I personally think it's easier for me to express my enjoyment for something and just ignore anyone that goes against it without reason than just outright shutting myself off about stuff I like. I mean, this is the internet, the scariest thing a person can do is shout the F word a couple times at you in bold. But there's something funny I read somewhere (probably Imgur) that matches what I'm saying: first one to get angry loses. I mean, if a person gets angry about something that doesn't directly affect them, they already made it clear they're in the wrong side of things.
Not to mention I love when people rant about something purely based on biases or not accepting others' opinions. It's usually so stupid and silly it's outright laughable.
FuriousHedgehog wrote:Undertale is a good game, but the fandom and part of Tumblr ruins all.
Most people thinks the same, the fandom sucks like the game, my recommendation is play the game and ignore the fandom, ignore everything (technically).
I've never been one to like fandoms either. I mean, I used to be apart of the MLP community on Google+, and then I left for awhile. It was then I realized how much cringe I brought to the earth. The FNaF fandom IMO is the worst, and while I don't see many Undertale fanatics on the internet, from what I hear it's very similar to other ones.
I guess as long as they don't shout stupid shit like "No! FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDYS IS BEST GAME!!! YOU ARE STUPID AND YOUR FAMILY AND FACE IS STUpID!! Go suCK A DICK", then I can tolerate them. Besides, all people apart of fandoms usually hang out in one place really.
From what I'm seeing you don't like memes. This is a running meme, not limited to fandoms. Unless you consider memes a fandom, but that would be illogical.
Oh my god I hate fandom Subreddits. It makes you cringe when you realize said subreddit isn't a circlejerk subreddit and everyone submitting is actually being serious.
Mariofan064 wrote:Oh my god I hate fandom Subreddits. It makes you cringe when you realize said subreddit isn't a circlejerk subreddit and everyone submitting is actually being serious.
I only comment and go on the gravity falls subreddit alot because they make some interesting points sometimes, although sometimes they are ridiculous
But i swear the most childish subreddit/fandom is steven universe.
Defiant Shout wrote:Reddit is always childish when it's not discussing real life or factual matters.
Yeah guys! Voat is where the real shit is at! We're ALWAYS discussing shit that matters. /s
I even have a subverse that discusses only mature subjects are discussed:
Actually a sub I made to make fun of current shit.
But on a serious note, there is no such thing as a "mature" subject on the internet. Even with the Fine Bros. scandal (Unpopluar Opinion, I was fine with it if it meant less reaction channels on YouTube. Which I hate.) had it's fair share of jokes.
Costing money and lawsuits over word choice is pretty stupid in my opinion. If people are too stupid to discern the difference between the original and the spoofer, you have a rather convoluted product anyways or your product is just that shitty. I can understand brand names, but reserving catchphrases is just dumb as fuck.
I've gotta agree, trademarking a catchphrase is really, really stupid, especially since they're so short (and sometimes so common) that it's pretty much inevitable to use them. In my personal opinion, suing someone for using a catchphrase or displaying a certain product in a movie, game, etc. is really dumb for the company itself, and I've probably already talked about how stupid it is to sue someone for literally doing free advertising or not being able to have total freedom of speech because a specific set of words is prohibited unless you pay a random guy to get to say those words, but I've talked waaaaay too much over here, so it's time I leave this thread for some time :P
Sheesh sheesh guys holy fuck I was *exaggurhoweverthefuckyouspellitfuckyou. Yes, I understand what they where trying to do. I was one of their subscribers for years. I have been unsubbed for them for a few months actually, as I woke up and realised their content just wasn't fun anymore. The fine bros where being dicks, and I think what they where doing was wrong. I don't actually wish all reaction videos should go away. JiNX recently stopped making them, so that's a plus. I think he feels guilty, and while he isn't the only one who started this mess, I dont wish his videos would just *poof* gone.
Last edited by MF064DD on 07 Feb 2016, 09:24, edited 1 time in total.
I never cared about the Fine Bros before the incident, and didn't care about them afterwards.
People just like pretending they hate them to ride on this fad's wave, but truth be told: lots of these people never even watched a video of them, or if they did, they may have liked them.
HugoBDesigner wrote:I never cared about the Fine Bros before the incident, and didn't care about them afterwards.
People just like pretending they hate them to ride on this fad's wave, but truth be told: lots of these people never even watched a video of them, or if they did, they may have liked them.
Just because you don't care doesn't mean no one else did.
I've known about these guys for years, a lot of people have, and to say no one watches them when they have over 13,000,000 subscribers (of the time I'm posting this) is really stupid.
Keep in mind if this hate 'fad' didn't happen, they would have gotten away with Trademarking React.
No, I didn't say nobody watched them, that'd be really stupid. I just said that even people that never watched them would still make up opinions based on others's biased opinions.
Also I never really cared about them because it's never catched my interest, not because their content is bad :P
I don't have anything against Comic Sans but I would never use it. I'd just use bold Century Gothic instead... As I always do... In every single project of mine It should be renamed to Hugo Gothic. Or Century Hugo? I dunno anymore, I'm bored okay???
EDIT: Okay, here's a really, REALLY unpopular opinion:
I don't give a single flying fuck about Rokit's "edgy radical offensive opinions". I really don't care how racist or homophobic or trolly he might be, in the end it's actually his own opinion, even if it differs from most people's opinions, and I think you guys are all wasting your and everyone else's time by arguing who is right or wrong instead of, I dunno, doing something productive.
HugoBDesigner wrote:I really don't care how [...] trolly he might be, in the end it's actually his own opinion
If he's trolling, it's not his opinion, he's just saying it to get a reaction. I would knowOkay yes I could troll people for fun, but I don't seek out random people to troll (too much work)
Unless they actually are his opinions, but he's exploiting them to troll others, which could be the case... So maybe you're on to something - who knows?
Last edited by TurretBot on 13 Feb 2016, 01:19, edited 1 time in total.
I just finished the Undertale demo. And my opinion is that it's shit. Yes. Much very. I totally get why a lot of people like it, but it's just not for me. This barely makes sense to me as I ADORE the mother/earthbound series. Heck, Earthbound is my favorite game EVER. But Undertale seems to take all the charm present in Earthbound and its cohorts away. So... Poo on you, Undertale.
Butt I have to say I love the character Sans, mostly because he has so much in common with my favorite Earthbound character, Ness.