Here's a completely original idea: post your desktop!
- Posts: 2190
- Joined: 19 Sep 2012, 02:23
Looks cool! Also dat Century Gothic :P
As for the decoder, there hasn't been much progress on it lately, but it should be quick to finish.
(not so) Fun fact: I was literally right about to finish the decoder when the energy of my house went out and, when I checked the file again, it was corrupted, and I lost everything :)))))
As for the decoder, there hasn't been much progress on it lately, but it should be quick to finish.
(not so) Fun fact: I was literally right about to finish the decoder when the energy of my house went out and, when I checked the file again, it was corrupted, and I lost everything :)))))
- Posts: 365
- Joined: 21 Mar 2012, 14:43
Final Destination wallpaper for my monitors
- Posts: 1868
- Joined: 02 Jul 2012, 00:32
- Posts: 2190
- Joined: 19 Sep 2012, 02:23
You simply create a custom icon and change the folder icon on it's properties. It's pretty easy and I used to do it all the time (don't do that anymore because I have a VERY pretty background to organize things for me :P)
- Posts: 300
- Joined: 13 Jul 2014, 23:55
Rightclick your Folder,and configurate it(click at configurations and click at custom)PrincessKiller wrote:How do you customize what the folder looks like?
EDIT:Too late,Hugo already helped PrincessKiller -___-
- Posts: 970
- Joined: 11 May 2012, 06:08
You can also make icons by just saving them as .ico files
You can also make icons by just saving them as .ico files
- Posts: 678
- Joined: 05 Apr 2014, 04:04
Thanks! ^-^MM102 wrote:
You can also make icons by just saving them as .ico files
- Posts: 417
- Joined: 17 Apr 2012, 16:29

I think my desktop hunting and creating days are behind me. I can retire in peace.
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- Joined: 05 Oct 2012, 07:58
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- Joined: 05 Feb 2014, 23:18
in the right extreme bottom corner of the image
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- Joined: 03 Jun 2012, 14:30
What are you using for your sidebar specs?Vakema123 wrote:
- Posts: 413
- Joined: 26 Jan 2014, 21:24
Rainmeter. The top would have the icons of the last 10 games I played on steam, but I didn't have internet connection at the time.
- Posts: 4413
- Joined: 15 Mar 2012, 23:18
- Posts: 2190
- Joined: 19 Sep 2012, 02:23
I'm reworking my messy desktop, which means I'll also have to make a new wallpaper (it's gonna have the same grid-pattern thing from my last desktop wallpaper).
So, to anyone interested in making a grid/pattern-based wallpaper, here's my updated base (for 1360x768 Windows 7 screens):
(if you want this but have a different resolution, message me so I can make another resolution for you)
Also, new desktop coming soon, I guess.
So, to anyone interested in making a grid/pattern-based wallpaper, here's my updated base (for 1360x768 Windows 7 screens):
(if you want this but have a different resolution, message me so I can make another resolution for you)
Also, new desktop coming soon, I guess.
- Posts: 599
- Joined: 22 Jun 2013, 18:44
I don't believe the operating system matters as much as monitor size, and if you scroll+ctrl on your desktop. But it's nice.
- Posts: 2190
- Joined: 19 Sep 2012, 02:23
The operational system thing was only due to things like start menu bar.
Also, I use Windows for years and I didn't know you could change icons size with Ctrl+Scroll. I'd only do that via settings. Lesson learned :P
Also, I use Windows for years and I didn't know you could change icons size with Ctrl+Scroll. I'd only do that via settings. Lesson learned :P
- Posts: 599
- Joined: 22 Jun 2013, 18:44
Ah, the start menu button would make sense. My bad. Forgot about it since I often ignore how opaque my taskbar is.
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- Joined: 19 Sep 2012, 02:23
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- Joined: 08 Sep 2013, 20:11
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- Joined: 11 May 2012, 06:08
made myself a new background
here it is if you want it for whatever reason
I actually made this a while back but I'm posting it now because my desktop is clean-ish
- Posts: 1401
- Joined: 06 Mar 2012, 03:29
Yeah, I actually saw this back when you showed me your image albums.
Still impressive though.
Still impressive though.
- Posts: 197
- Joined: 30 May 2012, 04:49
Oh hey. It's that thing what I made.
It took me a minute to remember there's a desktop version as well as the .GIF version...
It took me a minute to remember there's a desktop version as well as the .GIF version...
- Posts: 719
- Joined: 20 May 2014, 00:08
Hoping to revive this topic with this post, and I seriously doubt this is a bump, considering this is on-topic.
So I may be a big fan of MKBHD..XD
EDIT 8/8/16: oh god I said "XD" kill me
EDIT 8/8/16: oh god I said "XD" kill me
Last edited by MF064DD on 08 Aug 2016, 21:14, edited 1 time in total.
- Posts: 599
- Joined: 22 Jun 2013, 18:44
Eh, Marques Brownlee is probably my favorite person in regards to internet reviews as well.
- Posts: 4413
- Joined: 15 Mar 2012, 23:18
5:02 PM - TurretBot:5:09 PM - TurretBot:5:49 PM - MMaker:
- Posts: 1868
- Joined: 02 Jul 2012, 00:32
I just woke up, and somehow I don't remember finding the best lock screen ever before I slept
I take that back it took 10 minutes to post this
- Posts: 719
- Joined: 20 May 2014, 00:08
Here is another worthy bump.
I hope I won 1st place in Windows Desktops:
(yeah, not the best)
I also just made an Ubuntu VM, so here's that:
Thinking of replacing Ubuntu with an Ubuntu Mate VM.
I hope I won 1st place in Windows Desktops:
I also just made an Ubuntu VM, so here's that:
- Posts: 2190
- Joined: 19 Sep 2012, 02:23
Yay, more people using backgrounds from me xD
- Posts: 599
- Joined: 22 Jun 2013, 18:44
My most recent desktop, not very creative but...
When I remove my desk's shelf for more room it'll all be linear.
- Posts: 528
- Joined: 08 Sep 2013, 20:11
Last edited by OrbitalBlueprint on 13 Apr 2016, 20:20, edited 1 time in total.
- Posts: 91
- Joined: 15 Feb 2015, 20:59
Last edited by mine209craft on 27 May 2015, 02:11, edited 1 time in total.
- Posts: 2190
- Joined: 19 Sep 2012, 02:23
Not much has changed since my last Desktop, but I like how it is still organized since my last picture. I guess this proves my model works?
I can't believe I still have Luna's desktop image saved xD
- Posts: 528
- Joined: 08 Sep 2013, 20:11
So, after a full day of reorganizing my room, I decided to mess around a bit with my PHYSICAL desktop. And boy, it looks much better in the middle rather than at a wall!
Please don't hurt my/my computer's feelings about its age...
So, after a full day of reorganizing my room, I decided to mess around a bit with my PHYSICAL desktop. And boy, it looks much better in the middle rather than at a wall!
Please don't hurt my/my computer's feelings about its age...
Last edited by OrbitalBlueprint on 27 May 2015, 16:14, edited 1 time in total.
- Posts: 678
- Joined: 05 Apr 2014, 04:04
Which oneOrbitalBlueprint wrote:after a full day or reorganizing my room