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Post » 20 Oct 2013, 06:40

Have you ever had a dream or nightmare you wanted to share with people? In here, you can!
I had a weird dream recently where my computer suddenly became a slideshow machine and all it showed was a "video game" in the style of the original "Legend of Zelda" except the hero was not Link, and the character that you DID get was stupid, oh and also i lived in a mansion for some reason.

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Post » 20 Oct 2013, 07:02

I had a dream I was at a carnival
there was a game were you had drive in an upwards sprial until you fall off
I won a sepcial yugioh card
it had a white ring with wings on it
It then summoned a group of vampire servants
they all died in the sun except one
he said "the only way I can go in the sun was if I had germX"
then for some reason I was in a hotel and I had to hide him from my parents
the rest is foggy

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Post » 20 Oct 2013, 15:37

I was walking and I tripped then I woke up.
I had that dream several times.

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Post » 20 Oct 2013, 17:04

Pretty much every dream I've ever had was super vivid and really, really unusual, most of the time pertaining to whatever I was obsessed with the day before
I could write a book with all of the faves I can remember :D

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Post » 20 Oct 2013, 20:42

I fell off a cliff, and I woke up on the ground.

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Post » 20 Oct 2013, 23:17

I had a dream I was riding on clifford in a 2d sidescroller
smashing everything in my path
(btw this was before NSMB)

I was a messed up kid and, I still have a few more dreams.

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Post » 20 Oct 2013, 23:21

Oh god, where do I start.

Last night I had a dream where it was like a Hunger Games type thing, but we could only kill each other with landmines.
The night before I was a skeleton on a band of merry pirate crew and we went into a burning house together.
The night before that, I was a little kid in a sandbox and a giant bee flew past my head and it went into a giant nest that fell down and I had to run away.

I have weird dreams.

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Post » 21 Oct 2013, 00:04

The latest one I can remember is the one where my school was on fire and I found everyone's bodies stuffed in lockers. creepy..

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Post » 21 Oct 2013, 08:47

Some years ago I dreamt I was Ben 10.

I hate Ben 10. But that wasn't the worst part, the worst part was that when I FINALLY get to beat someone, I wake up.

One time I dreamt I've seen all the episodes of Avatar before my friend and I knew a secret or something. I was going to tell him, but everytime I wanted, we ended up in a new place. It literally went like "Hey you know the last episode of Ava-- BOOM CANOE. And now we're sailing on the water.

I had much more weirder dreams. Oh I think I remember one where I wanted to scream, but I had no voice, so I could do nothing to save myself from a monster? I think. It's such a terrible feeling.

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Post » 21 Oct 2013, 09:30

This dream was before North Korea and U.S tensions began:

I was watching TV when suddenly a bulletin appeared with a news man reporting that a massive nuclear bomb barrage was launched at the U.S hitting all major cities, he then said to report to your nearest fallout shelter, or bunker immediately.A timer then appeared as the anchorman left his seat and the timer remained. i then recall waking up my dad quickly to get out of town and into a fallout shelter i remember seeing one in a town a few miles away, i told him. so we all got dressed in a hurry and left. We were nearly there when i remembered my mom was still at work at which point i panicked, i felt the adrenaline rush knowing time was running out, and everyones life, who i cared for (friends, family, ect) was at risk, my dad re-assured me she would be okay. Deep down i knew she wouldn`t make it alone. I hated myself for not going back or not even calling her. we were nearly there when we could already see the missile trails and flames thrusting the nukes across the orange desert sunset. all leaving trails and lights in the sky as we got outside the old red pickup truck. we ran into the bomb shelter, inside was a crowd of random friendly strangers.The bunker was a completely concrete, iron hatch, underground. there was a small tv set counting down. When the clock hit 3 seconds rumbling could already be felt from the shelter. dust fell and the earth quaked harder each second, lights flickered heavily. The tv shut off, the earth quaked more heavily, more dust fell from above, the light then flickered more then completely went dark, the rumbling still continued, the room grew hotter, the darkness consumed the room, nothing could be seen, pounds of dirt and dust fell. . the pitch black room stopped shaking, silence consumed the ambience. . .
nothing. . just darkness and utter silence.

then i awoke to find myself awake at 2 in the morning..

ive had other dreams involving desperate situations.

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Post » 21 Oct 2013, 19:21

I once had a dream where I was in a building in Minecraft. In the right side of the building there were some grass blocks; one had a rose planted on it. Next to the rose there was a sign reading "Do not break the flower," or something similar. Obviously, I broke it anyway. Then a creeper fell out of a hole in the ceiling and blew me up.
This dream was not scary at all.

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Post » 22 Oct 2013, 03:58

The character persona Wilo is technically part of a nightmare. I was being eaten alive by something and there was Wilo, silently waving hopefully, that I would wake up. Another night, I dreamed I was being mugged by my best friend, but then Wilo tackled him and told me to run somehow. I had a dream that I was being sold into slavery by what seemed to be some kind of demonic corruption of the silent enigma, which screamed really loudly. The real one swooped in and saved me and then I woke up.

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Post » 22 Oct 2013, 22:15

Firaga wrote:I have weird dreams.
Those are at least 10 times more normal than the normal-est dreams I had ever had

I swore I wasn't going to say anything in this thread because of how many things I could tell you guys, but here's last night's just for proof:

-I wake up in a room with a window but it's dark on the other side, and there's a silver door with silver walls and ceilings kind of like interrogation rooms in TV shows
-I'm in a chair. I can get up, but I don't.
-In the dream, I am crying because in the dream, "r" is a vowel, and this makes my mind all disturbed, so here I am just crying in a chair in an empty room
-The room on the other side of the window lights up, it's John from Homestuck. He says, "Now for another haunting refrain, since you loved the last one"
-He sits down at a piano just like in the comic, and starts playing Dream On
B-Man wrote:I am crying because in the dream, "r" is a vowel, and this makes my mind all disturbed, so here I am just crying in a chair in an empty room
B-Man wrote:"r" is a vowel
MarioMaster's is the only one that even comes close to how weird mine are. Hahaha Clifford...

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Post » 22 Oct 2013, 22:16

thrt's r pretty weird drerm

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Post » 22 Oct 2013, 23:07

Last night I had a dream that Romney was standing on top of the sphinx and got struck by lightning.

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Post » 23 Oct 2013, 02:19

Oh my god that's a funny post
It's like 10 times funnier that it's your first
Welcome to the forums CS :) Hope you enjoy it!
Also, Jony, hahaha I didn't realize that's what you were doing earlier :P now I do
And WiloKing that post should be framed on a wall.

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Post » 23 Oct 2013, 02:33

I had a dream that I was trying to get box tops from a really big pantry so I could win a contest, and suddenly this giant 2d monster that you would get from going on Paint and getting sections from an epic face appeared. I tried to run but I kept falling on my knees. I started to wake up and I could push him away with my mind. He jumped at me and then I woke up.
I'm a skellington now.

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Post » 23 Oct 2013, 06:43

Have any of you had a recurring lucid dream?
I've had this one dream that I've had at least 15 times.. and each time I have it, I do a different thing leading to a different outcome to the dream, and sometimes I do the exact same thing as the first time (which comes back to me in the first 10 minutes of me waking up) I've never been able to finish it, as I'm usually abruptly waken up for school.. Next time I have it i'll put it on here, I can't remember it right now

Also, one of my weirdest experiences I've had in any of my dreams, was that in summer, before I knew anything about what my classes were or who was in them, I had a dream that I was in my math class and half of the class had gotten the assignment, and half didn't.
I also recognized the back of the persons head who I sat next to and the room (Which I had never been to)..
And on Friday the thirteenth, that exact same scenario, occurred, and a shiver went up my spine. It was horrifing

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Post » 23 Oct 2013, 06:54

thunderflipper wrote:Have any of you had a recurring lucid dream?
I've had this one dream that I've had at least 15 times.. and each time I have it, I do a different thing leading to a different outcome to the dream, and sometimes I do the exact same thing as the first time (which comes back to me in the first 10 minutes of me waking up) I've never been able to finish it, as I'm usually abruptly waken up for school.. Next time I have it i'll put it on here, I can't remember it right now
Stanley wrote:Each time I do it, I do a different thing leading to a different outcome , and sometimes I do the exact same thing as the first time
thunderflipper I'm going to call you Stanley from now on and I think everyone gets the reference so I'll just leave these quotes as is

Also, I have dreams that end up happening in real life all the time. I also get Deja Vu A LOT.

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Post » 23 Oct 2013, 17:43

I don't often remember my dreams, but I can only think of one instance that wasn't a nightmare. I was supposed to receive Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland in the mail the next day, so that night I dreamt I had received it and started playing it. Of course, none of the gameplay was the same.

When I do remember what I dreamt - even just a passing memory - it is a nightmare in every case (other than above). It can be a completely benign situation and I'll still be really tense in the dream because of the atmosphere or something. That's if I'm lucky, though; most of the time my dreams freak me out. It's made me hate sleeping in general.

I actually dream of playing a game quite often (especially when I'm anticipating it). That one case was fine, but every other time the dream is screwed up, the game is scaring me, and my mind is forcing me to keep playing. I hope I don't dream about Sonic: Lost World.

There's another weird side effect to my dreaming: I never wake up on time, and when I do, I'm as tired as if I'd stayed up all night. My dream locks me in and uses my energy until I can break free. But I can't consciously break free because my dream feels like it's real as I go through it... which worsens the nightmare part.

I don't like sleeping. Did I mention that already?

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Post » 23 Oct 2013, 18:40


I heard you can learn how to control dreams and be fully aware of everything that's happening in them. I never tried it, but I found the link above. I'm afraid of doing it, because I may screw something up and never wake up again or some shit. (stupid, I know >.<)

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Post » 23 Oct 2013, 20:05

There is no risk. I havent tried, but "remembering your dreams" "doing realities check" and "think of what you want to dream about before sleeping" are harmless.

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Post » 23 Oct 2013, 20:52

Costinteo wrote:http://www.wikihow.com/Control-Your-Dreams

I heard you can learn how to control dreams and be fully aware of everything that's happening in them.(stupid, I know >.<)
I've done that once but only for a little bit because it was very hard to remember that I was dreaming.

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Post » 23 Oct 2013, 20:56

I once had an dream--back when I was still watched My Little Pony--wherein Pinkie Pie was a stereotypical fire themed video game boss. We were separated by a river of lava, and she was shooting fireballs at me.

Before I played Team Fortress 2, I had a dream where I was standing near a building, and the Scout was there. The he ran off. Later, I turned into a floating camera, and went into the building. Inside the building, I went to the basement, where everything had a stereotypical Jamaican accent. Then I went through a door, and the window on the top middle of the door then had small Mario's face from Super Mario World on it. On this side of the door there were some stairs, so I ascended them. At the top of the stairs there was a small room, and I sat down on the couch. It turned out to be a lighthouse. Then the room's floor fell apart and I fell off the couch. This is the only scary dream I ever remember having.

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Post » 23 Oct 2013, 20:59

I had a dream,that I had a dream. In this dream I am trolling myself,in that way that I post this dream in this Forums.
(Oops,I have trolled myself Image )

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Post » 23 Oct 2013, 21:33

Automatik wrote:There is no risk. I havent tried, but "remembering your dreams" "doing realities check" and "think of what you want to dream about before sleeping" are harmless.
"remembering your dreams" "doing realities check" and "think of what you want to dream about before sleeping" are actually harmless, but the whole lucid dreaming thing is far from harmless if dealt with with no preparation and knowledge of the sleep pocesses(and no, reading about it on the internet isn't preparation and knowledge)...attemping at lucid dreaming can be very stressfull if just partially successfull: you might be able to control your dream for just a while and then lose the control, and there's no risk, but what happens if, since lucid dreaming is half dreaming and half consciousness all during sleep, you lose grasp of the dream and become fully conscious while still sleeping? If that happens, you don't wake up, yet you are conscious while still sleeping, and hyponagogic paralysis might happen: fully conscious, you can see the real world around you, but you cant move a muscle...all this can create fear, and since you're still sleeping(even if conscious) you can still dream, and if you start dreaming shile in a status of fear caused by the hypnagogic paralysys, it might lead to hypnagogic hallucinations: you have a nightmare, but since you are conscious and can see the real world around you, the dream and the reality get mixed, and the result is the perception of a real life nightmare. All this can be managed realizing that what you see and experience is not real, but it's very hard if you are in a state of fear caused by all this.
There are a lot of people who try to lucid dram, and both fail and succeed without experiencing all this, not even once, but it doesnt mean it can't happen.
Lucid dreaminf can be cool and tempting, but it has to be done with preparation and knowledg of the risks.

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Post » 24 Oct 2013, 04:08

i remember a nightmare i had once
so it started with a big dark infinite place with floor from a game i forget the name of
spongebob was walljumping on some floating walls and then he walljumed a bit too far and got sucked into a metal trashcan thing with a black hole in it like in super mario galaxy
i think i remember hearing myself yell "noooooo!" but i only heard it, it wasnt like i said it
i got scared so i woke up

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Post » 01 Nov 2013, 17:12

Okay heres another dream of mine which i just had,

So my dad was more grumpier than he usually was, he also had an iPad (we were broke at the time) so that was unrealistic of him,
so i thought he was an imposter (he was so lets call him Noj) so when he left for work i checked the basement to see if there was any proof of him being an imposter and then...! It was the real dad! So i let him out, and we had fun until Noj came home, then dad gave me a gun for just this one time, and i said "Hey "Dad", You are NOT the father" and shot Noj in the head, and we all lived happily ever after.

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Post » 01 Nov 2013, 17:58

Costinteo wrote:I had much more weirder dreams. Oh I think I remember one where I wanted to scream, but I had no voice, so I could do nothing to save myself from a monster? I think. It's such a terrible feeling.
I've had the "Can't scream" dream, where I think I'm awake but I can't scream. And one time I managed to get in control of one of those dreams and kept "Waking up" into another dream. Again. And again. And again. And eventually a computer that seemed like Glados appeared in my room except with a monitor for a face. It threatened me or something then I told it I was in control of the dream. It didn't like that :P

I've also had dreams of the minecraft "Skylands" map where I was huge and stepping from tiny island to tiny island. I kept almost falling off every step. I hated it, because at the time I had a fear of the void. Falling forever is one of my worst nightmares. I used to have dreams where I fell off something and fell forever, and eventually I would see a dot falling below a wavy grid and that freaked me out like heck.

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Post » 02 Nov 2013, 06:09

Falling forever would be pretty relaxing for me actually. if i was falling in room temperature air, it would eventually get cold but i think it would be relaxing.

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Post » 02 Nov 2013, 08:42

I thought was the only one who really enjoys free falling

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Post » 02 Nov 2013, 20:06

Slightly more on topic...

I once had a dream where I was on a wooden ship, and then used the See-Saw Puzzle to make a sword. Then this human woman who I instantly recognized as Vriska showed up and took the sword. Shortly thereafter, it cut to her killing a bunch of people on the ship. So I sandwiched a wooden stick between two swords and G-Mod welded it all together; then set the stick to a property called "irritate humans." This was just before I read the ghost pirate army update.

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Post » 03 Nov 2013, 13:22

I had a fever dream just today, from the sickness I got today. Read more about it from the Art Apreciation thread.

I forgot the dream, but I do remember was I was listening to Jimi Hendrix while I had this dream, and i swear to cheezus crisp that Jimi`s guitar spoke to me I dont remember what it told me, but i did remember it spoke. When it spoke I was so confused that i woke right up and I started to hear the song again instead of words. pretty silly right? xD

Erm, anyway anyone else ever had a zombie apocalypse related dream/nightmare? cause I`m sure everyone who`s ever seen any zombie stuff has at somepoint.

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Post » 03 Nov 2013, 17:11

drone36 wrote: Erm, anyway anyone else ever had a zombie apocalypse related dream/nightmare? cause I`m sure everyone who`s ever seen any zombie stuff has at somepoint.
I've seen lots of zombie stuff, but I don't ever remember having a zombie apocalypse dream. Or maybe I had? No idea, the only thing I remember about zombie apocalypse is that my friend wants to be in one. (I don't even know, he's obsessed with zombies)

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Post » 04 Nov 2013, 06:45

Had a dream once about being at an abandoned mansion with zombies once. I was running up a hill, went in circles, and was surrounded. I woke up after that.

[I came here after a full 12 hours of working on a 8-page essay on the background research of a science project- extensive reading about colored paper is very fun.]

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Post » 04 Nov 2013, 22:16

Last night I had a dream that I was reading a book called Big Nate Loses His Memory, and then a box hit me. Then a bigger box hit me. And then I saw GLaDOS and a voice said "When you get sucked by GLaDOS, you will lose your memory." Luckily, I woke up before GLaDOS could finish sucking me.

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Post » 02 Jan 2014, 14:54

I once woke up inside the Choir Main Hall from Amnesia. I went to the exit door but it was locked. Then I whispered "I am so screwed." I walked over to the Iron Maiden room. I walked over to it expecting blood to pour out like in the original game. Instead a Brute was in it. I screamed and ran to the door. It was locked. I then ran around the room screaming. The brute struck me on the back and I was bleeding like hell. The floor broke under me and I saw light at the end of the tunnel. I ran towards the light. Suddenly, all 3 suitors broke through the doors on the side of the tunnel. I screamed and picked up a wooden plank with nails in it. I shattered the suitors skulls, thus killing them as the nails struck the brain. I ran up the stairs hoping I could get out of this nightmare. I ran out into the forest and hid behind a bunch of trees. Then I woke up.

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Post » 02 Jan 2014, 22:41

One time I dreamed a dream of time gone by had a Terraria related dream, despite not yet having played Terraria yet. That's close enough to a zombie apocalypse, right?

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Post » 03 Jan 2014, 00:41

Last edited by Qcode on 21 Oct 2021, 18:59, edited 1 time in total.

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Post » 03 Jan 2014, 03:47

Qcode wrote:Last night I dreamed I was having a knife fight with Bo Burnham. I lost.

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Post » 07 Jan 2014, 00:15

Ever had a dream that you met a girl in a club, bring her home, cuddle up with her, go to sleep then she grows her front teeth to three times their normal size and rips your chest open with them and uses her nails to surgically remove your heart whilst you watch? Not a fan.

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Post » 07 Jan 2014, 00:41

Mr.Q.Marx? wrote:Ever had a dream that you met a girl in a club, bring her home, cuddle up with her, go to sleep then she grows her front teeth to three times their normal size and rips your chest open with them and uses her nails to surgically remove your heart whilst you watch?
no? is it common?

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Post » 07 Jan 2014, 01:48

Apparently not. It's the teeth thing that bugs me the most and whilst theres alot on loosing teeth, people growing teeth is rarer in dreams.

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Post » 17 Jan 2014, 16:22

I once had a dream where I wandered a desolate urban landscape, looking for other survivors. I had no idea what caused this apparent apocalypse, but I occasionally heard howling and screaming, like that of a crowd of animals. I knew I had to run from them, and I did. I escaped from them, and hid in a small room. On the wall was some kind of symbol I didn't recognize. It was roughly circular, and looked to be made from blood. As I stared at it, my bones started to shift, and my mind was being overwritten by a foreign consciousness. My jaw stretched in an unnatural way, and my nose followed it, forming a snout. Just as the final changes were taking place, I answered a cell phone I had with me for some reason, and the caller ID said: Calling: Dog.

I had become a furry. In the most terrifying manner possible.

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Post » 17 Jan 2014, 16:50

I honestly have no idea.

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Post » 18 Jan 2014, 15:06

I once had a weird dream about a Portal 2/Amnesia crossover where GLaDOS decided to turn all of her test subjects into Brutes when she was done with them.
I then was knocked into a pit of melted cheese. So I ate the melted cheese. Once I ate all of the melted cheese I woke up. I have some pretty odd dreams.

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Post » 18 Jan 2014, 17:28

I had three nightmares right after each other last night.

1) My computer's hard drive was stolen. Yep, that was the first nightmare.
2) The news said that apparently vandals have stolen one of the heaviest and biggest firetruck ever made. I ignored this, but then suddenly the vandals with the truck appeared right outside of my house. They bumped into the garage a few times before breaking it and ran into the house screaming "TIME TO ATTACK". That's where the second nightmare ended.
3) I was watching Doctor Who (In my dreams it were some episodes with Peter Capaldi, honestly said I can't wait until August) until suddenly the EAS came on TV and told us a nuclear attack was happening. I went outside to warn ALL other people in my town, but they didn't believe me, and the dream ended off with a huge mushroom cloud.


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Post » 18 Jan 2014, 19:31

I had sleep paralysis last night, I was scared of of my damn mind.
I had the 'intruder' (for those of you not knowing what that is, it's where there's an intruder trying to choke you or harm you, when there's really nothing there).
Only lasted a few minutes, though it felt like hours.

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Post » 19 Jan 2014, 20:13

I had this dream where I was playing Super Mario Bros., except the character was different and he got fatter whenever he was still, which made him jump higher for some reason. The dream was about as short as this post.

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Post » 20 Jan 2014, 19:55

I'm having this dream that a SE beta is released by Maurice himself.
It's very strange.