
If it doesn't fit elsewhere, it should go here
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Post » 12 Feb 2014, 04:58

WiloKing wrote:
Maurice: hilarious when it comes to sarcasm. Great overall.
Saso: a very helpful, straightforward guy who lets you know if you're being stupid.
Jorichi: very helpful, friendly and creative and there's really nothing wrong with him goomba industries
Idiot9.0: very funny in certain situations and overall someone to be praised, though somewhat harsh at times. The first person who responded to me on the forums when I made my first post, which was a bad start.
Camewel: though invisible very recognizable and sharp
renhoek: great member although a horrendous start, and has improved impressively since then and should be a reminder to newer members to stay sharp.
Kiashi: one day I will put you into a jar and dissect from 20 feet away using a rod with a knife attached to the end ;)
turret: can make me laugh sometimes, whixh is rare, considering I have a pretty much hardened mind. Very helpful sometimes.
B-Man: very honest, very friendly and very .. savvy.
Firaga: shows a tremendous amount of potential, and exudes it.
Superjustinbros: seems friendly, and is very creative, not to mention thrifty, just look at. Aoz0ra! Spellednthat wrong!
Doormat: very helpful although a new member.
villager: has quite a bit of potential creativity, it just needs a better start.
Trist: whenever I look out at the sky at night all I can see is you.
Also in majora's mask you must have really let yourself go.
Alesanr: a great member with great capability to do what nintendon't
HugoBDesigner: very friendly, great coder, and very creative with much capability, and much more to come.
copy: never seen your posts but I'm sure you're a great person
WaryLouka: you are a snake. There is nothing better to describe you as. All you do is lie and be a dumb assfuck. Grow up, if you're reading this. Move on to 4chan or some other shit and come out, even they are more mature than you.
I apologize for language
bavzie: very ambitious, hyperactive imagination never hurt anyone. Needs a bit of slack as clearly he could be younger
Cheese: I willnot ask
Rokit: your face upside down power is very strong.
Mario lover: neeeeheeegh the laughability
of: pretty cool guy I guess doesn't post too often thiugh
Qcode: I feel like I already did you but you are excellent
jackostar: very arsty
magicpillow: very witty añd knows how to shameless chamber
wilo: just keep chasing down brigitte hou can do it just focus on desicions
Mrgaheash: have you know I will have kiashi have some fun with you next time you mess up
Trosh: keep troshing please do not splosh
Jony: interestibg sense of humorous, also has probably got mappack Otho: random crap
Hans: radiates creativity and diabolical humor
Ucebna: potent I guess um I will stick with that.
And it only took me 2 whole hours ugh my life force is draining
Any comments on me?

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Post » 12 Feb 2014, 05:13

If he will aswer, i would like to ask for an example of my diabolical humor.

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Post » 12 Feb 2014, 20:15

He is probably referring to Mad Science.

Also Criticize me.

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Post » 16 Feb 2014, 07:34

TurretBot wrote: [...]my mushroom goomba mashup sprite thing is better than yours[...]
Although you might think that, its common courtesy to not belittle others work because of differing opinions.
(unless its something that's not supposed to be taken seriously of course)

I don't know why I wanted to point this out, so please don't take this as any kind of personal attack.

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Post » 18 Feb 2014, 01:46

I'd like some feedback as well

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Post » 18 Feb 2014, 04:02

Automatik wrote:He is probably referring to Mad Science.

Also Criticize me.
You're a freaking genius.
MM102 wrote:I don't know why I wanted to point this out, so please don't take this as any kind of personal attack.
I'm so offended.
crazyal02 wrote:I'd like some feedback as well
You have way too few posts.
You're avatar is kind of meh, but I guess that's all opinionated.
That's pretty much all I can say.

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Post » 06 Mar 2014, 22:59

I Need Criticism

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Post » 07 Mar 2014, 00:13

All you do is post in shameless chamber games which is completely okay but I don't understand any of your jokes so it kinda sucks on my end but hey that works
Also you wanted to be in the community picture but you're really new and haven't done much besides forum games so none of us really know you or anything, I don't know what to say about that.
I'm guess English isn't your first language because of the fact that I don't understand some of the stuff that you say...?
I don't really know because again, you're super new and haven't made any significant posts or talked to me outside of the forums.

I would like to say thanks because I remember you accidentally bumping a thread as a newbie and right away you never did it again, and that's really good because lately a ton of newbies have been coming around and it pisses me off when they bump dead threads and don't edit posts and stuff like that.

You seem like a cool guy. I wish I understood your jokes because then they would probably be really funny considering how often you post in forum games.
Heck, that's how I started. Did nothing but Troll genie for like 2 months.
So yeah. Thanks for not being an idiot. And also having a good taste in music. I didn't know anyone else was into the Monaco OST as much as me.

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Post » 07 Mar 2014, 00:19

I can understand this things
it really helps and these things are true ( im german so it isnt my first language )

And the thing with the Monaco OST: Yes, i also love it

Gonna try to fix these things ( Mostly the joke and the language thing)
Last edited by Think_with_Coins on 07 Mar 2014, 08:59, edited 1 time in total.

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Post » 07 Mar 2014, 01:36

Of course! I talk to people all the time whose first language isn't English, it's totally cool :)
God damn I feel so bad for you people... English is a wacky language. Must be hard to learn it without like constantly being surrounded by it.

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Post » 07 Mar 2014, 01:45

I'm open to criticism.
Think_with_Coins wrote:I Need Criticism
You seem to make jokes nobody gets, but you're a pretty cool guy from what I've seen, and I hope to see more of you.

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Post » 07 Mar 2014, 08:38

Bman, your sentence structure is horrific, you went a good two lines without a single piece of punctuation. Try to break your monster sentences down into smaller ones.
TWC, I assume you post mainly in forum games because I have no idea who you are.
Firaga, I'm sure there's something you do that's annoying, but I can't remember what so it's clearly not that annoying.

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Post » 07 Mar 2014, 12:21

B-Man99 wrote: English is a wacky language.
It is so weird. Even that one word. Weird. It breaks one of the fundamental rules.
And since I am posting here that means I am viable to be criticised, If you have anything you would like to say, it would be cool to hear.

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Post » 07 Mar 2014, 13:25

thanks to video games i learned english. but i also needed school to learn it better and better

however, lets dont go Off-topic

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Post » 07 Mar 2014, 22:10

Vakema123 wrote:criticised
Since I know you IRL I'm not going to take part in this but as an off-topic note, why are there so many words that are spelled with an "ise" or an "ize."
I mean I know most of the time both spellings are accepted but those red squigglies still appear.
Why am I even the slightest bit interested in this?! Jeez I'm a weird person...
Think_with_Coins wrote:however, lets dont go Off-topic
I can tell that you're making a huge effort. I don't know how to explain why or anything but you would say "Let's not go off-topic" instead of "Let's don't"
I think it's the whole infinitive-form-of-the-verb-or-not thing but I'm not super good with translating and stuff. I hope this helps anyways.
Camewel wrote:Bman, your sentence structure is horrific, you went a good two lines without a single piece of punctuation. Try to break your monster sentences down into smaller ones.
Thanks for letting me know. I tend to write stuff almost exactly how I would say it (like even in essays and stuff, people notice it's very casual), so it's neat that someone narrowed down something for me. I'll definitely keep that in mind! :D

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Post » 07 Mar 2014, 22:15

B-Man99 wrote: squigglies still appear..
I think "criticise" is the British English form and "criticize" is the American-English form. I'm pretty sure Google Chrome (or whatever you're using) accepts American-English forms.

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Post » 08 Mar 2014, 00:37

is re-criticizing a thing because I want that
yes do that now please

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Post » 08 Mar 2014, 00:43

I want criticism too

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Post » 08 Mar 2014, 00:56

Costinteo wrote:I think "criticise" is the British English form and "criticize" is the American-English form. I'm pretty sure Google Chrome (or whatever you're using) accepts American-English forms.
Yeah I did know that British English prefers the "s" and American English prefers the "z."
I still assumed both were in the dictionary though.
You know what they say about assuming things though.
People start assuming things and someone ends up dead in a pizza oven.

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Post » 06 Apr 2014, 04:23

I sure made a lot of mistakes.
No need to critique me.

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Post » 06 Apr 2014, 12:30

Other than your poor english, I don't see much wrong with you. I think most people here dislike you a little more than you deserve.

Also, nobody ever criticised/criticized me.

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Post » 06 Apr 2014, 17:33

You are all

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Post » 06 Apr 2014, 17:52

Well, SauloFX, you don't need to post every tims someone says something

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Post » 06 Apr 2014, 20:56

390 times is enough.
EDIT: 391
Now, critisize me.

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Post » 07 Apr 2014, 20:38

WiloKing wrote:Rokit: your face upside down power is very strong.
thank you

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Post » 07 Apr 2014, 21:41

Okay so I'm just gonna go in order

Saulo: You seem like a very cool guy. I actually don't mind your bad English as much as it seems like some people do, because I can totally see why English as a second language would be really friggin hard. Unfortunately, your forum skills aren't that great, which makes me occasionally frustrated with you. It took like 5 different people to get you to stop double posting when you first came here, for example. I guess what I'm saying is that people here have no choice but to judge you based on what you do on the forums, since this is how we know you. Your artwork is cool and I'm fairly certain you're a nice and funny guy, but the way you come off on the forums isn't super good.
TL;DR don't take our frustration personally, because it's not Saulo the person we're frustrated with, it's Saulo the forum member.
I can definitely see you improving though, and it's neat to see your growth in the community

"Vakema123" : Terrible person and forum member in every way It really wouldn't be a good criticism coming from me since you're already, you know, the best friend I could ever have...
You seem MORE POPULAR THAN ME and liked on the forums, and also as NJ Holt you are too perfect to even be explained in words, which is probably why no one has criticized you yet xD

MM102: Rad avatars

WiloKing: King of humor, that is


Also just in general, I really like a lot of the people here. In general it seems like sometimes we can take things too seriously though. I dunno; I've always been on the side of like an open atmosphere and having the freedom to be silly sometimes. I like to think I know how the forums are at this point so it isn't that big a deal, and it's still a great place. Never forget how awesome you all are.
Every one of you.
Guess that's it for me.

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Post » 08 Apr 2014, 01:15

B-Man99,you made my day,one of your special abilities :3

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Post » 08 Apr 2014, 02:34

i can haz the criticism!

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Post » 08 Apr 2014, 07:09

TurretBot wrote:is re-criticizing a thing because I want that
yes do that now please

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Post » 08 Apr 2014, 07:29

TurretBot wrote:
TurretBot wrote:is re- criticizing a thing because I want that
yes do that now please

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Post » 08 Apr 2014, 17:30

Doormat wrote:Crapola xd

but anyways criticism for turtley:

you make annoying posts and are obsessed with crayola, bius titel, sonic, viacom, and mario 64

and you're a moron

just my two cents here
Doormat wrote:oh my god who gives a shit

you don't have to be talking to me for me to give you freaking criticism nnghh

see, this is what i meant when i said you're a moron
criticism: shut up

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Post » 08 Apr 2014, 21:25

I would love to see what people think about me.


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Post » 08 Apr 2014, 21:46

rokit wrote:criticism: shut up
you do realise I was talking to an idiot 10-year-old and not you right

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Post » 08 Apr 2014, 22:17

Doormat wrote:
rokit wrote:criticism: shut up
you do realise I was talking to an idiot 10-year-old and not you right
You do realize he's saying that because you were being very rude right?

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Post » 08 Apr 2014, 22:20

2 Words Letters: Hi

Now let's wait for responses.

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Post » 08 Apr 2014, 22:22

WiloKing wrote:You are all
I don't think you're critical enough.

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Post » 08 Apr 2014, 22:28

Here's the people I can trust:


I trust only the Window. The Walls are cheating pricks.

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Post » 08 Apr 2014, 22:57

In that photo, the earth is tilted to the moon. I can be trusted, since I'm in that picture.
Really far away.

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Post » 09 Apr 2014, 00:26

Trist3D wrote:In that photo, the earth is tilted to the moon. I can be trusted, since I'm in that picture.
Really far away.
Consider yourself trusted.

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Post » 10 Apr 2014, 06:51

And I'm imaginarily standing up to the window, awaiting trust.
And imaginary food.

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Post » 13 Apr 2014, 00:44

Doormat wrote:
rokit wrote:criticism: shut up
you do realise I was talking to an idiot 10-year-old and not you right
yes i do realise. just pointing out that you were being an asshole cause someone likes crayons

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Post » 13 Apr 2014, 00:58

MagicPillow wrote:i can haz the criticism!

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Post » 13 Apr 2014, 04:59

rokit wrote:
Doormat wrote:
rokit wrote:criticism: shut up
you do realise I was talking to an idiot 10-year-old and not you right
yes i do realise. just pointing out that you were being an asshole cause someone likes crayons
Sorry. I won't be as much of an asshole next time.

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Post » 18 Apr 2014, 13:01

Hans1998 wrote:I want criticism too

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Post » 15 Jun 2014, 08:58

I feel I have a chance of being better criticized seeing as I've been here longer, even if I am mostly in Steam chat. I'm scared to ask for it though, but I should. How am I?

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Post » 15 Jun 2014, 09:01

I've asked several times and I've been mentioned only once.

(Awaits someone to take the time to make a list to criticize everyone...)

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Post » 15 Jun 2014, 16:42

Mindnomad: You're a nice user and I don't see bad posts from you. You make some nice TASes too, and people here seems to enjoy, so yeah!

Cake: I also haven't seen a bad post from you. You're a great spriter and a great drawer, and IOSMB4 is looking really awesome so far!

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Post » 22 Jun 2014, 10:19

Since I'm bumping this thread, I'll say this:
Mindnomad: I can't go on the steam chat so I hardly see you around. I haven't seen a big impact so I can't say much. My tip is to... get more important?
I dunno. I haven't seen any spam from you. Keep up the good work.
Imaginary: For some reason I haven't noticed your personality much. You've been a good member so I can't criticize.
But anyways, I bumped the thread to criticize renhoek for the fact that he seems to get a huge erection from arguing on the Internet.

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Post » 23 Jun 2014, 03:17

B-Man99 said something about some of my posts posts being ridiculous (or people saying they were becoming ridiculous?). (This is way out of context, he was being quite polite)
Are my posts ridiculous?

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Post » 23 Jun 2014, 03:36

No I said the opposite?
I think you misunderstood me
You had a really good post and I thanked you for making it

I was referring to how earlier on there was the whole "violence" thing which ridiculously got out of hand between everyone
That's what I was talking about when I said "ridiculous"
Don't remember it well enough to blame anyone in particular. I just remember it having something to do with you.