Well, what I can say here is that a misunderstanding has been resolved for a good part of us, and we will respect your wishes.
- IC
No problem. It doesn't matter to me what gender you (or any of you) are, I'm still gonna treat you the same. Also about the trust thing, it's not really that big of a deal. You had your reasons.Firaga wrote: I still wish to be treated the same as I usually am]
Umvictinistar wrote: *I'm about 3.14159265353897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749... [fixed] times more social than Cake IRL.
*Cake is taller than me.
*I am very obnoxious IRL, but online I like to act several times more mature than I am.
That's just about it. :D
Learn to color code correctly. Too much color is just obnoxious to read.imaginary cake wrote:Umvictinistar wrote: *I'm about 3.14159265353897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749... [fixed] times more social than Cake IRL.
*Cake is taller than me.
*I am very obnoxious IRL, but online I like to act several times more mature than I am.
That's just about it. :D
Well, I don't view myself as taller than you, but I guess that's how I view a lot of things. I view everyone my age as my height, and it's just this odd perception that I can't shake.
You are very obnoxious, especially in meetings. If I'm trying to explain something to you for too long, you start to poke me.
Color-coding is difficult sometimes...
That was also a very meaningless post.
Also: Why the heck do you pretend to be feminine? I have never heard this referenced from you.
I'm not surprisedgemwrecker wrote:I don't have a memory. Instead, I have a goldfish.
I haven't lost my virginity (And I'm not planning to)
Welcome back Wilo!WiloKing wrote:- There are no trees in hell.
- I'm trying to win this thread.
- I can literally digest nearly anything, and I'll eat pretty much anything, so sometimes I'll eat entire popsicle sticks or paper clips or solid mercury.
- I play the Eb alto saxophone, and I'm trying out new ones.
You literally do not matter to millions of people.victinistar wrote:I feel so unimportant now...
And you really know how to put people down >:|B-Man99 wrote:You literally do not matter to millions of people.victinistar wrote:I feel so unimportant now...
-Nathan and I call each other "tools" on a daily basis
-I'm really good at chess
-Nathan is too when he doesn't move his left bishop pawn out too soon
(You saw what happened there)
Also here are some things you may or may not know already but I might as well put them here since every once in a while people don't know
- I make music <3
- I moderate the stabyourself steam group chats with the help of the community (a ton of awesome people)
- I don't take life very seriously
- My dad is an exaggerated version of me at times, but he is awesome all of the time
- We have jugs and jugs of Snapple
- I'm in love with an eggplant
- Once an eggplant, always an eggplant
- I don't swear when I'm talking but when I type I type my thoughts not my speech so since I personally have nothing against swearing I do on here and stuff
- I have a fucking CERTO
Thanks man! Also, apparently MMaker (A.K.A. Mari0Maker) was on my friends list and I didn't even know this ._.Qcode wrote:Here's a link to the group
If I'm mensioning that it looks like my face doesn't mean that you're not allowed to use it. I just noticed that they were identical.victinistar wrote:Jeez. Fine, I'll do this instead. .-.
I wish I could cook, and have cats again, and give zero shts about clean underwear.copy wrote:For those of you who remember me, good for you!
- I'm a black male.
- I'm mediocre when it comes to drawing, but I love doing it.
- I speak fluent American and Idiot.
- I have four kittens: Axel, Deego, Cream and Cheese
- I'm an avid RPG lover
- I can't hold in my laughter, so whenever I'm eating and I laugh it just goes everywhere.
- I'm a DM for a couple D&D campaigns
- I can't play basketball for the life of me
- I used to be known as "Aveond", but you already knew that.
- I'm an extreme sword fanatic. Any well designed blades and I can't contain my exitement.
- I'm super ticklish
- I'm scared shitless of spiders
- My favorite color is pale yellow.
- Whenever I go on vacation anywhere crazy stuff follows with me.
- I usually have nothing to add to a talk/topic, so I just don't say/post anything.
- I usually wear the same pair of underwear for a good two weeks before I think that it's time for a new one.
- I can cook like a boss.
Um... may I ask, what's a CERTO? Google's giving me literally no good results.
NERDS GONNA NERD TOGETHER \o/OrbitalBlueprint, adapted to me wrote:Dead thread revival, yay
-I can play a simplistic version of both the Happy Birthday theme and Cara Mia Adió (from Portal 2) on a keyboard
-I have the dream of writing science fiction books one day. In fact I'm writing a first draft of a book right now! (people on Steam chat knew this)
-I have invested only 27 hours in Portal 2. BUT I've invested over 100 hours on Portal 1. Yeah...
-I've read a few fanfics about several stuff, including Portal 2 fanfic and Gravity Falls stuff
-I hate written a few game histories. They all fit in the same universe (a slightly modified Half-Life 2 universe).
-I do believe in the multiverse = universe bubbles theory. I have my own idea on what the multiverse might look like. I believe in the plane multiverses the most.
-I've memorised 45 digits of Pi after the dot, and still plan on memorizing more. Reason: none
-I love recreating things I see on TV/in movies/games. For example: a few pages from the 3rd journal (kind of), a poorly-made portal gun (With random objects in my house). I also draw random Bill Cipher symbols and random ciphers in random places for no good reason...
-I have at least 20 unfinished LÖVE games lying around on my desktop.
-I'm a nutter for Astronomy (One if the many reasons I love Portal 2)
i'm too guilty of this.HugoBDesigner wrote: I also draw random Bill Cipher symbols and random ciphers in random places for no good reason...
helpful vagueTheJonyMyster wrote:almost regular basis
First one: I assume you're referring to MLP and anime. It's fine if you don't like MLP but there isn't just one certain type of person that can be a fan of a show. To judge someone based on something so minimal in regards to any other personality trait or other defining feature is just moronic.rokit wrote:i don't like aaaaaaa/weaboos at all. to a point i despise the whole idea
i don't tolerate a lot of social disorders (autism etc.) and i find it hard to control myself. (not a good combination)
i'm homophobic to a certain degree
Are you Chriscopy wrote:aweful
the reason i don't tolerate them at all is in my school there is a little centre for people with mental disabilities. they get away with everything. one kid full on swore at me in front of a teacher but apparently "she didn't hear it". then them kids made up some bullshit about me and my friends bullying them. i had about 20 witnesses but the head didn't believe me and i got put in isolation. (this has happened 3 times)B-Man99 wrote: Second one: Define "tolerance." I can't even imagine what on earth you mean by that. Do you like despise anyone around you just because of a way their brain developed? What???
because it's really sad that people watch a little girls show? which is ultimately MY opinion?B-Man99 wrote:And same applies as with MLP - why would you judge someone based on something as ridiculous as this?
k, i'm gonna lie about what i think just so some random people on the internet think better of me.B-Man99 wrote:if I were you I would think through your "opinions" a bit more.
yesB-Man99 wrote: let me get this straight... you are against people solely because of what gender the people they love are? And these human beings themselves are somehow an ISSUE?
Uh, yeah, it's your opinion. It doesn't mean you're right. No matter if you like it, you will always have weirdos, who are men and yet aren't all truck-driving lumberjacks. That's normal.rokit wrote:because it's really sad that people watch a little girls show? which is ultimately MY opinion?B-Man99 wrote:And same applies as with MLP - why would you judge someone based on something as ridiculous as this?
Sound like the problem is also with that head. Also if they were <10 y olds, it might explain why they were assholes.rokit wrote: the reason i don't tolerate them at all is in my school there is a little centre for people with mental disabilities. they get away with everything. one kid full on swore at me in front of a teacher but apparently "she didn't hear it". then them kids made up some bullshit about me and my friends bullying them. i had about 20 witnesses but the head didn't believe me and i got put in isolation. (this has happened 3 times)
i know it's generalization but i don't give a shit.
they're my age if not older.Automatik wrote: Sound like the problem is also with that head. Also if they were <10 y olds, it might explain why they were assholes.