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Post » 28 Feb 2012, 02:56

Who's got one?

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Post » 28 Feb 2012, 03:01

I do, I actually spent a good 30 mins making a device to record from one out of large Lego blocks and a PS2 Eyetoy. I do love the 3DS.

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Post » 28 Feb 2012, 03:14

Camewel wrote:I do, I actually spent a good 30 mins making a device to record from one out of large Lego blocks and a PS2 Eyetoy. I do love the 3DS.
Sounds cool! What kind of games do you have?

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Post » 28 Feb 2012, 03:28

Zelda, MK7, SM3DL, Pokemon Rumble, Cave Story ad Star Fox. You?

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Post » 28 Feb 2012, 03:41

I have the first 3 you named, but not the last 3.

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Post » 28 Feb 2012, 04:15

I do as well. I am part of the "ambassador program" which is just a fancy name for saying "you get these 20 old games for free because you paid original price before we dropped it because we realised it wouldn't sell very well at that price"
I have Zelda, Mario Kart 7(a bit disappointing) and Super Mario 3d Land.

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Post » 28 Feb 2012, 04:28

same as Kyle i paid the original and then it broke but oh well i was part of the ambassador program too.

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Post » 28 Feb 2012, 05:12

I'm kind of looking forward to getting Mario Kart 7, so if I get a 3DS, I'm definitely getting that.

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Post » 28 Feb 2012, 06:21

I'm in the ambassador program as well. I sort of think it's worth it. My friend bought it early even though he was aware of the price drop just for the games. As for Mario Kart 7, I agree. The character selection isn't that great, and the lack of a VS mode really brings it down. The online multiplayer is excellent, though.

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Post » 28 Feb 2012, 09:21

me and mario 3d land and kart 7... Why am I so special ?

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Post » 28 Feb 2012, 10:13

Mario Kart 7 is stupidly luck-based. MKDS was very good at letting skilled people win, MKWii less so, and with MK7 it's just like gambling. It really irritates me sometimes.

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Post » 28 Feb 2012, 10:22

Super Mario Kart was the only good mario kart I have ever played.

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Post » 28 Feb 2012, 10:23

Camewel wrote:Mario Kart 7 is stupidly luck-based. MKDS was very good at letting skilled people win, MKWii less so, and with MK7 it's just like gambling. It really irritates me sometimes.

skip to 1:22

my fav mario kart was double dash, the recent one's are stupidly luck based.

Maurice wrote:Super Mario Kart was the only good mario kart I have ever played.

nope not even the first one was fair.
Last edited by renhoek on 01 Mar 2012, 16:20, edited 1 time in total.

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Post » 28 Feb 2012, 10:29

Maurice wrote:Super Mario Kart was the only good mario kart I have ever played.
the fake 3d graphics are fun, but you can't say mario kart 64 wasn't good. It's so classic !

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Post » 28 Feb 2012, 11:53

Didn't have a N64. I was one of the cool kids with a playstation.

The amount of POLYGONS that thing could render. Hot damn!

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Post » 28 Feb 2012, 11:58

pfff - I was one of the really cool kids with a game boy advance sp - woaahh the amount of pixels that thing can still render. hot crap!

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Post » 28 Feb 2012, 11:59

> Too poor for handheld AND console.

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Post » 28 Feb 2012, 12:10

I have no idea but my parents were able to buy both a plastayion and an n64 (playstation when I was about 5 n64 when I was about 7 I guess)
I currently have an xbox 360, ps3, wii, How the fuck am I able to own this stuff?

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Post » 28 Feb 2012, 12:32

lol yea I have one gameboy advance, one wii, that's it (and a couple of pc's for the family). if you count the emulators on my pc, though, i have a nes, snes, bunch of arcade things, n64, atari2600, gameboy color, two wii's, a ds, a playstation, etc. ;)
@renhoek coooooool kirby animation. keep it. forever.

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Post » 28 Feb 2012, 12:38

trosh wrote:@renhoek coooooool kirby animation. keep it. forever.
thanks but if it's even possible to make it cooler it's going to change. (it will still be kirby tho ;) )

but I like the way it is right now tho

(and the first person to make the obvious joke from the show that I'm not even going to name, I am going to murder you!)

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Post » 28 Feb 2012, 12:43

Ah the good old consoles!
I've got a three NES' (99 games), a SNES, a N64 and a Wii. I'll receive a GameCube soon for my RE games.
I have a 360 (the first one), a 360 elite AND the new 360.
Why? Well I got the first 360 from my brother who gave it to me because it was broken (I fixed it).
and the elite died on me and with the warranty from the store I bought a new 360 (I got to keep the broken one). :p
My only handheld is a PSP (I am a huge fan of the DJ Max Portable series). No 3DS though. I can't see the 3D anyway (my right eye is damaged) xD
But I still want it for RE, Mario and Zelda games...
I also still have my old Xbox with the small and big controllers xD
I also have the scope cannon thing and Mario Paint for the SNES, they both still function perfectly.
I'm more of an oldskool gamer, I guess...

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Post » 28 Feb 2012, 13:04

Jorichi wrote:Ah the good old consoles!
I've got a three NES' (99 games), a SNES, a N64 and a Wii. I'll receive a GameCube soon for my RE games.
I have a 360 (the first one), a 360 elite AND the new 360.
Why? Well I got the first 360 from my brother who gave it to me because it was broken (I fixed it).
and the elite died on me and with the warranty from the store I bought a new 360 (I got to keep the broken one). :p
My only handheld is a PSP (I am a huge fan of the DJ Max Portable series). No 3DS though. I can't see the 3D anyway (my right eye is damaged) xD
But I still want it for RE, Mario and Zelda games...
I also still have my old Xbox with the small and big controllers xD
I also have the scope cannon thing and Mario Paint for the SNES, they both still function perfectly.
I'm more of an oldskool gamer, I guess...

any way the consoles I listed aren't all my consoles, my oldest (sadly it broke :( ) console was a sega gennisis,
I'm not going to list all my consoles but I only have past n64 + playstation (and maybe gameboy colo(u)r)

but something that's bothered me for years

on my sega gennesis I had this game that was (I couldn't even read when I played it keep in mind.)
about tiny planes and there was some kind of queen plane or something and some treasure got stolen and these two planes came in and it was a co-op game and you'd start at the top of this mountain and fly down (auto scroller) and then there were walls liek... hang on this is whats in my memory
and the first boss was a green plane...
Yeah I know these examples suck but it did rip off this song that would really help me explain if I knew what the song was called
I would really like to know what it was called please if this rings any bells please tell me :( it won't leave my head!!!

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Post » 28 Feb 2012, 13:23

I think it might be somewhere in this list:
But I could be wrong. I need more info xD

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Post » 28 Feb 2012, 13:30

my retarded mind at the time kept calling bumby bobbers or something like that I don't know it was like 10 years ago.

EDIT: I think the 1st player was blue and I do remember da planes had faces

I would say the concept for the game sounds incredably stupid but we have fat italian plumbers jumping on mushrooms and talking hedgehogs who are blue and can't swim.

also I'm starting to think it may have been a pre school game but I do remember there being a shop of some kind.

Hope this helps.

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Post » 28 Feb 2012, 13:53

xXxrenhoekxXx wrote:my retarded mind at the time kept calling bumby bobbers or something like that I don't know it was like 10 years ago.
EDIT: I think the 1st player was blue and I do remember da planes had faces
I would say the concept for the game sounds incredably stupid but we have fat italian plumbers jumping on mushrooms and talking hedgehogs who are blue and can't swim.
also I'm starting to think it may have been a pre school game but I do remember there being a shop of some kind.
Hope this helps.
I can't seem to find anything like it. Are you sure it was on the Sega Genesis? xD

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Post » 28 Feb 2012, 14:06

Jorichi wrote:
xXxrenhoekxXx wrote:my retarded mind at the time kept calling bumby bobbers or something like that I don't know it was like 10 years ago.
EDIT: I think the 1st player was blue and I do remember da planes had faces
I would say the concept for the game sounds incredably stupid but we have fat italian plumbers jumping on mushrooms and talking hedgehogs who are blue and can't swim.
also I'm starting to think it may have been a pre school game but I do remember there being a shop of some kind.
Hope this helps.
I can't seem to find anything like it. Are you sure it was on the Sega Genesis? xD
posative why the hell would sonic the hedgehog be on the super nintend- ooooh

ok then why would sonic the hedgehog, toe jam & earl and Colums all be on super nintendo?

wow we've gone beyond the off-topic zone now...
Still I just want this game out of my head

it's ok if you don't know, ya don't have to search just for me.

EDIT: I think this game might have been a shmup

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Post » 28 Feb 2012, 14:14

My curiosity got to me... I'll keep looking till I get enough of it xD
So quick recap:
- Sega Genesis game.
- downward scrolling game with planes most likely with faces. Player one was blue.
- Treasure got stolen. queen-type airplane somewhere.
- Start at the top of a mountain and fly down.
- Called 'bumby bobbers' by your infant brain.

Was it purely flying? or also walking? Shooting? Puzzle?

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Post » 28 Feb 2012, 14:15

ugh that sonic thing is strange. reminds me I must warn never to try and play the NES sonic rom. worst thing ever.

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Post » 28 Feb 2012, 14:32


sorry to waste everyone's time but I found it during this video
(also saw a beta for blaster master 2 woulda been awsome if it came out for it cuz I (probably) could play it!) EDIT: nvm I think it did come out lol EDIT2: looks shity :(
it's called gadget twins and... I dunno what to do now
... Dunno if it's a good game or a bad game all I know is that the thorn in my back is finally gone...
anyone ever played it?

any way finally back on topic I do have a few apps on my 3ds
pokedex 3d, 3d exite bike, nintendo video, donkey kong (game boy), zelda link's awakening, Avenging spirit (another game like gadget twins that wouldn't leave my head.) game & watch gallery, photo dojo, nintendo 3ds embassador (not gonna list cuz we'd be here all day), zelda: four swords anniversary edition and mario clock.
EDIT: also noticed it didn't rip off the song I thought it played, and that my infant memory is retarded >.<

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Post » 29 Feb 2012, 00:49

The 3DS is a great product for people who hate money.

I own 5.

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Post » 29 Feb 2012, 02:44

Friend codes, anyone? Mine's 0946-2368-0593

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Post » 29 Feb 2012, 02:51

Pyr0saur wrote:Friend codes, anyone? Mine's 0946-2368-0593
For what?

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Post » 29 Feb 2012, 02:57

thunderflipper wrote:
Pyr0saur wrote:Friend codes, anyone? Mine's 0946-2368-0593
For what?

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Post » 29 Feb 2012, 04:50

I wanna get one but I dont have the money

I saw this article on N4G saying why you should get the 3DS over the vita and the comments were from a bunch of mad Sony fanboys

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Post » 29 Feb 2012, 05:03

Moncole wrote:I wanna get one but I dont have the money

I saw this article on N4G saying why you should get the 3DS over the vita and the comments were from a bunch of mad Sony fanboys

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Post » 29 Feb 2012, 11:21

not sure if I want to leak my friend code... don't want random requests from strangers (aka lurkers.)

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Post » 29 Feb 2012, 13:28

Moncole wrote:I wanna get one but I dont have the money

I saw this article on N4G saying why you should get the 3DS over the vita and the comments were from a bunch of mad Sony fanboys
I'm sure there's no nintendo fanboys.
None at all.

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Post » 29 Feb 2012, 13:53

Maurice wrote:
Moncole wrote:I wanna get one but I dont have the money

I saw this article on N4G saying why you should get the 3DS over the vita and the comments were from a bunch of mad Sony fanboys
I'm sure there's no nintendo fanboys.
None at all.
yez dere's no nintandop panboyz cuz all de fanboyz be at suncky and sucksosoft lOOOOOLzez nd noontoonda mke grat decesisons liek mateo time mahean ad mrtioz missing in france LOOOOOLZ rofl rofl rofl noontandop rulez.

if you took that seriously seek help... or you're a fanboy either way

but seriously I know there's fanboys out there, for some reason I can't find any but they are out there.
oh and can't console wars be something like this.
I did see something funny about the wars but I find this one more apealing :)

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Post » 29 Feb 2012, 16:35

Maurice wrote:
Moncole wrote:I wanna get one but I dont have the money

I saw this article on N4G saying why you should get the 3DS over the vita and the comments were from a bunch of mad Sony fanboys
I'm sure there's no nintendo fanboys.
None at all.
There are Nintendo fanboys.
But wow are the Sony fanboys funny.

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Post » 29 Feb 2012, 16:55

Sounds like something a nintendo fanboy would say.

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Post » 01 Mar 2012, 09:34

Maurice wrote:Sounds like something a nintendo fanboy would say.
he also missed you're obvious sarcasm.

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Post » 04 Mar 2012, 14:11

Maurice wrote:
Moncole wrote:I wanna get one but I dont have the money

I saw this article on N4G saying why you should get the 3DS over the vita and the comments were from a bunch of mad Sony fanboys
I'm sure there's no nintendo fanboys.
None at all.
I am a nintendo fan (the wii however is a pile of old people crap).i also love sony. I HATE MICROSOFT (mostly beacause you have to pay for online).

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Post » 04 Mar 2012, 16:16

[quote="jacobwin7"I HATE MICROSOFT (mostly beacause you have to pay for online).[/quote]

first you have to buy teh internetz modem and then buy their internetz...

also am I the only one tired of having to pay 100+ for most of the games out there in order to get everything?

I miss when we didn't have to pay for everything inside the game but had to earn it... whats even the point...
http://bulk.destructoid.com/ul/222749-r ... e-620x.jpg

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Post » 04 Sep 2015, 05:47

I have two 3DSs at the moment, but I've owned three: a blue 3DS with the original ambassador program, (which I then lost) a red 3DS that lost function in both it's shoulder buttons, and a shiny N3DSXL that I can't play right now for miscellaneous reasons.
Oh, and I'm trying to find a way to liven things up around here by doing something dumb and getting banned so that you guys can actually talk about something.
Either that, or I confirm that both Saso and Maurice are dead and the forum starts to implode.

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Post » 04 Sep 2015, 12:55

imaginary cake wrote:Oh, and I'm trying to find a way to liven things up around here by doing something dumb and getting banned so that you guys can actually talk about something.
Either that, or I confirm that both Saso and Maurice are dead and the forum starts to implode.
How is saying your plan going to help?

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Post » 13 Sep 2015, 05:03

I've owned 3 3DSes as well, one broke and got replaced, so I still have the replacement and a N3DSXL.

I let people smash me with my replacement, stole the idea from a friend at school who has both a japanese and american 3DS(XL).

Oh yea, and unlike cake I still have my Ambassador games. :T

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Post » 14 Sep 2015, 01:21

Defiant Shout wrote: I let people smash me with my replacement, stole the idea from a friend at school who has both a japanese and american 3DS(XL).
if I happened to have an extra copy of smash, that's what I would do
I don't know if people would like playing too much though when the shoulder buttons are broke

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Post » 14 Sep 2015, 08:34

Eh, a majority of people who play smash 3ds on a regular basis actually prefer the default shoulder operations on the abxy pad. At least from my experience.

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Post » 15 Sep 2015, 08:11

says the person that uses Y for standard attacks

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Post » 15 Sep 2015, 08:28

I feel so much jealousy of my comfortable right hand coming from you right now.