Favorite Wii U Game

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Post » 11 Jan 2015, 00:34

What's your favorite game on the Wii U?

Mine is Pikmin 3. I never actually played the original two, so I wasn't sure what to expect, but I ended up loving it. The touchscreen controls work excellently, and the graphics are amazing. I'm really hoping they make a Pikmin 4 soon.

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Post » 11 Jan 2015, 00:46

ZombiU and NES Remix 2. Really good games, you need to try them out.

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Post » 11 Jan 2015, 01:10

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate.
I've sunk so much time into this game with a friend of mine.
He plays it on the 3DS and just connects to my Wii U, it works surprisingly well together.
Never got really far, but we've had some great times with that game.

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Post » 11 Jan 2015, 01:30

MagicPillow wrote:What's your favorite game on the Wii U?

Mine is Pikmin 3. I never actually played the original two, so I wasn't sure what to expect, but I ended up loving it. The touchscreen controls work excellently, and the graphics are amazing. I'm really hoping they make a Pikmin 4 soon.
Seriously though you don't know what you're missing.
Pikmin 3 was made to be more like Pikmin 1 than 2, so you might enjoy that one more.
I personally prefer Pikmin 2, for caves (different than what you know of Pikmin 3) were randomized and a lot of strategy would be applied to going through them. Also, the maps were much smaller and less confusing.
Lastly I believe Pikmin 1 and 2 were made by a different team than Pikmin 3, but my research hasn't yielded much. All I could find out is that the team behind the somewhat disappointing (to me, anyway) NSMB series developed Pikmin 3.

As for Pikmin 4...
I'm placing bets on a Pikmin 4 for the New 3DS simply because they talked about how the 3DS was slightly underpowered, so they stopped experimenting with it. However the New 3DS is much more powerful; this can be shown by the Xenoblade Wii port. Not only that, but the Pikmin Short Movies were released at the last Nintendo Direct, and Miyamoto wants to develop more Pikmin games. Plus the ending of Pikmin 3 was open as well. ( Louie was left behind plus maybe another spaceship crash... ) Lastly, the team behind Pikmin 3 is developing Mario Maker, but that game can't take up the entire team's time. So something will definitely come soon.

Oh, and so far I think my favorite game on the Wii U might either be Super Mario 3D World or DKC: Tropical Freeze.

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Post » 11 Jan 2015, 02:03

My favorite Wii U game is Smash (?) that was selling for like 200 bucks or something back when it was just coming out

Out of all the Wii U games I didn't and won't have since I do not own a Wii U, that is easily the one which I said "Oh man I wish I had that" the most about.

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Post » 11 Jan 2015, 03:14

same situation as B-man, but in my case I wish I had both smash and bayonetta 2 (with bayo 1 port)

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Post » 11 Jan 2015, 07:04

I've just been playing smash and captain toad recently but i also really like mario 3d world. I'd way my favorite atm is smash bros

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Post » 11 Jan 2015, 23:22

New Super Luigi U is my favorite WII U. I feels like they took some inspiration from SMB: TLL (SMB2) and gave the middle-advance class gamers a challenge that most players would want.
I feel that the New SMB games are very.... easy (IMO). Thats why Newer Super Mario Brothers Wii is my favorite UNOFFICIAL WII game.

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Post » 12 Jan 2015, 00:27

New Super Luigi U was fun for a while but now it's boring as shit. As for my favorites, I love Mario Kart 8, Super Mario 3D World, and The super awesome Super Smash Bros. for Wii U. If you wanna challenge me, just go to Miiverse and search PringlesGuy and add me as a friend or whatever.

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Post » 12 Jan 2015, 05:18

the NSMB series is notoriously known for being unoriginal. Although I will say the secret exits in Luigi U are very well hidden.(except the fact you know what levels they're in if you 100%-ed NSMBU)

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Post » 12 Jan 2015, 17:23

While it is unoriginal, I did have a hell of a fun time playing NSMB. It was the first Mario game I ever got. My favorite powerup to this day is a blue shell.

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Post » 09 Jun 2021, 00:17

Super Mario 3D World and NSMBU
Both kind of hidden gems among the crap that was the Wii U (supposedly).