Ask Someone Megathread

If it doesn't fit elsewhere, it should go here
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Post » 31 Jul 2012, 17:01

I can answer as well.

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Post » 31 Jul 2012, 18:18

LF what did you meant ?

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Post » 31 Jul 2012, 18:29

@LF My avatar is a charater I made up in lbp2, I made an avatar (my visual for twatter story) for twitter using him along with all my irl friends comic-ized. If twatter story didn't exist I would probably have that visual for an avatar. Or that Super 0'Brothers one.

@Jorichi An idiot that nobody likes... Just like irl.

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Post » 31 Jul 2012, 19:30

supermarioportal2 wrote:LF what did you meant ?
The story about you and your hard life that you posted with one of your other accounts.

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Post » 31 Jul 2012, 19:36

Ask me anything ,though i won't be online so often.

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Post » 31 Jul 2012, 19:43

LightningFire wrote:
supermarioportal2 wrote:LF what did you meant ?
The story about you and your hard life that you posted with one of your other accounts.
supermarioportal2 wrote:im 12 years old and im always ill i go to the hospital 40 times in a year sometimes even more so i cant go out of home and i have 0 friend im always home it often makes me so sad that i often cried and i have spammed on you blog i mean forum because i was sad really sorry please unban the account supermarioportal i swear that i will no more spam on the forum

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Post » 31 Jul 2012, 19:49

Updated rules. Now you have to cross out answered questions so we won't get confused so often.

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Post » 31 Jul 2012, 19:54

True story. I'm sick all time my record is 4 months

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Post » 31 Jul 2012, 20:48

supermarioportal2 wrote:True story. I'm sick all time my record is 4 months
That's sad. :( Hope you get well soon.

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Post » 31 Jul 2012, 22:56

this really is a megathread; 60 posts in 2 days and counting.
@LightningFire how did you make such a mega thread?

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Post » 31 Jul 2012, 23:53

Probably going to regret this one, but ask away.

Rokit Boy - What's the largest project you've ever completed?
Turret Opera - Do you laugh to yourself when you make those terrible jokes you're always making?

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Post » 01 Aug 2012, 00:14

@Camewel No, but I laugh when people call them terrible.

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Post » 01 Aug 2012, 00:14

LightningFire wrote:@idiot9.0 Have you done any sprite art before joining the forums? If so, show us.
(a question from last page)

I actually have. I actually was making a Mario World romhack with a good friend of mine and I was making new graphics. It was gonna be a Zelda based hack, where you control Midna from Twilight Princess in a sort of prologue to that game. Some of the sprites I made can be seen below:
You can see more sprites here.
Unfortunately, some circumstances came up and the project was cancelled. Sucks knowing that these will just be forever unused.

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Post » 01 Aug 2012, 01:47

Bonko wrote:@LightningFire how did you make such a mega thread?
1. New topic.

2. Title.

3. Info.

4. Submit.

5. ???

6. PROFIT!!!

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Post » 01 Aug 2012, 03:41

This seems fun!
Ask away people! I answer everything.
(I have a feeling LF made this after I made an ask thread with his Oc and mine in Gaiaonline)

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Post » 01 Aug 2012, 03:43

Sakura1221, how well do you know LightningFire?

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Post » 01 Aug 2012, 04:44

@ Jorichi: How did you get the name Jorichi? Is that your real name? I googled it and I can guess either you own a company or are a 23 year old woman.
@ renheok: You have the most # of posts! How do you feel about that?

[Irrelevant Comment]
supermarioportal2 wrote:@jorichi well... how to say that's... i like me and hate me here . I'm one of these grammar nazi's ,i sometimes also do portal references... Also i'm scared of bee's cause one is in my room right now...Also i had two permabammed account's ''mari0fan'' and ''smp'' . OH GOD!
You're obviously not prepared to be a GN...[/Irrelevant Comment]

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Post » 01 Aug 2012, 07:16

RWLabs wrote:@ renheok: You have the most # of posts! How do you feel about that?
I honestly don't care, it's just a post count it doesn't matter at all.

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Post » 01 Aug 2012, 07:58

@Camewel Why do you use a Mac? In my opinion, it has a pretty bad OS.

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Post » 01 Aug 2012, 10:21

@RWLabs: I have tried my best to come up with a name that I can use online. I stumbled upon a 'fantasy name generator'. My name can't be directly generated by this site, I combined several names of it and so came up with Jorichi. It took a while before stumbling into a site that is already has a player/account registered with this name, it turned out I already had an account there or either lost it. For those occasions I came up with 'Nytury', a name a made in the same way as 'Jorichi'.

@Samkostka: If I'm not mistaking you run Ubuntu. I know next to nothing about this OS. What, in your eyes, are the advantages and disadvantages of this OS compared to Windows?
@Sakura1221: Do you and your brother fight a lot? If so, how do you guys fight (friendly, verbally, physically)?
@Idiot9.0: I seriously like that Midna you made. It would be a shame to let it never be used. Why not put it in as a playable character for Mari0 SE once it's out?
@renhoek: If you compare yourself with the first few weeks on the forum and now, how does that make you feel?

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Post » 01 Aug 2012, 10:32

Jorichi wrote:@renhoek: If you compare yourself with the first few weeks on the forum and now, how does that make you feel?
second time someone's asked me how I've felt :P

well I don't really like talking about it, my map making skills were great (got one of mine as dlc) but I was kinda like how smp2 acted, the difference was I would be trying to improve.

I was acting stupid because I haven't ever gone out and said hi on the internet before, so I wasn't sure how to behave.

EDIT: I'm not really sure how to explain how I see my self now (especially without sounding like an egotistical A hole) , I'm just going say I've improved.

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Post » 01 Aug 2012, 11:03

Jorichi wrote:@Idiot9.0: I seriously like that Midna you made. It would be a shame to let it never be used. Why not put it in as a playable character for Mari0 SE once it's out?
Never came across my mind really. I might just do that now. I will wait until after SE comes out though because Midna's got so many colors. I might touch her up too, as she's designed with the SNES style in mind and not NES. (And even then she's not even accurate for SNES yet, as I didn't use the SNES color pallete at all.)

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Post » 01 Aug 2012, 11:33

I'll try to answer questions, if you have any.

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Post » 01 Aug 2012, 11:52

Feel free to asking the crazy person stuff.

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Post » 01 Aug 2012, 15:57

popcan12 wrote:Sakura1221, how well do you know LightningFire?
To be honest, he's my brother all I know is that he's a complete idiot and loves ponies, regarding his life... He told me ot to get involved with his stuff.
Jorichi wrote:@Sakura1221: Do you and your brother fight a lot? If so, how do you guys fight (friendly, verbally, physically)?
We fight a lot, but Verbally and friendly, although he got this thing were he can't punch any guy at school that bullies him, but he can punch any family member so that includes me, and he gets carried away sometimes... So physically too, but I don't really care, I have nails and a powerful kick (plus a knife underneath my pillow)

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Post » 01 Aug 2012, 16:04

xXxrenhoekxXx wrote:
Jorichi wrote:@renhoek: If you compare yourself with the first few weeks on the forum and now, how does that make you feel?
second time someone's asked me how I've felt :P

well I don't really like talking about it, my map making skills were great (got one of mine as dlc) but I was kinda like how smp2 acted, the difference was I would be trying to improve.

I was acting stupid because I haven't ever gone out and said hi on the internet before, so I wasn't sure how to behave.

EDIT: I'm not really sure how to explain how I see my self now (especially without sounding like an egotistical A hole) , I'm just going say I've improved.
You know, that's almost exactly what I've been doing since I joined. I've been trying to not sound like a idiot most of the time.

@pbalazs How do you feel about  Maurice letting you work on SE with him ?
@Assassin-Kiashi Why the avatar?

EDIT: @Sakura And I've got fingah breaking powahs!

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Post » 01 Aug 2012, 17:05

@Jorichi: Ubuntu has pros and cons over Windows. I like it better, but it's a personal preference.
Pros: Faster boot time: 30 secs. compared with 2 minutes for windows 7 on my netbook.
It's free, both as in money and as in open-source, and has free updates to the newest version.
It automatically detects if you have another OS installed and offers to set up a dual-boot with it's own bootloader or just erase it

Cons: No Flash: Adobe has recently dropped support for linux, except in Google Chrome.
No Steam (yet), and other games may run through WINE, but it's hard to set up.
Hardware support. it's generally good, but if you're like me, there may not be a graphics driver for your card. Gaming is generally best left to Windows.

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Post » 01 Aug 2012, 18:07

On one side I'm pretty glad to be working on such an epic game, and proud of myself that I've made it so quickly, without much experience in game development. On the other side it's kind of burdensome, I have to take this a bit more seriously than the mods. But it's worth it.

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Post » 02 Aug 2012, 03:05

LawnboyInAJar wrote:@Camewel Why do you use a Mac? In my opinion, it has a pretty bad OS.
Well, when you get a Mac, you know it has everything in it, and you're not going to have any issues. You can go out, buy a Mac, and take a fully functional and ready computer out of the box with every feature you will possibly need. Also, I had recently got a computer killed by viruses, so that was another bonus. Pretty much everyone who hates a Mac has never owned a Mac. One of my friends who hated Macs got convinced to get a MacBook Pro and he loves it. They're just really convenient, they do everything for you. However, recently I've wanted to get more into the PC gaming scene, where a weak little Mac has no hope. Macs give you less power than a PC of the same price and don't run half the games, so I do now have a powerful Windows machine. I still use my Mac a lot for taking around the house, browsing the internet after I've turned my main PC off, etc.
Bit of a ramble answer but whatever.

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Post » 02 Aug 2012, 03:51

@SMP2: How does it feel like to have your own title?

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Post » 05 Aug 2012, 14:47

RWLabs wrote:@Rokit Boy: Assuming from the fact that you still have Bitchachu as your avatar, I'm assuming you're still involved with the Pokemon project. So... progress? (Don't say that you've given up on it or I'll... um... yeah...)
Work will continue september time (holiday)
Ask or PM lawnboy for further info.

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Post » 05 Aug 2012, 14:52

Camewel wrote:Probably going to regret this one, but ask away.

Rokit Boy - What's the largest project you've ever completed?
I've done some photoshop projects andother stuff like that.
Some minigames with various languages
(If you're trying to remind C0ntra, i abandoned because it could simply be a mod and map to mari0)

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Post » 07 Aug 2012, 03:51

I'll totally answer questions.

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Post » 07 Aug 2012, 05:16

Eh, I guess I'll let you guys ask me some questions. Have fun with that.

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Post » 07 Aug 2012, 12:09

Lawn, are you still working on pokemon

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Post » 07 Aug 2012, 13:18

I'll answer questions if anyone's interested. Man, it feels like ages since I posted anywhere.

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Post » 07 Aug 2012, 13:31

@MrCytosine: Before joining Stabyourself, did you do any other spriting work? And if so, can you show us some examples of that work?
I sorta just repeated LF's question to me but I don't care

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Post » 07 Aug 2012, 14:50

@MrCytosine: Why is your avatar a guy with a giant afro and a top hat? I know you have an afro, but still.

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Post » 07 Aug 2012, 15:59

Questions! Come at me!

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Post » 07 Aug 2012, 16:21

Chippy348 wrote:@SMP2: How does it feel like to have your own title?

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Post » 07 Aug 2012, 16:34

supermarioportal2 wrote:
Chippy348 wrote:@SMP2: How does it feel like to have your own title?
how does it feel to know that it's about a perma ban?

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Post » 07 Aug 2012, 17:48

xXxrenhoekxXx wrote:
supermarioportal2 wrote:
Chippy348 wrote:@SMP2: How does it feel like to have your own title?
how does it feel to know that it's about a perma ban?

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Post » 07 Aug 2012, 18:11

@LawnboyInAJar - What exactly is your avatar? From what i can see it is a "human" head between two mountains/sholders.
@supermarioportal2 - I have read these forums before I even registered. Do you think you improved from when you had your Mari0fan account?(and from "improvement" I mean beter English,behavior etc...)

Thank you for answering.
Last edited by Mariobros2 on 07 Aug 2012, 20:32, edited 1 time in total.

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Post » 07 Aug 2012, 19:23

rokit boy wrote:Lawn, are you still working on pokemon
Kinda sorta a bit. I just tell people I put it on hold.
mari0bros2 wrote:@LawnboyInAJar - What exactly is your avatar? From what i can see it is a "human" head between two mountains/sholders. ... z%C3%B3cie

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Post » 07 Aug 2012, 19:26

mari0bros2 wrote:@LawnboyInAJar - What exactly is your avatar? From what i can see it is a "human" head between two mountains/sholders.
@supermarioportal2 - I have read these forums before I even registered. Do you think you improved from when you had your Mari0fan account?(and from "improvement" I mean beter English,behavior etc...)

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Post » 07 Aug 2012, 21:36

idiot9.0 wrote:@MrCytosine: Before joining Stabyourself, did you do any other spriting work? And if so, can you show us some examples of that work?
I sorta just repeated LF's question to me but I don't care
I've done a bit of stuff, but nothing of any real value. To see the stuff that was sort of good, look here: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1423&p=21660#p21660
LightningFire wrote:@MrCytosine: Why is your avatar a guy with a giant afro and a top hat? I know you have an afro, but still.
A friend of mine drew a caricature of me, which was my head with a humongous 'fro and a top hat. I drew in the body to finish it, and then I decided to put it into pixel art form. My avatar is almost the same as the drawing was, except it's bluer. Actually, I've been meaning to replace my avatar because I'm getting a little tired of it, but I haven't been able to create anything of a good enough quality to replace it, so it'll stay for now.
Here's the original image: ... ySmall.png

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Post » 08 Aug 2012, 03:07

@MrCytosine: Do you have a degree in arts? Also, which program(s) do you use for art? (Ex: Photoshop, Flash, etc.)
@Lawnboy: What is Lawnboy and why is he in a jar?

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Post » 08 Aug 2012, 04:31

RWLabs wrote: @Lawnboy: What is Lawnboy and why is he in a jar?
In the world of music, besides metal, I also like the peaceful jam band Phish. They have an album Lawnboy, and a song called Sample in a Jar, so I just combined them.

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Post » 08 Aug 2012, 11:07

Why has Lawnboy left his jar?

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Post » 08 Aug 2012, 11:12

To be able to grow into a Lawnman, then Lawnsir and finally a Lawnking.