cards are a good idea for people who want to buy cheaper amiibo or purely for the amiibo function.
The figures are cool though.

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Post » 24 May 2015, 12:03

imaginary cake wrote:Also I think cards are a good idea for people who want to buy cheaper amiibo or purely for the amiibo function.
The figures are cool though.
I only ever remember hearing that there were plans for amiibo cards, I'm assuming this is as far as it goes.

I know it sucks that amiibo's are expensive and it's absolute bullshit that nintendo's not making enough.
But turning amiibos into cards really makes the figure versions more worthless and really ruins the experience of collecting them.
Otherwise they may as well just make them DLC.

I think a good comparison would be the old pokemon cards video games vs actual pokemon games. (no offence to anyone who prefers the cards)

But that's just me, if you still want card versions of amiibos and they do come out then at least someone's happy :P

I'm hoping the paper mario rumors are true but I'm a bit worried that if there is a sequel it'll use sticker star as a base.
Also I'm fairly certain they're going to announce a new DLC pack for MK8 come the fuck on kirby's airride and captain falcon pack seeing as aparently they did better than expected, not expecting any details outside "we're doing it" though.

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Post » 24 May 2015, 15:18

This sounds ridiculous, but i doubt they'll put fire emblem roy in because they already have mario's roy in there.

Anyways yay for the new E3. I'm excited to see what's announced, maybe some final fantasy characters for smash.

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Post » 24 May 2015, 15:24

Sega is not present at the E3 of this year

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Post » 24 May 2015, 16:10

Should explain that multiple hackers had actually found sound files named "RYU" "LUCAS" and "ROY" in the update data for smash so that's where this rumor comes from.
here's where the information originally leaked from.
and here's confirmation from a site dedicated to finding hidden data in games
FuriousHedgehog wrote:Sega is not present at the E3 of this year
*plays worlds smallest violin*

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Post » 24 May 2015, 17:50

They're going to add 3 more Roys to smash.

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Post » 24 May 2015, 20:05

renhoek wrote: But turning amiibos into cards really makes the figure versions more worthless and really ruins the experience of collecting them.
Otherwise they may as well just make them DLC.

I think a good comparison would be the old pokemon cards video games vs actual pokemon games. (no offence to anyone who prefers the cards)
Not really agreeing with this purely because of the comparison.
I had Pokemon cards, Pokemon stickers, Pokemon figurines and Pokemon games.
The fact is people wanted Nintendo figures before and people want Nintendo figures now.
I can't say that their function wasn't a selling point but like the 2DS doesn't make the 3DS invalid neither will this.
Making them into cards simply means cheaper production, meaning they'll be able to sell on cheaper, meaning more people will be able to collect them.
More sales of course meaning more profit in this case because the main sales at the moment are going on in second hand bidding wars not to Nintendo itself.
This leaves Die hard Nintendo fans and Display Geeks still getting the figures still because they look way cooler.

Also, side note, I remember reading parents are more likely to hand over money for a physical item, even trading cards than they are a digital one.
Which is how these apps framed as figurines with iPhone and Android support are so abundant in toy shops at the moment.

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Post » 24 May 2015, 20:27

Also the reason why amiibo are currently in such short supply is because of the port strikes over on the west coast- a lot of N3DSXLs and amiibos were held back there. This is unfortunately out of Nintendo's hands. (I heard somewhere around 50% of the amiibos were held back...)
http://nintendoeverything.com/satoru-iw ... oes-in-us/
This is why a lot of Europe has the full amiibo collection ready to be sold. (I don't know why Australia might be in high demand though...)

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Post » 25 May 2015, 11:13

Yeah actually the pokemon comparison between cards and games was stupid.

Also that's an extreme comparison comparing a $200 device to a $15 dollar figure.

Plus if the cards were to take off there'd be no point in doing the figures anymore since if the cards would be cheap to make and be in higher demand.
It'd also mean nintendo would have to make more character amiibos since they could easily finish making all the necessary card within a year.
Which would mean more figures would have to be made which means more programming for the games and stuff.
But this is just stuff I'm pulling out of my ass. I'm sure someone can come up with a better argument than I can (if you can please do)

Sorry about the ranting I didn't want to spark arguments about this.

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Post » 20 Jun 2015, 06:24

Someone who knows nothing about E3 should try to explain this picture

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Post » 20 Jun 2015, 09:58

Majora's Mask HD

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Post » 20 Jun 2015, 13:41

Someone who knows nothing about E3 or Majora's Mask should try to explain this picture

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Post » 20 Jun 2015, 17:12

Really disappointed to see everyone had given up after how great last years E3 was.
The only new thing that I haven't seen before was that Yarn game thing from ubisoft, and even that reminded me of Yoshi's wooly world. (though this game was probably in development around the same time or something since I don't know when they started working on it, so it's most likely un-related)
I'm sure there's some other things that I missed but nothing felt new or exciting to me.

And something about the Shenmue III kick starter seems really suspicious to me...
EDIT: http://www.tssznews.com/2015/06/16/e3-2 ... -interest/ yep

And good god did Nintendo drop the ball.

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Post » 24 Jun 2015, 12:49

Triforce heroes is amazing because everyone shares the same hearts so you can jump into a hole a lot of times and make everyone die

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Post » 24 Jun 2015, 20:26

craftersshaftstuff wrote:Triforce heroes is amazing because everyone shares the same hearts so you can jump into a hole a lot of times and make everyone die
Yeah it'll be a lot of fun being a dick

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Post » 28 Jun 2015, 21:16

Squidish wrote:
craftersshaftstuff wrote:Triforce heroes is amazing because everyone shares the same hearts so you can jump into a hole a lot of times and make everyone die
Yeah it'll be a lot of fun being a dick
I'm sure Nintendo will probably have some way of making a counter measure for that. Somehow.

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Post » 29 Jun 2015, 09:49

Turtle95 wrote:I'm sure Nintendo will probably have some way of making a counter measure for that. Somehow.
If you die in the game, you die in real life.

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Post » 12 Jul 2015, 15:11

TurretBot wrote:
Turtle95 wrote:I'm sure Nintendo will probably have some way of making a counter measure for that. Somehow.
If you die in the game, you die in real life.

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Post » 12 Jul 2015, 16:21


i don't have the game