Good point.TurretBot wrote:so basically you're exactly the hypocrite he was calling you
also, someone do a world coud word cloud of chat "room" v2
And i will do that!
Good point.TurretBot wrote:so basically you're exactly the hypocrite he was calling you
also, someone do a world coud word cloud of chat "room" v2
tfw you didn't understand a single word.HugoBDesigner wrote:People like the generalization of sports and autistic either way just like sports are fucking fair and hurt a person with autism due to bad feelings saying they're offended by the whole autism exclusion around social hate, since friends with massive experience brought something to someone that KNOW how to fuck with hypocritical RESPECT. Also Hugo's hating STA8UrsELv.
I'm a huge unsensitive asshole making fun of myself, deal with it.
Really, it was necessary.constachugga wrote:Me right now after reading whatever just happened
you don't understand it until you experience it.Hans1998 wrote:but trying to excuse your discrimination with a bad experience is idiotic.
You're focusing on them being autist rather than them being pricks, as i said you're free to hate those specific four of five people because of the pricks they are, but don't use them to justify discriminating people for their condition.rokit wrote:you don't understand it until you experience it.
my whole life was on the line because of them and it fucked me up since. i can't control that i feel that way about them and that will never change.
No, and i suggest you to try to change that mentality, it's bad for you and for the people you're pre-judging.rokit wrote:do you honestly think i'm so proud of it?
Mariofan064 wrote:Hey TurretBot, what's the answer to...
(x-post Avatar Thread)
Defiant Shout wrote:The German. :>
It's really easy if you make a diagram for yourself. (x-post Avatar Thread)
Mariofan064 wrote:Or 5 seconds of Google searching. :p (x-post Avatar Thread)Defiant Shout wrote:It's really easy if you make a diagram for yourself.
Yeah, I guess you're alright, Hugo. filthy 2 percenterHugoBDesigner wrote:@Mariofan064: I solved that puzzle years ago. Am I smart??? (x-post Avatar thread)
see im rightrokit wrote:you'll never have to use lua in your life
Because we don't need spam in the Avatar Thread. It was my fault for bringing it over there, so I'm bringing it back where it needs to.TurretBot wrote:why is this in the chat room
This thread is quite literally the garbage bin of the STYS forum.TurretBot wrote:We don't need spam in the Chat "Room" either *cough*unpopularopinions*couch*
This forum is a garbage bin.Mariofan064 wrote:This thread is quite literally the garbage bin of the STYS forum.TurretBot wrote:We don't need spam in the Chat "Room" either *cough*unpopularopinions*couch*
I'd like to see how that couching works out.TurretBot wrote:We don't need spam in the Chat "Room" either *cough*unpopularopinions*couch*
Oh, well that's a good way to keep things neat I guess.TurretBot wrote:Because the quality of posts has yet to stay above shitpost level past page 98 for any thread.
Though, if it does but we make a new thread anyway, then it's just for tradition. But that hasn't happened yet.
Interesting interpretation. More like a cascading "order of importance" (Where "Importance" is what the aspiring coder wants to do), collapsing more in-depth information to the end, keeping focus on what one needs to do with their code to perform an action. Kinda like a freeform CYOA, except the outcomes of your choice are snippets of information regarding the functions and commands necessary to do an action. It would still be in "book" format, since that's a familiar format to a lot of people. If it were a search engine, some people may be turned off by the input of text. They wouldn't know exactly what they wanted to do to in the first place. So presenting questions that are at least similar to their issues would give them a place to start.TurretBot wrote:A search-based tutorial? I.e. googling "[language name] how to [whatever]" as the tutorial itself?
2-3 pages back we commented about a YouTuber who looked like Idiot9.0. I made a sarcastic response asking if it was actually him, knowing that he wasn't.Julien12150 wrote:oh shit your avatar looks like idiot's avatar
(x-post "Art" Thread")
The "search engine" interpretation came from how you would get to the "Make X do Y" page in the first place -- how was that happening in your head? Because, how I see it, you'd choose a language, the site asks "What do you want to do?", you'd search for "make x do y" there and it'd then show whatever you seem to be looking for.HAPPYFACES wrote:
The front page contains the questions, which would either be collapsibles, or links to the next page regarding the question. The questions contain which language they want to see an example of while breaking down what they need to get started. So on and so forth. I thought the addition of "Make Y affect Z" would illustrate that.TurretBot wrote: The "search engine" interpretation came from how you would get to the "Make X do Y" page in the first place -- how was that happening in your head? Because, how I see it, you'd choose a language, the site asks "What do you want to do?", you'd search for "make x do y" there and it'd then show whatever you seem to be looking for.
I deleted the post because I realized I was reading your ideas incorrectly, and I was making myself look like an ass. Your ideas aren't terrible, and they're actually quite good. So my apologies.HAPPYFACES wrote:Mariofan;
Good save, deleting that post. But still, let's save the condescending "breakdowns" for ideas that are generally considered terrible.
I do not even know how to respond to your shenanigans anymore.jumpinglizard wrote:guiz i coded
>using redditMariofan064 wrote: I deleted the post because I realized I was reading your ideas incorrectly, and I was making myself look like an ass. Your ideas aren't terrible, and they're actually quite good. So my apologies.
I ended up using the photoshopped image I made for /r/braveryjerk, so not all was wasted.
Why hello again, hello again! Mari0 PE isn't made yet btw.jwright159 wrote:Hi. What'd I miss while I was gone? :D
If this is a 4chan/8chan in-joke, I'd like to inform you that you're not even old enough to browse it, much like I am. That's why I use Voat and Reddit. its a meme you dip! I guess who pays attention to site rules anyway?Legend_of_Kirby wrote: >using reddit
>prematurely commenting before fully understanding the point you're replying to
But seriously, all is forgiven
Plot twist: JumpingLizard was caught using an alt account, and is freaking out that the spam-bot detection caught him before Sašo did.jumpinglizard wrote:Uh guys, a new user named "librediaa" just joined and got permabanned memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=3543 when he/she didn't post anything. Why did she/he get banned?