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Eh, I go around to each individual website because it shows that someone actually went there. Because I'm nice.
I'm drawing more portraits of some of the game's levels- It should take a few more days to unveil the next one.
I did consider Wario (as a playable character) at one point, but I eventually realized that the cast of characters would be too goofy with his inclusion. However, I do intend to implement him as a boss in some way, as Mario and Wario's rivalry has died since the fatty got his own series of games.
Waluigi gets his own exclusive secret level in World -1 of chapter 3. Where everything- the ground, goombas, and so on- has a Waluigi face. It's just meant to be a for-fun level, a little break from being trapped in a screwed-up warp zone.
Both these decisions were made before the conversation about them came up.
I've started to work on the 1500 tiles that we need to create... it's less boring than you think.
Let's see... I need to make about 15 tiles for each of the 100 levels that are planned (at least ones without repeating tiles; I could get away with it in places such as Tick Tock Clock, but Beatbox Boombox has different themes and styles for each level.) thus far.
How would you judge these tiles then? They're all-original, and are planned to be the main tiles for Pinball Casino. The tiles in the middle consist of either the line, hexagon, or (not shown) nothing, meaning that the whole design in the middle can be as compact as you want it to.
What I actually did with the tilesets was something a little different. Whenever I try to post anything pixel-by-pixel, (like the tilesets) it's either too minuscule for me, or when enlarged, too blurry. So what I do instead is zoom in on the sprite, hit Print Screen, paste it in Paint then crop it to the actual image. By doing so, I get to keep all the little squares in the picture whilst still making it large.
In any case, here's the original resolution I deleted the image because it was no longer needed.
Last edited by Cake on 17 Jul 2013, 07:31, edited 1 time in total.
imaginary cake wrote:What I actually did with the tilesets was something a little different. Whenever I try to post anything pixel-by-pixel, (like the tilesets) it's either too minuscule for me, or when enlarged, too blurry. So what I do instead is zoom in on the sprite, hit Print Screen, paste it in Paint then crop it to the actual image. By doing so, I get to keep all the little squares in the picture whilst still making it large.
If you upscale with gimp, there is an option called "Interpolation: None" to disable blurring.
I suppose that would help, but I'm just looking to display the image larger simply for showcase purposes. Of course, If I suddenly decide to switch the sizes to 32x32 and keep the original design, that helps greatly.
You've actually added all the tiles I did so far to the tileset already except for a select (and unimportant) 7 autumn grass tiles that pertain to the edges and middle of the "block".
I dunno why, but one of the corners has a misplaced pixel that's not in the original picture. Oh well. In any case, I'm moving on to completing the tilesets by adding the bottom, bottom corners, and ground-wall corners.
In any case, I now know basic Lua. Programing is something me and Victinistar (where is he anyway?...) can certainly handle, and I'm up and ready to do the game's sprites. Heck, I'll manage licences and all that crap if I wanted to, but our main problem right now is music. I will be using some 16 bit remixes for parts that make sense, but otherwise we need new tracks for stuff like the beehive world. (To tell the truth, I kind of want to use some of 0' Brothers' tracks. Those are plain awesome.)
Speaking of remixes, I need to figure out how to change GXSCC's settings to 16 bit tracks instead of 8 bit tracks if possible.
Here, I'll make a list of what tracks we need. Even if something is already listed, still suggest something. More variety = better gameplay. In fact, original compositions will probably be the best option of all. (I'm going to call each world by a generalized name because I don't think many people in general read my document listing worlds, levels, ect.)
Tree World
-PM&TTYD The Great Boggly Tree (
Beehive World
-SMG Beehive levels
-SMG2 Beehive Levels
Toy Box World
-PM Shy Guy's Toy Box
Art World
Music World
-My own original composition
Clock World
Factory World
Pinball/Casino World
High-Tech World
City/Construction World
Mushroom Abyss World
Luigi's Mansion
(Hard-to-describe) World
Water Caves World
(Multi-themed) Water World (I just need some underwater Bowser infiltration and haunted shipwreck music.)
Amusement Park World
World -1 (Screwed up glitchy stuff)
Dream World
Rotten Kitchen World
Sweets World
Sky Forest World
Castle and Airship World
Moon World
Dark World (Does Bowser in the Dark World ring a bell?)
Star World (Rainbow Road, basically)
As for the last world, even I dunno what it'll turn out to be.
You know, most of these tracks can be found in the 3D games anyway- mainly the RPGs such as Paper Mario and Mario and Luigi. I'll put in all of the almost-perfect fits, such as Moon music from Paper Mario and the Thousand-Year Door for the Moon world.
Just give me some sleep, I'll be back with more tiles and descriptions soon. Just don't rant on quality until the 16th.
I've been where I usually have, where has you been cake??? I'm pretty sure you don't visit your relatives for 2 months. I haven't seen you around much...
Anyhow, I've been derping around and MAY have created something music-wise, hopefully I see you soon so I can show it to you.
All the according shapes and sizes should be modeled to SMBX's SMW tileset- except it should do well to create multiple, varying versions of each tile. For example, I made 3 different grass tiles looking extraneously similar, although they had different grass patterns, making the actual level less repetitive within visuals.
What I basically meant was that different varieties of the same tiles are useful, as they make the level visually more appealing.
And the pieces that I would love constructed are: The top edge, the right edge, the left edge, the bottom edge, the top right, top left, bottom right, and bottom left corners, (also known as 90 degree corners) the middle tiles, 270 degree corners, and optionally the slopes.
As for the slopes, 1-to-1, 1-to-2, and 1-to-4 slopes at all 4 rotations is what I'm looking for. The slopes are optional, of course.
I didn't really do anything involving the game today other than polishing the paintings depicted for some of IOSMB4's levels.
I also attempt to make a small Yoshi sprite
What I meant by small Yoshi sprite was actually the sprite for when Yoshi gets hit in the super form. Yoshi will power-up and get hit as the other characters in addition to being able to throw eggs in super and above forms. To subtract from this overpowering, Yoshi cannot collect suits- for example, that's a no on the Tanooki suit and a yes on the Super Leaf.
However, keep in mind both of those power-ups are not intended to be in the game at this point.
If you remember correctly cake, my computer is broken, and my iPhone has no SD retrieval slots to take music from my 3DS. Man, you're already on tilesets. I need to start more coding on Friday.
So... Yea, right now, I'm useless. XD
Also, I would prefer different colors for Utsobo. I'll think of some later to test out.
Edit: I just need to do the bottom tiles of the autumn grass and I'm done with that set. The casino tileset was also finished, as I only needed to add in the 270 degree corner pieces. I guess this would count as an update to the If Only Mari0: SE tileset.