Fill me in on some things

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Post » 19 Feb 2015, 10:59

Okay so let's see, I've been gone for... Okay carry the 2, add 8, add a coefficient, bake a pie, feed the cactus, divide by zero and we get... 2 years. Feels longer than that, but anyway, what has happened? Anything interesting? Anything horrible? Has anyone just disappeared? Or has the intervening 2 years been about as interesting as watching two old people argue about which T.V news station is better?

I'm getting the feeling that it's probably the last one, isn't it?

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Post » 19 Feb 2015, 11:39

...and you would be very wrong; if you didn't notice, Mari0: SE has an open beta.

That's about it though.

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Post » 19 Feb 2015, 11:41

There you go

Also: the forum has been updated
in case you haven't noticed yet