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Post » 31 Jan 2014, 19:31

B-Man99 wrote:Just goes to show you that *everything* is better with references!
Saying things like that just sets a terrible precedent

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Post » 31 Jan 2014, 19:41

(I was being sarcastic. I didn't feel the need to point that out xD)

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Post » 02 Feb 2014, 10:44

renhoek and Gramanaitor have the same birthday as rainbow dash

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Post » 02 Feb 2014, 13:28

How did you know her birthday?

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Post » 03 Feb 2014, 10:22

MM102 wrote:renhoek and Gramanaitor have the same birthday as rainbow dash
It's funny because Renhoek hates the show. Like REALLY hates it.

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Post » 03 Feb 2014, 22:40

I haven't been following the show as much.
I do enjoy art people make of it more than the show.

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Post » 13 Feb 2014, 20:27

Alright, I'm up to something again.
I'd like to ask everyone to post an image of their main OC pony with a short description (Name, race, gender, talent and perhaps backstory).
If you can not provide an image you can either try and make a rough sketch that would get the point across or try to explain him or her to the best of your ability.
If you, for some odd reason, don't want to post here feel free to PM it to me. If you really have trouble getting your OC down on paper you can contact me as well (Via PM or Steam preferred) and I will help you out personally.
If you have more OC's besides your main one, feel free to post them as well. Just be sure to clearly state which one is your main OC.
Thanks in advance.

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Post » 13 Feb 2014, 20:42

Jorichi wrote:Alright, I'm up to something again.
I'd like to ask everyone to post an image of their main OC pony with a short description (Name, race, gender, talent and perhaps backstory).
If you can not provide an image you can either try and make a rough sketch that would get the point across or try to explain him or her to the best of your ability.
If you, for some odd reason, don't want to post here feel free to PM it to me. If you really have trouble getting your OC down on paper you can contact me as well (Via PM or Steam preferred) and I will help you out personally.
If you have more OC's besides your main one, feel free to post them as well. Just be sure to clearly state which one is your main OC.
Thanks in advance.
Oooh, what mystifieing masterpiece of <starts with M> will you be creating this time? I can't wait to see.
Really, this is the only OC I really like (even though I've made what? 3 or 4 now?)
I tried remaking her CM into more of an 'aurora borealis' kind of thing, but it looks horrible.
I still don't know a proper name for her... her name as it stands right now (Cinnamon Teakettle) doesn't really roll off your tongue. Maybe Avora or something...

Speaking of the old one's I drew, if anyone wants to use them, I still have them. Though, I don't plan on keeping them much longer, but I might keep them in a dropbox or something.

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Post » 13 Feb 2014, 22:50

Jorichi wrote:Alright, I'm up to something again.
I'd like to ask everyone to post an image of their main OC pony with a short description (Name, race, gender, talent and perhaps backstory).
If you can not provide an image you can either try and make a rough sketch that would get the point across or try to explain him or her to the best of your ability.
If you, for some odd reason, don't want to post here feel free to PM it to me. If you really have trouble getting your OC down on paper you can contact me as well (Via PM or Steam preferred) and I will help you out personally.
If you have more OC's besides your main one, feel free to post them as well. Just be sure to clearly state which one is your main OC.
Thanks in advance.
I've posted mine so many times already, but to save you the trouble of looking for him, here he is:
(This was from a really long time ago anyways)

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Post » 13 Feb 2014, 23:21

LightningFire wrote: I've posted mine so many times already, but to save you the trouble of looking for him, here he is:
(This was from a really long time ago anyways)
Dem hooves.

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Post » 14 Feb 2014, 16:01

hapy haurts adn hooovese day guise! durhurhur

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Post » 14 Feb 2014, 18:39

Yay! I also have a snow day today! Too bad the next episode isn't a H&H day one, the one with Big Mac and Cheriliee was good IMO.

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Post » 26 Feb 2014, 22:40

Let's discuss new episodes
My favorite is #14

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Post » 27 Feb 2014, 03:46

Yeah, I'll admit The last roundup was pretty good. Is Episode 14 Twilight Time? If so, I might watch it, but I've been stuck on Pinkie's pride, due to it being SUCH a good episode (Weird Al FTW).

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Post » 27 Feb 2014, 04:50

14 is the one with flutterguy and stage fright
Pinkie's pride definitely takes the cake so far

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Post » 27 Feb 2014, 05:06

Why are you talking about cake
Why are you talking about me

Derp I have nothing to do.

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Post » 27 Feb 2014, 05:28

As some of you know I do know a little about ponies due to exposure from friends and I think the whole MLP thing is cool, but I don't watch a lot of TV so I never really got totally into it (nothing against TV, I just don't allocate as much time for it as a lot of other equally unproductive things)
I heard someone mention Weird Al.
Thanks. I'll be watching an episode for the first time in months now :D

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Post » 01 Mar 2014, 00:55

Huh, I skipped past the credits when I watched Pinkie Pride and I never noticed Cheese Sandwich was voiced by Weird Al. That's pretty cool.
Twilight Time wasn't a bad episode, I wonder what tomorrow's episode's gonna be like. I enjoyed S4 so far, and I've run out of things to say here so yeah

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Post » 18 Mar 2014, 01:42

So I tried again. This one, I really like. It doesn't irk me like it usually does, and the cutie mark fits to perfection.
I still don't know what she'll be able to do... I was thinking along the lines of being able to play an instrument though.

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Post » 18 Mar 2014, 02:42

Maurice wrote:
Camewel wrote:grr something something some pixels are more equal than others something something
(the cutie mark has smaller pixels than the rest of the sprite and it's bothering me way more than it should I'm an awful person I know)
Doing this is worse than the holocaust.
(Bonus points because it was a response to you.)

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Post » 18 Mar 2014, 03:44

I just don't get why for most of the drawing you'd think "yes I want to use extra big pixels" but then get to one point and switch to "no for this bit I want regular pixels again"
generally when people use big pixels it's because they made a really small bit of pixel art so shrinking it back down to normal size makes the bit with smaller pixels a mess so I really don't get it

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Post » 18 Mar 2014, 21:57


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Post » 18 Mar 2014, 22:27

TurretBot wrote:[img]
I like this one better.

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Post » 18 Mar 2014, 22:46

Am I allowed to post my server IP here? It's a My Little Pony roleplay server.

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Post » 30 Mar 2014, 18:48

Here is a sketch of the group picture I'm planning on completing.
I made them separately so I can make individual pictures of them as well.
If there is anything you want me to add/remove or change, please let me know now!
I'm not sure in what style to make this though.

I added Bob even though he didn't ask to be in it, and I'm not sure what to make of his appearance. So let me know if this is and looks alright to you.

This is also still the time to get your OC in if it isn't yet...

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Post » 30 Mar 2014, 19:54

You seem to be getting better and better at drawing.

Though in the end I guess it's all about practice.

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Post » 30 Mar 2014, 20:04

Heh, thanks.
I want to practice more on coloring and shading though. I just don't know which style to focus on so I end up with sketches a lot.

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Post » 30 Mar 2014, 22:15

Jorichi wrote:Here is a sketch of the group picture I'm planning on completing.
I made them separately so I can make individual pictures of them as well.
If there is anything you want me to add/remove or change, please let me know now!
I'm not sure in what style to make this though.

I added Bob even though he didn't ask to be in it, and I'm not sure what to make of his appearance. So let me know if this is and looks alright to you.

This is also still the time to get your OC in if it isn't yet...
Man, I need to focus on OCs more.
I can only make out like three of them.

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Post » 31 Mar 2014, 02:25

Jorichi wrote:Heh, thanks.
I want to practice more on coloring and shading though. I just don't know which style to focus on so I end up with sketches a lot.
That's mostly my problem too, although I still do need to work on getting better on the actual drawings.

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Post » 31 Mar 2014, 04:06

It may be a little late but, can I join?

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Post » 31 Mar 2014, 18:46

MM102 wrote:It may be a little late but, can I join?
Ofcourse you can.

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Post » 31 Mar 2014, 21:24

This was just someone that started off as a joke character in my comic for Twilight to bounce dialogue off of but who I expanded into something much more interesting and endearing due to actually thinking about the implications behind her base qualities.

Name: Generic Pony #7 (That's literally what everyone calls her at least. And she answeres to it.)
Race: Pegasus (I guess that's what you mean?)
Gender: Female
Picture: Image

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Post » 31 Mar 2014, 23:25

It looks like I haven't posted here in forever.
I better get to doing that, I'm going to crypticize myself into a single drawing in the meantime.

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Post » 10 Apr 2014, 22:39

Can somepony explain Flutterdash and why somepony thought it was a good idea and why it's so popular?

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Post » 11 Apr 2014, 00:37

For the same reason people ship any other regular ship. Because they can, and they think it looks cute.

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Post » 11 Apr 2014, 00:41

LightningFire wrote:For the same reason people ship any other regular ship. Because they can, and they think it looks cute.
Lightwright, Wilochi.

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Post » 11 Apr 2014, 00:48

jwright159 wrote:Can somepony explain Flutterdash and why somepony thought it was a good idea and why it's so popular?
1) It's shipping Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash.
2) They have some history of friendship before the others, they are both pegasi, and... I don't know, why not.
3) It's shipping, people like to ship things.

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Post » 11 Apr 2014, 02:37

Because the topic was brought up, what are your opinions on shipping (in the pony fandom)?
 appledash otp 

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Post » 11 Apr 2014, 02:43

I don't like any of anyone's ships

and that is all

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Post » 11 Apr 2014, 02:43

People always find a way to ship anything, no matter what it could be.
 i spit on your appledash everyone knows twidash is best otp 

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Post » 11 Apr 2014, 03:20

I seriously have a stomachache. It's just so... wrong. Also, define "shipping"

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Post » 11 Apr 2014, 03:23

"Shipping" is like putting 2 characters into a relationship. Like if Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash were dating or something.
People then support this couple and draw fan-art or write fan-fiction and just have fun with it.
And then some people draw NSFW fan-porn. Because internet.

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Post » 11 Apr 2014, 03:33

Never mind.


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Post » 11 Apr 2014, 17:44

idiot9.0 wrote:And then some people draw NSFW fan-****. Because internet.
That's the internet. 50%+ of the people who do videos do dirty stuff.

That's why I am thinking of a youtube filter that only lets through approved videos, so I can click that suggestion button without fear of it being a dirty video.

Or they could do like Newgrounds and give stuff a rating, so I could avoid that stuff.

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Post » 11 Apr 2014, 19:58

Can someone make a 32x32 pixel pony pic? I need it for my project.

Also, how can you replace colors that are very close togther with another color? Like shading so the darkness stays the same? I'm working on an avitar but as a begining I have a Twilight pic and I need to change the colors on her to make Tesla. (viewtopic.php?f=17&t=3362&start=350 in case you don't know who she is.).

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Post » 11 Apr 2014, 20:54

You could use this instead.
If not, set "Tolerance" to 0%.

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Post » 11 Apr 2014, 23:03

Jorichi wrote:Here is a sketch of the group picture I'm planning on completing.
I made them separately so I can make individual pictures of them as well.
If there is anything you want me to add/remove or change, please let me know now!
I'm not sure in what style to make this though.

I added Bob even though he didn't ask to be in it, and I'm not sure what to make of his appearance. So let me know if this is and looks alright to you.

This is also still the time to get your OC in if it isn't yet...
Look's great! Can't wait to see it finished :)

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Post » 25 Apr 2014, 20:28

bubba_nate wrote:You could use this instead.
If not, set "Tolerance" to 0%.
Needs more manes and tails, but combining it with Corel Photo-Paint gives me Tesla and Typer as best as I can:
Set tolerance to 12%

Edit: Big Picture. You might have to save it or view it on imgur(http://imgur.com/maZvlKB).

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Post » 26 Apr 2014, 04:26

Talked about Story of the Blanks on server chat a while ago.
My brain can't decide between being fine with it and laughing at it's failure at being scary, and being scared of it and not wanting to talk about it because scary.
Weird, right?
(for those of you wondering why this is here, story of the blanks is a MLP horror "game" and my server is a MLP roleplay server.)

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Post » 26 Apr 2014, 14:34

Just read my little dashie for the first time. Here are my thoughts
1st quarter: you guys are saps
2nd quarter: woo. She left and it made you cry. Real men don't cry
Beyond: IM HAVING A FUCKING SESURE!!!!!!!!! Still not crying though. Wait. One tear.

Edit: Crap. I'm crying. I'm still having a sesure brought on by emotional unstabilities. Good thing it's 8:30 and my parents arnt up yet. BTW sorry about the cursing