Talk about you favorite Anime and recommend Anime to others as well! I'll add you recommendation to the list here. If you're going to spoil something, use the spoiler tags.
Here's a useful site to organize Anime you want to watch: My Anime List Recommendations:
Steins;Gate - The eccentric mad scientist Okabe, his childhood friend Mayuri, and the otaku hacker Daru have banded together to form the "Future Gadget Research Laboratory," and spend their days in a ramshackle laboratory hanging out and occasionally attempting to invent incredible futuristic gadgets. However, their claymore is a hydrator and their hair dryer flips breakers, and the only invention that's even remotely interesting is their Phone Microwave, which transforms bananas into oozing green gel. But when an experiment goes awry, the gang discovers that the Phone Microwave can also send text messages to the past. And what's more, the words they send can affect the flow of time and have unforeseen, far-reaching consequences—consequences that Okabe may not be able to handle...
Read more at ... QhVZSO7.99
Genres: Sci-Fi, Thriller
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - Edward and Alphonse Elric, after their father left years ago, lose their mother. Using alchemy, an ability used throughout their world to transmute things into other things, attempt to revive their mother, betraying one of the cardinal rules of alchemy. Their attempt goes horribly wrong, and in the aftermath, Edward loses a leg, and Alphonse loses his entire body. In an attempt to bring him back, Edward sacrifices his arm, and binds Alphonse's soul to a suit of armor. The two then set off on a journey to find the mythical philosophers stone, so they can use its power to gain their bodies back.
Review by Vakema123 - My second favorite anime of all time, and one of the most beloved anime ever.
The story is simply superb. It develops perfectly, at a perfect pace. The animation is amazing, it's done by BONES, who is fantastic. The characters are almost universally loved, even (Especially) the one that basically just dies. The show never stops being entertaining, throughout all 64 episodes, you will be in love with it. If it bothers you, there is no fan service in it. Lot of humor though! I would watch the Funimation dub for this, it was really good.
I'd rate it a 96/100.
Genres: Adventure, Action, Drama, Intrigue
Fullmetal Alchemist - The beginning is pretty much exactly the same as Brotherhood, but at about a third through the show, it goes into a completely different story from the manga. (Which Brotherhood follows strictly.)
Review by Vakema123 - It's not a perfect show, but it's worth a watch. The story stops being very fluent at around the same time it splits off from the manga (which is around laboratory 5, if I remember correctly. ) It gets more rushed and cluttered as it goes on, until the end, where nothing really makes too much sense. I respect that they wanted to do something different from the original story, but even without knowing the original story beforehand, I couldn't understand why they made some of the choices they made. The animation is the same studio as Brotherhood, BONES, and it is fantastic, like brotherhood. The characters are pretty much just as good as in Brotherhood, except a few. ( Mainly Hoenheim. ) The show is 51 episodes long, and it's pretty much a hit or miss on whether or not you'll get into it enough to finish it. I watched the dub for this one, and I've never seen the sub, so I can't comment on it too much. I think the VA for this and Brotherhood are the same though, so, if that's true, I would pick the dub.
I'd rate it an 80/100.
Genres: Adventure, Action, Drama, Intrigue
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann - Years ago, humanity was driven into underground villages by beastmen, under control of Lord Genome. In these villages, people would dig through the ground in order to increase the size of the village. One of these diggers, Simon, finds something while digging, It's a small robot in the shape of a face. That same night, a giant machine breaks through the ceiling of the village, bringing its fight with a strange, bikini clad sniper with it. However, she cannot defeat it, and Simon, Kamina, and Yoko, the sniper, have to team up and use the machine Simon found (titled Lagann by Kamina) to defeat it. After the fight, they are sent flying up to the surface, the domain of Lord Genome.
Review by Vakema123 - Gurren Lagann is a spectacular piece of television, one of the best I've ever seen.
The story is spectacular, and no matter what hurdle it throws at you, the show only ever becomes better off for it. The only issue is that it suffers from an extreme case of serial escalation. And when I say problem, I mean it's one of the best things ever. The show is made by Gainax, (The studio behind Evangelion, FLCL, and in a way, Kill La Kill.) and is probably the best animated out of anything I've seen. The characters are all fantastic, with one exception. ( The armadillo general, Guame. ) The show is 27 episodes long, and I'm impressed with your willpower if you can stop once you get into it. I personally watched it in 2 days, stopping only when I had to. This is another show I watched the dub for, which I normally don't do anymore. The dub is fantastic though, so it wasn't really a problem.
I'd rate it a 95/100
Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! - Yuuta Togashi suffered from chuunibyou while he was in middle school. When he graduated, he put that dark history behind him and forgot about it... or he was supposed to. High school was smooth sailing and full of enjoyment—until the unavoidable, sad event occurs. The event that locks Yuuta into a contract with Rikka Takanashi and disrupts his desperately ordinary life.
My review: - The Anime combines Slice of Life, Comedy, Drama and romance into one thing. Yutta tries to forget the past him from Junior High School, but after he meets Rikka, the girl which has chuunibyou, his life completely changes. It's kinda hard for me to explain why I like it, since it's 12 Episodes long and each episode has a lot of stuff in it. Various characters here see the world differently than it is in reality. they see it as a fantasy world(?). Uhm... It made me cry a lot of times. So I'm just gonna say that if you like Romance or Slice of Life, definitely watch it.
K-ON! - Hirasawa Yui, a young, carefree girl entering high school, has her imagination instantly captured when she sees a poster advertising the "Light Music Club." Being the carefree girl that she is, she quickly signs up; however, Yui has a problem, she is unable to play an instrument.
My review: - The anime shows how someone's goals can get true by their friendship. The episodes are Kawaii, random and funny. There is a few sad moments as well, especially the ending of the second season. I recommend it 100%.
Genres: Comedy, Music, School, Slice of Life
Kiniro Mosaic - The story begins with Oomiya Shinobu, a 15-year-old, seemingly pure Japanese girl who actually did a homestay in Great Britain. Even after coming back to Japan, she still misses her time overseas. One day, an airmail letter arrives from Alice, the girl in Shinobu's host family in Great Britain. The letter reads: Shinobu, I'm coming to Japan! The Japanese/British girls' mixed comedy follows the lives of Shinobu, Alice, and other girls from both Japan and Great Britain.
My review: - Desu This is definitely the most funnyanime I watched so far. The episodes are just the girls' days, showing what funny thing they're doing. It's hard to explain this Anime, you just HAVE to watch it!
Genres: Comedy, School, Slice of Life
Soul Eater - At the Shinigami technical school for weapon meisters, this series revolves around 3 groups of each a weapon meister and their human weapon: Maka and her scythe Soul, Black Star with Tsubaki the magical weapon, and Death the Kid with his twin pistols Patty and Liz. Here, masters aim to make their partner a “Death Scythe” which is the highest title for a weapon and thus fit for use by Death himself, by collecting the souls of 99 evil humans and 1 witch. The three partnerships quickly form a bond with one another and become stronger to protect Death City by hunting powerful evil creatures, and in some cases, even demons…
Review by RottedPaint - Now, what can I say about this one other than it's my favorite non-OVA series ever. It's pretty good, action/comedy, love the characters. But I swear to god, if you want to watch it, do not watch the ending. It's really anti-climactic. Read the manga ending or something.
Genres: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Shounen, Supernatural
Kill la Kill - Ryuuko Matoi carries a large weapon shaped like half of a pair of scissors. She’s looking for the woman with the other half, who killed her father. Satsuki Kiryuuin, student council president of Honnouji Academy, is said to know the woman’s identity, so Ryuuko transfers there.
Review by RottedPaint - This one is a really unique one, liked it a lot. If you can get behind all the fanservice, you'll find a crazy action anime that punches your guts and then kisses you. Various times. Mako is life.
Genres: Action, Comedy, Ecchi, School
Kyoukai no Kanata/Beyond the Boundary - The dark fantasy follows a high school sophomore named Akihito Kanbara. Although the boy appears human, he is half youmu and invulnerable to wounds because he can heal quickly. One day, Akihito meets freshman Mirai Kuriyama when it seems she is about to jump from the school rooftop. Mirai is isolated because of her ability to manipulate blood, which is unique even among members of the spirit world. Disturbing events begin to unfold after Akihito saves Mirai.
Review by RottedPaint - Sounds epic? Meh. Not much action here, not for me at least. I quite like it enough to recommend it. Mirai is adorable, supernatural stuff is cool. Stab stab blood blood.
Genres: Fantasy, Slice of Life, Supernatural
Nichijou - While the title suggests a story of simple, everyday school life, the contents are more the opposite. The setting is a strange school where you may see the principal wrestle a deer or a robot’s arm hide a rollcake. However there are still normal stories, like making a card castle or taking a test you didn’t study for.
Review by RottedPaint - Only slice of life I've ever been fond of. Nothing much here, just randomness being thrown around. Animation style catches my eyes. Yeh.
Genres: Comedy, School, Slice of Life
Kill Me Baby - Kill Me Baby is the touching story of Yasuna, a normal (?) high school girl, and Sonya, her best friend who happens to be an assassin. Unfortunately, little Sonya's trained assassin instincts often work against her and others in her daily high school life, as Yasuna's often-broken wrist can attest to. She just wanted a hug, but she ended up with a broken neck. Isn't it sad? No, it's hilarious.
Not even Yasuna's intense ninja training can prepare her for the exciting adventures in this explosive 4-panel manga adaptation.
Genres: Comedy, School, Seinen
The irregular at Magic High School - Tatsuya Shiba and his sister Miyuki enroll in a high school for those who have harnessed 'magic' and are relatively talented with it. Tatsuya is separated from his sister in their levels of mastery (sort of like mathematics levels in real life, but there are only two you get for four years) and practical application of magic. Tatsuya secretly works for the military, and is a co-owner of a very large and ingenious company. He is highly trained and quite brilliant when it comes to combat. . His sister believes that he should not be in the lower class due to his actual skills in the field, but he is modest and set firm in keeping his identities secret. (This is as backstory as I'll go before I spoil it all)
Review by victinstar - Relatively different from the sort of animes I have watched, especially in regards to animation style. It has much less exaggerated emotion, and has slightly more mature comedy (It's not always blue collar in layman's terms). Very nice plot so far (sorry, I'm not even finished yet, but it has ended). Overall very entertaining to me.
Higurashi no naku Koro ni - After moving into the quiet town of Hinamizawa, Maebara Keiichi spends his days blissfully in school often playing games with his local friends. However, appearances can be deceiving. One fateful day, Keiichi stumbles upon news of a murder that had occurred in Hinamizawa. From this point on, horrific events unfold in front of Keiichi, as he soon learns his close friends may not be all that they seem. Based on the amateur mystery game by 07th Expansion, the story is told in a series of different scenarios.
Review by WiloKing - Keiichi Maebara moves into Hinamizawa in 1983. Everything seems normal, and then shit hits the fan. Quite often. Can't spoil anything else, watch it if you dare. This anime is where innocence goes to die
Genres: Horror/Comedy/Slice of Slice/Mystery.
Elfen Lied - The Diclonius, a mutated homosapien that is said to be selected by God and will eventually become the destruction of mankind, possess two horns on their heads and have a "sixth sense" which gives them telekinetic abilities. Due to this dangerous power, they have been captured and isolated in laboratories by the government. Lucy, a young and psychotic Diclonius, manages to break free of her confines and brutally murders most of the guards in the laboratory where she is being held, only to be shot in the head as she makes her escape. She survives, falling off a cliff into the ocean and manages to drift along to a beach where two teenagers, Kouta and Yuka, discover her. Having lost her memories, she was named after the only thing that she can now say, "Nyuu," and the two allow her to stay at Kouta's home. However, it appears that the psychotic side of Lucy is not dead just yet...
Review by Wilo - Have you ever seen the recent movie Lucy? That is a blatant rip off of this, only watered down and unfunned for Western audiences. My reasoning for this is that they a generally based upon the same thing: A young woman, with pink hair, from a newly emerging species of human, with horns on her head and invisible arms (an old hag with decaying flesh that you can observe falling off in the movie Lucy) is captured by sciencey Japanese people who torture her, lacking any motive whatsoever, and then unwillingly allow her to escape to a city, where a bunch of stuff happens. Some gory stuff. Also, there's a guy, his clingy cousin, and a homeless girl who runs around with a cute puppy.
This is the finest, greatest whatever-the-hell-this-is ever, and packed into the small timeframe of 11 episodes long, sealed with a kiss wearing Coral Blue #2 semi-gloss lipstick. That's 11 episodes that begin with a parody slideshow of that one painting, the Kiss, except with a performer of the Blue Man Group and the main character, Lucy, while a Latin-Greek hymn plays, because after this one, you're gonna need some Jesus. Not even Yuno Gasai herself could top the amount of gore in this anime. There's some nudity too (episode 1, I'm looking at you) But the thing is, the characters are fantastic and it's just overall a beautiful anime in the big scheme of things. It was hard to say that without spoiling anything. You should watch it if you're into this sort of thing, or if you want to watch it and go "Wilo, what in the fucking fuck" every 15 seconds.
Genres: Action, Drama, Ecchi, Horror, Romance, Psychological
Redline - Redline is about the biggest and most deadly racing tournament in the universe. Only held once every five years, everyone wants to stake their claim to fame, including JP, a reckless dare-devil driver oblivious to speed limits with his ultra-customized car—all the while, organized crime and militaristic governments want to leverage the race to their own ends. Amongst the other elite rival drivers in the tournament, JP falls for the alluring Sonoshee—but will she prove his undoing, or can a high speed romance survive a mass destruction race?
Genres: Action, Cars, Sci-Fi, Sports
Kirby: Right Back At Ya! - A diminuitive pink creature orbiting in space called "Kirby" crash lands into Dream Land. Once getting acquainted with the citizens who live there in Cappy Town, he begins to defend the town from the monsters that King Dedede, the self-proclaimed ruler of Cappy Town, orders from the evil Nightmare Enterprises.
Review by FuriousHedgehog - I liked this anime as kirby saves Cappys, the secrets of him, and fun stuff, although some incoherent things to the anime and the game, but that should not comment much but the stupid censorship and changing soundtrack for part of 4Kids, scene changes, cuts and dialogues which changed not maintained the effect of a good kirby anime, so rather watch the subtitled of the Japanese version see the 4kids version.
This was my opinion.
Genres: Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Parody
Samurai Champloo - Mugen's a buck wild warrior—violent, thoughtless and womanizing. Jin is a vagrant ronin—mysterious, traditional, well-mannered, and very strong as well. These two fiercely independent warriors can't be any more different from one another, yet their paths cross when Fuu, a ditzy waitress, saves them from being executed when they are arrested after a violent swordfight. Fuu convinces the two vagrant young men to help her find a mysterious samurai "who smells of sunflowers." And their journey begins. This is a story about love, friendship, and courage... NOT!
Review by RottedPaint - Now, now, samurais n' swords, sounds usual? Yes. What made it stand up for me it's a factor present on most of Watanabe's works, the mixing of different genres.
''Samurai Champloo is set in an alternate version of Edo-era Japan with an anachronistic, predominantly hip-hop, setting.''
That combination doesn't sound right at all. I'm not the biggest fan of samurais, not even close to liking hip-hop, but I still can see it's well made and I enjoyed it a lot more than I expected, I actually find myself listening to the soundtrack in cases of boredom. The characters aren't generic neither.
Has some comedic moments that don't feel forced and badly executed, plot is pretty good, fighting scenes oh baby. And of course, Fuu <3
Genres: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Historical, Samurai, Shounen
Jojo's Bizzare Adventure (2012) - Beginning its tale in 19th century England, young aristocrat Jonathan Joestar finds himself locked in bitter rivalry with Dio Brando, a low-born boy who Jonathan's father took under his wing after the death of Dio's father. Discontent with his station in life, Dio's fathomless lust to reign over all eventually leads him to seek the supernatural powers of an ancient Aztec stone mask in the Joestar's possession—an artifact that will forever change the destiny of Dio and Jonathan for generations to come. Fifty years later, in 1938 New York City, Jonathan's grandson Joseph Joestar must take up his grandfather's mission and master the abilities necessary to destroy the stone mask and its immensely powerful creators who threaten humanity's very existence, the Pillar Men.
Review by copy - In my opinion one of the best series manga&anime series thingies out there. Overflowing with fabulous manliness and the bizzariest battle this side of Stairway to Heaven. Jojo is seperated by Parts, 8 in total. Each part is another descendant of the Joestar bloodline and each one stands on its own, varying greatly story-wise while staying true to the bizzare adventure.
Genres: Action, Adventure, Shounen, Supernatural
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Genres: Sci-Fi, Thriller
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - Edward and Alphonse Elric, after their father left years ago, lose their mother. Using alchemy, an ability used throughout their world to transmute things into other things, attempt to revive their mother, betraying one of the cardinal rules of alchemy. Their attempt goes horribly wrong, and in the aftermath, Edward loses a leg, and Alphonse loses his entire body. In an attempt to bring him back, Edward sacrifices his arm, and binds Alphonse's soul to a suit of armor. The two then set off on a journey to find the mythical philosophers stone, so they can use its power to gain their bodies back.
Review by Vakema123 - My second favorite anime of all time, and one of the most beloved anime ever.
The story is simply superb. It develops perfectly, at a perfect pace. The animation is amazing, it's done by BONES, who is fantastic. The characters are almost universally loved, even (Especially) the one that basically just dies. The show never stops being entertaining, throughout all 64 episodes, you will be in love with it. If it bothers you, there is no fan service in it. Lot of humor though! I would watch the Funimation dub for this, it was really good.
I'd rate it a 96/100.
Genres: Adventure, Action, Drama, Intrigue
Fullmetal Alchemist - The beginning is pretty much exactly the same as Brotherhood, but at about a third through the show, it goes into a completely different story from the manga. (Which Brotherhood follows strictly.)
Review by Vakema123 - It's not a perfect show, but it's worth a watch. The story stops being very fluent at around the same time it splits off from the manga (which is around laboratory 5, if I remember correctly. ) It gets more rushed and cluttered as it goes on, until the end, where nothing really makes too much sense. I respect that they wanted to do something different from the original story, but even without knowing the original story beforehand, I couldn't understand why they made some of the choices they made. The animation is the same studio as Brotherhood, BONES, and it is fantastic, like brotherhood. The characters are pretty much just as good as in Brotherhood, except a few. ( Mainly Hoenheim. ) The show is 51 episodes long, and it's pretty much a hit or miss on whether or not you'll get into it enough to finish it. I watched the dub for this one, and I've never seen the sub, so I can't comment on it too much. I think the VA for this and Brotherhood are the same though, so, if that's true, I would pick the dub.
I'd rate it an 80/100.
Genres: Adventure, Action, Drama, Intrigue
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann - Years ago, humanity was driven into underground villages by beastmen, under control of Lord Genome. In these villages, people would dig through the ground in order to increase the size of the village. One of these diggers, Simon, finds something while digging, It's a small robot in the shape of a face. That same night, a giant machine breaks through the ceiling of the village, bringing its fight with a strange, bikini clad sniper with it. However, she cannot defeat it, and Simon, Kamina, and Yoko, the sniper, have to team up and use the machine Simon found (titled Lagann by Kamina) to defeat it. After the fight, they are sent flying up to the surface, the domain of Lord Genome.
Review by Vakema123 - Gurren Lagann is a spectacular piece of television, one of the best I've ever seen.
The story is spectacular, and no matter what hurdle it throws at you, the show only ever becomes better off for it. The only issue is that it suffers from an extreme case of serial escalation. And when I say problem, I mean it's one of the best things ever. The show is made by Gainax, (The studio behind Evangelion, FLCL, and in a way, Kill La Kill.) and is probably the best animated out of anything I've seen. The characters are all fantastic, with one exception. ( The armadillo general, Guame. ) The show is 27 episodes long, and I'm impressed with your willpower if you can stop once you get into it. I personally watched it in 2 days, stopping only when I had to. This is another show I watched the dub for, which I normally don't do anymore. The dub is fantastic though, so it wasn't really a problem.
I'd rate it a 95/100
Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! - Yuuta Togashi suffered from chuunibyou while he was in middle school. When he graduated, he put that dark history behind him and forgot about it... or he was supposed to. High school was smooth sailing and full of enjoyment—until the unavoidable, sad event occurs. The event that locks Yuuta into a contract with Rikka Takanashi and disrupts his desperately ordinary life.
My review: - The Anime combines Slice of Life, Comedy, Drama and romance into one thing. Yutta tries to forget the past him from Junior High School, but after he meets Rikka, the girl which has chuunibyou, his life completely changes. It's kinda hard for me to explain why I like it, since it's 12 Episodes long and each episode has a lot of stuff in it. Various characters here see the world differently than it is in reality. they see it as a fantasy world(?). Uhm... It made me cry a lot of times. So I'm just gonna say that if you like Romance or Slice of Life, definitely watch it.
K-ON! - Hirasawa Yui, a young, carefree girl entering high school, has her imagination instantly captured when she sees a poster advertising the "Light Music Club." Being the carefree girl that she is, she quickly signs up; however, Yui has a problem, she is unable to play an instrument.
My review: - The anime shows how someone's goals can get true by their friendship. The episodes are Kawaii, random and funny. There is a few sad moments as well, especially the ending of the second season. I recommend it 100%.
Genres: Comedy, Music, School, Slice of Life
Kiniro Mosaic - The story begins with Oomiya Shinobu, a 15-year-old, seemingly pure Japanese girl who actually did a homestay in Great Britain. Even after coming back to Japan, she still misses her time overseas. One day, an airmail letter arrives from Alice, the girl in Shinobu's host family in Great Britain. The letter reads: Shinobu, I'm coming to Japan! The Japanese/British girls' mixed comedy follows the lives of Shinobu, Alice, and other girls from both Japan and Great Britain.
My review: - Desu This is definitely the most funnyanime I watched so far. The episodes are just the girls' days, showing what funny thing they're doing. It's hard to explain this Anime, you just HAVE to watch it!
Genres: Comedy, School, Slice of Life
Soul Eater - At the Shinigami technical school for weapon meisters, this series revolves around 3 groups of each a weapon meister and their human weapon: Maka and her scythe Soul, Black Star with Tsubaki the magical weapon, and Death the Kid with his twin pistols Patty and Liz. Here, masters aim to make their partner a “Death Scythe” which is the highest title for a weapon and thus fit for use by Death himself, by collecting the souls of 99 evil humans and 1 witch. The three partnerships quickly form a bond with one another and become stronger to protect Death City by hunting powerful evil creatures, and in some cases, even demons…
Review by RottedPaint - Now, what can I say about this one other than it's my favorite non-OVA series ever. It's pretty good, action/comedy, love the characters. But I swear to god, if you want to watch it, do not watch the ending. It's really anti-climactic. Read the manga ending or something.
Genres: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Shounen, Supernatural
Kill la Kill - Ryuuko Matoi carries a large weapon shaped like half of a pair of scissors. She’s looking for the woman with the other half, who killed her father. Satsuki Kiryuuin, student council president of Honnouji Academy, is said to know the woman’s identity, so Ryuuko transfers there.
Review by RottedPaint - This one is a really unique one, liked it a lot. If you can get behind all the fanservice, you'll find a crazy action anime that punches your guts and then kisses you. Various times. Mako is life.
Genres: Action, Comedy, Ecchi, School
Kyoukai no Kanata/Beyond the Boundary - The dark fantasy follows a high school sophomore named Akihito Kanbara. Although the boy appears human, he is half youmu and invulnerable to wounds because he can heal quickly. One day, Akihito meets freshman Mirai Kuriyama when it seems she is about to jump from the school rooftop. Mirai is isolated because of her ability to manipulate blood, which is unique even among members of the spirit world. Disturbing events begin to unfold after Akihito saves Mirai.
Review by RottedPaint - Sounds epic? Meh. Not much action here, not for me at least. I quite like it enough to recommend it. Mirai is adorable, supernatural stuff is cool. Stab stab blood blood.
Genres: Fantasy, Slice of Life, Supernatural
Nichijou - While the title suggests a story of simple, everyday school life, the contents are more the opposite. The setting is a strange school where you may see the principal wrestle a deer or a robot’s arm hide a rollcake. However there are still normal stories, like making a card castle or taking a test you didn’t study for.
Review by RottedPaint - Only slice of life I've ever been fond of. Nothing much here, just randomness being thrown around. Animation style catches my eyes. Yeh.
Genres: Comedy, School, Slice of Life
Kill Me Baby - Kill Me Baby is the touching story of Yasuna, a normal (?) high school girl, and Sonya, her best friend who happens to be an assassin. Unfortunately, little Sonya's trained assassin instincts often work against her and others in her daily high school life, as Yasuna's often-broken wrist can attest to. She just wanted a hug, but she ended up with a broken neck. Isn't it sad? No, it's hilarious.
Not even Yasuna's intense ninja training can prepare her for the exciting adventures in this explosive 4-panel manga adaptation.
Genres: Comedy, School, Seinen
The irregular at Magic High School - Tatsuya Shiba and his sister Miyuki enroll in a high school for those who have harnessed 'magic' and are relatively talented with it. Tatsuya is separated from his sister in their levels of mastery (sort of like mathematics levels in real life, but there are only two you get for four years) and practical application of magic. Tatsuya secretly works for the military, and is a co-owner of a very large and ingenious company. He is highly trained and quite brilliant when it comes to combat. . His sister believes that he should not be in the lower class due to his actual skills in the field, but he is modest and set firm in keeping his identities secret. (This is as backstory as I'll go before I spoil it all)
Review by victinstar - Relatively different from the sort of animes I have watched, especially in regards to animation style. It has much less exaggerated emotion, and has slightly more mature comedy (It's not always blue collar in layman's terms). Very nice plot so far (sorry, I'm not even finished yet, but it has ended). Overall very entertaining to me.
Higurashi no naku Koro ni - After moving into the quiet town of Hinamizawa, Maebara Keiichi spends his days blissfully in school often playing games with his local friends. However, appearances can be deceiving. One fateful day, Keiichi stumbles upon news of a murder that had occurred in Hinamizawa. From this point on, horrific events unfold in front of Keiichi, as he soon learns his close friends may not be all that they seem. Based on the amateur mystery game by 07th Expansion, the story is told in a series of different scenarios.
Review by WiloKing - Keiichi Maebara moves into Hinamizawa in 1983. Everything seems normal, and then shit hits the fan. Quite often. Can't spoil anything else, watch it if you dare. This anime is where innocence goes to die
Genres: Horror/Comedy/Slice of Slice/Mystery.
Elfen Lied - The Diclonius, a mutated homosapien that is said to be selected by God and will eventually become the destruction of mankind, possess two horns on their heads and have a "sixth sense" which gives them telekinetic abilities. Due to this dangerous power, they have been captured and isolated in laboratories by the government. Lucy, a young and psychotic Diclonius, manages to break free of her confines and brutally murders most of the guards in the laboratory where she is being held, only to be shot in the head as she makes her escape. She survives, falling off a cliff into the ocean and manages to drift along to a beach where two teenagers, Kouta and Yuka, discover her. Having lost her memories, she was named after the only thing that she can now say, "Nyuu," and the two allow her to stay at Kouta's home. However, it appears that the psychotic side of Lucy is not dead just yet...
Review by Wilo - Have you ever seen the recent movie Lucy? That is a blatant rip off of this, only watered down and unfunned for Western audiences. My reasoning for this is that they a generally based upon the same thing: A young woman, with pink hair, from a newly emerging species of human, with horns on her head and invisible arms (an old hag with decaying flesh that you can observe falling off in the movie Lucy) is captured by sciencey Japanese people who torture her, lacking any motive whatsoever, and then unwillingly allow her to escape to a city, where a bunch of stuff happens. Some gory stuff. Also, there's a guy, his clingy cousin, and a homeless girl who runs around with a cute puppy.
This is the finest, greatest whatever-the-hell-this-is ever, and packed into the small timeframe of 11 episodes long, sealed with a kiss wearing Coral Blue #2 semi-gloss lipstick. That's 11 episodes that begin with a parody slideshow of that one painting, the Kiss, except with a performer of the Blue Man Group and the main character, Lucy, while a Latin-Greek hymn plays, because after this one, you're gonna need some Jesus. Not even Yuno Gasai herself could top the amount of gore in this anime. There's some nudity too (episode 1, I'm looking at you) But the thing is, the characters are fantastic and it's just overall a beautiful anime in the big scheme of things. It was hard to say that without spoiling anything. You should watch it if you're into this sort of thing, or if you want to watch it and go "Wilo, what in the fucking fuck" every 15 seconds.
Genres: Action, Drama, Ecchi, Horror, Romance, Psychological
Redline - Redline is about the biggest and most deadly racing tournament in the universe. Only held once every five years, everyone wants to stake their claim to fame, including JP, a reckless dare-devil driver oblivious to speed limits with his ultra-customized car—all the while, organized crime and militaristic governments want to leverage the race to their own ends. Amongst the other elite rival drivers in the tournament, JP falls for the alluring Sonoshee—but will she prove his undoing, or can a high speed romance survive a mass destruction race?
Genres: Action, Cars, Sci-Fi, Sports
Kirby: Right Back At Ya! - A diminuitive pink creature orbiting in space called "Kirby" crash lands into Dream Land. Once getting acquainted with the citizens who live there in Cappy Town, he begins to defend the town from the monsters that King Dedede, the self-proclaimed ruler of Cappy Town, orders from the evil Nightmare Enterprises.
Review by FuriousHedgehog - I liked this anime as kirby saves Cappys, the secrets of him, and fun stuff, although some incoherent things to the anime and the game, but that should not comment much but the stupid censorship and changing soundtrack for part of 4Kids, scene changes, cuts and dialogues which changed not maintained the effect of a good kirby anime, so rather watch the subtitled of the Japanese version see the 4kids version.
This was my opinion.
Genres: Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Parody
Samurai Champloo - Mugen's a buck wild warrior—violent, thoughtless and womanizing. Jin is a vagrant ronin—mysterious, traditional, well-mannered, and very strong as well. These two fiercely independent warriors can't be any more different from one another, yet their paths cross when Fuu, a ditzy waitress, saves them from being executed when they are arrested after a violent swordfight. Fuu convinces the two vagrant young men to help her find a mysterious samurai "who smells of sunflowers." And their journey begins. This is a story about love, friendship, and courage... NOT!
Review by RottedPaint - Now, now, samurais n' swords, sounds usual? Yes. What made it stand up for me it's a factor present on most of Watanabe's works, the mixing of different genres.
''Samurai Champloo is set in an alternate version of Edo-era Japan with an anachronistic, predominantly hip-hop, setting.''
That combination doesn't sound right at all. I'm not the biggest fan of samurais, not even close to liking hip-hop, but I still can see it's well made and I enjoyed it a lot more than I expected, I actually find myself listening to the soundtrack in cases of boredom. The characters aren't generic neither.
Has some comedic moments that don't feel forced and badly executed, plot is pretty good, fighting scenes oh baby. And of course, Fuu <3
Genres: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Historical, Samurai, Shounen
Jojo's Bizzare Adventure (2012) - Beginning its tale in 19th century England, young aristocrat Jonathan Joestar finds himself locked in bitter rivalry with Dio Brando, a low-born boy who Jonathan's father took under his wing after the death of Dio's father. Discontent with his station in life, Dio's fathomless lust to reign over all eventually leads him to seek the supernatural powers of an ancient Aztec stone mask in the Joestar's possession—an artifact that will forever change the destiny of Dio and Jonathan for generations to come. Fifty years later, in 1938 New York City, Jonathan's grandson Joseph Joestar must take up his grandfather's mission and master the abilities necessary to destroy the stone mask and its immensely powerful creators who threaten humanity's very existence, the Pillar Men.
Review by copy - In my opinion one of the best series manga&anime series thingies out there. Overflowing with fabulous manliness and the bizzariest battle this side of Stairway to Heaven. Jojo is seperated by Parts, 8 in total. Each part is another descendant of the Joestar bloodline and each one stands on its own, varying greatly story-wise while staying true to the bizzare adventure.
Genres: Action, Adventure, Shounen, Supernatural