NES Game Genie Codes
- Posts: 1348
- Joined: 07 Apr 2012, 17:10
These are just some codes for NES games I made up. These codes can be used on a actual Game Genie or an emulator such as Nestopia or FCEUX. I'll keep editing this post for when I find new codes.
Super Mario Bros. 3
IPLULS - You can only jump once until you go into a corner.
ESZXYP - Freezes all enemies, makes coins stay on screen when collected, and is impossible to beat levels.
ZVPKXN - Makes the bottom right corner of Mario invisible, and the game will crash at one point.
IOIAAK - Edits the World Maps a bit. ;)
EPPSTL - Edits World 1-1 Music to be Castle Boss Theme, and the terrain to change a bit.
EEIIII - Enimies act/look different, and the ending roulette is different as well.
OOZZOO - Makes Mario do a tiny swim jump, and changes graphics. I do remeber this code doing somthing else, so it might be random. :P
Mega Man 2
VZGPNU - This code did somthing but I can't remember it now. If you can rediscover it that'd be great! :D
YEAAAA - Play game without music (Why would you want to do that? :P). The YEAAAA code is also a famous one for Super Mario Bros.
My strategy for making up codes is randomly putting letters in. And how do I play them? I use FCE Ultra GX for the Nintendo Wii, and Nestopia for the PC. I also have the Game Genie ROM. Here is a download for it:
You need to rename the file from "Game Genie.nes" to "gg.rom" for it to work with FCEUX and FCE Ultra GX.
You can also find Emulators at The Emulator Zone.
And you can find most ROMs (The game files) from
NOTE: Downloading ROMs is ILLEGAL. Download them at your OWN risk.
I have removed the Game Genie ROM download because of this. PM me if you want it.
If you're curious, I do own a Game Genie, and NES. :P
Super Mario Bros. 3
IPLULS - You can only jump once until you go into a corner.
ESZXYP - Freezes all enemies, makes coins stay on screen when collected, and is impossible to beat levels.
ZVPKXN - Makes the bottom right corner of Mario invisible, and the game will crash at one point.
IOIAAK - Edits the World Maps a bit. ;)
EPPSTL - Edits World 1-1 Music to be Castle Boss Theme, and the terrain to change a bit.
EEIIII - Enimies act/look different, and the ending roulette is different as well.
OOZZOO - Makes Mario do a tiny swim jump, and changes graphics. I do remeber this code doing somthing else, so it might be random. :P
Mega Man 2
VZGPNU - This code did somthing but I can't remember it now. If you can rediscover it that'd be great! :D
YEAAAA - Play game without music (Why would you want to do that? :P). The YEAAAA code is also a famous one for Super Mario Bros.
My strategy for making up codes is randomly putting letters in. And how do I play them? I use FCE Ultra GX for the Nintendo Wii, and Nestopia for the PC. I also have the Game Genie ROM. Here is a download for it:
You need to rename the file from "Game Genie.nes" to "gg.rom" for it to work with FCEUX and FCE Ultra GX.
You can also find Emulators at The Emulator Zone.
And you can find most ROMs (The game files) from
NOTE: Downloading ROMs is ILLEGAL. Download them at your OWN risk.
I have removed the Game Genie ROM download because of this. PM me if you want it.
If you're curious, I do own a Game Genie, and NES. :P
Last edited by Mari0Maker on 04 Mar 2014, 22:03, edited 6 times in total.
- Posts: 1795
- Joined: 03 Sep 2012, 05:12

I have a list I might try (not anything I know for sure, but they sound funny and I made them up):
Code: Select all
DOLAND <Nintendo Land, or Dolan D.
- Posts: 1348
- Joined: 07 Apr 2012, 17:10
I'll try them out for you if you want. I probably wont be able to use all of them though, due to Game Genie only having a small selection of letters.TheJonyMyster wrote:*picture*
I have a list I might try (not anything I know for sure, but they sound funny and I made them up):
Also, ... _bros.html

And I've seen that list on Game before, but what I'm trying to do is creative, although those codes are helpful.
- Posts: 1795
- Joined: 03 Sep 2012, 05:12
Topic bumped. Now what do you do? >Post message
I made some that actually work:
I made some that actually work:
Code: Select all
YEATET: Walk animation change to include Mario's leg flashing above Mario
YOTATO: Enemies/Powerups may (visually) disappear/reappear, enemies bounce you high up, 1 out of two fireballs are invisible (but still do damage), and music mutes out some instruments
POGONO: Flag is missing the bottom part
POGTEX: Game crashes is a couple of steps
YOTOTA: No music
POTYPO: Mario and enemies are invisible and can't hurt each other. Mario is only visible when he's on the far left of the screen
OATPIG: water levels have the daytime background and no watery thingy (visually) on the top, No lava, and castle level entrance/exits are missing the outer walls
PIGPAL: In random parts of 1-1, the left parts of clouds are found
PALPIG: Random blocks/letter-blocks scattered about, mostly non-solid and vines, but occasionally solid blocks (and even re-palleted blocks and working pipes!) does not affect underground levels, water levels, or castles.
OKAYGO: instant crash (What a contradiction.)
ANANAN: The music is changed really cooly, random coins fly in the sky, and jumping too much or too high crashes the game. The game crashes itself at 377
ANANON + ONANON: Epic star music
ONANAN: Epic all music (I love this one)
ONGOLA: Crashes game (all blue)
GIPLAP: You can't move left or right
ATTYSY: some sounds are slightly different (Pause, a chord in overworld, grow sound, 1up (i think))
YSYTTA: Mushrooms/1ups move normally, but as if there were more platform under them.
(They just keep going after they pass the edge.)
- Posts: 1348
- Joined: 07 Apr 2012, 17:10
Nice codes! I'll play with them myself sometime soon.TheJonyMyster wrote:Topic bumped. Now what do you do? >Post message
I made some that actually work:Code: Select all
YEATET: Walk animation change to include Mario's leg flashing above Mario YOTATO: Enemies/Powerups may (visually) disappear/reappear, enemies bounce you high up, 1 out of two fireballs are invisible (but still do damage), and music mutes out some instruments POGONO: Flag is missing the bottom part POGTEX: Game crashes is a couple of steps YOTOTA: No music POTYPO: Mario and enemies are invisible and can't hurt each other. Mario is only visible when he's on the far left of the screen OATPIG: water levels have the daytime background and no watery thingy (visually) on the top, No lava, and castle level entrance/exits are missing the outer walls PIGPAL: In random parts of 1-1, the left parts of clouds are found PALPIG: Random blocks/letter-blocks scattered about, mostly non-solid and vines, but occasionally solid blocks (and even re-palleted blocks and working pipes!) does not affect underground levels, water levels, or castles. OKAYGO: instant crash (What a contradiction.) ANANAN: The music is changed really cooly, random coins fly in the sky, and jumping too much or too high crashes the game. The game crashes itself at 377 ANANON + ONANON: Epic star music ONANAN: Epic all music (I love this one) ONGOLA: Crashes game (all blue) GIPLAP: You can't move left or right ATTYSY: some sounds are slightly different (Pause, a chord in overworld, grow sound, 1up (i think)) YSYTTA: Mushrooms/1ups move normally, but as if there were more platform under them. (They just keep going after they pass the edge.)
One thing I've learned is if you change the last two letters, it seems to get the same effect, but a little changed (or something totally new). You should try it out sometime. :)
- Posts: 1795
- Joined: 03 Sep 2012, 05:12
I've been putting them backwards.
Also, have you heard of the best smb code? YEAAAA.
I didn't make it, but it's the best.
Also also, all of the codes I give you are for smb + duck hunt.
Also, have you heard of the best smb code? YEAAAA.
I didn't make it, but it's the best.
Also also, all of the codes I give you are for smb + duck hunt.
- Posts: 524
- Joined: 02 Jun 2012, 03:40
I do have one very important question here... How did you get the GG ROM to work on Nestopia? I seem to be having troubles using it and the game I want to run in tandem.
- Posts: 892
- Joined: 08 Aug 2012, 00:23
Most emulators have built in Game Genie options, don't they?
- Posts: 1795
- Joined: 03 Sep 2012, 05:12
It's the edit tab at the top left of the screen.HAPPYFACES wrote:I do have one very important question here... How did you get the GG ROM to work on Nestopia? I seem to be having troubles using it and the game I want to run in tandem.
- Posts: 524
- Joined: 02 Jun 2012, 03:40
Nestopia does, but it has this thing where it only allows verified Game Genie codes. But no worries, I got FCUEX, built in gg.rom support :3
- Posts: 1795
- Joined: 03 Sep 2012, 05:12
Verified game genie codes?..HAPPYFACES wrote:Nestopia does, but it has this thing where it only allows verified Game Genie codes. But no worries, I got FCUEX, built in gg.rom support :3
- Posts: 1348
- Joined: 07 Apr 2012, 17:10
Trust me, took a while for myself to find out how to use Game Genie on FCEUX. :PHAPPYFACES wrote:Nestopia does, but it has this thing where it only allows verified Game Genie codes. But no worries, I got FCUEX, built in gg.rom support :3
Yep, heard of the "YEAAAA" code. A lot.
I also edited my main post, clarifying about ROMs.
- Posts: 37
- Joined: 20 Mar 2013, 23:55
What about the wii HomeBrew NES emulator called FCE Ultra GX will it use homemade codes or not?HAPPYFACES wrote:Nestopia does, but it has this thing where it only allows verified Game Genie codes. But no worries, I got FCUEX, built in gg.rom support :3
- Posts: 524
- Joined: 02 Jun 2012, 03:40
Well, I haven't worked too much on Emu's with Wii (Mainly hacked my Wii to muck around with Call of Poopy and screw with codes and stuff) But since FCEUX has support for the actual Game Genie ROM, I assume your Emu might as well too. But you're asking on the wrong forum. Try, google search it.
- Posts: 1348
- Joined: 07 Apr 2012, 17:10
Yep, it can. That's where I make most of my codes.SuperScourge wrote:What about the wii HomeBrew NES emulator called FCE Ultra GX will it use homemade codes or not?HAPPYFACES wrote:Nestopia does, but it has this thing where it only allows verified Game Genie codes. But no worries, I got FCUEX, built in gg.rom support :3
Just put the "gg.rom" on you SD Card in the "fceugx" folder (NOT IN THE CHEATS).
Then just turn the Game Genie option "ON" in FCE Ultra GX on the Wii.
I know lots about Wii Softmodding. XD
- Posts: 524
- Joined: 02 Jun 2012, 03:40
Then you my friend, are my friend :3 Got Mario Kart? I pwomise I won't use my infinite Star code >u<
- Posts: 2996
- Joined: 02 Feb 2012, 21:32
Mari0Maker wrote:I know lots about Wii Softmodding. XD
I really hope this conversation turns into Mario Kart Custom Tracks.HAPPYFACES wrote:Then you my friend, are my friend :3 Got Mario Kart?
- Posts: 524
- Joined: 02 Jun 2012, 03:40
That would require SDK's for the Wii, decompilers... Techniques to decrease load times, coding new menus, all that jazz. I don't know if I can do that ^^;
- Posts: 1795
- Joined: 03 Sep 2012, 05:12
Besides, there's already a kart racing topic. Mari0Maker, have you tried my codes?
- Posts: 2996
- Joined: 02 Feb 2012, 21:32
HAPPYFACES wrote:That would require SDK's for the Wii, decompilers... Techniques to decrease load times, coding new menus, all that jazz. I don't know if I can do that ^^;
but let's stop derailing this topic
- Posts: 1348
- Joined: 07 Apr 2012, 17:10
Nope, don't have it, and I don't even have Internet on my Wii. But, I plan hope to get it for my B-Day.HAPPYFACES wrote:Then you my friend, are my friend :3 Got Mario Kart? I pwomise I won't use my infinite Star code >u<
I will be using CTGP (Custom Tracks Grand Prix) as well, which will be the main reason why I'd get it, as I've borrowed it before and was close to %100 percenting it.
And as Camewel said, yes, lets not derail this topic.
We'd need a Wii/Wii U Hacking/Modding thread.
Which I may make unless someone beats me to it.
- Posts: 524
- Joined: 02 Jun 2012, 03:40
Go ahead and do it! And needless to say, let's try to keep ROM downloading out of it! :3
Camewel: I actually meant like, making our own MKW maps...
And on topic: FGCUEX Has become my go-to Emu when I wanna mess around with Game Genie. Thanks for the info, whoever-it-was-that-talked-about-it.
Camewel: I actually meant like, making our own MKW maps...
And on topic: FGCUEX Has become my go-to Emu when I wanna mess around with Game Genie. Thanks for the info, whoever-it-was-that-talked-about-it.
- Posts: 37
- Joined: 20 Mar 2013, 23:55
I did all that and I have the old Multi Game cart that Came with the NES Super Mario Bros. + Duck Hunt and I just don't know if I could use those Super Mario Bros. Game Genie codes for it since this is two games in one.Mari0Maker wrote:Yep, it can. That's where I make most of my codes.SuperScourge wrote:What about the wii HomeBrew NES emulator called FCE Ultra GX will it use homemade codes or not?HAPPYFACES wrote:Nestopia does, but it has this thing where it only allows verified Game Genie codes. But no worries, I got FCUEX, built in gg.rom support :3
Just put the "gg.rom" on you SD Card in the "fceugx" folder (NOT IN THE CHEATS).
Then just turn the Game Genie option "ON" in FCE Ultra GX on the Wii.
I know lots about Wii Softmodding. XD
I hacked the wii with the easiest hack which was the Banner Bomb hack.
- Posts: 2996
- Joined: 02 Feb 2012, 21:32
I refuse to go any further off topic so I will say that it's a bad idea to use a Game Genie on an original NES system. I had a friend (granted via the internet) who broke his NES with it, because it bends pins or something. He had to have the Game Genie in to play.HAPPYFACES wrote:Go ahead and do it! And needless to say, let's try to keep ROM downloading out of it! :3
Camewel: I actually meant like, making our own MKW maps...
And on topic: FGCUEX Has become my go-to Emu when I wanna mess around with Game Genie. Thanks for the info, whoever-it-was-that-talked-about-it.
- Posts: 931
- Joined: 02 Jul 2012, 16:05
I don't think it is legal to link a rom in forums. You could easily find one if you actually tried looking.MegaSuperab wrote:I WANT THE LINK TO THE ROM PLEASE!
Although, this is going off of me getting told in another forum that I shouldn't link them.
- Posts: 1348
- Joined: 07 Apr 2012, 17:10
Well, ROMs are illegal in the first place.
So yeah, you shouldn't link them anywhere.
So yeah, you shouldn't link them anywhere.
- Posts: 970
- Joined: 11 May 2012, 06:08
Roms aren't technically illegal, just the act of distribution/download of roms are illegal. Although if you boot over a rom yourself for your own personal use then its perfectly* legal.
*the whole thing is more of a grey area by itself, and I never really had to deal with any of this myself anyways so be warned.
*the whole thing is more of a grey area by itself, and I never really had to deal with any of this myself anyways so be warned.
- Posts: 2
- Joined: 10 Jul 2015, 01:31
To get back on track here... I will use
All codes made with SMB/Duck Hunt on original Nintendo Entertainment System.
SMB 1 Game Genie codes
XYPPPP: Screws up music, 1-1 plays underwater music, 1-2 plays star...
KZAGEO: Enemies stay in place, do nothing
AGPEPP: Crash..
OZPEPP: Same with base code, PPPEPP
I will post more when I get a phone, can bring my NES over to my cousin's and have internet there, get internet here and laptop fixed or this tablet again, which is on DATA.
All codes made with SMB/Duck Hunt on original Nintendo Entertainment System.
SMB 1 Game Genie codes
XYPPPP: Screws up music, 1-1 plays underwater music, 1-2 plays star...
KZAGEO: Enemies stay in place, do nothing
AGPEPP: Crash..
OZPEPP: Same with base code, PPPEPP
I will post more when I get a phone, can bring my NES over to my cousin's and have internet there, get internet here and laptop fixed or this tablet again, which is on DATA.