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Post » 30 Apr 2014, 02:14

I'm afraid to reply to this.

Well, what I can say here is that a misunderstanding has been resolved for a good part of us, and we will respect your wishes.

  • IC
B-Man has graduated from junior ninja today. Congrats!
(Oh, and LF has ranked up, too.)

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Post » 30 Apr 2014, 02:54

Firaga wrote: I still wish to be treated the same as I usually am]
No problem. It doesn't matter to me what gender you (or any of you) are, I'm still gonna treat you the same. Also about the trust thing, it's not really that big of a deal. You had your reasons.

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Post » 30 Apr 2014, 05:44

*I am a human.
*I know Cake IRL, lots of you should know this by now because of how much we reference it, but to those who don't... now you do.
*I eat way too much, and if not for my uber-fast metabolism, I would be a total fatass (no joke).
*I play [roller] hockey.
*I'm about 50 times more social than Cake IRL.
*Cake is taller than me.
*I am very obnoxious IRL, but online I like to act several times more mature than I am.
*I like to fool people into thinking I'm a girl in-game, then I let them down and tell the the truth about 5 minutes or so into the conversation I have with them.
*I can be accidentally feminine. Often.
*I tend to yell most of the time when I'm nearby ImaginaryCake.
*I now know that the dots above the letters i and j are called tittles.
*I apparently am really good at writing, though I hate doing it often.
*I like making pointless lists.
*The only reason I play Minecraft is to help other people out, I find no personal enjoyment in vanilla (or related, i.e. factions, hungergames, etc.) anymore.
*I ramble.
*I draw really often. And lots of creepy stuff for no good reason recently.
*I use emotes too often. :P

That's just about it. :D

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Post » 30 Apr 2014, 05:58

victinistar wrote: *I'm about 3.14159265353897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749... [fixed] times more social than Cake IRL.
*Cake is taller than me.
*I am very obnoxious IRL, but online I like to act several times more mature than I am.

That's just about it. :D
Well, I don't view myself as taller than you, but I guess that's how I view a lot of things. I view everyone my age as my height, and it's just this odd perception that I can't shake.
You are very obnoxious, especially in meetings. If I'm trying to explain something to you for too long, you start to poke me.

Color-coding is difficult sometimes...
That was also a very meaningless post.

Also: Why the heck do you pretend to be feminine? I have never heard this referenced from you.

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Post » 30 Apr 2014, 07:08

imaginary cake wrote:
victinistar wrote: *I'm about 3.14159265353897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749... [fixed] times more social than Cake IRL.
*Cake is taller than me.
*I am very obnoxious IRL, but online I like to act several times more mature than I am.

That's just about it. :D
Well, I don't view myself as taller than you, but I guess that's how I view a lot of things. I view everyone my age as my height, and it's just this odd perception that I can't shake.
You are very obnoxious, especially in meetings. If I'm trying to explain something to you for too long, you start to poke me.

Color-coding is difficult sometimes...
That was also a very meaningless post.

Also: Why the heck do you pretend to be feminine? I have never heard this referenced from you.
Learn to color code correctly. Too much color is just obnoxious to read.

Case in point.

Liar you mention it all the time, as I mention that I'm older all the time.

Imma check with a professional if I have ADD or something .-.

It's fun to fck with people.

I forgot to mention how I have mastered BBcode and tend to type it as opposed to pushing the buttons up top.

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Post » 30 Apr 2014, 07:47

I used to mention that I was taller, but then Summer happened. I don't refer to it often at all.
But since you reinforce a (mostly) positive, I'll leave you to your quote.
BBCode: I don't use the buttons at the top either, unless I'm highlighting a large area that I decided to change.

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Post » 30 Apr 2014, 23:25

- I know american sign language.
- Meesa actually like Jar Jar Binks, meesa no know why.
- I've had this laptop for about 4 years, and nothing is wrong with it yet. (Amazing.)
- I almost always wear a black striped shirt.
- I have a HUMONGOUS collection of games.
- I'm slightly allergic to Wheat & Milk, though i still eat them.
- I am afraid to spend money for a lot of reasons.
- I actually prefer Brawl over Melee on the competitive side.
- You will never see me not fiddle with something.
- I love the cold.

There... good enough.

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Post » 01 May 2014, 21:57

Part 2

-Like most of you guys, I need a haircut. I need one, but I don't want one.
-I love looking at other people's bedrooms, I don't know why
-I found Portal thanks to a portal nyan cat video.
-I was always interested in time travel, robots, teleporting etc. ever since I was six or seven. Movies like "Robots" and "Meet the Robinsons" were my favourite ones.
-I hate BuzzFeed, Cracked etc. in general, but I can't stop browsing them.
Last edited by OrbitalBlueprint on 13 Apr 2016, 20:15, edited 1 time in total.

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Post » 01 May 2014, 22:38

I don't need a haircut and I don't want one
I have a lot of hair but not like a fuckton like Kiashi and QMarx etc. it just sort of thickens in smooth flowing waves that vary slightly from day to day
It's like really freaking wavy though

I found Portal because I just naturally find things on my own that are awesome. It's a talent of mine. I didn't find you on my own

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Post » 02 May 2014, 23:33

-B-Man is my clone
-I still can't take pills (if I put them in other food, I can sometimes swallow them)
-I despise gore (I have a really weak stomach)
-I've never said anything worse than d*** (and that was because someone told me to call my friend that and I thought it was ok because I justified by pretending it just meant Richard). I'm pretty used to others saying it, and it doesn't bug me much, but I don't really like it when people use it obnoxiously.
-I hope to program games for a living (Maurice is my largest inspiration related to that <3 )
-Will be legal on the last day of this month

EDIT: Not just gore, but all pain in general, and even talk of pain and diseases that cause it.

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Post » 03 May 2014, 09:23

Last edited by Qwerbey on 16 Oct 2014, 02:20, edited 2 times in total.

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Post » 03 May 2014, 14:31

Oh my god Qwerty you're so used to forum games that you managed to win this thread
And it isn't a forum game
You definitely won it though

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Post » 03 May 2014, 16:11

  • I have Asberger (And the forum saved my tail from that).
  • I'm pretty good at learning things.
  • I don't have a memory. Instead, I have a goldfish.
  • I like to be unique.
  • I'm talking way too fast for people to understand.
  • I (Somehow) manage to confuse myself sometimes (Thanks for the misspelling, Curly!).
  • When I'm confused, I usually point out everything that's going on.
  • Apparently, I'm the only one that isn't afraid to show myself. Never mind about that one...
  • I play Golf.
  • I haven't lost my virginity (And I'm not planning to).
  • My dreams are really wierd.
I'll add more if I'll come up with something.
Last edited by gemwrecker on 04 May 2014, 20:40, edited 2 times in total.

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Post » 03 May 2014, 16:26


- I had a psycho bitch girlfriend earlier.
- If a character has a liefmotif, I instantly love them.
- I was almost completely forgotten about for 2 weeks with no acknowledgements.
- Also, if you're reading this, hi there Victini! You're in my seat. Ha-ha!~ I am just kidding.*
- There are no trees in hell.
- I'm trying to win this thread.
- I tried to make a flying boat in second grade.
- I can literally digest nearly anything, and I'll eat pretty much anything, so sometimes I'll eat entire popsicle sticks or paper clips or solid mercury.
- I did a science report on a fictional planet the Doctor kept mentioning, Barsalona (yes, the one with dogs that don't have any noses), which was just essentially a floating soccer ball I edited into a picture of space and printed. Then for the actual content I said fantastic about 700 times and included the weather to include soccer ball storms, in which large or game-sized soccer balls fall from the atmosphere at around 10,000 miles per hour.
- Element 116 was officially confirmed and is now to be put on the table of elements.
- I play the Eb alto saxophone, and I'm trying out new ones.
- Back to Doctor Who, I already love Peter Capaldi, and for the longest time I thought 12 was in the Series 7 episode Cold War so I kept watching the episode over and over and looking on the Tardis Wiki and raving to my friends he was in that episode, and when I found out I almost died from a heart attack.
- I am totally immune to most poisonous plants. During a fight in camp, some kid decided he'd be prepared for me and bring chemical defense by (1) keeping poison oak in his bag to throw at me and (2) pushing me off an extremely steep slope filled with poison ivy, but that totally failed and I dragged him by the foot down with me, shoved him aside, and he fell into a ditch. I've got a lot of other examples too.
- I'm on Steam now.
- Marx Soul is my favorite character of all time.
- My high score on 2048 is 256.
- I got so mad once, I just punched the nearest wall and it began to crumble.
- I'm running out of things to say, so I'm plagiarizing Snapple.
- Thomas Jefferson invented the coat hanger. Dammit, no more Snapple.

Oh, did I mention?
I'm back and my presence was needed more than ever in that 2 weeks.

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Post » 03 May 2014, 17:03

gemwrecker wrote:I don't have a memory. Instead, I have a goldfish.
I haven't lost my virginity (And I'm not planning to)
I'm not surprised
Sorry it's the terrible person syndrome
WiloKing wrote:- There are no trees in hell.
- I'm trying to win this thread.
- I can literally digest nearly anything, and I'll eat pretty much anything, so sometimes I'll eat entire popsicle sticks or paper clips or solid mercury.
- I play the Eb alto saxophone, and I'm trying out new ones.
Welcome back Wilo!
Qwerty, he has proven himself a worthy challenger.
I play the alto sax too. Along with the piano (der) and the oboe and various steel drums and various other woodwinds when I get bored with those

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Post » 04 May 2014, 07:30

WiloKing wrote:Hi.

- I had a psycho bitch girlfriend earlier.
- If a character has a liefmotif, I instantly love them.
- I was almost completely forgotten about for 2 weeks with no acknowledgements.
- Also, if you're reading this, hi there Victini! You're in my seat. Ha-ha!~ I am just kidding.*
- There are no trees in hell.
- I'm trying to win this thread.
- I tried to make a flying boat in second grade.
- I can literally digest nearly anything, and I'll eat pretty much anything, so sometimes I'll eat entire popsicle sticks or paper clips or solid mercury.
- I did a science report on a fictional planet the Doctor kept mentioning, Barsalona (yes, the one with dogs that don't have any noses), which was just essentially a floating soccer ball I edited into a picture of space and printed. Then for the actual content I said fantastic about 700 times and included the weather to include soccer ball storms, in which large or game-sized soccer balls fall from the atmosphere at around 10,000 miles per hour.
- Element 116 was officially confirmed and is now to be put on the table of elements.
- I play the Eb alto saxophone, and I'm trying out new ones.
- Back to Doctor Who, I already love Peter Capaldi, and for the longest time I thought 12 was in the Series 7 episode Cold War so I kept watching the episode over and over and looking on the Tardis Wiki and raving to my friends he was in that episode, and when I found out I almost died from a heart attack.
- I am totally immune to most poisonous plants. During a fight in camp, some kid decided he'd be prepared for me and bring chemical defense by (1) keeping poison oak in his bag to throw at me and (2) pushing me off an extremely steep slope filled with poison ivy, but that totally failed and I dragged him by the foot down with me, shoved him aside, and he fell into a ditch. I've got a lot of other examples too.
- I'm on Steam now.
- Marx Soul is my favorite character of all time.
- My high score on 2048 is 256.
- I got so mad once, I just punched the nearest wall and it began to crumble.
- I'm running out of things to say, so I'm plagiarizing Snapple.
- Thomas Jefferson invented the coat hanger. Dammit, no more Snapple.

Oh, did I mention?
I'm back and my presence was needed more than ever in that 2 weeks.
I feel so unimportant now... Get banned again already dangit!

Just kidding man, welcome back. :)

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Post » 04 May 2014, 14:48

victinistar wrote:I feel so unimportant now...
You literally do not matter to millions of people.

-Nathan and I call each other "tools" on a daily basis
-I'm really good at chess
-Nathan is too when he doesn't move his left bishop pawn out too soon
(You saw what happened there)

Also here are some things you may or may not know already but I might as well put them here since every once in a while people don't know

- I make music <3
- I used to moderate the stabyourself steam group chats with the help of the community (a ton of awesome people)
- I don't take life very seriously
- My dad is an exaggerated version of me at times, but he is awesome all of the time
- We have jugs and jugs of Snapple
- Once an eggplant, always an eggplant
- I have a fucking CERTO
Last edited by B-Man99 on 22 Dec 2014, 00:44, edited 1 time in total.

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Post » 04 May 2014, 18:06

B-Man99 wrote:
victinistar wrote:I feel so unimportant now...
You literally do not matter to millions of people.

-Nathan and I call each other "tools" on a daily basis
-I'm really good at chess
-Nathan is too when he doesn't move his left bishop pawn out too soon
(You saw what happened there)

Also here are some things you may or may not know already but I might as well put them here since every once in a while people don't know

- I make music <3
- I moderate the stabyourself steam group chats with the help of the community (a ton of awesome people)
- I don't take life very seriously
- My dad is an exaggerated version of me at times, but he is awesome all of the time
- We have jugs and jugs of Snapple
- I'm in love with an eggplant
- Once an eggplant, always an eggplant
- I don't swear when I'm talking but when I type I type my thoughts not my speech so since I personally have nothing against swearing I do on here and stuff
- I have a fucking CERTO
And you really know how to put people down >:|
Would I be able to get into this group? I've heard about it, but I dunno the name or anything regarding it.
You're lucky. My dad is only awesome 10% of the time.

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Post » 04 May 2014, 18:09

Last edited by Qcode on 21 Oct 2021, 19:18, edited 2 times in total.

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Post » 04 May 2014, 18:24

Thanks man! Also, apparently MMaker (A.K.A. Mari0Maker) was on my friends list and I didn't even know this ._.

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Post » 04 May 2014, 18:38

victinistar wrote:._.
Hey, that's my face!

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Post » 04 May 2014, 18:43

Plot twist: Gemwrecker copyrighted his face

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Post » 04 May 2014, 21:17

Jeez. Fine, I'll do this instead. .-.

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Post » 07 May 2014, 00:20

Don't know if anyone will read this but ...

٭I'm gifted with 130 of IQ
٭Because of that i'm in 9th grade / 10 year in high-school ...
٭and i'm twelve
٭I prefer REALLY good friends and family than IRL fuckers
٭I'm really bad in spanish and sport
٭I'm very good in drawing
٭I once called a sheep Pato
٭I'm french with good competences in English

Anyway , i love reading all those posts because you see what people are made of .Everyone is unique and it's interesting to see stranger's life .

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Post » 07 May 2014, 18:36

victinistar wrote:Jeez. Fine, I'll do this instead. .-.
If I'm mensioning that it looks like my face doesn't mean that you're not allowed to use it. I just noticed that they were identical.
Nevertheless, I've never thought about it before (Nor used it).

Also, the dots are above the line. On yours, it on the sides. It's not the same thing.

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Post » 07 May 2014, 18:52

It was sarcasm mayne. I use that face all the time. It would be impossible for me to stop using it xD

And really emotes in general :T

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Post » 12 May 2014, 20:04

For those of you who remember me, good for you!
- I'm a black male.
- I'm mediocre when it comes to drawing, but I love doing it.
- I speak fluent American and Idiot.
- I have four kittens: Axel, Deego, Cream and Cheese
- I'm an avid RPG lover
- I can't hold in my laughter, so whenever I'm eating and I laugh it just goes everywhere.
- I'm a DM for a couple D&D campaigns
- I can't play basketball for the life of me
- I used to be known as "Aveond", but you already knew that.
- I'm an extreme sword fanatic. Any well designed blades and I can't contain my exitement.
- I'm super ticklish
- I'm scared shitless of spiders
- My favorite color is pale yellow.
- Whenever I go on vacation anywhere crazy stuff follows with me.
- I usually have nothing to add to a talk/topic, so I just don't say/post anything.
- I usually wear the same pair of underwear for a good two weeks before I think that it's time for a new one.
- I can cook like a boss.

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Post » 13 May 2014, 01:38

copy wrote:For those of you who remember me, good for you!
- I'm a black male.
- I'm mediocre when it comes to drawing, but I love doing it.
- I speak fluent American and Idiot.
- I have four kittens: Axel, Deego, Cream and Cheese
- I'm an avid RPG lover
- I can't hold in my laughter, so whenever I'm eating and I laugh it just goes everywhere.
- I'm a DM for a couple D&D campaigns
- I can't play basketball for the life of me
- I used to be known as "Aveond", but you already knew that.
- I'm an extreme sword fanatic. Any well designed blades and I can't contain my exitement.
- I'm super ticklish
- I'm scared shitless of spiders
- My favorite color is pale yellow.
- Whenever I go on vacation anywhere crazy stuff follows with me.
- I usually have nothing to add to a talk/topic, so I just don't say/post anything.
- I usually wear the same pair of underwear for a good two weeks before I think that it's time for a new one.
- I can cook like a boss.
I wish I could cook, and have cats again, and give zero shts about clean underwear.

I like RPGs a ton, as well as Rapiers. I also cannot play basketball :D

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Post » 14 Oct 2014, 00:06

Dead thread revival, yay

-I can play a simplistic version of both the Doctor Who and the Gravity Falls theme song
-I have the dream of writing science fiction books one day. In fact I'm writing a first draft of a book right now!
-I have invested over 50 hours in Portal 2. Yeah...
-I've written a few fanfics about several stuff, including my own idea of how Gravity Falls should end
-I hate poorly written fanfiction that doesn't make sense within the universe it's set.
-I don't believe in the multiverse = universe bubbles theory. I have my own idea on what the multiverse might look like...
-I've memorised that long telephone number from the IT Crowd (0118 999 881 999 119 725... 3)
-I love recreating things I see on TV/in movies/games. For example: a few pages from the 3rd journal, a poorly-made paper portal gun, some weird version of the Thaumonomicon...)
-I have at least 3 or 4 unfinished LÖVE games lying around on my desktop.
-I'm a nutter for greek mythology (One if the many reasons I love Portal 2)

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Post » 14 Oct 2014, 03:46

B-Man99 wrote:
- I have a fucking CERTO
Um... may I ask, what's a CERTO? Google's giving me literally no good results.

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Post » 14 Oct 2014, 08:43

Looks like a condom

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Post » 14 Oct 2014, 13:04

(removed, doesn't apply anymore)
Last edited by Wary on 13 Dec 2014, 16:17, edited 1 time in total.

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Post » 14 Oct 2014, 16:13

OrbitalBlueprint, adapted to me wrote:Dead thread revival, yay

-I can play a simplistic version of both the Happy Birthday theme and Cara Mia Adió (from Portal 2) on a keyboard
-I have the dream of writing science fiction books one day. In fact I'm writing a first draft of a book right now! (people on Steam chat knew this)
-I have invested only 27 hours in Portal 2. BUT I've invested over 100 hours on Portal 1. Yeah...
-I've read a few fanfics about several stuff, including Portal 2 fanfic and Gravity Falls stuff
-I hate written a few game histories. They all fit in the same universe (a slightly modified Half-Life 2 universe).
-I do believe in the multiverse = universe bubbles theory. I have my own idea on what the multiverse might look like. I believe in the plane multiverses the most.
-I've memorised 45 digits of Pi after the dot, and still plan on memorizing more. Reason: none
-I love recreating things I see on TV/in movies/games. For example: a few pages from the 3rd journal (kind of), a poorly-made portal gun (With random objects in my house). I also draw random Bill Cipher symbols and random ciphers in random places for no good reason...
-I have at least 20 unfinished LÖVE games lying around on my desktop.
-I'm a nutter for Astronomy (One if the many reasons I love Portal 2)

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Post » 14 Oct 2014, 22:24

HugoBDesigner wrote: I also draw random Bill Cipher symbols and random ciphers in random places for no good reason...
i'm too guilty of this.

Big picture

Yeah, I can even play a simple version of Cara Mia Addio on the keyboard. It was one of the first songs I played on the piano!

EDIT: One more fact about myself. I LOVE collecting notebooks. Here are a few from my collection: Collection!

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Post » 15 Oct 2014, 06:56

- I'm pretty tall for my age (I'm almost 6' tall)
- I really like drawing, besides not being very good at it.
- I dress pretty nicely (ie not suits, but like dress shirts, vests, and ties) everyday
- I'm in my third year of japanese
- I've always looked up to numerous people on this forum
- I want to be a teacher "when I grow up"
- I also do voices a lot (I've been practicing my game/ honest trailer voice, generic announcer voices etc.)
- My drawings have been getting weirder and weirder as my art style changes
- I lurk on the forums a lot, especially recently
- I've been a club nintendo platinum member for 2 years in a row now
- I'm super good at Guitar Hero
- I also really, really like rpgs

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Post » 16 Oct 2014, 05:45


I guess it's time for a personality update.

*I am a human (I think).
*I know Cake IRL, lots of you should know this by now because of how much we reference it, but to those who don't... now you do.
*I eat way too much, and if not for my uber-fast metabolism, I would be a total fatass (no joke).
*I play [roller] hockey. Every other season
*I'm about 50 times more social than Cake IRL.
*Cake is taller than as tall as me now.
*I am very obnoxious IRL, but online I like to act several times more mature than I am.
*I like to fool people into thinking I'm a girl in-game, then I let them down and tell the the truth about 5 minutes or so into the conversation I have with them. Now only on occasion, but it's still relatively easy. And mostly accidental until I catch on.
*I can be accidentally feminine. Often Occasionally.
*I tend to yell most of the time when I'm nearby ImaginaryCake.
*I now know that the dots above the letters i and j are called tittles. I forgot this.
*I apparently am really good at writing, though I hate doing it often.
*I like making pointless lists. I hate listing.
*The only reason I play Minecraft is to help other people out, I find no personal enjoyment in vanilla (or related, i.e. factions I like factions now, hungergames, etc.) anymore.
*I ramble.
*I draw really often. And lots of creepy stuff for no good reason recently. Private, sexual-seeming stuff.
*I use emotes too often. :P
---New Stuff---
*I have lots of friends.
*I am pretty damn good at drawing animals and furries.
*Still haven't been high yet.
*I hate nuts in my cookies/brownies/doughnuts.
*I draw digitally (not very well) and on paper.
*I love rpgs and pvp but suck at pvp anyways.
*I have spent about 700-1000 USD on videogames.
*I have come to like most of the SYS community. *hugses*
*I'm going to waste my next few hours on League and homework.

That's just about it. just the tip of the iceberg! :D

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Post » 17 Oct 2014, 02:39

i actually do check this site on an almost regular basis.
i just dont feel like responding most of the time or im too busy

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Post » 03 Dec 2014, 18:04

I'm fluent in Loren Sherman's Circular Gallifreyan alphabet, inspired by Doctor Who.I might post something to the art thread once...

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Post » 12 Dec 2014, 23:31

TheJonyMyster wrote:almost regular basis
helpful vague

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Post » 13 Dec 2014, 02:10

i don't really come on here anymore so it doesn't matter if people try to get me assassinated.

i am 14, i am straight, i am 5'1'' (pretty short), i am pretty normal weight for my height.
i don't like aaaaaaa/weaboos at all. to a point i despise the whole idea
i don't tolerate a lot of social disorders (autism etc.) and i find it hard to control myself. (not a good combination)
i'm homophobic to a certain degree, not a die hard homophobe
anime is really sad
people who take art as a subject in college etc. are not destined to a bright future.
minecraft is pretty sad too
(minirant) the song "all about that base" is the most disgusting thing ever, it's as if it is frowned upon to be a normal weight. she used the word "skinny bitch" in the video and no one cares but is someone says "fat bitch" in a song the fatass equality warriors smash down at their keyboard saying how bad it is.
i pretend to be black a lot. a lot of people in my school accept that.

edit: i don't know why i even came here, i never really liked mari0 as a game, i didn't like retro games (just jumped on the bandwagon) i'm pretty sure it wasnt because of mari0

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Post » 13 Dec 2014, 03:56

rokit wrote:i don't like aaaaaaa/weaboos at all. to a point i despise the whole idea
i don't tolerate a lot of social disorders (autism etc.) and i find it hard to control myself. (not a good combination)
i'm homophobic to a certain degree
First one: I assume you're referring to MLP and anime. It's fine if you don't like MLP but there isn't just one certain type of person that can be a fan of a show. To judge someone based on something so minimal in regards to any other personality trait or other defining feature is just moronic.
And anime is essentially any Japanese cartoon. Either you're going to say you hate all cartoons, or you're kind of insulting an entire culture... if I were you I would think through your "opinions" a bit more. And same applies as with MLP - why would you judge someone based on something as ridiculous as this?

Second one: Define "tolerance." I can't even imagine what on earth you mean by that. Do you like despise anyone around you just because of a way their brain developed? What???

Third one: I don't give a shit about your moral beliefs or any of that jazz, but looking strictly at what you just said, let me get this straight... you are against people solely because of what gender the people they love are? And these human beings themselves are somehow an ISSUE?

You better learn really fucking soon that not everyone is you and not everyone thinks and feels the same way you do.
Negativity towards people because of these preferences and ideas of yours is really what should probably be despised. Edited because I can't spell
Last edited by B-Man99 on 14 Dec 2014, 04:42, edited 1 time in total.

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Post » 13 Dec 2014, 04:03

The only thing I took away from that is I'm older and taller than you, so that's a plus.
Also "All about that base", when it comes to its song structure, is god aweull and tasteless, bland to a degree of suicide and is overall not good.
... Also if you're leaving can I have your post count?

Edit: Fixed spelling.
Last edited by copy on 13 Dec 2014, 06:01, edited 1 time in total.

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Post » 13 Dec 2014, 04:13

copy wrote:aweful
Are you Chris
Chris does that
He helped make this video
But he spells awful
It's just so wrong (And NO it is NOT an American vs. British thing -_-)
I should have all of you guys' post counts if you're gonna leave and/or ignore spelling

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Post » 13 Dec 2014, 04:16

What about Australian?

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Post » 13 Dec 2014, 04:20

God damn it John

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Post » 13 Dec 2014, 08:11

you're spelling us out of house and home john

- i have just enough adhd to make me horribly distracted
- sometimes this makes me go into intense thought and stare into space for a few moments
- i like to write things although i have never showed off my stuff here, except for maybe that space jam story (RIP)
- my process for writing things starts with coming up with a concept so grotesque and unfamiliar to me
It makes me laugh. i know if it can make me laugh, it can make others laugh.
- i try not to judge people as hard as i can and usually it works
- i still haven't found the fucking register
- i absolutely despise condescending or arrogant people with a passion
- i have an incredible talent for procrastination (i.e every project i've done/started)

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Post » 13 Dec 2014, 13:52

A little more about me since you guys really love me :3

- You guys don't REALLY love me, that was a joke. You just 'like' me. Although you guys are awesome, this isn't about you, it's about me, so lemme start again :P
- I never ever cared about MLP and probably never will, and I'm okay with that.
- I don't like people that overreact about things like animes or MLP. No, I don't mean people like rokit, I mean people that like these animations and seem to live only in function of this. My cousin, for example, used to be crazy for animes, and all he talked about was that, and it's not only him. In a nutshell: I don't like very much people that only talk about one thing.
- I don't have anything against homosexuals; in fact, I talk to a lot of people that are. But sometimes, because of my personality, people think I am gay (just to be clear: I'm not), and, although I don't have anything against homosexuals, I hate being considered one, because it makes homosexuals look like stereotypes and it makes ME look like a stereotype.
- I used to go to the church, but now I don't go anymore. I don't like it and never felt too comfortable there, but people judge me a lot for not going to the church. I'm not an atheist, but even if I were I wouldn't like to be judged either.
- I have a really terrible relationship with my sister, and I really hate her. No, it's not like brothers fight and annoy each other: I hate her for a very long time. I'm not proud of this, but she isn't helping much get the situation better either.
- I've never had a girlfriend. Never. I've liked a lot of girls, but never got any further. I'm coward and missed the best chance of my life with a girl that I REALLY, REALLY liked (and still like) and she liked me too. This is, so far, the only thing on my life that I regret: not letting her know what I feel for her. And it hurts :/
- I put ":P" in the end of most of my sentences (especially on the Steam chat) because it makes it look less serious. I do it mainly on sentences that can be misinterpreted as me being harsh or rude when I'm not intending to be.
- I'm not a kind of guy that is funny in "real-life": I'm pretty secluded and quiet (even though I used to be very sociable in the past). In the internet, I tend to make silly jokes all the time because I want to be more friendly, and I also like seeing people happy or having fun with me.
- I never broke any bone, had a nose bleed, had surgery, sickness or anything at all. I never had to go to the hospital or anything in my life. Never had any accident, I've never been robbed, never saw any crime, anything. I'm VERY lucky in this respect.
- I sometimes look like I'm the "computer nerd" guy, mostly in "real-life", but I don't know anything about computers. I don't know ANYTHING about computers, seriously. dunno about memory, about computer processing speed, how to "judge" a computer by it's specifications, nothing. The only thing I know about computers is how to make simple games or how to make a few things with programs, nothing more.
- During the beginning of my childhood I was VERY sociable (as mentioned before), but after becoming a preteen I had less and less friends. I've had a good amount of friends during it, but during my teenage I had barely any friends, and I even suddenly stopped talking with some of my best friends, for no reason. Now I only have a very few friends, and we barely see each other, and it makes me feel bad :(
- During the past years staring at a computer is what I do. That's it. No social interaction, no going out with friends, no job, no school, only this. I have nothing on my life, and I feel useless. I barely do anything, and when I do, it's on the computer. Even then, I haven't done anything successful yet.
- So far in my life I've had crush on at least 50 girls, but, from all those years, I've only loved one, and she really liked me, and I let her go without telling her what I felt. I know I said this before, but seriously: from all the girls I've liked on my life, none was comparable to this one. I wish I could take it all back... And not just cause I'm stranded in space
- I make an unhealthy amount of references to Portal and Portal 2 quotes everywhere. Seriously. I quote Portal all the time, and guess what? They're all full houses!

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Post » 13 Dec 2014, 15:35

B-Man99 wrote: Second one: Define "tolerance." I can't even imagine what on earth you mean by that. Do you like despise anyone around you just because of a way their brain developed? What???
the reason i don't tolerate them at all is in my school there is a little centre for people with mental disabilities. they get away with everything. one kid full on swore at me in front of a teacher but apparently "she didn't hear it". then them kids made up some bullshit about me and my friends bullying them. i had about 20 witnesses but the head didn't believe me and i got put in isolation. (this has happened 3 times)

i know it's generalization but i don't give a shit.

B-Man99 wrote:And same applies as with MLP - why would you judge someone based on something as ridiculous as this?
because it's really sad that people watch a little girls show? which is ultimately MY opinion?
B-Man99 wrote:if I were you I would think through your "opinions" a bit more.
k, i'm gonna lie about what i think just so some random people on the internet think better of me.
B-Man99 wrote: let me get this straight... you are against people solely because of what gender the people they love are? And these human beings themselves are somehow an ISSUE?

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Post » 13 Dec 2014, 16:03

- I'm, uuuhh, intellectually gifted.
- I tend to use more sophisticated words when talking in French.
- I'm lazy AND perfectionist.
- I also don't have a lot of IRL friends.
- I've got lots of opinions about a lot of things.
- I've nothing against homosexuals.
- I'm also fine with aaaaaas, furries, animes fans, whatever. It might be because I like homestuck(or liked? It has been one year of gigapause, and now I realized that Act 6 is meh.), and I know that homestuck's fanbase is really bad(even Hussie hate them, he even parodied them a few times in homestuck). I mean, it's not the whole reason, but it would have been hypocritical.
- I'm writing this while playing Rebirth. A great run with Eden. -- Aaaand now I lost it.
rokit wrote:
B-Man99 wrote:And same applies as with MLP - why would you judge someone based on something as ridiculous as this?
because it's really sad that people watch a little girls show? which is ultimately MY opinion?
Uh, yeah, it's your opinion. It doesn't mean you're right. No matter if you like it, you will always have weirdos, who are men and yet aren't all truck-driving lumberjacks. That's normal.
rokit wrote: the reason i don't tolerate them at all is in my school there is a little centre for people with mental disabilities. they get away with everything. one kid full on swore at me in front of a teacher but apparently "she didn't hear it". then them kids made up some bullshit about me and my friends bullying them. i had about 20 witnesses but the head didn't believe me and i got put in isolation. (this has happened 3 times)

i know it's generalization but i don't give a shit.
Sound like the problem is also with that head. Also if they were <10 y olds, it might explain why they were assholes.

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Post » 13 Dec 2014, 16:39

Automatik wrote: Sound like the problem is also with that head. Also if they were <10 y olds, it might explain why they were assholes.
they're my age if not older.
last year one kid full on swore at a teacher and the teacher pretended it didn't happen (he has a mental disability)
a couple of months ago i was put in isolation for finding a memory stick and not handing it in to lost property as soon as i could (found it on friday, brought it in on a monday)
just compare