So this is how things are going to happen:
- - The person that wants to answer questions has to make a post here saying that you want to, and maybe add some other information.
- The ones that want to ask a question to someone, have to ask like this:@*name of the person*
*Insert question here*
1. No arguments. (If you're going to do them, do it in PMs)
2. After your question has been answered, cross it out with the tag.
You can currently ask a question to
- LightningFire
- Qcode
- idiot9.0
- popcan12
- RWLabs
- rokit boy
- thunderflipper
- Turret Opera
- WillWare
- tesselode
- Chippy348
- drone36
- SMP2
- cavejohnson99
- FaycalMenouar
- Saso (IRC only)
- Jorichi
- xXxrenhoekxXx
- Pyr0saur
- samkostka
- Bonko
- mari0bros2
- Camewel
- pbalazs
- Assassin-Kiashi
- Sakura1221
- Kyle Prior
- LawnboyInAJar
- MrCytosine
- hatninja
The New Modders (Qcode and BobTheLawyer)
Notes: Even if you answer questions, you can still ask questions to other people. You can talk in 3rd person if you want, but don't just start a roleplay or something. And I may add some more rules. You can stop answering questions at any time.