Unpopular Opinions

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Post » 29 Apr 2015, 14:03

Post your opinions that you consider 'unpopular'.
  • I like Roblox
  • If the steam chat was a guy, I'd see him as a fag.
  • I dislike MLP, and I don't see why people like it so much. Notice how I talk about the show and nothing else. I don't hate all the ponies to death, just the show.
  • I think Turret is mentally challenged. (But I'm sure most people would agree)
Last edited by Wary on 05 Jun 2015, 10:08, edited 3 times in total.

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Post » 29 Apr 2015, 17:25

I'm gonna get this out of the way first: DO NOT USE THIS THREAD TO ATTACK OTHER MEMBERS! It's terribly rude, immature, and completely uncalled for.

The topic seems perfectly acceptable otherwise. Wary, please edit your post; I don't want things to get out of hand.

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Post » 29 Apr 2015, 18:39

• I think that Abiimbos are a gimmick to sell more New 3DS's and Wii U's to more children.

• I like both Android and iOS, but Android is MUCH better.

 I like Mac OS X and Windows 8.1, but I like Mac OS X better.

• I've liked all versions of Windows 8, even Without Classic Shell's start menu faker.

• I've said mean things about Linux in the past, and now that I've actually tried it, I have to say, if the developer programs an OS built with Linux right, it can kick some serious balls into Mac OS X. Only reason why I praise Mac OS X higher is because this reason. Linux OSes are only good if the programer knows what they are doing
and if they are doing right. Ubuntu and Elementary OS are kick ass, but Tail OS...I don't like it one bit.

• I like all the consoles, but if I had to chose one, I'd get the Xbox One.

 I love the iPhone 6, but iPhone 6 Plus is a HORRIBLE gimmick, and any Gold Apple product out looks like piss yellow.


AND for a real stab,

•I love every map here on this forum, but if I had to choose any level editor, I'd go with SMBX. (sorry Maurice, still love you)
I'm making a map here because I'd thought it be nice to share one, and to share the experience of making a mappack with you people. It's a better hobby, as the people on the SMBX forum's can be dicks.
Last edited by MF064DD on 30 Apr 2015, 00:53, edited 6 times in total.

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Post » 29 Apr 2015, 19:15

Wary wrote:I think Turret is mentally challenged.
Wary wrote:(But I'm sure most people would agree)
Actually, you've contradicted yourself already:
Wary wrote:Post your opinions that you consider 'unpopular'.
If everyone would agree, then it's not an unpopular opinion.

Anyway, here's my list:
  • I don't like how Super Mario World used the same tune for almost every song.
  • The NSMB series is fun, so whether or not it's actually good doesn't matter. However, I agree that it needs world theme variation.
  • I hate Steven Universe. Only because of the way they draw his nose, but that still counts, right?
    EDIT: For people rereading this, i've since watched the entire first season and while it is a really good show, i still hate the way they draw his nose
  • I think Wary is mentally challenged. (But I'm sure most people would agree)also this is for the sake of a joke so don't call me a hypocrite or anything
Last edited by TurretBot on 13 Feb 2016, 02:13, edited 2 times in total.

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Post » 29 Apr 2015, 19:34

I didn't edit my first post because I thought this wouldn't fit well with it, but here is another one:

I really don't like Mari0 1.6's limited entities. I know that that's very stupid to say, considering those are all the NPC's from the original game. But I think Maurice should add some more. This is why I use Alesan99's entities pack. I don't even use regular Mari0 anymore, as I use his mod instead. It offers more for map creators, and you can use different the enemies and power-ups in themed levels. Dry Bone Enemies and Ice Flowers for Castle Levels, Snow Man Pokey's and Ice Flowers for snow levels, the frog suit for water levels, as well as new fishes, and so much more. There is so many combinations with this mod, and I love that. It's friendly to people who are making a map with a specific theme in the level.

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Post » 29 Apr 2015, 19:49

You should try the SE Beta. (Just saying because you didn't mention it.)

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Post » 29 Apr 2015, 20:10

TurretBot wrote:You should try the SE Beta. (Just saying because you didn't mention it.)
Don't think I have. That is ok one of my more favorite official Mari0 versions, and it quite well organized everything. But I'm waiting till it reaches out of Beta stages to make final opinions, as it wouldn't be fair to judge it just yet.
Last edited by MF064DD on 29 Apr 2015, 20:39, edited 1 time in total.

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Post » 29 Apr 2015, 20:17


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Post » 29 Apr 2015, 21:02

Mariofan064 wrote:
TurretBot wrote:You should try the SE Beta. (Just saying because you didn't mention it.)
Don't think I have. That is ok one of my more favorite official Mari0 versions, and it quite well organized everything. But I'm waiting till it reaches out of Beta stages to make final opinions, as it wouldn't be fair to judge it just yet.
According to Saso, it is mostly done. Even if that post was half a year ago (if anything that means it's more mostly done). For the most stable edit of SE, use Mari0: SE Extended. You don't have to use the Vanilla Only version, but I would recommend it.

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Post » 29 Apr 2015, 22:38

* Acually , i think Nintendo should've stopped at the nds light .
* I don't understand the Mlp fandom (no offense)
* More to come , i think

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Post » 29 Apr 2015, 22:43

HowToEatGirafes wrote:* I don't understand the Mlp fandom (no offense)
Sorry, which part? I could explain most of it

And now to contribute to this thread
* I think MLP fandom is the best fandom (although it's literally the only fandom I know (save me) so it can be the worst too.
* I think MLP is the best show ever.
* I think that every pony needs to be shot in the head once in a while (by that i mean every time a song comes on (so every five seconds))
Last edited by jwright159 on 11 May 2015, 23:01, edited 1 time in total.

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Post » 29 Apr 2015, 22:47

jwright159 wrote:
HowToEatGirafes wrote:* I don't understand the Mlp fandom (no offense)
Sorry, which part? I could explain most of it

* I think MLP fandom is the best fandom (although it's literally the only fandom I know (save me) so it can be the worst too.
* I think MLP is the best show ever.
* I think that every pony needs to be shot in the head once in a while (by that i mean every time a song comes on (so every five seconds))
I'm not hating . neither caring . I just don't watch at all or idk what
also i think first time i say this bout the fandom

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Post » 29 Apr 2015, 23:28

HowToEatGirafes wrote:* Acually , i think Nintendo should've stopped at the nds light .
* I don't understand the Mlp fandom (no offense)
* More to come , i think
1. I agree with you. I agree with you to the max. But I think it's just that Nintendo is sticking to what it knows best.
Once the next DS in the DS line up fails, they will surely stop using the name, and come up with a new product.

Why do you think Nintendo used "Wii" in their latest console? Because the Wii was a success.
Why do you think they aren't going to use "Wii" in their latest console title? Cause the Wii U failed.

I'm sure once New Super Mario Bros. 8 fails, they will finally come up with a new name and concept as well.

2. That's OK. We all like different things. I'm not a fan of Anime.
I liked the Death Note manga, but the Anime...was not very fantastic imo.

3. Okey dokey.
jwright159 wrote:
HowToEatGirafes wrote:* I don't understand the Mlp fandom (no offense)
Sorry, which part? I could explain most of it

* I think MLP fandom is the best fandom (although it's literally the only fandom I know (save me) so it can be the worst too.
* I think MLP is the best show ever.
* I think that every pony needs to be shot in the head once in a while (by that i mean every time a song comes on (so every five seconds))
1. That's an opinion. Not a fact. There is no "best fandom".
2. Again. That's an opinion, not a fact. I can say Macintosh OS is the best, but truth is, it's good for some people.
So is Windows and Linux. It's not the best, but there are certain groups of people
3. I like the show, and I wouldn't be embarrassed to recommend it to a person. But God almighty PLEASE don't say "EveryPony". Also, I hate it when an episode turns into a musical. I actually Mute it. Sometimes I fast forward.

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Post » 30 Apr 2015, 00:23

I hate sports and think it's a huge waste of money.

Except bowling and minigolf. I don't mind playing those.

Let me go hide in my bunker now, where the walls are 50 metres thick, and are made of pure lead.

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Post » 30 Apr 2015, 00:28

• I don't like MLP. At all.
• I don't like it's fandom. At all.
• I don't like FNAF. At all.
• I don't like it's fandom. At all.
• I'm not a fan of Nintendo, but it's not because their games are bad or anything: I'm just not a fan.
• Never watched a single Star Wars movie and never bothered watching. Also not because it's bad, it just didn't get to me.

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Post » 30 Apr 2015, 01:06

Can I use this thread to attack myself


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Post » 30 Apr 2015, 01:22

Here is Another opinion:

I think Pokémon series is extremely overrated, and it's not the Anime sucks now, It's always been that way. We've all just grown up. We all can't relate to Ash and his friends like we did when we where 8-10. Now that we are like, what? 15 and older? You don't find Blues Clues or any other show on Nick Jr. or Disney Jr. fun because you GOT OLDER.

Now before Bronys like me show up and attack my OPINION, saying "MLP is for todlers, yet we like the show!" it's true. You will turn 40-50 (If it actually takes that long, wtf?) and realize that Pokemon and My Little Pony isn't fun/cool anymore. I still like the GAME Pokémon, I just don't enjoy it as much as I used to.

And once I turn 20, I'll probably hate the living crap out of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. Season 5 looks to be HORRIBLE, and to be honest, the older episodes are starting to look the same way, too.

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Post » 30 Apr 2015, 01:50

* I am an Earthboundian.
* And have an extreme case of the Earthbound Syndrome.
* And spam the fighter ballot like the deadline is tomorrow.
* I agree with Hugo on the MLP part.
* I hate resturaunt spaghetti.
* I love books.

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Post » 30 Apr 2015, 11:05

Some of you guys even know what an unpopular opinion is? (both the words opinion and unpopular)

Anyway here's mine

- Shovel knight's a good game but I think it's extremely overrated.
- I like Yoshi's story over Yoshi's island.
- I actually find Sonic 3D blast pretty fun.
- I don't like game grumps (even when jon was there)
- I prefer Sonic Colours over Sonic Generations just because I like the level variety in Colours more.

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Post » 30 Apr 2015, 12:28

- I'm 26 and I still like MLP (it's an unpopular opinion because majority here seems to dislike/hate it). It helped me smile through some rough times, so it's unlikely for me to suddenly dislike it anytime soon. (Would people prefer that I put my pony drawings in the pony thread instead?)
- I dislike the parts of fandoms that won't shut up about the game or show they are fans of (this includes the MLP fandom). Using fandom based terms outside of context, never shutting up about it and forcing the game or show and their opinions of it down other people's throat can really piss me off.
I don't judge a person on his likes/dislikes unless their likes/dislikes are forced on me.
- I dislike pretty much everything about sonic (gameplay, design, story, characters), yet I have three games and four figurines of him.
- I love, and often buy, design works and artwork books of games with styles I find interesting.
- Sometimes I buy a game just because I find the landscape/world interesting or beautiful (if it's not too expensive).
- I love playing cardgames (mainly MtG), and sometimes boardgames, with my two closest friends.
- I don't pick a side whenever a conflict arises, I form my own opinion which is often a middle ground on the matter at hand. Only if I fully agree with one side I will side with them.

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Post » 30 Apr 2015, 14:28

These also apply to me
renhoek wrote:- Shovel knight's a good game but I think it's extremely overrated.
- I like Yoshi's story over Yoshi's island.

-I prefer Galaxy 1 to 2.
-Not exactly sure how unpopular this is, but I really liked SPM.

That's all I can think of for now.

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Post » 30 Apr 2015, 15:38

MagicPillow wrote:-I prefer Galaxy 1 to 2.
-Not exactly sure how unpopular this is, but I really liked SPM.
Same as me.

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Post » 30 Apr 2015, 16:01

I've noticed SPM getting some positivity recently so I'd say the flames from people who weren't to happy with the style change is tuning down.
Mario galaxy feels to samey for me to really call either one better than the other.
Jorichi wrote:(Would people prefer that I put my pony drawings in the pony thread instead?)
Art is still art, I think you should still post it in the art thread (or both) I feel that if you start posting them in the Pony thread it'd be glanced over which would be a shame.

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Post » 30 Apr 2015, 16:08

MagicPillow wrote:These also apply to me
renhoek wrote:- Shovel knight's a good game but I think it's extremely overrated.
- I like Yoshi's story over Yoshi's island.

-I prefer Galaxy 1 to 2.
-Not exactly sure how unpopular this is, but I really liked SPM.

That's all I can think of for now.
Yeah I think that's a pretty popular opinion right now.
I don't know anyone in particular that prefers SMG2, nor someone who doesn't like SPM.
This includes myself.

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Post » 30 Apr 2015, 18:50

• I like OS X better than Windows, but I'm too poor to afford it. I haven't used Ubuntu much, but if I can get it to work well I don't mind it.
• I like both Galaxy games, and SPM. Because it was being discussed.
• I get irked when people rag on furries, especially when they haven't done their research on what they actually are.
• I hate when people do this:
HugoBDesigner wrote: • I don't like it's fandom.
I agree with him about FNaF though. Grammar aside.

Did I do good?

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Post » 30 Apr 2015, 19:24

Doormat wrote:Did I do good?
* NO

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Post » 30 Apr 2015, 19:30

Is that a joke, or are you being serious?

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Post » 30 Apr 2015, 19:50

Doormat wrote:Is that a joke, or are you being serious?
It was a joke.

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Post » 30 Apr 2015, 20:45

- I think Portal 2 was overrated. And Valve in general.
- After the gigapause, I've started to dislike Homestuck. And it's fandom.
- I think a lot of indie games are overrated. Not every indie game, but a lot.

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Post » 30 Apr 2015, 23:13

Doormat wrote: • I hate when people do this:
HugoBDesigner wrote: • I don't like it's fandom.
(sorry, Automatik)

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Post » 30 Apr 2015, 23:44

I tend to get a rather negative and precipitate vibe when people refer to something as "overrated." It's essentially saying that one subjective opinion is stronger than the subjective opinion of a majority. Even if I really hate something, I try to explain why I have any opinions of it rather than invalidate the enjoyable/beneficial/happy/good effects at has on other people.

I also tend to get a rather negative and precipitate vibe when people criticize "fandoms." It's essentially criticizing a community who share certain interests, which for the most part is fairly hypocritical. Although I can understand why you may see "fandoms" a certain way, from my experience someone's interests do not really change who they are but rather emphasize part of their mind and character. If you are not interested in something, most of the time you hear about it will then be from the fans of it who are the ones who give a fandom a bad reputation, since idealistically the more moderate sides of a fandom won't leave much of a reputation at all, save liking something and sharing their interests when it's understandable.

Seems my unpopular opinions are more about the way you all phrased yours. Nothing else really comes to mind, although people close to me would be able to tell you about my oddly specific habit of disagreeing with all sides of a situation.

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Post » 01 May 2015, 00:17

All of what B-Man said.

Things can't be "overrated." People will like something as much as they like it. It's not up to one person from the outside to deem those opinions as justified or not.

Labels (like fandoms) tend to be more of a toxic influence than not; they introduce unwarranted prejudice. All Sonic fans are furries, all gamers live in their parents' basement - stuff like that divides groups more than any other social influence. Any fandom on the whole is usually not toxic, that's just what's most visible. And then people make assumptions based on that, and we end up with those prejudices... The only thing that all people under one label share is the label itself.

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Post » 01 May 2015, 10:24

Last edited by OrbitalBlueprint on 29 Mar 2022, 18:56, edited 1 time in total.

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Post » 01 May 2015, 13:36

a lot of mental disabilities are excuses/not disabilities at all
take autism for example
half the time is just rich kids with overprotective tubehead parents who dont let them socialise or do anything, they then have a massive lack of social skills and end up being just socially awkward af.
then they get special attention/care and their own fucking holiday. why can't we have a holiday celebrating normal people instead of people who get nosebleeds when talking to someone

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Post » 01 May 2015, 13:38

fuck your double post
being gay is unnatural because, if it was natural people of the same sex would be able to have offspring
i don't have anything against gays unless theyre flamboyant af for attention
but his is my OPINION and i will not change my OPINION because someone on this forum disapproves of my OPINION

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Post » 01 May 2015, 14:37

rokit wrote:a lot of mental disabilities are excuses/not disabilities at all
take autism for example
half the time is just rich kids with overprotective tubehead parents who dont let them socialise or do anything, they then have a massive lack of social skills and end up being just socially awkward af.
then they get special attention/care and their own fucking holiday. why can't we have a holiday celebrating normal people instead of people who get nosebleeds when talking to someone
I only meant those with VERY sever disabilities. Those people still function mentally, but I mean those where the brain has very minimal functionality for example.

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Post » 01 May 2015, 14:46

OrbitalBlueprint wrote:
rokit wrote:a lot of mental disabilities are excuses/not disabilities at all
take autism for example
half the time is just rich kids with overprotective tubehead parents who dont let them socialise or do anything, they then have a massive lack of social skills and end up being just socially awkward af.
then they get special attention/care and their own fucking holiday. why can't we have a holiday celebrating normal people instead of people who get nosebleeds when talking to someone
I only meant those with VERY sever disabilities. Those people still function mentally, but I mean those where the brain has very minimal functionality for example.
it wasnt a direct response to you, i was saying in general

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Post » 01 May 2015, 19:41

WillWare wrote:The only thing that all people under one label share is the label itself.
And maybe the thing that got them the label in the first place?
All aaaaaaaa like MLP. Duh.

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Post » 01 May 2015, 20:38

That's... what I meant, Turret.

Actual unpopular opinion

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Post » 01 May 2015, 21:29

Actually I love it, but only really drama anime. Battle shounen, thriller, action, ect.
Also, I am apparently the only one who has no problem with long shows.
It's just more of a good thing people.

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Post » 02 May 2015, 17:55

>"Unpopular Opinions"
>Just people saying that they like or don't like certain things

Stabyourself is a great community

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Post » 02 May 2015, 18:01

Fine here's one

* #TheDress is very purple

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Post » 02 May 2015, 18:09

TurretBot wrote:Fine here's one

* #TheDress is very purple
Oh god .

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Post » 02 May 2015, 18:12

mindnomad wrote:>"Unpopular Opinions"
>Just people saying that they like or don't like certain things

Stabyourself is a great community
Luna this attitude of yours makes you extremely unlikable.

stop acting so smug and thinking you're better than everyone else,
Because honestly you've been the worst person to be around lately.

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Post » 02 May 2015, 18:48

TurretBot wrote:Fine here's one

* #TheDress is very purple
That reminds me.
Not sure if this is an opinion or not, but I actually see the dress as blue and gold.

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Post » 02 May 2015, 20:01

• I see #TheDress blue and gold too. Welcome to the rare team.
• I hate when people try to help without knowing how and they just start doing random things thinking they're helping.
• Despite people thinking they were both overrated, I really, really, enjoyed Iron Man 3 and Avengers: Age of Ultron and watched both on the movies.
• i h8 when pple talk laik tis it mkes me want 2 punch their balls til their ded.
• I hate when people say "it's" instead of "its", yet I accidentally do it a lot.
• I never cared for games like CS:GO or GTA V. Probably never will.
• I love arguing with ignorant/stupid people, helps me raise my ego.

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Post » 02 May 2015, 20:12

HugoBDesigner wrote:• Despite people thinking they were both overrated, I really, really, enjoyed Iron Man 3 and Avengers: Age of Ultron and watched both on the movies.
HugoBDesigner wrote:• i h8 when pple talk laik tis it mkes me want 2 punch their balls til their ded.
I talkd liek tht whn I 1st joynd teh forms ;-;
HugoBDesigner wrote:• I never cared for games like CS:GO or GTA V. Probably never will.
• I love arguing with ignorant/stupid people, helps me raise my ego.

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Post » 02 May 2015, 21:08

HugoBDesigner wrote:• I hate when people try to help without knowing how and they just start doing random things thinking they're helping.
Urgh, Dan...

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Post » 02 May 2015, 23:33

OrbitalBlueprint wrote:
HugoBDesigner wrote:• I hate when people try to help without knowing how and they just start doing random things thinking they're helping.
Urgh, Dan...
How did you know????? /sarcasm

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Post » 03 May 2015, 01:00

for starters I use aple products.
secondly i see the dress as red and red.
thirdly i am slightly annoyed when people do not put the apostrophe in don't.
fourthly i think fnaf is quite bland and sort of boring compared to things i've seen. the fan base is already a cesspool of mostly garbage 2x worse than the shameless chamber. fnafb is ok and skye and the other people here who enjoy it are ok
fifthly i don't like gravity falls or etcetera it's not my thing.
sixthly i hate vines.
seventhly i hate couples.
eighthly i hate people who are condescending.
ninthly is not the adverb form of ⑨。