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[size=200]THE RESULTS ARE IN[/size]
[del]at the cost of my sanity[/del]
[i]Stabyourself Judgement ~ Wilo Judgement in the 6th hour of waiting[/i]
Overall, 14 people voted.
It was a pretty successful amount of votes and the competition was just as exciting.
Myself, I didn't vote. But that doesn't matter, because here they come.
[size=200] THE USER AWARDS [/size]
[b]BEST USER[/b]
Jorichi won this award with 4 votes, followed loosely by Idiot and Automatik, and then Maurice and Sašo.
How many times has he won this? He should get an award for something like that.[/spoiler]
[del]impossible this can't be right[/del] B-Man won this award by 2 more votes than his closest competitor with 2 votes, Skye. Hugo, 102, MagicPillow, and Jorichi each earned one vote.[/spoiler]
102 won this award by a close 4 votes, with Jorichi sneaking in for another award at 3 votes. Hugo came in with 1 vote and Kiashi came in at 2.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]B-Man wins another award with 3 votes. Most of the voters mentioned his music when voting for him, and it's easy to see why.
The same goes for level design, graphics, messing up in style, and forum potential for Willware (2 votes), Hans, Wary, and Princesskiller respectively (they each got one vote).[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Qcode. By a complete landslide. I guess he really is life after all, huh?
The victor himself took 7 votes, leaving Alesan with 2 votes, and Hugo and Maurice with 1 each.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]A tie between Bman and Turret, who both voted for themselves, though still managed to get more votes than anyone else. Overall, this was the closest competition, with the victors had only 2 votes and the rest (Kiashi, Idiot, Maurice, Sašo, and last but least, me) had only one vote each.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]This award is a tie between Sašo, Vakema, and Hugo with 2 votes, as opposed to Seek, Renhoek, and Qcode with one each.
It was a very tough competition to say the least.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Idiot and Sašo tied.
Wary and Firaga came in at one vote each. If Idiot has double the amount of votes than Wary, how many votes does Firag have?[/spoiler]
[b]BEST [del]MORON[/del] WILO[/b]
[spoiler]Somehow, Renhoek won this award with one more vote than me. This is a surprise even to me. Does this mean I'm
not the best at being me??[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Wary won this one with 2 votes, followed by Skye and Saulo with 1 vote each. I'm glad some of us learned the lesson that we don't judge people as if they were one-sided anymore.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]A four-way tie between 102, Cake, Hatninja, and Will. Are they all winners, or is there no winners?[/spoiler]
[size=200]THE NONEUSERJAWARDS[/size]
[b]BEST GAME[/b]
Circular by Raicuparta
Retrush by Willware
[b]BEST MOD[/b]
A tie between Alesan's Entities and Turret's Additional Animations.
[size=200]SPECIAL AWARDS[/size]
Hugo wins this award, for being the first to vote. Clearly he must get it from all the chili dogs or lack of sleep or something.
Bobthelawyer wins this award by directly copy/pasting B-Man's post, changing a few things, but not changing when B-Man voted for himself (B-Man). This is a man who knows the true meaning of hard work and values integrity.
Coincidentally, Turtle95 won this award by being the last to vote. I guess he really fits his name then.
Furioushedgehog wins this award for posting about how he was going to vote, but ultimately never did. I guess that means turtles are faster than hedgehogs?
Skye wins this award for just getting a whole lot of votes from a whole lot of people
This award goes to Camewel for not showing up to host this, allowing me to take his place, or at least for now. I was certainly spooked to find out he wasn't going to host this.
BMAn wins this award by voting for Skye in multiple categories, not to mention he made up one just for him.
Needless to say I'm proud of the winners here, after all, I did win this one last year. B-Man, Turret, and Wary each voted for themselves once but needless to say they didn't count
I give this award to myself for making myself seem like a sadistic monster who forces people to wait on results for 3 hours.
I give this award to Juiceman3000 for registering just to tell me to hurry the fuck up.
[size=200] BEST POST AND BEST TOPIC [/size]
The Best Post:
The Best Topic: Chat "Room" v3. A single votes above the others. Myself, I love this topic, if it weren't for chat room v2 it would be my most posted-in topic. A worthy, mostly peaceful successor to what happened after the page 100 crash.
Have a nice night, congratulations, and remember not to hammer