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Post » 14 Jan 2014, 16:44

I'm open to criticism. So if anybody wants to rage at me, feel free.

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Post » 15 Jan 2014, 02:37

ucenna wrote:I'm open to criticism. So if anybody wants to rage at me, feel free.
You copycat!
Stealing Camewel's avatar isn't very nice.

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Post » 15 Jan 2014, 02:46

BobTheLawyer wrote:
ucenna wrote:I'm open to criticism. So if anybody wants to rage at me, feel free.
You copycat!
Stealing Camewel's avatar isn't very nice.
every time someone makes this joke I move the day I get an avatar forward a week
ucenna wrote:I'm open to criticism. So if anybody wants to rage at me, feel free.
sometimes you act arrogant(? not sure what the right word is but it's a word like arrogant; sometimes you act like you know more than you do or something along those lines) but other than that you're a pretty decent member

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Post » 15 Jan 2014, 04:43

Camewel wrote:every time someone makes this joke I move the day I get an avatar forward a week
I find this quote very sarcastic and critical of your own opinions. Also, sometimes I find you have great exceptions of people. Oh, and you said I made that joke about making you an avatar: I didn't because It's the avatar I have now and it's a 64x64 image of the color grey (Don't know why I'm saying this).

Also, I know no one will since I'm pretty underground but does anyone have any thoughts of me?

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Post » 15 Jan 2014, 05:08

Camewel wrote:every time someone makes this joke I move the day I get an avatar forward a week
Don't encourage me.
popcan12 wrote:Also, I know no one will since I'm pretty underground but does anyone have any thoughts of me?
Pretty good poster. Glad to have people like you on the forums.

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Post » 15 Jan 2014, 17:22

BobTheLawyer wrote:
ucenna wrote:I'm open to criticism. So if anybody wants to rage at me, feel free.
You copycat!
Stealing Camewel's avatar isn't very nice.
I'm sorry! It's just such a nice avatar.
ucenna wrote:I'm open to criticism. So if anybody wants to rage at me, feel free.
sometimes you act arrogant(? not sure what the right word is but it's a word like arrogant; sometimes you act like you know more than you do or something along those lines) but other than that you're a pretty decent member[/quote]

Yeah I think that's one of my flaws. I'll try and work on it. Thanks!

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Post » 16 Jan 2014, 00:56

Any thoughts on me?
lately I've been really self conscious and feel like people have been ignoring me when I try to be useful
(even though people are probably not maliciously ignoring me)
I also feel like I do too* much pony and am forcing it on people sometimes
Looking forwards to your thoughts
Last edited by MM102 on 16 Jan 2014, 04:16, edited 1 time in total.

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Post » 16 Jan 2014, 04:00

Popcan - When you said exceptions did you mean expectations?
Ucenna - Messed up the quote tag
MM102 - It would be "too much" not "to much" EDIT: He silently fixed it. "Goob jud" (It's a really weird reference, okay)
(I'm just trying to help... sorry, I can't resist my grammar police tendencies sometimes...)

I honestly don't have much criticism of you guys because you all seem like pretty good forum members, and I don't really pay that much attention to people so much as conversations on here. MM102, I didn't even realize you were a pony fan, so you should be good. Ucenna, I don't see you around here much (?). And Popcan, you seem really friendly to me. I mainly notice you in Twatter, but it's still quality stuff.

I'm open to criticism too. I don't feel like people notice me on here, but I have had some really bad posts and some really good posts. The forum members I talk to on steam seem to notice me a lot more than the rest of you all, but I'm still curious if anyone has any thoughts. I'm all ears for improvement.
This took a lot out of me to write this entire post without a joke somewhere. Phew!
Just saying.
Last edited by B-Man99 on 16 Jan 2014, 05:45, edited 2 times in total.

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Post » 16 Jan 2014, 04:47

B-Man99 wrote:This took a lot out of me to write this entire post without a joke somewhere. Phew!
Just saying.
Correcting 3 small grammar mistakes is bad enough.

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Post » 16 Jan 2014, 05:43

Well said.
My apologies in advance when they (the people I was correcting) read this.

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Post » 16 Jan 2014, 13:25

B-Man99 wrote:Popcan - When you said exceptions did you mean expectations?
Most likely, but I always for some reason say exceptions instead of expectations. I should eventually use the proper definition..

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Post » 21 Jan 2014, 22:57

My turn!
Sašo : sarcastic asshole #1 Informative, but you seem to put down a lot of common questions about games. I can get that you get tired of listening to people complain about only being able to shoot the blue portal, but I think they actually deserve an answer, no matter how stupid and repetitive they are.

Maurice : sarcastic asshole #2 Pretty much the same as Sašo, but makes games and gets into discussions.

Trist3D : I don't really remember you that much anymore

Camewel : Pretty good forum member right here. Participates in most discussions, and knowledgeable. You do come out as rude sometimes, however.

Turretbot : Oh, you. I know you all too well. You make lame jokes, get banned (which hasn't happened in a while, so that's good) more often than not, and are just plain annoying to some users. But there are times when you make the rare good post, I want to see more of this kind of Turret.

TheJonyMyster : You started off horrible, but you are considered one of the most improved here (by me anyway). As of now, you seem to have a good reputation going for you, I'd say you're a very good forum member.

BobTheLawyer : You're a good member, I don't really see anything too bad about you. 8.5/10 would want as lawyer

LightningFire : I don't see you around that much anymore, but you are a great forum member. Not rude and informative. I'd like to see you become something huge one day.

idiot9.0 : One of the smartest and nicest people you'd ever meet, just don't get on his bad side. A++

Qcode : I don't really remember much about you. But from what I do remember, you are one of the forums best coders, even though you don't make as much anymore. Still wish I'dve remembered you more.

Flutter Pie : You've been perma'd and resurrected from the dead. Now, compared to then, you seem like a very nice and improved forum member.

Jorichi : Cares about people, gets into discussions, and overall nice person. Nothing much to say except he deserves to be worshiped

HAPPYFACES : I don't see you around anymore.

Costinteo : I don't know why, but I really like you. You're never rude, and are a pretty chill guy. Probably my favorite member on the forums.

popcan12 : Never heard of you, but you've probably just been in threads I'm not that in that frequently.

Turtley3 : Ok, I'll stop you right here for a moment. You really need to improve, man. You've made countless useless threads, been banned several times, just to do it over again the next two weeks. That and the fact you make posts that absolutely ignore everyone else and go off on your own little tangent. Granted, you have gotten better, but you have been getting into your old routine again.

I wish to see more improvement from you before I can finally see you as a good member.

renhoek : I remember you from a few maps, and a few other things, but you haven't really made a lasting impression on me. You also tend to stray away from the forums games, which isn't a bad thing. I just wish I remember you more.

Bonko : I don't remember you in the slightest. Sorry!

Assassin-Kiashi : Great artist, and gets the point across when it need to be brought upon. Good member.

Mr.Q.Marx? : Don't remember you a lot. But you seem nice.

Automatik : You seem like a nice guy.

HugoBDesigner : Great coder, and overall super-nice guy.

Hans1998 : You've made a few great and memorable maps, though I don't see you very much in the other forums (probably because they haven't made that much of an impression compared to the great maps you make).

Hatninja : I remember you for your Ortho Mod and a few other mods that aren't coming to the top of my head. Great forum member.
Gah, making that took ages.
For the record, I only said things about people that we're worth saying.
Everyone I didn't put down is a good member.

tl;dr most of you are nice

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Post » 21 Jan 2014, 23:01

I don't remember putting myself up for criticism

I'm not serious

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Post » 21 Jan 2014, 23:24

Firaga wrote:Turretbot : Oh, you. I know you all too well. You make lame jokes, get banned (which hasn't happened in a while, so that's good) more often than not, and are just plain annoying to some users. But there are times when you make the rare good post, I want to see more of this kind of Turret.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but this isn't going to happen. I'm tired of always being told to make these exceptional posts that are really only creatable in rare situations, which is why you don't see much of them. I'd love to be the Turret everyone wants me to be, but pleasing people in this forum is a lot harder than it looks.

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Post » 21 Jan 2014, 23:37

Firaga wrote:lame jokes
Debatable whether or not this is true; debatable on whether or not this is a compliment :D

And on the topic of humor, Maurice and Sašo are like 2 of my comedy heroes.

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Post » 21 Jan 2014, 23:49

I'm up from criticism.

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Post » 22 Jan 2014, 00:51

Firaga wrote:My turn!

Trist3D : I don't really remember you that much anymore
I'm the moon...

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Post » 22 Jan 2014, 01:04

It's okay, Trist. Both you and I aren't memorable people anyway.

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Post » 22 Jan 2014, 02:49

copy wrote:It's okay, Trist. Both you and I aren't memorable people anyway.

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Post » 22 Jan 2014, 03:47

I love Maurice because Mari0 SE Beta was released on multiple betas, no matter how many bugs.
Sorry for bumping.... not sure if I bumped.

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Post » 22 Jan 2014, 04:16

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Post » 22 Jan 2014, 04:27

Hey guys, Just thought of asking what everyone thinks of me ATM.

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Post » 22 Jan 2014, 04:30

Superjustinbros wrote:Hey guys, Just thought of asking what everyone thinks of me ATM.
Only thing wrong is I remember you pissing everyone off with your 'it's not the right palatte' shit. Other than that, you aren't that bad of a member.

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Post » 22 Jan 2014, 04:46

Superjustinbros wrote:good map makers such as myself
once you remove your head from your arse I'm sure you'll be a great guy

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Post » 22 Jan 2014, 04:58

I honestly don't mind the palette thing because everyone has their own interests. What camewel said pretty much sums it up. Like I said before, even your posts complimenting other people somehow end up mentioning you, and I don't see much of you not being... arrogant (?), not sure if that word quite fits. You do contribute a lot to the mari0 community, which I appreciate because I don't really do that. I like how you said that you would mod in the color and palette fixes, isn't of just complaining about it (which for some reason you were accused of doing). I wish that you would stop making a big deal about the MLP stuff because there isn't really anything you can do about it but other than that just keep doing what you're doing except don't glorify yourself because it just makes it hard for people to see what you're actually saying/doing. Hope this helps :)

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Post » 22 Jan 2014, 05:34

I don't know about everyone else but I'd say SJB is probably one of my favorite members.
I decided to do a random person criticism. If you didn't want to be criticized please forgive me and, if it makes you feel better, criticize me back.

Drone: Great guy. Can be a bit pushy(?) at times, but other than that great member.

Costinteo: Also great guy. And very nice. Back when the minecraft server was up, and we had been griefed. I sorta thought he was the griefer and tried to gather evidence. In hindsight Costinteo is much to nice for that.

ThunderFlipper: Probably beats SJB(sorry) as my favorite member. Best server owner ever.

Automatik: Probably one of the better coders on the forum.

Wary: Has a lot of potential. If only he could get it straigthened out.

Alesan: A lot better coder than I original gave him credit for. Sorry for doubting.

Hugo: Great

Renhoak: Great but a bit blunt

Everyone else probably great.

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Post » 22 Jan 2014, 07:20

Camewel wrote:
Superjustinbros wrote:good map makers such as myself
once you remove your head from your arse I'm sure you'll be a great guy
Alright, I understand what you're saying. Why I said that in the first place was because I thought the levels I had designed for A0zora, at least, the ones that were fully complete, were at least tolerable.

And yeah, I get the MLP shenanigans by this point.

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Post » 03 Feb 2014, 16:28

Camewel wrote:
BobTheLawyer wrote:
ucenna wrote:I'm open to criticism. So if anybody wants to rage at me, feel free.
You copycat!
Stealing Camewel's avatar isn't very nice.
every time someone makes this joke I move the day I get an avatar forward a week
ucenna wrote:I'm open to criticism. So if anybody wants to rage at me, feel free.
sometimes you act arrogant(? not sure what the right word is but it's a word like arrogant; sometimes you act like you know more than you do or something along those lines) but other than that you're a pretty decent member
Sophomoric. "conceited and overconfident of knowledge but poorly informed and immature" -- Merriam-Webster's dictionary.

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Post » 03 Feb 2014, 21:01

go ahead and rage at me i don't care even though i already know that i suck

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Post » 03 Feb 2014, 22:24

Doormat I barely even noticed you around here until you became active in SE Beta stuff, and I haven't seen anything bad about you. I love the work you've done around here since, and it seems like you're all around helpful. You haven't been super active long enough for me to notice anything to criticize you for...? Did I miss something?

I'm all open for criticism as I said here before but I really don't know what to expect or anything
Also as for most of the core community members here (you know who you are by now probably), you're all really great people and I'm seriously glad to be a part of the things that go on. :)
Not much else to say as far as criticism goes but I guess that works.
Go Stabyourself! (...I don't think I meant that as it sounds :D)

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Post » 03 Feb 2014, 22:29

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Post » 05 Feb 2014, 05:40


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Post » 05 Feb 2014, 05:54

Shift ctrl backspace?
B-Man99 wrote:I should probably definitely stop posting really late at night

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Post » 07 Feb 2014, 00:28

Giving criticism on Doormat:
Why do you hate crayons? I am still a kid, that's why I like them.

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Post » 07 Feb 2014, 00:32

Turtley3 wrote:Why do you hate crayons? I am still a kid, that's why I like them.
Crayons have much less potential than pencils, as they commonly smear, and aren't able to make as thin of a line as pencils.
You don't see the Mona Lisa drew with crayon, do you.

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Post » 07 Feb 2014, 00:42

You can making the drawing thin like this: Image
Also, I am talking about Crayola Crayons, not other branded crayons.

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Post » 07 Feb 2014, 00:49

Crapola xd

but anyways criticism for turtley:

you make annoying posts and are obsessed with crayola, bius titel, sonic, viacom, and mario 64

and you're a moron

just my two cents here

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Post » 07 Feb 2014, 00:52

I was talking to Firaga, not you.

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Post » 07 Feb 2014, 00:54

oh my god who gives a shit

you don't have to be talking to me for me to give you freaking criticism nnghh

see, this is what i meant when i said you're a moron

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Post » 07 Feb 2014, 00:55

Last time I checked this wasn't a crayola thread.
Still isn't this time I checked.

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Post » 07 Feb 2014, 02:06

B-Man99 wrote:Shift ctrl backspace?

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Post » 07 Feb 2014, 21:26

Firaga, I'm around, I just find it rather redundant for me to post considering a lot of people say what I'm feeling before I get a chance to.
Also I forget that some threads that I haven't read aren't recent and end up getting banned. No big.

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Post » 08 Feb 2014, 08:07

Maurice: hilarious when it comes to sarcasm. Great overall.
Saso: a very helpful, straightforward guy who lets you know if you're being stupid.
Jorichi: very helpful, friendly and creative and there's really nothing wrong with him goomba industries
Idiot9.0: very funny in certain situations and overall someone to be praised, though somewhat harsh at times. The first person who responded to me on the forums when I made my first post, which was a bad start.
Camewel: though invisible very recognizable and sharp
renhoek: great member although a horrendous start, and has improved impressively since then and should be a reminder to newer members to stay sharp.
Kiashi: one day I will put you into a jar and dissect from 20 feet away using a rod with a knife attached to the end ;)
turret: can make me laugh sometimes, whixh is rare, considering I have a pretty much hardened mind. Very helpful sometimes.
B-Man: very honest, very friendly and very .. savvy.
Firaga: shows a tremendous amount of potential, and exudes it.
Superjustinbros: seems friendly, and is very creative, not to mention thrifty, just look at. Aoz0ra! Spellednthat wrong!
Doormat: very helpful although a new member.
villager: has quite a bit of potential creativity, it just needs a better start.
Trist: whenever I look out at the sky at night all I can see is you.
Also in majora's mask you must have really let yourself go.
Alesanr: a great member with great capability to do what nintendon't
HugoBDesigner: very friendly, great coder, and very creative with much capability, and much more to come.
copy: never seen your posts but I'm sure you're a great person
WaryLouka: you are a snake. There is nothing better to describe you as. All you do is lie and be a dumb assfuck. Grow up, if you're reading this. Move on to 4chan or some other shit and come out, even they are more mature than you.
I apologize for language
bavzie: very ambitious, hyperactive imagination never hurt anyone. Needs a bit of slack as clearly he could be younger
Cheese: I willnot ask
Rokit: your face upside down power is very strong.
Mario lover: neeeeheeegh the laughability
of: pretty cool guy I guess doesn't post too often thiugh
Qcode: I feel like I already did you but you are excellent
jackostar: very arsty
magicpillow: very witty añd knows how to shameless chamber
wilo: just keep chasing down hou can do it just focus on desicions
you fucking little cur. i knew i had done something stupid, not i wouldnt have dreamed up something fucking disgusting. you sicken me past me. you sicken me to the point of wanting to throw up my intestines
Mrgaheash: have you know I will have kiashi have some fun with you next time you mess up
Trosh: keep troshing please do not splosh
Jony: interestibg sense of humorous, also has probably got mappack Otho: random crap
Hans: radiates creativity and diabolical humor
Ucebna: potent I guess um I will stick with that.
And it only took me 2 whole hours ugh my life force is draining
Last edited by Wilo on 28 Mar 2016, 09:44, edited 1 time in total.

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Post » 08 Feb 2014, 08:42

Wow, Wilo. Honestly I agree with you 99% on all of it. I may do one of these at some point who knows I feel motivated now...
That was really, really good. I completely see what you're saying and it makes perfect sense. Thanks for all of it. That post feels like a must-read.
I'm stunned. You can take a break now; my god you probably need it :)

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Post » 08 Feb 2014, 08:55

I'm open for criticism
This involves nothing over flock mod though

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Post » 08 Feb 2014, 09:02

Just my first thoughts/reaction:
You seem nice. You post in the chat room A LOT, and you start or actively involve yourself in some really good conversations there. I don't recall you doing anything with Mari0, but based on how you act I think if you did make a mappack or something it would be one of the good quality ones that people talk about. All in all a nice forum member, more of a discussion person than a forum contributor, and that reminds me of myself a bit.

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Post » 08 Feb 2014, 18:15

WiloKing wrote:
Maurice: hilarious when it comes to sarcasm. Great overall.
Saso: a very helpful, straightforward guy who lets you know if you're being stupid.
Jorichi: very helpful, friendly and creative and there's really nothing wrong with him goomba industries
Idiot9.0: very funny in certain situations and overall someone to be praised, though somewhat harsh at times. The first person who responded to me on the forums when I made my first post, which was a bad start.
Camewel: though invisible very recognizable and sharp
renhoek: great member although a horrendous start, and has improved impressively since then and should be a reminder to newer members to stay sharp.
Kiashi: one day I will put you into a jar and dissect from 20 feet away using a rod with a knife attached to the end ;)
turret: can make me laugh sometimes, whixh is rare, considering I have a pretty much hardened mind. Very helpful sometimes.
B-Man: very honest, very friendly and very .. savvy.
Firaga: shows a tremendous amount of potential, and exudes it.
Superjustinbros: seems friendly, and is very creative, not to mention thrifty, just look at. Aoz0ra! Spellednthat wrong!
Doormat: very helpful although a new member.
villager: has quite a bit of potential creativity, it just needs a better start.
Trist: whenever I look out at the sky at night all I can see is you.
Also in majora's mask you must have really let yourself go.
Alesanr: a great member with great capability to do what nintendon't
HugoBDesigner: very friendly, great coder, and very creative with much capability, and much more to come.
copy: never seen your posts but I'm sure you're a great person
WaryLouka: you are a snake. There is nothing better to describe you as. All you do is lie and be a dumb assfuck. Grow up, if you're reading this. Move on to 4chan or some other shit and come out, even they are more mature than you.
I apologize for language
bavzie: very ambitious, hyperactive imagination never hurt anyone. Needs a bit of slack as clearly he could be younger
Cheese: I willnot ask
Rokit: your face upside down power is very strong.
Mario lover: neeeeheeegh the laughability
of: pretty cool guy I guess doesn't post too often thiugh
Qcode: I feel like I already did you but you are excellent
jackostar: very arsty
magicpillow: very witty añd knows how to shameless chamber
wilo: just keep chasing down brigitte hou can do it just focus on desicions
Mrgaheash: have you know I will have kiashi have some fun with you next time you mess up
Trosh: keep troshing please do not splosh
Jony: interestibg sense of humorous, also has probably got mappack Otho: random crap
Hans: radiates creativity and diabolical humor
Ucebna: potent I guess um I will stick with that.
And it only took me 2 whole hours ugh my life force is draining

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Post » 09 Feb 2014, 08:12

I don't really care, just out of curiosity, in the (recent) mass criticism posts, I seem to be left out. Is there a reason?

Also, I feel like this is a good place to ask this. It's more self-criticism than against anyone else, but I was wondering if anyone felt this way about me. Over time, I feel like a start too many things and never go through all the way with them, even if I don't say they are "complete", I just leave them

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Post » 09 Feb 2014, 14:29

Doesn't everyone do that? I just mean in general, people have a lot of ideas but you can't expect them all to be "finished" so to speak even if they are worked on. In your case it would seem like you just work on things a bit longer, and it isn't until after they're shown here that you stop, if that's true (I don't really know if it is, I'm just trying to figure out why you're thinking this), and that's completely okay with me. I'm just really glad the things that you have made are, even if they aren't "finished," they're at a point where we can use them, because that's a lot better than not having your awesome stuff at all! :)

I don't know about why you weren't in recent posts here though. Maybe you just haven't been posting in a way that makes you stand out? I know that I would have included you if I made a huge criticism post, but I think mine would be mainly unnecessary at this point.

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Post » 12 Feb 2014, 04:37

WiloKing wrote: Jony: interestibg sense of humorous,
cool sweet thanks
also has probably got mappack Otho: random crap
no, but now that you mention it