Unpopular Opinions

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Post » 25 Mar 2016, 09:07

Unpopular opinion: Pointing out new pages is fun.

But I do agree that it's dumb.

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Post » 26 Mar 2016, 14:20

again, not starting anything. this is an unpopular opinion thread and i said an unpopular opinion the fucks oyur problem.

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Post » 27 Mar 2016, 21:25

(SPOILERS) My opinions on the Batman VS Superman movie:
I was once told by a friend that you don't buy an Xbox One expecting most of the games to be like Super Mario Brothers and The Legend of Zelda. The same could be said about movies or books.

You don't walk into Batman vs SuperMan expecting an experience like The Avengers.

Most movies that come out of Marvel studios are serious while still trying to be comedic. They rely on the viewer knowing who the characters are. They don't tell you their major back story. They don't give you an hour of build up and then get on to the main course. They make the movie exciting. This is what I expected, and I shouldn't have. I'm sure I could've enjoyed the movie more if I didn't have this mind set.

But anyway, about the actual movie itself: Batman is a character who doesn't kill. That's what this Batman wanted to do. He came in guns blazing, almost killing Superman (which yes, SuperMan does in fact die.) And Lex Luther was insane. The Lex Luther we got in this movie was quite literally, actually insane. They created a character who could have fitted better with the Joker (which yes, I know, wouldn't have been faithful to the comics or whatever).

The movie was a lot more exciting once it reached its climax. The fight scenes where kick ass, and the story started to get more interesting.

I don't hate this movie, I just think it could've been better. Other people seem to like it, so good on them. Glad you where entertained, met your expectations. I guess the movie just wasn't bet for me.

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Post » 11 Apr 2016, 03:48

I haven't seen Ben Affleck vs. Superman yet but since I've only seen Ben Affleck in like 3 movies and they were all Christmas movies I feel like I am going to have a difficult time watching that movie without my understanding of the plot, characters, and tone being really far off

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Post » 25 Apr 2016, 07:14

Donald Trump

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Post » 25 Apr 2016, 07:15

Hilary Clinton is the best democratic candidate because Bernie Sanders is secretly black

It may be an unpopular opinion but I know it's true it came to me in a dream

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Post » 25 Apr 2016, 07:21

B-Man99 wrote:Hilary Clinton is the best democratic candidate because Bernie Sanders is secretly black

It may be an unpopular opinion but I know it's true it came to me in a dream
Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream and it ended segregation for the most part in the US. I think this is worth following.

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Post » 25 Apr 2016, 07:28

Oh yeah definitely. In the same dream I finally got to live out my revenge fantasy against my mother. Plus I made some money illegitimately. Soooo worth risking the lives of people who need healthcare, am I right? Also whoever was in that mall I shot up. Dreams are tricky things sometimes. It's a good thing they never really come true.

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Post » 26 Apr 2016, 08:52

B-Man99 wrote:Dreams are tricky things sometimes. It's a good thing they never really come true.
Okay tumblr calm down

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Post » 26 Apr 2016, 11:04

unpopular opinion: bernie sandwich isn't FNAF canon because barney was only ok meanwhile FNAF is literally the mona lisa

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Post » 28 May 2016, 23:54

i watch keemstar

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Post » 29 May 2016, 00:40

that's not really an unpopular opinion just look at the view counts

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Post » 29 May 2016, 00:44

i mean people hate him cause he called some dude called alex a nigger and told someone else to get cancer.

im pretty sure half the world has done that at one point

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Post » 29 May 2016, 02:22

Here's a mostly unpopular opinion:


For example, when someone knows someone else that is on a wheelchair, and you vaguely mention that person (or something related to that person) and the other goes "Oh yeah, this person is amazing! Their strength and motivation despite their disability is truly inspiring!". Here's my opinion: a disability or disease alone isn't a source of inspiration. Just because someone can deal with their problems in a "normal" way (a.k.a not being depressed or unmotivated), doesn't mean that person is a source of inspiration. It's just natural human behavior, adapting to the circumstances and trying to live a normal life. That's actually pretty fucking boring if you ask me.

No, for me, truly inspiring people are the ones that actively change the world, make it a better place, and do great things even when others don't support it. And I mean that equally for everyone who changes the world for the best, having a disease/disability or not.

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Post » 29 May 2016, 05:32

ever since i got a migraine that one time i've been dedicated to my fangame based off of characters from peoples' deviantarts.

in all reality the true reason as to why people seem to "praise" people with disabilities is because said people with disabilities were told that they couldn't do something or et cetera and they did it.

another reason is because autism allows people to become really good at things such as playing the piano, et cetera.

we should treat people with disabilities the same as we treat people without disabilities — like people. that's what i say. go ahead, say otherwise — but that's your opinion.


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Post » 29 May 2016, 05:53

Completely agree. I may not have made that very clear at first (and sorry for that), but I do think that people with disabilities should be treated equally as well. Not worse because they're "incapable", not better because they're "more unfortunate".

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Post » 30 May 2016, 02:37

I believe things my pancreas whispers to me

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Post » 30 May 2016, 06:26

I think feminism is stupid. Not as stupid as meninism or whatever they call it, but it's still stupid.

It's a give and take, and sure you can't choose to be female, but with all the immunities and rights that are given to women, it's really stupid to expect that they'll get a 0% wage gap and lack of bias for hiring.

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Post » 31 May 2016, 18:04

Defiant Shout wrote:it's really stupid to expect that they'll get a 0% wage gap and lack of bias for hiring.
these 2 things are bullshit though

companies in some countries (this includes the us and the uk) have quotas in which they have to hire x women and y black people or whatever. so the "bias for hiring" actually favors women. if there are 2 applicants, equal experience and skills, but one is a man and the other is a woman then 99% of the time the woman is hired.

and the wage gap is also bullshit but i already talked about it.

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Post » 01 Jun 2016, 04:54

If they meet the quota though (from my experience), it's the white (and usually straight and/or religious) male over other potential candidates regardless of skill. It's almost as stupid as someone being preferred simply because of a degree and not experience or any form of testing that would favor the better potential employee (whichever it may be).

I never really understood what the video meant. It's there regardless of effort, but it's still there. Just like the poverty line, which is where most people who don't try to work are at where I live. It's still there, even if it's just due to their lack of effort. ;T

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Post » 01 Jun 2016, 17:04

"If they meet the quota..."

there shouldn't be a quota for fucks sake. it's fighting discrimination with more discrimination. you might not get a job just because you're white and are male.

"it's the white (and usually straight and/or religious) male over other potential candidates regardless of skill"

i don't understand what ur trying to say here tbh im really confused. idk if im being a mong

"It's almost as stupid as someone being preferred simply because of a degree and not experience or any form of testing that would favor the better potential employee "

it's nowhere near as stupid. i mean purely basing job skill off of just a degree and not counting experience is unfair but FAR better than getting a job cause you're black. if you're applying for a medical position i fucking hope they hire someone with a degree.

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Post » 01 Jun 2016, 23:17

I personally hate quotas because they're indirectly implying that an individual (be it someone with disabilities, or a woman, or a black person) is less capable than others, so they need to have reserved job vacancies because "they wouldn't get it otherwise". I can understand it in the disabilities case if it is a job that requires more from them, but for example, if the job vacancy is for a customer service attendant, and the appliers are a black man, a white woman or a person in wheelchair, it shouldn't matter at all. They should have tests to see which one's better, or look into their curriculum to evaluate. Quotas are just a formal, socially-accepted, legal form of racism/prejudice imo.

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Post » 02 Jun 2016, 02:33

I never said there should be a quota. I'm saying it's there, just as you did, then saying once that has been finished, it's back to unrestricted prejudice.

But really, would you prefer racism that lets you get a job, or racism that doesn't let you get a job? The world is inherently that way regardless, so at least something is being done, rather than nothing.

Everything that's stupid is the same level of stupid, because it's stupid. It should be a faceless interview based solely on qualification based upon prior experience, education, and integrity based on resources and their validity. A test would be great, but also fallible. Sucks to live in an imperfect world where no one has 100% agreement on any factor of life, before we even get into the prejudices that arise when sources of a subject come into light.

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Post » 02 Jun 2016, 02:51

i protest.

there is a difference between kind of stupid and really stupid.
you don't need to gather any evidence of that. the evidence just gathers towards you.

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Post » 02 Jun 2016, 17:54

Defiant Shout wrote:I never said there should be a quota. I'm saying it's there, just as you did, then saying once that has been finished, it's back to unrestricted prejudice.
so whats your source/proof of women and black people not getting jobs just cause they black or women

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Post » 02 Jun 2016, 18:28


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Post » 03 Jun 2016, 05:05

rokit wrote:
Defiant Shout wrote:I never said there should be a quota. I'm saying it's there, just as you did, then saying once that has been finished, it's back to unrestricted prejudice.
so whats your source/proof of women and black people not getting jobs just cause they black or women
It's true that he hasn't really provided any proof, but then neither have we provided proof to support the contrary.
I don't know how I feel about it myself. Racist people are awful, of course. But it seems silly to enforce reversed racism to support people being discriminated against. Rather than force everyone to be discriminatively antiracist, why not let them do things as they see fit? If people are going to be jerks, I can take my business elsewhere. And if they're going to be super jerks, I can punch them(I hope, I'm inclined to think I'd chicken out when the time came).
I sorta have an abnormally high faith in humanity. I want to believe that most racism is gone, and that our arbitrary rules are now unnecessary.
Wilo wrote:atms?
Sorry, never really got internet slang. This one's new to me, and google isn't saying anything...

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Post » 03 Jun 2016, 05:18

I think he just means ATM machines

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Post » 03 Jun 2016, 17:19

Considering the demographic in which I live (mainly Hispanic), and every store being prominently white, that's all the proof I have. I'm not gonna waste my time polling rejection rates for each race in my area when there's plenty online, and simply for the sake of internet discussion.

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Post » 03 Jun 2016, 18:10

You know what, I'm tired of argueyourself.net; I'm going to start a new mappack tomorrow and hope that helps.

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Post » 04 Jun 2016, 01:25

ucenna wrote:but then neither have we provided proof to support the contrary.
burden of proof lies on the accuser. he made a statement and his only proof is some random store in his area.

of course, the employee's race is irrelevant and those specific people working there were chosen due to being most suited to the job.

anyone who thinks those quotas are a good idea should neck themselves as its is literally fighting non-existent discrimination with actual discrimination.

i was actually a minority at the job i worked at briefly. there was 1 female programmer, 1 female in the sales team and i was the only foreign employee (i wasn't hired due to a quota tho, i just impressed on my work experience and they made space for me).
QwertymanO07 wrote:You know what, I'm tired of argueyourself.net; I'm going to start a new mappack tomorrow and hope that helps.
lol bore off u mug this is nothing more than a discussion. stop being so sensitive

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Post » 04 Jun 2016, 01:31

ucenna wrote:I want to believe that most racism is gone, and that our arbitrary rules are now unnecessary..
people who are discriminative enough to the point where they wouldn't hire someone due to race, sex, sexuality etc. probably aren't in a position to hire/fire people. those people are usually council house leeches that discriminate due to their failure in life.

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Post » 04 Jun 2016, 01:58

i meant atms.

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Post » 06 Jun 2016, 08:27

rokit wrote:
ucenna wrote:but then neither have we provided proof to support the contrary.
burden of proof lies on the accuser. he made a statement and his only proof is some random store in his area.
To be fair he did say stores. Also, that seems like a somewhat silly rule, though I 'spose it does make some sense. Anyways I've never been given a reason not to trust DefiantShout, and I don't think I need start distrusting him now. He seems like a good person, and I've never known him to intentionally lie.
In retrospect, DefiantShout's was a blanket statement. It's probably true for his area, but it doesn't necessarily apply to the world at large. Perhaps it would be good if there was something to help people in areas like DefiantShout's, but I think many of us agree that a quota isn't the answer.
rokit wrote: of course, the employee's race is irrelevant and those specific people working there were chosen due to being most suited to the job.
Maybe, maybe not. Just because I want racism to be rare, doesn't mean it is. If we're being totally fair, this would be the sort of statement that should have proof.
rokit wrote: anyone who thinks those quotas are a good idea should neck themselves as its is literally fighting non-existent discrimination with actual discrimination.
Seems unnecessarily aggressive. Otherwise I agree that the quotas are somewhat stupid.
Wilo wrote:i meant atms.
Now I'm super confused. :P

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Post » 07 Jun 2016, 11:34


i meant atms. you know, atms. very common.

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Post » 10 Jun 2016, 05:11

I think the episodes after season 4 spongebob are good too.

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Post » 12 Jun 2016, 19:40

I can agree with that, besides some of the really garbage 5 year old slapstick immaturity.
"He said butt!" laughtrack

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Post » 06 Sep 2018, 15:10

constachugga wrote:I hate sports and think it's a huge waste of money.

Except bowling and minigolf. I don't mind playing those.

Let me go hide in my bunker now, where the walls are 50 metres thick, and are made of pure lead.
I hate every aspect of football/soccer and I DESPITE SHORT BROOKS

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Post » 06 Sep 2018, 17:07

Banjo-Kazooie isn't that great.

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Post » 11 Sep 2018, 16:38

Toilet humor can be funny

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Post » 11 Sep 2018, 19:03


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Post » 12 Sep 2018, 09:02

The banner above is bad.
This is the one true banner:

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Post » 12 Sep 2018, 23:03

These are some really good banners.