you know, putting your thumb between A and B and rocking back and forth is a normal thing that has existed for 30+ years
the only time you would want to replace A with Y would be when you're constantly pressing both A and Y at the same time, which makes sense in the NSMB series
in smash, however, it makes less sense because I'm pretty sure you're not using A+B to do smash attacks, and instead you're using the C-stick.
- Posts: 678
- Joined: 05 Apr 2014, 04:04
I had a red 3ds I got for Xmas last year. Upgraded to a new 3ds xl (also red) for my birthday this year.
- Posts: 599
- Joined: 22 Jun 2013, 18:44
Sick. I actually wanted one that color but they were out.
- Posts: 1401
- Joined: 06 Mar 2012, 03:29
I wanted blue again but that didn't release in North America at the time. I still don't think it's out here.
...hooray for day 1 releases.
...hooray for day 1 releases.