Legend_of_Kirby wrote:Holy Shit, What happened when I left?
Well, I think you left about a week ago. So, the only things that I think you'd want to know is that Shank (Shankyourself.net) got Permabanned, and this Chat "Room" was made to stop someone from getting onto the 100th page of the thread.
Well, Chat Room was almost reaching the 100th page and everybody started spamming a countdown so it got locked. Also, the user who was going to start the 100th page was going to be full of himself. Shadowlord, Camewel, me and others are trying to prove Turtley that his translations of his own Japanese version of Sonic the Restaurant, Knukles the eskimo and Miles "per" hour is wrong. He thought all those meant Sonic the Hedgehog, Knuckles the Echidouna and Miles "Tails" Prower or something like that. It's clear that Shadowlord is right, Turtley even tried to show us fake images! I started playing "Phoenix Wright" and I'm almost done with the fourth case. We also talked about asian monks and AOE priests. Broponi (a new guy) also forgot his password already and Dragonberi gave him his account. Idiot Puzzles happened, Shank started spamming incontrollably because he got bored and he got permabanned and Camewel started working at FightYourself again.
Costinteo wrote:Well, Chat Room was almost reaching the 100th page and everybody started spamming a countdown so it got locked. Also, the user who was going to start the 100th page was going to be full of himself. Shadowlord, Camewel, me and others are trying to prove Turtley that his translations of his own Japanese version of Sonic the Restaurant, Knukles the eskimo and Miles "per" hour is wrong. He thought all those meant Sonic the Hedgehog, Knuckles the Echidouna and Miles "Tails" Prower or something like that. It's clear that Shadowlord is right, Turtley even tried to show us fake images! I started playing "Phoenix Wright" and I'm almost done with the fourth case. We also talked about asian monks and AOE priests. Broponi (a new guy) also forgot his password already and Dragonberi gave him his account. Idiot Puzzles happened, Shank started spamming incontrollably because he got bored and he got permabanned and Camewel started working at FightYourself again.
Two things: broponi isn't new, he just hasn't posted in forever (I've seen one or two of his posts about three avatars ago)
Also, Camewel hasn't started working on Fys, he just explained why he couldn't yet, and that soon he would.
Maurice wrote:If I wasn't excited for The Last Of Us before, I am now.
Can't wait for next friday.
I'm just going to add on to this that it's a Naughty Dog game of course it's going to be great.
(somewhat late because I forgot it was a Naughty Dog game)
I don't like rage comics. They are not funny, since they are just a bunch of memes munched together. And memes(An idea that's repeated too much like if it was funny.), aren't funny. Also, everyone can make comics themselves without the need for a ragebuilder.com or other quickmeme.com (Ms paint, etc) .
Automatik wrote:I don't like rage comics. They are not funny, since they are just a bunch of memes munched together.
Not always. Rage comics are just another way (Sure, not the best way, but still a way) to tell about funny events.
Mine, for example, contains no memes other than being a rage comic, which shouldn't count.
Mine also is not funny, but it has nothing to do with the presence of memes.
Automatik wrote:
No, it's a fact.
Something is funny if it's unexpected.
You can't say a meme is expected since it's used multiple times.
Well how come people still look at it?
Also, some of the memes are used in a way nobody would expect.
Like this one: The Four Elements
If they were listed top to bottom, would you have expected that?
Straight from memebase.
TheJonyMyster wrote:Well how come people still look at it?
Because they aren't tired of it yet.
Also, some of the memes are used in a way nobody would expect.
I wouldn't call the four elements a meme, but if it's unexpected, then yeah.
Unless the act of changing the meme is done so much than it's not unexpected anymore.(=If everyone make variations of the 4 elements)
Automatik wrote:
No, it's a fact.
Something is funny if it's unexpected.
You can't say a meme is expected since it's used multiple times.
Well how come people still look at it?
Also, some of the memes are used in a way nobody would expect.
Like this one: The Four Elements
If they were listed top to bottom, would you have expected that?
Straight from memebase.
TheJonyMyster wrote:Well how come people still look at it?
Because they aren't tired of it yet.
Also, some of the memes are used in a way nobody would expect.
I wouldn't call the four elements a meme, but if it's unexpected, then yeah.
Unless the act of changing the meme is done so much than it's not unexpected anymore.(=If everyone make variations of the 4 elements)
It's not the four elements, that's the name of the post.
The chips joke is the meme.
So basically, I had a question for you, but then I realized I couldn't just ask you it because it's not the kind of question you go around asking.
So I put it in spoilers.
Do you have a Tumblr?
You seem like someone who'd have an awesome Tumblr.
I was originally going to that's say that shouldn't go around asking people that, but that wouldn't sound right, would it?
It's old, but thank you still. I made it when I was trying to make a mobile app icon for my website a few years ago (there was one right before it but it was just a blue background). It's where my tX logo started, before it my logo was an upside Twitter "T" that looked like an "F"
I attempted to get Dios Mios to work on my wii for two days and finally realized the problem was that I had a GC microphone plugged into the memory card slot.
From what I know the team that made NewerSMBW made two holiday specials: Holiday Special released in 2011, and Summer Sun released in 2012.
These were made during Newer's development and are pretty much be classified as mappacks. They're also much, much smaller than Newer is.
These might be what you are thinking of.
Speaking of Newer, I can't play it myself since my copy of NSMBW decided to up and not read in my console anymore. It bums me out since I was following this project since it's beginning. Time to shell out 50 bucks for a new copy I guess. Yes I looked it up. Even as a used copy NSMBW costs near $50. I have no idea why, even if it's one hell of a game.