The List of A+ Threads

If it doesn't fit elsewhere, it should go here
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Post » 14 Nov 2013, 00:03

Welp, I've seen a lot of great threads on this forum, and I thought it would be nice if all of them were in one separate thread so they could be quickly accessed, and so new users could find them as well. I will try to organize this to the best of my ability and try to keep it updated all the time.
You can also request if you'd like to add a thread or category to this list. I will credit you as well. :)

Without further ado, enjoy!

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Art Games


Rules and guidelines - updated 1st Aug
If you are new, are note sure about posting something, or just want to check out the rules, look here.

READ BEFORE POSTING HERE (Technical Support) - FAQ and how to ask for help
Before you post in the Technical Support forum, look at this thread.


Chat "Room" v2
In this thread, you can discuss about anything! Videos, television, people, and even about stuff that will never matter at all.

Noteworthy Posts / Arguing About Said Noteworthy Posts
A thread that was originally created after the forums have been up for about a month that discussed the funny/dumb/stupid posts that were on the forums at that time. It is still lively today, with over 550 posts!

Thread title says it all, have discussions about Pokémon! Talk about the the video game series, the TV show, and more!

What is your all time favorite game ?
Talk about your favorite video game you've ever played in here! Explain why it's your favorite, or why you don't like some else's favorite.


Art Thread
The base thread for this topic: discuss about art here! Any type of art is accepted, including painting, computer-created, and even hand-drawn!

Pixel art and sprites go here
Post all your sprites and pixel work in here! As with the art thread, all forms of pixel art are accepted: hand-made, 8-Bit, Unlimited-Bit, etc.

Avatar thread
In this thread, you can post the avatars you've used, the original images for your current avatar, and even make avatars for anyone to use!

Here's a completely original idea: post your desktop!
Post you desktop in this thread! You can even post the wallpaper for you desktop if you would like to. Games



Setting up your mappack thread properly THE FIRST TIME
One of the best threads ever made on the forums, made by MrCytosine, contains a tutorial on making a mappack, uploading it, creating the thread, and so much more.

Tileset Respositorium, Background Respositorium, and the Music Respositorium
A great collection of threads where you can post and use custom tilesets, backgrounds, and even music!

The SMB Hack Port Project
Know of a Super Mario Bros. hack that you want to see ported to Mari0, or have made a hack but don't know where to post it? This is the thread for you! It contains tile rips, music rips, as well as hacks that have already been ported and tips on porting hacks to Mari0!

Tips, Tricks, and Secrets for Mappack Makers
A great thread that contains lots of cool stuff about creating mappacks. You can even share your own!


Super Mario Bros. +
A great mod crafted by TripleXero that is pretty much classic Super Mario Bros. with a few tweaks. You can still play custom mappacks too!

[MOD] [1.6] Hat loader 005 - Animated Hats!
One of the most popular mods made for Mari0, created by canI. You can create stand-by hats, or even animated ones!
Here is a list of Hat Galleries where you can download some hats.

A Guide To Working With Mari0
A spectacular thread created by Qcode that shows a lot of tutorials on and links on how to use Mari0.

Mappacks Guide and Rating and Mods Guide and Rating
A amazing thread created by HugoBDesigner that contains mappack/mod ratings, screenshots, and links to the threads! You can also submit your own mappacks and mods as well as some ratings to go along with them.

Blogpost mega thread
Discuss about the main page's blog posts about Mari0!

-Ortho Robot


[V2.0] Ortho Edit (Almost 1 year of nothing!)
A mod created by hatninja that can create Ortho Robot levels with ease!

[MOD] Ortho Robot Multiplayer
A cool mod by alesan99 that adds another robot that a second player can play as!

-Not Tetris 2

Texture Packs
A nice thread that gives a tutorial on how to make and install texture packs for Not Tetris 2. You can also release your own texture packs here as well!



[TUTORIAL]How to add custom (linked) entities.
A tutorial by EntranceJew that shows how to make a custom entity for Mari0. The tutorial was made for Mari0 1.3, but it still works with version 1.6 (latest).

Hat Tutorial (Hat Loader)
A great tutorial by idiot9.0 that shows how to make a normal and animated hat with the Hat Loader.


Code: Select all

(1) Most old threads are not put on this list (some like tutorials are on this list, however). Old threads are considered "old" if they are not on the first page of the thread category (or thread index).

(2) This list includes threads from the whole forum, not just the Twatter forum.

(3) Original thread spelling is used. Nothing has been altered, unless the text is blue. Only exceptions are the Background Repository (so that the title fits in better with the others) and Maxxor's Hat Gallery.

(4) I am not posting my own threads in here. I don't want it to look like I am self-glorifying. Only exceptions are the Music Respositorium, because it fits in with the other respositoriums, and my hat gallery, that way the list has every hat gallery.

Code: Select all

Camewel - Added "Noteworthy Posts / Arguing About Said Noteworthy Posts"
HugoBDesginer - Added "[V2.0] Ortho Edit (Almost 1 year of nothing!)" and "[MOD] Ortho Robot Multiplayer"
Last edited by Mari0Maker on 15 Nov 2013, 01:25, edited 4 times in total.

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Joined: 02 Feb 2012, 21:32

Post » 14 Nov 2013, 00:33

Noteworthy posts isn't even on this list what are you doing

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Post » 14 Nov 2013, 00:37

Also, you should probably put all the categories in spoilers. Nobody likes gigantic posts.

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Post » 14 Nov 2013, 00:39

Camewel wrote:Noteworthy posts isn't even on this list what are you doing
Bonko wrote:Also, you should probably put all the categories in spoilers. Nobody likes gigantic posts.
Then it would look too small. I'm just doing it how it is.

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Post » 14 Nov 2013, 00:55

What about Ortho Robot? Can you add alesan's Multiplayer and hatninja's Editor mods?
Also, great thread! You should add a link to itself!

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Post » 14 Nov 2013, 01:04

HugoBDesigner wrote:Also, great thread! You should add a link to itself!
...If you want that. Never mind.
I'll add those mods too. They are really the only good ones out there.

EDIT: Don't know where to put this thread in this thread, so I'll take my answer back. No.

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Post » 15 Nov 2013, 01:20

Mari0Maker wrote:Tips, Tricks, and Secrets for Mappack Makers (Platforms)
A great thread that contains lots of cool stuff about creating mappacks. You can even share your own!
Um would you mind removing the platforms part, it's not really needed and I've since removed it.

On an entirely different note, I'm happy the SMB hack port project is here, I always felt it didn't get as much attention as it deserved.

If you decided to continue this, there's a lot more mods worth adding. Like Mari0 + Portal, or the (I can't remember the name) night stabyourself graphical compilation thing. Not to mention assorted character loaders, Bob's (pbalaz's) editor, and Qcode's infinite worlds. Plus a bunch that I have since forgotten (I think one had a meteor shower)

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Post » 15 Nov 2013, 01:24

I'll probably add Mari0 +Portal and All Night Stabyourself. I'm only adding really necessary ones, as all the others can be found in the Guide and Rating threads.
And I'll fix that thread title. :)