Chat "Room" v3

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Post » 28 Feb 2016, 03:41

TurretBot wrote:so basically you're exactly the hypocrite he was calling you

also, someone do a world coud word cloud of chat "room" v2
Good point.

And i will do that!

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Post » 28 Feb 2016, 04:13

wait i read what hans said incorrectly nevermind (still do the word cloud though)

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Post » 28 Feb 2016, 05:12

So here's a topic much more interesting than the one I accidentally kickstarted into a chain reaction out of control (+1 for me ruining Chat Room again)

I started working on a small game development company (if you follow me on Twitter you probably already knew about that) as a programmer (and pretty much a full game developer). I just worked for the first week, from Monday through Friday, and I'd like to share my experience.
The manager is a little bit weird, as in how he interacts with people. He seems to be shy at times, but then he talks nonstop. As a person, he's the best boss I could ask for. First, because it wasn't me asking for a job: he reached out for my old English school's director, who immediately recommended me (she really likes me and does whatever she can to recommend me when job offers come around). Then over the course of a month or so, I got to chat with him about the job I'd have, what I'd need, etc. I'll admit, he was really slow, and I went to their office several times practically in vain. But he really wanted to let me work there, and even went as far as paying me an online course so that I could learn Unity 2D, BEFORE I even got officially hired. I have to say, though, that the course was crap. But his intentions were the best, so I admire him for that.

The arts guy was one of the first ones I befriended with, not only because he'd be the one I'd work with the most, but also because he was really the most friendly. He tried to make me feel welcomed and comfortable by just acting naturally, joking around, talking about the projects, heck, even poking fun at our boss when he wasn't around!

The developer gal is much quieter. She is close friends with the arts guy, so they're both constantly chatting (me, arts guy and dev girl all work in the same room). However, in regards to me, we have yet to have a relatively formed conversation. She talked very seldom to me, and only about trivial/project related stuff.

The other programmer (who coincidentally shares my name) is way quieter. Before I started working there, I had to go there a few times for "bureaucratic" reasons (and also to chat a bit with my boss and his American partner - which is why they also needed someone who was fluent in English). On the few occasions I saw this other programmer, he seemed either grumpy or just outright isolated from the team. Once I got to know him, I realized he wasn't exactly going to be one of those guys you'd want to avoid, but so far he's been the least sociable. Maybe because he works in his own room, separated from my team, but it's still next door, but he stays quiet in his computer most of the day.

The finances/assistant girl is really cool. After arts guy, she was the one I talked to the most (not counting boss in this case since our relationship is a bit different). She is clearly the youngest of the team (probably around my age, give or take a year or so). She also works on another room, but she interacts with the team a lot, especially since she's constantly dealing with our clients and such. She seems to be pretty funny too (not as much as arts guy but still).

The 'technical' guy is our next subject. I'm still not 100% sure on what he does, but he seems to deal with hardware more than software (unlike the rest of the team). He is a really nice guy, always joking around and making fun of everyone. Compared to arts guy and assistant girl, he is clearly the most humored one, but since his room is far from ours (and he works part-time too), I didn't get to interact with him as much. But he was the first one to befriend me, prior to my first actual day of work.

The American partner is the one I interacted with the least. I did get to chat a lot with him (while also practicing my English skills - which in the end went pretty smoothly), but he only talks business. He is the guy trying to push the company forward, make it grow and get money, but I didn't see much of the company on him. He didn't seem to be in tune with the rest of the crew. He would ONLY talk business. He was very clear on everything I needed to know about him and the company, their goals, what they expected from me, etc. He was one of the most open guys I got to talk with, but I barely said a word, because the guy would only talk about business. Yes, I'm working on a serious business, but I'm a programmer and an artist! I don't need to think about business all the time. Business don't sell, games do. But still, he was a nice guy to chat with. Definitely not as sympathetic as the rest of the crew, but it was okay.

The first day was amazing. To be honest, it was one of my most productive days too. On day one, I was already given a game project to start working on, and I had a working prototype by the end of the day (it's a part-time job, so I achieved that in just 4 hours!). While I can't reveal information about the games, I can still talk about it in a generalized way (please don't start another flame war about generalizations). The game idea is... bad. Like yeah, it's just a mobile game (they mostly do mobile apps and websites for companies, they rarely do anything bigger). But that game is a clone of another game with some new aesthetics (in this case, one that wouldn't even normally fit a game, but they're doing it to ride on the popularity of the theme's irl counterpart). It's just a quick way of grabbing cash, but I was already expecting that to happen. I knew, even before starting to work, that they'd do that, since it's a slowly-grown, relatively new business. What I didn't expect was that they would work pretty much only on these things.

Tuesday and Wednesday were quite easy too. I just had to polish the game, talk to the art guy and coordinate what I needed for the game, etc. Just an insight: from Tuesday through Friday I worked full time, but I'm still a part-time worker, which means I'll be paid extra for these days. During these first few days I got to meet the crew. And quite frankly, those are some really nice people! Everyone is great to work with, and they really help you and each other out in whatever case.

Thursday was a harsh test I accidentally came up with. Because I'm not very used to this routine (mind you, this is my first "proper" job), I had very little sleep in these days. I have to wake up at 7 AM to get there at 8. After 4 hours, lunch break of one hour, then 4 more hours (in this week) and I'm heading home again (at around 5:30 PM). Since I still have my game design course at Tuesdays and Thursdays, that meant I got home on the Tuesday, got ready for course and only got home "properly" at 8:30 PM. From there on, I tried to stay awake to enjoy the little time I had, and much like that, I stayed awaken for way past midnight on all days of the week, so I had between 6 to 3 hours of sleep each day. When Thursday arrived, I was broken. Seriously, I couldn't even stand up of how tired I was. I got on Skype and messaged my boss that I wanted to stay home because I had barely any sleep and I was completely trash because of how tired I was. This is the "accidental" test I was talking about. Despite it being my first week of work, the boss didn't mind me staying at home that day, even though our schedule is tight! I got to work at home that day, and that was amazing. I wouldn't try and do that on purpose, though, but it was a happy surprise that he didn't bother.

Friday was a pretty good day. While I spent half of the day trying to work out a single problem with the game until I gave up and did it in a way I was avoiding since the start, the overall day was nice! I got to chat a lot more with the crew, play around with another game of theirs (yes, another clone of a game with the same theme pasted on top). But it was still enjoyable. I guess in an overall view, the crew is starting to like me. I was afraid that, since they were more experienced than me, they wouldn't take me as seriously, but turns out they did!

So, all in all, I'm really enjoying this new job! I get to do what I like, I have pretty much full control over the game I'm working on (as long as it matches what the American partner requested), and while I get some tips and suggestions from my boss, this is pretty much my own game. I'm not happy with the game and theme they chose, but I already had several ideas on how to make it less "lame". And my boss went along, and greenlit all these ideas I had, so I'm really looking forward to this career! If I work well enough, I'll most likely get a promotion (as in get to work full-time and get a raise). Not to mention (and I actually forgot to mention), despite having to learn Unity (I have barely learned anything and will definitely have to research on it on my own), I get to work with Löve2D! Like, it couldn't have been better: it's a framework I'm used to, with a language I know really well, it's easy to use, fast to make games with, it's free AND exports to all sorts of devices, including mobile (which is the platform we focus on the most).

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Post » 28 Feb 2016, 05:17

HugoBDesigner wrote:People like the generalization of sports and autistic either way just like sports are fucking fair and hurt a person with autism due to bad feelings saying they're offended by the whole autism exclusion around social hate, since friends with massive experience brought something to someone that KNOW how to fuck with hypocritical RESPECT. Also Hugo's hating STA8UrsELv.

I'm a huge unsensitive asshole making fun of myself, deal with it.
tfw you didn't understand a single word.

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Post » 28 Feb 2016, 06:30

constachugga wrote:Me right now after reading whatever just happened

Really, it was necessary.
Well you can continue with the debate.

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Post » 28 Feb 2016, 07:07

Okay, what programming laungage should i learn?

Python or Ruby are the ones i am thinking of learning.
Or love2d, what do you guys/girls think?

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Post » 28 Feb 2016, 13:27

Go for either LOVE or Python.

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Post » 28 Feb 2016, 13:36

use brainfuck

it's very easy to use
Last edited by Technochips on 28 Feb 2016, 14:05, edited 1 time in total.

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Post » 28 Feb 2016, 13:53

C# would also be a good choice. It just depends on what you want to do.

Also nitpicking: löve isn't a language, it's a framework which uses Lua.

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Post » 29 Feb 2016, 01:11

whatever you do don't learn lua cause its a shitty language that youll never use ever

ninja'd 4 times? i thought i sent this???

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Post » 29 Feb 2016, 01:29

Hans1998 wrote:but trying to excuse your discrimination with a bad experience is idiotic.
you don't understand it until you experience it.

my whole life was on the line because of them and it fucked me up since. i can't control that i feel that way about them and that will never change.

do you honestly think i'm so proud of it?

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Post » 29 Feb 2016, 01:36

also for the what language to learn.

you'll never have to use lua in your life if you learn it unless it's roblox, gmod, a small game framework or minor scripting in software like sony vegas (i think it uses lua).

the language that has been most useful to me and has earned me most money (nothing major but ye) has to be javascript. so go with javascript. if you want to make games use it alongside something like phaser or pixi.js (or even just vanilla html5). if not, learn jQuery or Angular.js, HTML and CSS and you could get a $120,000 a year salary in the future.

edit: as for python and ruby:

python: pygame, school projects, mathematical models, django and flask

ruby: only use i can think of is backend programming with ruby on rails.

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Post » 29 Feb 2016, 03:02

rokit wrote:you don't understand it until you experience it.
my whole life was on the line because of them and it fucked me up since. i can't control that i feel that way about them and that will never change.
You're focusing on them being autist rather than them being pricks, as i said you're free to hate those specific four of five people because of the pricks they are, but don't use them to justify discriminating people for their condition.
rokit wrote:do you honestly think i'm so proud of it?
No, and i suggest you to try to change that mentality, it's bad for you and for the people you're pre-judging.

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Post » 29 Feb 2016, 03:28

Mariofan064 wrote:Hey TurretBot, what's the answer to...
The situation

1. There are 5 houses in five different colors.
2. In each house lives a person with a different nationality.
3. These five owners drink a certain type of beverage, smoke a certain brand of cigar and keep a certain pet.
4. No owners have the same pet, smoke the same brand of cigar or drink the same beverage.
5. The question is: Who owns the fish?


the Brit lives in the red house
the Swede keeps dogs as pets
the Dane drinks tea
the green house is on the left of the white house
the green house's owner drinks coffee
the person who smokes Pall Mall rears birds
the owner of the yellow house smokes Dunhill
the man living in the center house drinks milk
the Norwegian lives in the first house
the man who smokes blends lives next to the one who keeps cats
the man who keeps horses lives next to the man who smokes Dunhill
the owner who smokes BlueMaster drinks beer
the German smokes Prince
the Norwegian lives next to the blue house
the man who smokes blend has a neighbor who drinks water

He said that 98% of the world could not solve it, but I know you can! :D
(x-post Avatar Thread)
Defiant Shout wrote:The German. :>

It's really easy if you make a diagram for yourself. (x-post Avatar Thread)
Mariofan064 wrote:
Defiant Shout wrote:It's really easy if you make a diagram for yourself.
Or 5 seconds of Google searching. :p (x-post Avatar Thread)
HugoBDesigner wrote:@Mariofan064: I solved that puzzle years ago. Am I smart??? (x-post Avatar thread)
Yeah, I guess you're alright, Hugo. filthy 2 percenter

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Post » 29 Feb 2016, 03:36

why is that in the chat room
Last edited by TurretBot on 29 Feb 2016, 03:38, edited 1 time in total.

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Post » 29 Feb 2016, 03:37

rokit wrote:you'll never have to use lua in your life
see im right

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Post » 29 Feb 2016, 03:38

TurretBot wrote:why is this in the chat room
Because we don't need spam in the Avatar Thread. It was my fault for bringing it over there, so I'm bringing it back where it needs to.

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Post » 29 Feb 2016, 03:38


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Post » 29 Feb 2016, 03:39

We don't need spam in the Chat "Room" either *cough*unpopularopinions*couch*

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Post » 29 Feb 2016, 03:48

TurretBot wrote:We don't need spam in the Chat "Room" either *cough*unpopularopinions*couch*
This thread is quite literally the garbage bin of the STYS forum.

that's probably why it your most active topic mariofan

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Post » 29 Feb 2016, 04:00

Mariofan064 wrote:
TurretBot wrote:We don't need spam in the Chat "Room" either *cough*unpopularopinions*couch*
This thread is quite literally the garbage bin of the STYS forum.
This forum is a garbage bin.

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Post » 29 Feb 2016, 04:33

TurretBot wrote:We don't need spam in the Chat "Room" either *cough*unpopularopinions*couch*
I'd like to see how that couching works out.

Can we just not spam anything at all? Actually that's too late. I think it's time for me to abandon ship and find some non-spammed forum. I have no reason to be here anyways.

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Post » 29 Feb 2016, 05:13

Right now, the only intent of the "spam" is to get to page 100 of the chat room. That's kind of a goal everyone has before they jump ship as well.

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Post » 29 Feb 2016, 05:29

Can I ask about this cult-religion that is the 100-page-Big Bang, or am I going to be banned for a radioactive 1000 years?

IOW why is a new Chat "Room" opened after we hit 100 pages? ELi5?

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Post » 29 Feb 2016, 05:59

Because the quality of posts has yet to stay above shitpost level past page 98 for any thread.

Though, if it does but we make a new thread anyway, then it's just for tradition. But that hasn't happened yet.

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Post » 29 Feb 2016, 06:19

Thanks rokit, i think i will learn
Python, Lua (because I do play roblox) and javascript.
And maybe html.

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Post » 29 Feb 2016, 06:25

TurretBot wrote:Because the quality of posts has yet to stay above shitpost level past page 98 for any thread.

Though, if it does but we make a new thread anyway, then it's just for tradition. But that hasn't happened yet.
Oh, well that's a good way to keep things neat I guess.

So can I make a chat "room" book and sell it for 30$ just like the Reddit AMA book

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Post » 29 Feb 2016, 06:49

The general consensus on programming languages as far as I've seen is

Java, python, research any sort of C language during your escapades with other two, and stay away from dedicating to Lua. Since it'll p much come naturally after the other three.

Quick tip; don't think of programming as learning some alien concept. It has the same construction of normal languages. Gather information, store information, command based on information.

Speaking of programming as a thing, anybody here think conventional tutorials go about teaching the concepts to beginners the wrong way?

It usually starts with what each part falls under in each category. Like how in a dictionary starts with a letter for each section. "Operators", "Control Structures", "Variables," "Booleans" who wants to hop into stuff like that without knowing it? Too cold to stay long, but still sorta fun. I was thinking about a tutorial that asks "What do you need to do?" As in "Break down what you need to do to do what you want." Say you want to move an object. What do you need to do? Gather information, command based on information. What Controls do you need to do those things?
I think starting like that would be a much more powerful way to get people into programming. And if they wanna know more, "Why does this work?" sections would help immensely.

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Post » 29 Feb 2016, 07:50

Well, maybe you should get into making tutorials. You sound like you know what you're doing, and seem like you could help interested people in need of simple and user friendly help.

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Post » 29 Feb 2016, 08:14

A search-based tutorial? I.e. googling "[language name] how to [whatever]" as the tutorial itself?

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Post » 29 Feb 2016, 09:35

TurretBot wrote:A search-based tutorial? I.e. googling "[language name] how to [whatever]" as the tutorial itself?
Interesting interpretation. More like a cascading "order of importance" (Where "Importance" is what the aspiring coder wants to do), collapsing more in-depth information to the end, keeping focus on what one needs to do with their code to perform an action. Kinda like a freeform CYOA, except the outcomes of your choice are snippets of information regarding the functions and commands necessary to do an action. It would still be in "book" format, since that's a familiar format to a lot of people. If it were a search engine, some people may be turned off by the input of text. They wouldn't know exactly what they wanted to do to in the first place. So presenting questions that are at least similar to their issues would give them a place to start.
However, an easily accessible search function on a digital tutorial might be necessary with a lot of beginning questions.

There'd be emphasis on asking questions, simple ones, and giving answers to those questions right away.

What do you want to do?
- Make X do Y
-- What do you need to make this happen?
--- Information on X, action Y
---- How do you access this information?
----- (Snippets of code with clear indicators of what to write to gather information on X)
------ Why does it work like this?
------- (Define the commands necessary and what they do one by one, maybe with pictures pointing them out.)
----- What information is necessary?
------ (Making else if and shiz)
---- What is Action Y?
----- (Define what action Y is through Snippets of code)
------ Why is it Action Y?
------- (What makes Action Y, commands and such.)
--- How do you apply information on X to make it do Y?
---- (Getting it yet?)
----- Why?
------ (Why.)
-- Why would you want X to do Y?
--- (Answer why, of course)
- Make Y affect Z
-- (And so on)
Of course all of the points would be fully collapsible (or on separate pages containing the information), so it's not gonna be the mess it is as you're seeing it now.

See, when we learn languages while we're very young, we never focused first on why something was. It just was, then the why came later. Like a baby saying "No" to everything, they never know why they're saying it, they're just saying it because they hear their parental units say it so much beep boop.

The CYOA example would require some image magic. Which I can do... At a later date. I'll also probably start a new thread in "Game Development" dedicated to forming the complete idea of the tutorial later on. Because Mariofan is right. I like presenting information in easy-to-understand ways geared toward getting things done fully and quickly. It might also require I get myself the computer I need so I can prepare a myriad of IDE's. Only to be able to present different forms of code.

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Post » 29 Feb 2016, 19:18

Julien12150 wrote:oh shit your avatar looks like idiot's avatar
(x-post "Art" Thread")
2-3 pages back we commented about a YouTuber who looked like Idiot9.0. I made a sarcastic response asking if it was actually him, knowing that he wasn't.

Idiot9.0 being very serious and angry, he started to argue that the person in the video obviously wasn't him, and saying that he "doesn't even like Gravity Falls", not realizing we where just "circle jerking" about the similarities between them both.

I just took his avatar and put the words "NOT ME" over his face as a response/joke referring to that incident. My apologies for your confusion.
Last edited by MF064DD on 29 Feb 2016, 20:40, edited 2 times in total.

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Post » 29 Feb 2016, 19:42

About that...

Not to continue beating the dead horse, but it had to be done...

Please don't hate me Idiot and random youtuber

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Post » 29 Feb 2016, 22:18

I hate you.

Not really but why.

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Post » 29 Feb 2016, 23:12

TurretBot wrote:A search-based tutorial? I.e. googling "[language name] how to [whatever]" as the tutorial itself?
Interesting interpretation. More like a cascading "order of importance" (Where "Importance" is what the aspiring coder wants to do), collapsing more in-depth information to the end, keeping focus on what one needs to do with their code to perform an action. Kinda like a freeform CYOA, except the outcomes of your choice are snippets of information regarding the functions and commands necessary to do an action. It would still be in "book" format, since that's a familiar format to a lot of people. If it were a search engine, some people may be turned off by the input of text. They wouldn't know exactly what they wanted to do to in the first place. So presenting questions that are at least similar to their issues would give them a place to start.
However, an easily accessible search function on a digital tutorial might be necessary with a lot of beginning questions.

There'd be emphasis on asking questions, simple ones, and giving answers to those questions right away.

What do you want to do?
- Make X do Y
-- What do you need to make this happen?
--- Information on X, action Y
---- How do you access this information?
----- (Snippets of code with clear indicators of what to write to gather information on X)
------ Why does it work like this?
------- (Define the commands necessary and what they do one by one, maybe with pictures pointing them out.)
----- What information is necessary?
------ (Making else if and shiz)
---- What is Action Y?
----- (Define what action Y is through Snippets of code)
------ Why is it Action Y?
------- (What makes Action Y, commands and such.)
--- How do you apply information on X to make it do Y?
---- (Getting it yet?)
----- Why?
------ (Why.)
-- Why would you want X to do Y?
--- (Answer why, of course)
- Make Y affect Z
-- (And so on)
Of course all of the points would be fully collapsible (or on separate pages containing the information), so it's not gonna be the mess it is as you're seeing it now.

See, when we learn languages while we're very young, we never focused first on why something was. It just was, then the why came later. Like a baby saying "No" to everything, they never know why they're saying it, they're just saying it because they hear their parental units say it so much beep boop.

The CYOA example would require some image magic. Which I can do... At a later date. I'll also probably start a new thread in "Game Development" dedicated to forming the complete idea of the tutorial later on. Because Mariofan is right. I like presenting information in easy-to-understand ways geared toward getting things done fully and quickly. It might also require I get myself the computer I need so I can prepare a myriad of IDE's. Only to be able to present different forms of code.
The "search engine" interpretation came from how you would get to the "Make X do Y" page in the first place -- how was that happening in your head? Because, how I see it, you'd choose a language, the site asks "What do you want to do?", you'd search for "make x do y" there and it'd then show whatever you seem to be looking for.

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Post » 29 Feb 2016, 23:49

TurretBot wrote: The "search engine" interpretation came from how you would get to the "Make X do Y" page in the first place -- how was that happening in your head? Because, how I see it, you'd choose a language, the site asks "What do you want to do?", you'd search for "make x do y" there and it'd then show whatever you seem to be looking for.
The front page contains the questions, which would either be collapsibles, or links to the next page regarding the question. The questions contain which language they want to see an example of while breaking down what they need to get started. So on and so forth. I thought the addition of "Make Y affect Z" would illustrate that.

Of course there'd be a search engine for someone who's looking for something specific, and I was thinking if this were to come to fruition there'd be a "Most Visited". "Most Important for [Insert thing that requires programming here]", and various other filters right there on the front page of a digital tutorial.

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Post » 01 Mar 2016, 01:50

Did someone mention beating the dead horse?

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Post » 01 Mar 2016, 02:00


Good save, deleting that post. But still, let's save the condescending "breakdowns" for ideas that are generally considered terrible.

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Post » 01 Mar 2016, 02:16

HAPPYFACES wrote:Mariofan;

Good save, deleting that post. But still, let's save the condescending "breakdowns" for ideas that are generally considered terrible.
I deleted the post because I realized I was reading your ideas incorrectly, and I was making myself look like an ass. Your ideas aren't terrible, and they're actually quite good. So my apologies.

I ended up using the photoshopped image I made for /r/braveryjerk, so not all was wasted.

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Post » 02 Mar 2016, 04:23

guiz i coded

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Post » 02 Mar 2016, 04:25

jumpinglizard wrote:guiz i coded
I do not even know how to respond to your shenanigans anymore.

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Post » 02 Mar 2016, 06:11

Mariofan064 wrote: I deleted the post because I realized I was reading your ideas incorrectly, and I was making myself look like an ass. Your ideas aren't terrible, and they're actually quite good. So my apologies.

I ended up using the photoshopped image I made for /r/braveryjerk, so not all was wasted.
>using reddit
>prematurely commenting before fully understanding the point you're replying to

But seriously, all is forgiven

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Post » 02 Mar 2016, 08:35

Uh guys, a new user named "librediaa" just joined and got permabanned memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=3543 when he/she didn't post anything. Why did she/he get banned?

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Post » 02 Mar 2016, 09:05

Probably a spam bot or something.

Stuff like this happens a lot I'd suggest just ignoring it.

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Post » 02 Mar 2016, 11:29

Definitely not a crackdown by a totalitarian regime or anything like that.

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Post » 02 Mar 2016, 21:00


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Post » 02 Mar 2016, 21:36

Plot twist: He bans and hates you, but it's for using s instead instead of š.

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Post » 02 Mar 2016, 22:14

Hi. What'd I miss while I was gone? :D

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Post » 02 Mar 2016, 22:35

-Arguement about sports and autism that lasted for 2 pages which then i made a word cloud out of it
-Meme palooza in the smb4 development thing
-I found the stabyourself reunion template
-You returned

And that is it.

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Post » 03 Mar 2016, 00:46

jwright159 wrote:Hi. What'd I miss while I was gone? :D
Why hello again, hello again! Mari0 PE isn't made yet btw.
Legend_of_Kirby wrote: >using reddit
>prematurely commenting before fully understanding the point you're replying to

But seriously, all is forgiven
If this is a 4chan/8chan in-joke, I'd like to inform you that you're not even old enough to browse it, much like I am. That's why I use Voat and Reddit. its a meme you dip! I guess who pays attention to site rules anyway?

Oh wait, it was a joke. My bad. I'm bad at recognising those, much like my fellow friend idiot. milking that for as long as I can

But hey, thanks for the forgiveness. :p
jumpinglizard wrote:Uh guys, a new user named "librediaa" just joined and got permabanned memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=3543 when he/she didn't post anything. Why did she/he get banned?
Plot twist: JumpingLizard was caught using an alt account, and is freaking out that the spam-bot detection caught him before Sašo did.
Last edited by MF064DD on 03 Mar 2016, 03:10, edited 5 times in total.