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Post » 20 Jan 2014, 20:30

I'm having this nightmare where Maurice uploaded an SE beta but my machine can't support it.
Oh wait.

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Post » 25 Jan 2014, 20:15

For once, I had a good dream.
Caution: Grammar is not present, I wanted to get this down quick.
Here, have some backstory.
My dad never gets rid of his old consoles (at least the ones that don't break, anyway) and I assume he puts them in storage- a Japanese 64, an old SNES, Gamecube games, and so on.
I've never asked about the storage, but I know it exists.
I somehow managed to keep a not-so-working black Gamecube and a perfect silver one, and a bunch of classic Mario games from the storage.
And 2 purple controllers + a wireless gray one.

So, in my dream, I went into my garage (which currently has a bunch of old electronics out that are being sorted), and saw 2 Gamecubes, (one red and one purple) 4 wireless grey controllers, 2 wired purple controllers, all of the Gamecube games that I've ever played.
I go around, opening the cover to the plugged in Gamecube- Naruto was in there.
There also happened to be a GBA player on the bottom of the purple Gamecube.
I hid when my dad came into the room, (in a blend-in sense) he saw me, and said that it was ok...
And then I remembered about the LAN mode of Mario Kart: Double Dash, and I began to set that up.
But it was only a dream...

And we've never had a red nor purple Gamecube.
(And I described all of the colors because I've never remembered a dream so vividly like that.)

EDIT: Right after writing this, we dropped off/donated the electronics in the garage. It was a sad feeling...
At least it was all old, unused stuff that did not include videogames whatsoever.

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Post » 26 Jan 2014, 22:13

I once had a dream that I was playing fallout new vegas, and everything was normal, except for the characters, which were fallout equestria characters. I got to novac before the game crashed. (because fallout new vegas) then i woke up.

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Post » 27 Jan 2014, 05:16

And then my dream (in a sense) came true. I looked at one of the old storage crates, and I saw TWO gamecube controllers. In that box was also a Gameboy-Gamecube adapter, the old, unused Wii, cables for the wii, and so on.
Nothin' like Nintendo.

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Post » 27 Jan 2014, 06:01

I had a dream where I died

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Post » 27 Jan 2014, 23:02

I got a strange Dream. I dreamed I would never see my family again.Strange.

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Post » 28 Jan 2014, 01:11

I dreamed something. The end.

I had a dream I really wanna talk about but I can't remember it at all :P

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Post » 28 Jan 2014, 01:31

The last year, some of my dreams were about videogames, i mean ideas to make one, new elements of videogames that already exist, or something like that.
I can barely remember them, but there was a dream that was about a 3d Super Mario that was not block-based (i mean irreagular platforms), with floating islands, those are all the details i remember.
Now my dreams don't make any sense.

EDIT: Another videogame related dream was one where i was fighting an anthropomorphic bee with a bee-styled sword, i lost.
Yeah, NOW my dreams don't make any sense.

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Post » 31 Jan 2014, 17:47

Recently, I had a dream where I was in a school or something and there were zombies that weren't zombies. Then I was the only passenger in a car, which then went on a loop which was in the middle of the road for some reason. On the loop, I saw the car in the third person, a daedric lord who was basically Satan showed up below the loop, and I was just outside a city by a body of water. That's about all there was. (Has anyone else had a dream in third person?)

Another dream I had, though this was a while ago, was that I was in a group of bug, burly fighters who hated mages, so I bought a robe just to piss them off. I actually went to Rindir's Staffs to get the robe.

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Post » 31 Jan 2014, 21:29

Years ago, I had a dream where my house was struck by meteors. At some point I got killed by one and then blackout.
QwertymanO07 wrote:and there were zombies that weren't zombies.
Uh, what?

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Post » 01 Feb 2014, 01:44

They were like zombies, but had some distinct differences that I can't remember.

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Post » 01 Feb 2014, 11:03

Today I dreamed that I was playing a game (I'm presuming) and I was a Panda along with 2 of my friends and Arin from Game Grumps (yeah I have no idea).

We are supposed to deliver pizza by swimming in canals and stuff. At one point Arin abandoned us for a girl (who was just sitting there at the edge of the water, on a ledge of the canal or something). Then my two friends just got lost since they were new to the place and I managed to deliver the pizza on my own..

Now that I think about it, this all makes sense. Yesterday I played Borderlands 2 with Jorichi, Ren and Ren's Brother and we talked alot about Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and how they were delivered pizza. (there was a sidemission with a reference to TMNT, so that's why it was brought up)

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Post » 18 Feb 2014, 20:15

I once drived the Rainbow Road and were in a Half life 2 world.
I didnt even know HL2

Dont know if Dream becaus of the fellings or Nightmare becaus of the endless loop

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Post » 18 Feb 2014, 20:23

(Somebody better bust out Hammer, we've got a map to make.)

So I had this dream where I was in a public building that felt like Target, then I went to the 3rd or 4th floor onto a balcony. On the balcony was like a desert thing with sand blowing everywhere, but on other balconies were other biomes (I think another one was just plain grass). On the desert balcony there was a group of people in sort of a rebellion or something that I was apparently in, and we all had laptops. Then I sat on a sand dune and said "Is this really the best idea?" because the sand would probably wreck the computers, but then I just went along with it. Later some people came and tried to kill me, so I went to the back stairs of the building. That's all I remember.

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Post » 18 Feb 2014, 22:01

I had a dream I was a miner and we mined at a cliff face and there was a swingy rope bridge, and my apprentice accidentally broke my legs by swinging the bridge so that it hit my legs while I was almost falling down the cliff from the hole we were mining at. Then he got a broken medic-machine-thingy that supposedly sewed up damage in my soul as well as my body and instead of healing my legs it tried to heal my chest which was just fine and so it hurt a lot. (The medic-machine-thingy was trying to sew a nonexistant cut in my chest up, and it hurt as much as things in dreams can hurt, which is not quite pain but it's still uncomfortable.) It kept doing that for a long time then I had to melt some ice off of a step in front of a door for some reason. Then I can't remember past that. Also various people I knew were helping melt the ice.

Also something about a pool shaped like an O and a boat that went around it.

Another dream I was a pony wielding a rainbow gun (I don't know why) sneaking around an ancient Egyptian ruin and avoiding dog-thingies made of stone that were guarding the place and trying to stop the ancient doomsday device. Also, there were canals in the middle of the passageway and something about a stone key. I don't remember it well because it was in 2013. Now that I think about it so was the other dream, but it was closer to now than the second dream.

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Post » 19 Feb 2014, 02:10

I had the best dream ever a few nights ago,

I was physically in an online multiplayer session of some weirdly awesome game with random people from stys. In said game we were in a large gymnasium and we could basically do what ever we want (physics allowing). You can get any item you could imagine and transform into any thing you could think of. At one point we took turns driving a remote controlled car while the others were chasing it down as cheetahs. Even more amazing, you could fluently change the inter face and graphic style to any game you want! From a top down hotline miami style view to minecraft to anything! There was no lag, everyone played nice, it was perfect. There was also a no killing rule since no one liked to physically feel the pain of dying. There was a chat system yet everyone sounded like a different celebrity (renhoek was Jack Black :P)

There was another game mode too that we all eventually played. The game picks a person at random, takes random locations from there memories, and then mixes them all into one big map. We are then are all placed randomly a one point in the map and we have to race to another random marked point in the map. You can still transform into any character you want to try to do this, but the map is set up in such a way that you cannot finish it without switching characters. After someone gets to the finish they get a point and we get transported to a map based on there memories and so on and so forth. It was absolutely amazing.

The craziest part about it was the fact that I knew I was asleep the whole time. In fact I could get up and walk around, IRL, then go right back to the dream.This has to be the most vivid memory I have of a dream. Period.

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Post » 19 Feb 2014, 02:21

MM102 wrote:renhoek was Jack Black :P
I will remember this

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Post » 19 Feb 2014, 05:31

MM102 wrote:-Epic Dream-
Was the famous moon there?

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Post » 25 Feb 2014, 03:32

I had a dream that Monday had officially been canceled. It was glorious.

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Post » 25 Feb 2014, 18:31

I had a dream. I dunno what it was though, something about Master Reboot.

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Post » 07 Mar 2014, 00:12

I got a dream about a eating Couch and billy mayes selling talking phones

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Post » 07 Mar 2014, 01:34

That is beautiful
I would pay 20 bucks to have that appear to me in a vision
Unfortunately subconscious trances aren't transferable like that
Before anyone says something no I'm not referring to drugs
This is a thread about dreams and nightmares

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Post » 07 Mar 2014, 12:12

Think_with_Coins wrote:I got a dream about a eating Couch and billy mayes selling talking phones
Were they mouth phones?

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Post » 07 Mar 2014, 16:04

My Nigthmare,i was sleeping,then my bed opened a hole,i just keep falling,and then tentacles holded my body and they were smashing me in the floor,i woke up with a pain in my face.
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Post » 07 Mar 2014, 16:52

B-Man99 wrote:That is beautiful
I would pay 20 bucks to have that appear to me in a vision
Unfortunately subconscious trances aren't transferable like that
Before anyone says something no I'm not referring to drugs
This is a thread about dreams and nightmares

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Post » 07 Mar 2014, 22:40

God i have sooo amazing Dreams

I once dreamed that i was at a lego star wars world and then i saw a japanese guy falling in a sawmile.

The next dream was about me living with an open stomach

then my dad was something like a superhero
also with an open stomach

i got even more of these Dreams

666 666 666 666 666 666 666 665
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Post » 08 Mar 2014, 00:04

I still remember one dream I had a while back, involving ponies. I was somewhere, and I saw the Mane Six, and I went over to Fluttershy and hugged her tightly, and the weirdest part was that I thought I may have actually felt it. Weird crap.

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Post » 08 Mar 2014, 00:41

I had a pretty weird dream not too long ago, actually.
A bunch of strange people broke into my room at night to kill me (not quite sure why but hey), and right as one was about to stab me, Kiashi broke out of my cupboard and beat everyone up in slow motion.
Quality dream 9/10 would have again.

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Post » 08 Mar 2014, 00:49

I had one where it was in the style of the Roosterteeth Animated Adventures.
Everyone was Gavin, and jack was a talking Parrot that was on the 'alpha Gavin's shoulder.
We went on adventures.
Can't remember much of the actual adventure part.

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Post » 08 Mar 2014, 02:23

Once I heard someone talking about Doctor Who and Harry Potter

The next night I had a dream where I was on a spaceship
with the doctor and harry potter
I was hiding from them
as a giant muffin with arms and legs.
Then I went in a box.

That's all I remember.

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Post » 08 Mar 2014, 03:27

Camewel wrote:I had a pretty weird dream not too long ago, actually.
A bunch of strange people broke into my room at night to kill me (not quite sure why but hey), and right as one was about to stab me, Kiashi broke out of my cupboard and beat everyone up in slow motion.
Quality dream 9/10 would have again.
I do wonder where that 1/10 went.
Also, all of my dreams either consist of me flying around in different environments, or some random non-interesting dream. But I mostly don't even dream.

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Post » 08 Mar 2014, 08:38

LightningFire wrote:
Camewel wrote:I had a pretty weird dream not too long ago, actually.
A bunch of strange people broke into my room at night to kill me (not quite sure why but hey), and right as one was about to stab me, Kiashi broke out of my cupboard and beat everyone up in slow motion.
Quality dream 9/10 would have again.
I do wonder where that 1/10 went.
When I woke up, I checked my cupboard and Kiashi wasn't really there, the dissapointment lost it the last 1/10.

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Post » 08 Mar 2014, 08:46

Everyone needs a Kiashi in their cupboard. It makes for great comfort and security. Mine has a side effect of caressing my face for some reason though.

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Post » 08 Mar 2014, 10:50

Camewel wrote: A bunch of strange people broke into my room at night to kill me (not quite sure why but hey), and right as one was about to stab me, Kiashi broke out of my cupboard and beat everyone up in slow motion.
Quality dream 9/10 would have again.
Great, now let's turn it into a contract with Pixar, make it into an animation movie and get $$$$$$$

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Post » 11 Mar 2014, 20:16

I've had this cool dream where I was a Smart Automated Program Installed On A Computer. I was able to control the mouse pointer without even touching it. I was able to control the keyboard as well without even touching it, and those keys would be sent directly to other programs. The Escape Key's Purpose was to shut me down when one wanted control back and to start me up when he/she was afk.

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Post » 12 Mar 2014, 02:05

I've had dreams before about going through a mirror in a house and being able to fly on the other side.
I was little, and the mirrored side was full of toys.

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Post » 18 Mar 2014, 22:45

chrdov wrote:I've had this cool dream where I was a Smart Automated Program Installed On A Computer. I was able to control the mouse pointer without even touching it. I was able to control the keyboard as well without even touching it, and those keys would be sent directly to other programs. The Escape Key's Purpose was to shut me down when one wanted control back and to start me up when he/she was afk.
Are you sure you aren't? You could have made that post if you were.

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Post » 10 Jun 2014, 01:21

i'm going over old posts like museum

Last night I had a dream Peter Capaldi was at out house. We ate dinner with him and he told me the story of all Series 8 of Doctor Who while he cursed like in The Thick of It, how there was going to be a spinoff with Christopher Eccleston as 9, and then we talked about my career as the 15th Doctor.
As we walked out a giant plane landed into our fucking yard and it spilled Cheep Cheeps and ponies everywhere.
Suddenly, someone walked out. It was Maurice. He walked off the plane into our yard with Sašo holding a large container of ban hammers. After Sašo came Jorichi who looked exactly like this gas station register guy I saw the other day.
Then came B-Man, Vakema, Twilight Sparkle (the forum member), Bob the Lawyer dressed in a bunny suit, Turtley (who was flailing and glitching around) and then Idiot.

We all got together and we had a midnight pool party in my neighbor's yard for some reason.
And when I mean everyone, I mean everyone. Even WaryLouka, who looked like this scrawny kid I saw, kept getting kicked

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Post » 10 Jun 2014, 01:40

I had a dream that Wilo was having sex with prehistoric woodland creatures
Oh wait

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Post » 18 Jul 2014, 15:57

I had a dream where I saw Rainbow Dash's little sister. Who was Rainbow Dash. With the Mane 6's cutie marks. Who died when she was young. There was other stuff, but I don't care, because that was the most I remember.

I also had this other dream that had three parts over two years. Pt 1: I was walking on a beach with two other people (a guy and girl). The girl was pulled into the ocean by crabs. Pt 2: I was at burgur king with the guy, when we saw the girl come in like she was the goddess of the sea. Pt 3: Where is it? Where did it go? I lost it. I'm sure it was around here somewhere. So no part three.

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Post » 18 Jul 2014, 22:03

i had a wet dream
I used to have this nightmare when I was a kid, and it goes a little something like this...
Once upon a dream, I lived in a tower, as a wizard-cross-inventor. I was inventing something revolutionary, a steam roller. Only problem was, mine couldn't go over speed bumps. I was devastated when Humpty Dumpty invented one that could, and sent me to the court of ants and my mother to death. The rest of my immediate family attends the court hearing with the judge of Lego Anakin Skywalker. My sister and father are sent to life imprisonment and it usually just gets trippy and weird after that, and I have this strange constant falling feeling. I had the same dream around 10-20 times, and that's not an exaggeration, it scared me so much.

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Post » 30 Dec 2015, 11:27

Code: Select all

12:25 AM - MM102: I woke up cus I had a really weird dream about youtubers commentating over asmr music videos
12:25 AM - MM102: I just
12:25 AM - MM102: why?

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Post » 30 Dec 2015, 16:28

I had a dream where I was going to an old haunted mansion with my former classmates. On arrival there was a giant (like, 3 times as high as the building) ape robot wich for some reason started to chase me on a pretty big parking lot(?) next to the mansion. After a while I was able to climb the robot ape and acces a sort control pannel thing in a rectangular hole located in it's back. So there I was, controlling a giant ape robot. Making it walk around the 'parking lot'...
Then I woke up, confused by the dream I just had.
And then I decided to not give a sh*t and go back to sleep.
The End.

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Post » 30 Dec 2015, 20:11

I was at a pizza place
And everything had a green floor
The menu was up a steep slope
I went up steep slope
I started sliding down steep slope over and over again
I fall all the way over the steep slope and die


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Post » 30 Dec 2015, 20:25

I was playing SMB3 SNES with my dad but the game glitched out and all the levels broke in to a random mess of blocks (but the world map was fine apparently)

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Post » 30 Dec 2015, 22:48

I once had a dream where I was apparently remembering a previous dream, but I could have just been dreaming that. I had no way to know whether it was original or not, and it was really disconcerting.

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Post » 30 Dec 2015, 23:43

I had a lot of notable dreams when I was young(er), to the point of remembering some of them even now.

My first one was in my house, but with a huge pit in the middle. I had Spiderman's web swinging powers (not slinging, just swinging :U). The tv's in my room and my parents' were turning on, and I had to turn them off for whatever reason. The image of the chameleon (Spiderman villain) kept popping into my head, too, so he was behind it. Basically any time I'd turn one tv off, the other would turn on again, and this was linked to something bad and I just kept not wanting my parents to die. This repeated about 10 times before I woke up, just swinging between the two rooms via the hallway.

Another one was me just being Dash from the incredibles, and I was running through a forest, when someone grabbed me by the back of my shirt and stabbed me. I woke up holding my Dash stuffed toy. Never slept with that thing in the same bed again.

There was also a dream about being on the tower of terror indefinitely until I woke up. I walked around once I woke up and was light headed, so I may have been sleep walking.

This one is a little weird I guess: I was in some sort of swamp house, with some wooden slotted shutters, and was told not to open them. We talked for a bit and I walked up to get some light. They started yelling nonono but it wasn't registering, water rushed in and crocodiles just started running in. Not eating anyone, but they did open their mouths. I then had a flashback (in the dream) about jumping across logs (like the thing the soldiers in Mulan did, but 3d plain), to places that were wood platforms, and had some random rope nets around as well to land on. Then I woke up.

I've also had a few lucid dreams about walking into my bathroom only to find myself not in the bathroom pissing myself. (Luckily this hasn't happened too recently, though) I've also tried to piss in a fridge while sleepwalking (or at least that's what my parents tell me) :I

Last thing: A lot of the time at one of my old houses I was reallly scared of being in my room during the dark, so I would dash to my bed and jump under the covers (literally). Sometimes though, I would be walking, trying to run but couldn't. I also couldn't scream for my mom because I found myself choked up somehow. I began to blame it on a poltergeist, although it may have just been sleep fatigue, or I was just dreaming right after jumping into bed (forgetting about that) then waking up because of it. However, one night I got some burst of energy and started punching/kicking the air and never had the problem again. So yea. I dunno, but the obecalp probably helped.

So yea, those are all the dreams (and the weird maybe-dream instance) from 5+ years ago that I can distinctly remember still. Maybe there's a reason. :U

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Post » 01 Jan 2016, 17:00

I had a dream where I was mad at Qwerty because he kept referring to himself as "Qwerty" and I didn't think it was a real name, but then I took a trip to some foreign place where there were people called Qwerty and I forgave him.

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Post » 14 Jan 2016, 15:05

I had another dream where everyone was mocking me in Chat "Room" for hating monospaced fonts even though I don't and had no idea why they thought I did.

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Post » 14 Jan 2016, 15:11

You hate monospaced fonts? What the fudge man... I thought you were cool.
Welcome to my foes list.