I decided to hijack the thread and do this properly. Some of the questions were kinda silly and I added some more. Because a survey that isn't Excel-able is a worthless survey.
So i was wondering. How diverse is the community.
So here are some questions.
Boy or girl?
Kid (0-12) teen (13-19) adult (20+)
Skin tone: "light" "Mid" "dark"
Sexual Preference: Men / Woman
Hair Color: light, orange, light brown, brown, dark brown, black, other
Wears glasses?: yes / no
Preferred gaming related company: Nintendo, Microsoft, sony, apple
Sorry if this is a bit touchy, but i was interested in the statistics of our community
Jackostar10000 wrote:Preferred gaming related company: Nintendo, Microsoft, sony, apple
How dare you leave valve.(Also, apple isn't really a game company)(Also, I have no favourite.)
But yeah, I think most here are heterosexual teenagers(the "post your age here" thread) boys, with light skin(since most are from developped countries), who like nintendo and/or valve(mari0).
If the proposed questions/answers are criticizable, there's no Nintendo 64 in the gaming platforms question...yeah, there's the "Other consoles" option, but since all other Nintendo gaming platforms are there, i see no reason for the N64 to not be there too.
TheSeek wrote:If the proposed questions/answers are criticizable, there's no Nintendo 64 in the gaming platforms question...yeah, there's the "Other consoles" option, but since all other Nintendo gaming platforms are there, i see no reason for the N64 to not be there too.
I started with Gamecube and then tried to decide how long back the consoles should go. So I just went all the way back but forgot to add the middle man.
survey wrote:
What is your favourite video game company?
Nintendo, Sega, Redigit, nintendo, Nintendo/VALVe, Valve, Steam, Hasbro, Stabyourself, Sports Interactive
I'm the guy with the really long comment in the end. I wasn't sure if stabyourself counted as a video game company so I put Valve and put stabyourself in the comments
Also, I caught the Steam thing pretty quickly but someone put Hasbro... omg
TripleXero wrote:There's no Sega consoles or handhelds on the list at all
might have something to do with none being made in over 10 years.
honestly anything over 10 years old can be emulated so well on a mid-range machine that it doesn't even need to be counted
Indeed a problem. How can we limit 1 post-per-person/IP/account?
the reults wont be as accurate as they should if this happens. Atleast, if its 1 per person we will know that if any info is faked it will atleast be faked once, and not multiple times.
It definitely is interesting. However statistics on global information about asexuality worry me, because sometimes I have a feeling they're wrong because a lot of people are denied of actually identifying themselves as asexual as many people are assholes and consider it 'not a thing'.
Assasin-Kiashi wrote:It definitely is interesting. However statistics on global information about asexuality worry me, because sometimes I have a feeling they're wrong because a lot of people are denied of actually identifying themselves as asexual as many people are assholes and consider it 'not a thing'.
I think our community would be generous enough to beat up the person being a jerk. (remember mari0 lover?)
Assasin-Kiashi wrote:It definitely is interesting. However statistics on global information about asexuality worry me, because sometimes I have a feeling they're wrong because a lot of people are denied of actually identifying themselves as asexual as many people are assholes and consider it 'not a thing'.
I think our community would be generous enough to beat up the person being a jerk. (remember mari0 lover?)