Pixel art and sprites go here

If it doesn't fit elsewhere, it should go here
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Post » 05 May 2014, 04:02


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Post » 05 May 2014, 04:21

MagicPillow wrote:Image
Something something white spaces something something text not same size.

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Post » 05 May 2014, 04:26

I think it looks fine, I've got no idea what you mean. Are you the big-pixel-then-small-pixel thing? Or do you mean the letters themselves not being the same horizontal dimensions?

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Post » 05 May 2014, 05:23

Firaga wrote:Something something white spaces

Other than those things I thought the name picture thing was rather cool MP. Nice job.

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Post » 05 May 2014, 05:24

WiloKing wrote:I think it looks fine, I've got no idea what you mean. Are you the big-pixel-then-small-pixel thing? Or do you mean the letters themselves not being the same horizontal dimensions?
White spaces in between letters with enclosed spaces.
Everything is in capitals except for the "i".

It would have been kind of cool if the capital "A" was MagicPillow's OC.

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Post » 05 May 2014, 05:29


Also the U being even pixel width while everything else is odd pixel width irritates me to the point of me questioning my own sanity
Well questioning it more than I usually do anyway
You know what I mean

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Post » 05 May 2014, 05:32

Yeah, it looks weird to me too, but I made it that was so that the words could be centered.

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Post » 06 May 2014, 01:41



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Post » 06 May 2014, 16:02

Not technically pixel art but here's my version of the 'Magic you fool' image.

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Post » 07 May 2014, 06:48

I swear, every time I blink, that image moves slightly.
If I remember in a week, I'll do my own animated version.

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Post » 07 May 2014, 08:55

Decided to do a lil' pixel me.
May try re-doing it at some point.
hey whaddya know?

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Post » 10 May 2014, 07:23

that looks like a guy i know actually
also its good
all three of them

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Post » 14 May 2014, 05:37


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Post » 14 May 2014, 13:22

No, MM102...

Made for Turtle95's blog, but he haven't used it yet...

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Post » 18 May 2014, 11:11

I made a animated headcrab out of page 6 that non-movin headcrab http://oi57.tinypic.com/2mfad02.jpg

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Post » 18 May 2014, 13:38

welcome to the forums,Aarone2004!

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Post » 18 May 2014, 15:39

Aarone2004 wrote:I made a animated headcrab out of page 6 that non-movin headcrab http://oi57.tinypic.com/2mfad02.jpg
Looks good.
Are you going to use it for anything?

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Post » 24 May 2014, 06:45

I made a Double Cherry from Super Mario 3D World while listening to Double Cherry Pass in 8-bit. Instead of doing another Jorichi fad drawing.
Yeah, it's meant for IOSMB4. It's a planned item.

(Wow, you can't see the shading I did on it. I guess I'll try again another time...)


Edit Edit:


Now we can have


that cool stuff you see when you put it all together

Edit Edit Edit:

(I screwed up on the screws some, I'll fix that later.)

Edit Edit Edit Edit:

So that I don't forget.
Last edited by Cake on 28 May 2014, 15:56, edited 1 time in total.

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Post » 27 May 2014, 17:25

F. L. U. D. D.!

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Post » 30 May 2014, 06:46


I drew up a better mushroom than I had previously, but it's on graph paper.
I also plan to animate that and the star.
(Not to self: Make FLUDD rotate slower.)
But yeah, I'll just keep updating this post for future previews of my sprites.

Update 1:

I call this a Rocket Rem Launcher.
It shoots fireworks at a constant rate that explode when coming into contact with the player.
It could also be set to / default to explode at a certain height / never for the above option.
(Should it be animated like this (like a ? Block?) or static, like Bullet Bill cannons? I mean, I don't want it to seem like you can hit it from below (I've been disappointed by things like this before) but I don't want time to stand still. I want you to seem like you're standing in a real, living world. Where the bushes sway and clouds float by.

(So yeah, in my freetime on the computer now, I'll be doing this sort of thing.)

Update 2:

I have yet to animate the bobbing mushroom, but I'll get to it.
Something about it still looks off to me, though...

Update 3:
Animated the star, I'll reupdate this update with better animations for the other animations.
I still haven't animated the mushroom...

Update 4:

Update 5:

New item, it's called the Shield Suite.
Basically, it gives you 2 extra hits that will be blocked.

Update 6:
A new enemy, ablit not creative (A recolor could do the trick) this thing rolls around, is invincible to fire, can't be jumped on, but can be defeated with electricity.
This is also one of the first enemies that we created.

Update 7:

A bob-omb, (That's a little fast... I should also try to add frames) and more importantly, a Image battpack.
Battery pack.
New power-up.
Equivalent to the Fire Flower.
And that's all I'll say.

(There's electricity at the top of the battery, but you can't see it with this background...)
Last edited by Cake on 01 Jun 2014, 08:34, edited 5 times in total.

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Post » 30 May 2014, 16:51

Game I was making but gave up on it for a while. Was never really satisfied with the colors, even though I made it very very simplistic.

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Post » 30 May 2014, 20:40

Water Is Actually Glass: The Game

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Post » 30 May 2014, 23:57

Raicuparta wrote:Game I was making but gave up on it for a while. Was never really satisfied with the colors, even though I made it very very simplistic.
Looks awesome, i would like you to finish it, but it's your choice.

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Post » 31 May 2014, 02:44

TurretBot wrote:Water Is Actually Glass: The Game
T'was actually supposed to be a mirror and it symbolizes all the people who have done me wrong, because they are all dead now, in the same fashion mirrors are.

I dropped it because if I wanted it to be exactly as I imagined it, it would take me years to finish by myself. Also I was using an HTML5 framework called Phaser, which still has some room for improvement and is very dependent on browser support.

You can play around with a barely even working version here:

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Post » 31 May 2014, 04:02

god DAMN! walk cycles are hard!

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Post » 01 Jun 2014, 18:55

Since it's been 2 days since and no one really pays notice to my stuff, (unless you were on steam)



I call this a Rocket Rem Launcher.
It shoots fireworks at a constant rate that explode when coming into contact with the player.
It could also be set to / default to explode at a certain height / never for the above option.
(Should it be animated like this (like a ? Block?) or static, like Bullet Bill cannons? I mean, I don't want it to seem like you can hit it from below (I've been disappointed by things like this before) but I don't want time to stand still. I want you to seem like you're standing in a real, living world. Where the bushes sway and clouds float by.


New item, it's called the Shield Suite.
Basically, it gives you 2 extra hits that will be blocked.
(I plan to make 3 more, but it's tedious to make rotating sprites...)

A new enemy, ablit not creative (A recolor could do the trick) this thing rolls around, is invincible to fire, can't be jumped on, but can be defeated with electricity.
This is also one of the first enemies that we created.


A bob-omb. (That's a little fast... I should also try to add frames)

Battery pack.
New power-up.
Equivalent to the Fire Flower.
And that's all I'll say.

(There's electricity at the top of the battery, but you can't see it with this background...)

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Post » 01 Jun 2014, 20:10

imaginary cake wrote:Since it's been 2 days since and no one really pays notice to my stuff, (unless you were on steam)
Just because no one's complimenting your stuff doesn't mean they aren't paying any attention to them.

I for one really like how they're turning out, and would like to know what you're going to use them for.

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Post » 01 Jun 2014, 22:49


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Post » 01 Jun 2014, 23:44

If Only Super Mario Bros 4.

A project that got started a year ago, that's meant to be everything I want the next Super Mario Bros to be: have a story, a huge variety of levels, no level is quite the same, (all memorable) exploring some new world themes, different power-ups, multiple people to choose from, so on and so forth.

I did a couple of tilesets awhile ago, although I need to fix the shadowing now.

But yeah, I've just been doing a lot of simple sprites.

(And it's not that I'm mad that I'm not getting compliments, it's just that people weren't asking questions or even replying.)

So have 2 more.

(I'm really starting to get the hang of rotating sprites...)
But yeah, there's 4 suites of the same power-up for each character, as it's just not hearts circling different people each time. I'm just adding variety, that's all.
I bet you can also guess which suite goes to which character.
(Other than blue- that's Yoshi's.)

I may do a crown version, and a nightcap version.

Edit Edit: ImageImage

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Post » 03 Jun 2014, 07:59

I'm trying to work on the sprites, but there really isn't enough time for me to do this this week.
But yeah, I wanted to add those green ! boxes under the caps, and animate them slightly.
I also made unanimated brick blocks.
I also plan to do different color varieties of the ? block since blue is for underground or the sky or something.
I also plan on a redesign of the battery and a new power-up that's also getting redesigned right now.
And then I'll go back and do those enemies that I scanned twice.

One last thing:
I'm working on some more story development, and I think it's pretty good right now.
All I need is to consult Victinistar and another friend, in addition to a probable reply from renhoek that I probably want to discuss with the most since he gets the jest of the Mario series. (and there really isn't anyone else to talk to about it besides Willware, of whom I've kept his advice from a year ago. I plan on fulfilling almost every one of those suggestions now.) I also want to figure out the optimal size for the game screen, as I also plan on creating a font in addition to character profiles since I also want dialogue.

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Post » 04 Jun 2014, 05:14

I don't exactly know what the context of of magic's avatar is
but I wanted to make this


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Post » 04 Jun 2014, 05:44

I never did do that "MAGIC YOU FOOL" animation.
But that looks nice and I'm wondering what MagicPillow will make you do to "Pay"

I also hate to keep overriding whatever's here, but I don't want to start a third thread.
I also don't want to revive the first thread because I posted 4 times in a row just to keep it on the front page.
In other words, I looked like an Idiot.

Anyways, I did this stuff yesterday, but couldn't upload it due to sharing computer time with others.

The second brick block is in case I have 2 rows of brick blocks directly on top of each other.
It's both a part of OCD and making things look right.

I also think that I need to make another metal cap sprite for when the hat one is facing right.
And do that for anything else that's asymmetrical.
You can't flip them either, because of the shading.

I am making so many sprites now
By the way, I am overly open about changing the metal blocks and caps.
I really want to color them to match their characters more.
I also think Mario's looks weird.
And if you have any ideas about what represents metal more than renhoek's idea of a metal cap and green ! block, I'd really like to hear it.

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Post » 04 Jun 2014, 06:24

I think a metal tool, such as a wrench, a ball bearing, screw, or nail, perhaps a welding mask could represent metal.

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Post » 04 Jun 2014, 08:05

Suites and suits are two different words bud -_-

I like how you got them off paper and into game-style gifs. Although... heh... we're gonna need probs 50-100 tiles of stuff for the game.

Also, I was wondering, when ingame, is it a gif that's displayed separately on it, or is it timed to only run on the game. I cannot word the question correctly but how does it work? Does it only show certain sprites when you push a key for so long or what? (That may be a better way to word it)

Also, weren't we using a nut for metal characters?

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Post » 04 Jun 2014, 16:13

I scrapped the nut because it was too plain and unrepresentative.

I also do not plan on using paper to make these sprites, as I'm much faster when actually using GIMP to do it.

I'm also sure that the GIFs cannot be displayed inside the game itself, instead being read from a vertical column- basically copying the first 16x16 box of pixels, and when the next time increment is hit, it copies the next 16x16 box of pixels below that is copied into the game.
That's how they animate Mario in all of the games, but instead of with timing, whatever buttons are pressed will ultimately control which set of pixels are displayed, in conjunction with some timing if you're running or something.
This is what I've learned from SMBX, as well as any other general sprite sheets without it being explained to me.
And converting these from GIFs to vertical columns is easy, I'm just using GIFS right now to show what it would look like.
Lastly, all animations (or images, for that matter) will require a line of code or two to tell what the delay rate is between the frames, in addition to the other lines of code that determine which sections of the column will be looped, in addition to the properties that image has in addition to it's actual function in the game.

Did that make any sense?

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Post » 08 Jun 2014, 07:00

I don't want to post this in the IOSMB4 thread necessarily yet
Because this is my first real walking animation kinda sorta really
and it's hard.
It's like the legs wither aren't fluid enough or they're all over the place.
(I do know though that the arms are mismatched.

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Post » 08 Jun 2014, 07:37

walk cycles are hard
this was my first attempt at them
just find a sprite sheet with a good walking animation and base your sprites off that

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Post » 08 Jun 2014, 07:43

It looks like you're stumbling in the dark or something.

Anyways, I took the Yoshi's Island sprite, edited it some, and redid the shading.

I was planning on making a bunch of color variants of Shy Guys and ? Blocks, but the walking animation cut me short.

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Post » 09 Jun 2014, 02:14


Did it by accident, i made the detail from my hoody too long, and i started to look like Link

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Post » 09 Jun 2014, 03:46

MM102 wrote:I don't exactly know what the context of of magic's avatar is
Trist3D wrote:Did I get the spikes right?Image

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Post » 14 Jun 2014, 07:01


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Post » 15 Jun 2014, 05:19

please don't post stuff that could be taken offensive unless you're adding to the conversation
even if you didn't mean it to be offensive you should at least state that

I did more

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Post » 15 Jun 2014, 09:04

That's cool, MM102. Are you doing this for some project or is it just for fun?

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Post » 15 Jun 2014, 09:40

MM102 wrote:please don't post stuff that could be taken offensive unless you're adding to the conversation
even if you didn't mean it to be offensive you should at least state that
I did more
You guys would kill yourselves if you ever visited 4chan.

Cool animation, is she saying anything specific or is it that haunting mouth blabber that RPGs have that seem to have that can form any sentence?
"Objection! Babababababa."

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Post » 15 Jun 2014, 10:16

Automatik wrote:That's cool, MM102. Are you doing this for some project or is it just for fun?
I'm doing it for this (don't mind that it says 2008 this is just an example)
Trist3D wrote: Cool animation, is she saying anything specific or is it that haunting mouth blabber that RPGs have that seem to have that can form any sentence?
"Objection! Babababababa."
the latter :P
Trist3D wrote: You guys would kill yourselves if you ever visited 4chan.
I wasn't really saying it for me and, I would expect our forum to be better than the likes of 4chan.

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Post » 15 Jun 2014, 10:45

Trist3D wrote: You guys would kill yourselves if you ever visited 4chan.
Yeah, but at least when you go on 4chan, you expect that kind of thing.
That picture should have been at least in a spoiler.

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Post » 15 Jun 2014, 11:17

Automatik wrote:
Trist3D wrote: You guys would kill yourselves if you ever visited 4chan.
Yeah, but at least when you go on 4chan, you expect that kind of thing.
That picture should have been at least in a spoiler.
Good point.
Trist3D wrote:that RPGs have that seem to have that
What the heck did I just say?

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Post » 15 Jun 2014, 16:02



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Post » 16 Jun 2014, 04:07

The worst edit known to mankind!

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Post » 16 Jun 2014, 05:10

made a fucking bunny look at how fucking cute it is