Free games to play.
- Posts: 144
- Joined: 11 Feb 2012, 09:17
This is a thread for free games to play along with Mari0!
Give a URL for the game.
Give a 1 sentence description/review.
Edit: Try to keep it SFW.
Edit: This is obvious, IT HAS TO BE FREE!
Edit: Try to keep it in this pattern: FORUMNAMEHERE - GAMENAME is a/an GAMEDESCRIPTIONHERE URLHERE
Edit: Don't edit your own posts, make a new one.
Play the games and Have Fun!
When you post a response I'll add it up here with your description and URL.
I'll start:
Ozuma36 - Nitronic Rush is an awesome free stunt survival racing game made by DigiPen:
Ozuma36 - Realm of the Mad God is a free(micro-transaction) MMORPG bullet-hell shooter:
trosh - Boxhead is an awesome awesome flash-zombie-killer game, where you, errr, kill zombies with lots of cool weapons with cool graphics:
tesselode - Teeworlds is a fun multiplayer platform-shooter thing:
popcan12 - Stick rpg 2 is the game where you make as much money as you can.
popcan12 - Hedgewars is basicly a free worms clone.
thunderflipper - Bowmaster Prelude is an awesome game
thunderflipper - Red Dragon is an awesome game
popcan12 - Great Dungeon in the Sky is a game with tons of unlockable characters ... in-the-sky
Kyle Prior - Not Tetris 2 is the spiritual successor of the classic Tetris mixed with physics
Moncole - Super Crate Box
Winning - Continuum/Server Trench Wars -
Twilight Sparkle - Dwarf Fortress a very fun strategy/management/worldbuilding game with a truly amazing amount of depth and a profoundly opaque UI. If you can figure out how to work it, you'll probably work it.
Hen Barrison - Begone is an FPS wIth decent grafIc qualIty and good Frames per sec If everyone has a decent connectIon. Can be found at
hatninja - Super Mario 63 is the best mario flash game I have ever played
moncole - Portal Flash - It is basically a flash 2D version of Portal
RumblezMan - Super Mario Bros Crossover 2.0 It's the first mario game (NES) but you have different characters and different designs such as GB Color and SNES ... -crossover
cowSheepo - Motherlode It was always fun. I don't really know how to explain it.
RumblezMan - Ace of Spades Someone put Minecraft and COD in a blender and that's the result. (Ozuma36 says: This is a favorite of mine!)
RumblezMan - Meat Boy Hard and fun. Thats all. (Ozuma36 says: If you like this, buy Super Meat Boy.)
hatninja - TrackMania Nations Forever A very good racing game, really fast and has a editor. (Ozuma36 says: Yet again, a favorite!)
LawnboyInAJar - Mari0 A complete from scratch recreation of Super Mario Bros. with a focus on perfectly imitating the feel the 1985 classic gave us. Then give Mario a portal gun, add puzzle game mechanics from Portal and there you go. And if that wasn't crazy enough, play 4-player coop, with everyone having their own Portal gun! Mari0: A complete from scratch recreation of Super Mario Bros. with a focus on perfectly imitating the feel the 1985 classic gave us. Then give Mario a portal gun, add puzzle game mechanics from Portal and there you go. And if that wasn't crazy enough, play 4-player coop, with everyone having their own Portal gun! (Ozuma36 says: Took somebody long enough!)
rokit boy - Bowman 2 - A free addicting game which you can't get enough of! Play against a player, NPC or go bird hunting! ... owman2.jsp
xXxrenhoekxXx - Abobo's big adventure
aveond - Spiral knights a free to play(or freemium, depends) real-time action RPG. It involves alot of grinding for money and alot of enemies, death, and all sorts of cool stuff. Check it out!
aveond - STICK RANGER!!! A 100% free online game, it cant really be explained. But its fun and ultimately addicting!
samkostka - Rockstar Classics: GTA 1 & 2 and Wild Metal
The classics that started the series you know today, available free from the publishers. Runs on any PC, and I mean any. You have to put your age as 17, because they are rated M.
LightningFire - Adventure Quest Worlds A MMO that plays in your Web Browser! Inspired by our three previous Flash online games, AQWorlds is a 100% web browser based MMO with real-time RPG combat, original art, and an entire world to explore. Battle monsters online with your friends and family to obtain wicked weapons, awesome armors, loyal pets and epic items! With all-new quests to play and unique gear to collect every week, you will become the Hero you've always known you were inside!
Penguin321 - Minecraft classic A free early version of minecraft. You can join servers. The version is very early and has no survival.
samkostka - Quake Live Quake 3 online. Play around with the quality if it's too slow, it will run on netbooks
Give a URL for the game.
Give a 1 sentence description/review.
Edit: Try to keep it SFW.
Edit: This is obvious, IT HAS TO BE FREE!
Edit: Try to keep it in this pattern: FORUMNAMEHERE - GAMENAME is a/an GAMEDESCRIPTIONHERE URLHERE
Edit: Don't edit your own posts, make a new one.
Play the games and Have Fun!
When you post a response I'll add it up here with your description and URL.
I'll start:
Ozuma36 - Nitronic Rush is an awesome free stunt survival racing game made by DigiPen:
Ozuma36 - Realm of the Mad God is a free(micro-transaction) MMORPG bullet-hell shooter:
trosh - Boxhead is an awesome awesome flash-zombie-killer game, where you, errr, kill zombies with lots of cool weapons with cool graphics:
tesselode - Teeworlds is a fun multiplayer platform-shooter thing:
popcan12 - Stick rpg 2 is the game where you make as much money as you can.
popcan12 - Hedgewars is basicly a free worms clone.
thunderflipper - Bowmaster Prelude is an awesome game
thunderflipper - Red Dragon is an awesome game
popcan12 - Great Dungeon in the Sky is a game with tons of unlockable characters ... in-the-sky
Kyle Prior - Not Tetris 2 is the spiritual successor of the classic Tetris mixed with physics
Moncole - Super Crate Box
Winning - Continuum/Server Trench Wars -
Twilight Sparkle - Dwarf Fortress a very fun strategy/management/worldbuilding game with a truly amazing amount of depth and a profoundly opaque UI. If you can figure out how to work it, you'll probably work it.
Hen Barrison - Begone is an FPS wIth decent grafIc qualIty and good Frames per sec If everyone has a decent connectIon. Can be found at
hatninja - Super Mario 63 is the best mario flash game I have ever played
moncole - Portal Flash - It is basically a flash 2D version of Portal
RumblezMan - Super Mario Bros Crossover 2.0 It's the first mario game (NES) but you have different characters and different designs such as GB Color and SNES ... -crossover
cowSheepo - Motherlode It was always fun. I don't really know how to explain it.
RumblezMan - Ace of Spades Someone put Minecraft and COD in a blender and that's the result. (Ozuma36 says: This is a favorite of mine!)
RumblezMan - Meat Boy Hard and fun. Thats all. (Ozuma36 says: If you like this, buy Super Meat Boy.)
hatninja - TrackMania Nations Forever A very good racing game, really fast and has a editor. (Ozuma36 says: Yet again, a favorite!)
LawnboyInAJar - Mari0 A complete from scratch recreation of Super Mario Bros. with a focus on perfectly imitating the feel the 1985 classic gave us. Then give Mario a portal gun, add puzzle game mechanics from Portal and there you go. And if that wasn't crazy enough, play 4-player coop, with everyone having their own Portal gun! Mari0: A complete from scratch recreation of Super Mario Bros. with a focus on perfectly imitating the feel the 1985 classic gave us. Then give Mario a portal gun, add puzzle game mechanics from Portal and there you go. And if that wasn't crazy enough, play 4-player coop, with everyone having their own Portal gun! (Ozuma36 says: Took somebody long enough!)
rokit boy - Bowman 2 - A free addicting game which you can't get enough of! Play against a player, NPC or go bird hunting! ... owman2.jsp
xXxrenhoekxXx - Abobo's big adventure
aveond - Spiral knights a free to play(or freemium, depends) real-time action RPG. It involves alot of grinding for money and alot of enemies, death, and all sorts of cool stuff. Check it out!
aveond - STICK RANGER!!! A 100% free online game, it cant really be explained. But its fun and ultimately addicting!
samkostka - Rockstar Classics: GTA 1 & 2 and Wild Metal
The classics that started the series you know today, available free from the publishers. Runs on any PC, and I mean any. You have to put your age as 17, because they are rated M.
LightningFire - Adventure Quest Worlds A MMO that plays in your Web Browser! Inspired by our three previous Flash online games, AQWorlds is a 100% web browser based MMO with real-time RPG combat, original art, and an entire world to explore. Battle monsters online with your friends and family to obtain wicked weapons, awesome armors, loyal pets and epic items! With all-new quests to play and unique gear to collect every week, you will become the Hero you've always known you were inside!
Penguin321 - Minecraft classic A free early version of minecraft. You can join servers. The version is very early and has no survival.
samkostka - Quake Live Quake 3 online. Play around with the quality if it's too slow, it will run on netbooks
Last edited by Ozuma36 on 14 Sep 2012, 21:57, edited 37 times in total.
- Posts: 1594
- Joined: 03 Feb 2012, 08:36
eh, what the hell. For those few who might not know it, boxhead (there are several versions) is an awesome awesome flash-zombie-killer game, where you, errr, kill zombies with lots of cool weapons with cool graphics (spoiler : the shotgun is super [too] powerful) the different versions are presented on the author's website the different versions are presented on the author's website
- Posts: 155
- Joined: 04 Feb 2012, 05:33
- Posts: 592
- Joined: 10 Feb 2012, 02:30
Stick rpg 2: It's the game where you make as much money as you can.
- Posts: 592
- Joined: 10 Feb 2012, 02:30
Hedgewars: The game is basicly a free worms clone.
- Posts: 566
- Joined: 03 Feb 2012, 06:35
a awesome game called bowmaster prelude
a awesome game called bowmaster prelude
- Posts: 566
- Joined: 03 Feb 2012, 06:35
Red dragon awesome game
Red dragon awesome game
- Posts: 592
- Joined: 10 Feb 2012, 02:30
Great dungeon in the sky is a game with tons of unlockable characters. ... in-the-sky ... in-the-sky
- Posts: 469
- Joined: 02 Feb 2012, 23:38 | Not Tetris 2
Not Tetris 2 is the spiritual successor of the classic Tetris mixed with physics.
Not Tetris 2 is the spiritual successor of the classic Tetris mixed with physics.
Last edited by Kyle Prior on 13 Feb 2012, 22:09, edited 2 times in total.
- Posts: 84
- Joined: 02 Feb 2012, 22:56
I just got Psychonauts on Steam and I am in middle of Assassins Creed 2. But Super Crate Box is a great game
Every game is free with a place called ThePirateBay :)
Every game is free with a place called ThePirateBay :)
- Posts: 155
- Joined: 04 Feb 2012, 05:33
Not Tetris 2? I bet no one here has heard of that.
- Posts: 60
- Joined: 05 Feb 2012, 01:48
Grubb - Continuum/Server Trench Wars -
Skill-based, 2d spaceship side-scrolling game that is an MMO - spent about 700 hours on it since 2008, it's been around since the 90's.
Best thing to do when bored/procrastinating.
Skill-based, 2d spaceship side-scrolling game that is an MMO - spent about 700 hours on it since 2008, it's been around since the 90's.
Best thing to do when bored/procrastinating.
Last edited by Winning on 13 Feb 2012, 16:42, edited 1 time in total.
- Posts: 45
- Joined: 02 Feb 2012, 21:38
Dwarf Fortress - a very fun strategy/management/worldbuilding game with a truly amazing amount of depth and a profoundly opaque UI. If you can figure out how to work it, you'll probably love it. Base game at and the game with some useful tools at ... msg1319616
Last edited by Twilight Sparkle on 14 Feb 2012, 03:43, edited 1 time in total.
- Posts: 157
- Joined: 02 Feb 2012, 23:45
Begone, an FPS wIth decent grafIc qualIty and good Frames per sec If everyone has a decent connectIon. Can be found at
- Posts: 480
- Joined: 03 Feb 2012, 18:42
super mario 63 - best mario flash game i have ever played
- Posts: 540
- Joined: 04 Feb 2012, 02:07
That is pretty awesome.hatninja wrote:super mario 63 - best mario flash game i have ever played
Also, fuck you, man.
- Posts: 84
- Joined: 02 Feb 2012, 22:56
I can't believe this wasn't posted yet
Portal Flash - basically a flash 2D version of Portal.
Portal Flash - basically a flash 2D version of Portal.
- Posts: 540
- Joined: 04 Feb 2012, 02:07
I actually played that game before I played the original Portal for the first time.
- Posts: 2145
- Joined: 01 Feb 2012, 20:19
Well because it came out before Portal.Raicuparta wrote:I actually played that game before I played the original Portal for the first time.
- Posts: 540
- Joined: 04 Feb 2012, 02:07
That's weird. I thought it was a tribute or something. But I only played it after Portal came out anyway.
- Posts: 2145
- Joined: 01 Feb 2012, 20:19
It was a tribute after the Portal trailer came out and Valve took their sweet time with the orange box.
- Posts: 104
- Joined: 10 Feb 2012, 23:57
i went through that one as well myself. got a copy of it saved on my desktop. also checked out the mappack for the first portal, and it was just as fun
- Posts: 540
- Joined: 04 Feb 2012, 02:07
How the hell did they know about the cake jokes and stuff?
- Posts: 153
- Joined: 12 Feb 2012, 00:20 ... -crossover Super Mario Bros Crossover 2.0 / Its the first mario game (NES) but you have different characters and different designs such as GB Color and SNES
Last edited by RumblezMan on 18 Feb 2012, 18:33, edited 2 times in total.
- Posts: 90
- Joined: 02 Feb 2012, 22:57
motherlode was always fun. Don't really know how to explain it.
- Posts: 39
- Joined: 03 Feb 2012, 12:32
That game was awesome.cowheepo wrote:motherlode was always fun. Don't really know how to explain it.
i also have to say realm of the mad god is awesome
- Posts: 153
- Joined: 12 Feb 2012, 00:20 Ace of Spades: Someone put Minecraft and COD in a blender and that's the result. PS: Download the archive on the right then press "Play" on the website. Also it runs in an very old pc.
- Posts: 480
- Joined: 03 Feb 2012, 18:42
i used to play ace of spades like you but then i took the wine bug to the funRumblezMan wrote: Ace of Spades: Someone put Minecraft and COD in a blender and that's the result. PS: Download the archive on the right then press "Play" on the website. Also it runs in an very old pc.
- Posts: 153
- Joined: 12 Feb 2012, 00:20 Meat Boy. Hard and fun. Thats all.
- Posts: 480
- Joined: 03 Feb 2012, 18:42
used to play meat boy like you then i got super meat boyRumblezMan wrote: Meat Boy. Hard and fun. Thats all.
- Posts: 480
- Joined: 03 Feb 2012, 18:42
TrackMania Nations Forever a very good racing game, really fast and has a editor
- Posts: 153
- Joined: 12 Feb 2012, 00:20
Same, but it got to be FREE, remember the title?hatninja wrote:used to play meat boy like you then i got super meat boyRumblezMan wrote: Meat Boy. Hard and fun. Thats all.
- Posts: 480
- Joined: 03 Feb 2012, 18:42
Yes i do, i wasnt even trying to get that up there -_-RumblezMan wrote:Same, but it got to be FREE, remember the title?hatninja wrote:used to play meat boy like you then i got super meat boyRumblezMan wrote: Meat Boy. Hard and fun. Thats all.
- Posts: 2095
- Joined: 03 Feb 2012, 00:47
Orange box rules before you say anything. It's only ~£10 and you get 5 games + hours of fun.Maurice wrote:It was a tribute after the Portal trailer came out and Valve took their sweet time with the orange box.
- Moderator
- Posts: 964
- Joined: 11 Feb 2012, 02:08
- Posts: 144
- Joined: 11 Feb 2012, 09:17
Haven't been around here for a while, updating the posts now! :D
- Posts: 144
- Joined: 11 Feb 2012, 09:17
I'm putting them all up there! I put a note about Super Meat Boy!hatninja wrote: Yes i do, i wasnt even trying to get that up there -_-
- Posts: 836
- Joined: 03 Feb 2012, 02:24
Mari0: A complete from scratch recreation of Super Mario Bros. with a focus on perfectly imitating the feel the 1985 classic gave us. Then give Mario a portal gun, add puzzle game mechanics from Portal and there you go. And if that wasn't crazy enough, play 4-player coop, with everyone having their own Portal gun!
Sorry, I had to be THE ONE. But there is this game Cutie Mark Crusade that's fun enough for me (warning:pony stuff).
Sorry, I had to be THE ONE. But there is this game Cutie Mark Crusade that's fun enough for me (warning:pony stuff).
- Posts: 144
- Joined: 11 Feb 2012, 09:17
Cutie Mark Crusade is a demo currently. I would like to keep demos out of this, if I can. I will add it once it is finished!LawnboyInAJar wrote:Mari0: A complete from scratch recreation of Super Mario Bros. with a focus on perfectly imitating the feel the 1985 classic gave us. Then give Mario a portal gun, add puzzle game mechanics from Portal and there you go. And if that wasn't crazy enough, play 4-player coop, with everyone having their own Portal gun!
Sorry, I had to be THE ONE. But there is this game Cutie Mark Crusade that's fun enough for me (warning:pony stuff).
- Posts: 2095
- Joined: 03 Feb 2012, 00:47
Bowman 2 - A free addicting game which you can't get enough of! Play against a player, NPC or go bird hunting! ... owman2.jsp
- Posts: 4545
- Joined: 11 Feb 2012, 10:04
Abobo's big adventure
not sure if it's been shown I did look here with control+f though :P
not sure if it's been shown I did look here with control+f though :P
- Posts: 144
- Joined: 11 Feb 2012, 09:17
Just a little bump, I haven't been around, but now I am, so I'm bumping this so some newcomers can see this stuff too.
- Posts: 417
- Joined: 17 Apr 2012, 16:29
Spiral knights( a free to play(or freemium, depends) real-time action RPG. It involves alot of grinding for money and alot of enemies, death, and all sorts of cool stuff. Check it out!
(its around 500mb's. not that big.)
(its around 500mb's. not that big.)
- Posts: 417
- Joined: 17 Apr 2012, 16:29
STICK RANGER!!!( a 100% free online game, it cant really be explained. But its fun and ultimately addicting!
PS: BEST SETUP 1.Swordsman 2.Boxer/Whipper 3.Mage/Bowman 4.Mage
I found this the best because of how many drops there are for swordsman boxers and whippers.
go play this game
PS: BEST SETUP 1.Swordsman 2.Boxer/Whipper 3.Mage/Bowman 4.Mage
I found this the best because of how many drops there are for swordsman boxers and whippers.
go play this game
- Posts: 289
- Joined: 17 Feb 2012, 04:42
Rockstar Classics: GTA 1 & 2 and Wild Metal
The classics that started the series you know today, available free from the publishers. Runs on any PC, and I mean any. You have to put your age as 17, because they are rated M.
The classics that started the series you know today, available free from the publishers. Runs on any PC, and I mean any. You have to put your age as 17, because they are rated M.
Last edited by samkostka on 11 Jun 2012, 21:35, edited 1 time in total.
- Posts: 1829
- Joined: 10 Mar 2012, 17:24
Adventure Quest Worlds.
A MMO that plays in your Web Browser!
Inspired by our three previous Flash online games, AQWorlds is a 100% web browser based MMO with real-time RPG combat, original art, and an entire world to explore. Battle monsters online with your friends and family to obtain wicked weapons, awesome armors, loyal pets and epic items! With all-new quests to play and unique gear to collect every week, you will become the Hero you've always known you were inside!

A MMO that plays in your Web Browser!
Inspired by our three previous Flash online games, AQWorlds is a 100% web browser based MMO with real-time RPG combat, original art, and an entire world to explore. Battle monsters online with your friends and family to obtain wicked weapons, awesome armors, loyal pets and epic items! With all-new quests to play and unique gear to collect every week, you will become the Hero you've always known you were inside!

- Posts: 165
- Joined: 03 Mar 2012, 23:01
Minecraft classic
A free early version of minecraft.
You can join servers.
The version is very early and has no survival.
A free early version of minecraft.
You can join servers.
The version is very early and has no survival.
- Posts: 289
- Joined: 17 Feb 2012, 04:42
Quake Live: Quake 3 online. Play around with the quality if it's too slow, it will run on netbooks