[v1.1 - DISCONTINUED] Mari0:HEC (HugoBDesigner's Entities and Customization)

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Post » 20 Jul 2013, 07:30

Warning: This mod is officially discontinued. You can still play with it or mess around with the source code at will, and versions of the mod are still going to be hosted for as long as I have a Dropbox account (links at the bottom of the downloads section). Thank you guys for all the support, this mod was a great helper towards my programming learning!


By HugoBDesigner and Qcode

1. Introduction
Mari0:HEC is the ultimate resource for custom content for mappack makers. This mod allows you to create your own textures for almost every feature of Mari0 without having to create a mod only for it. Mari0:HEC (formely Mari0 +Portal) also adds new entities to improving the gameplay (such as Commanders, Environmental Triggers, Triggers, Preplaced Portals...), but now you don't need to worry about making your mappack incompatible with vanilla Mari0: this mod also includes a fully functional compatibility system that allows you to play your mappack with all the new features in Mari0:HEC, but also let you and your friends play it without having to download the mod.

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1. Introduction
2. Features
3. Commands for Commanders and Environmental Triggers
4. How to make your mappack compatible with Mari0:HEC
5. Pre-made mappack tool for customizability
6. Mappacks already compatible
7. Screenshots and videos
8. Credits and contacts
9. Known bugs
10. Download

2. Features
Mari0:HEC doesn't add only customizable content: it improves some of the already existing Mari0 features. If you don't know how to use the customization feature or where to put the custom textures or sounds, simply download the Pre-made mappack tool for customizability (currently only works for v0.5). Here's the full list of improvements/features:

• Custom textures:
This is the biggest, better and main feature of this mod. This is the first feature implemented to this mod and the reason I started it.
You can now change the textures of ANYTHING in the game. Literally. you can change the player, the menu, the loading screen, the intro, the entities, the enemies, the crash screen, the testing level image, the fonts, the original tilesets from the game, and even that little ball for the menu selection! And in this newest update you can even have textures in HD (for example, in scale 2 you can have images 2 times bigger)! If there is anything that cannot be customized yet, let me know!

• New properties:
This is from far one of the best things of this mod. You have now access to a whole new group of properties to your tilesets, such as "Grid", "Deadly", "Overlay tile", "Custom Collisions", "Not visible", "Bridge", "Repulsion", "Underwater" and others!!!
Complete list:
• Solid;
• Invisible;
• Breakable;
• Question mark;
• Coin;
• Non-Portalable;
• Bridge Block;
• Grid block;
• Deadly;
• No player collision;
• Only player collision;
• Overlay tiles;
• Non-Gelable;
• Animation Once;
• Animation Loop;
• Pixel Collision;
• Not visible;
• Custom Collision:
> Left Collision;
> Top Collision;
> Right Collision;
> Bottom Collision;
• Portal sides;
• Entities sides;
• Non-Entities sides;
• Underwater;
• Repulsion;
• Propulsion;
• Slowness;
• Mirror.
And, also, there is a brand new function for tiles: animations! Even though they are on the list, just on v0.9.8 and later versions they work! You can have custom frames with custom properties, custom delays and lots of other options!
You can also have custom settings for some properties by setting them in a ".txt" file with the tile's ID, in a folder named "tiles". You can have "hitblocktile = [id]" to set the block after you hit a coin block and you can have "givecoins = [n]" to set the amount of given coins for a coin tile.

• New entities:
If you always wanted to make a more complete mappack, with more options to change things, you're in the right place. You can modify the game's aspects with Commanders, detect them with Environmental Triggers, detect where the player, enemies or even portal shots are with Triggers, swim in beautiful lakes with the Underwater entity, get crushed by a crusher, make over-complicated circuits with Logic Gates, get 10 coins by collecting a single coin, make portals without shooting them and much more!

• Commanders and Environmental Triggers:
They are entities that allows you to make almost anything in the game with commands. Wanna give star effects to the player if he's jumping? Wanna kill him if he gets 78 coins? Wanna spawn 10 goombas per second? And what about make the level be underwater by pressing some key? This, and much, much, much more is now possible with them! Get the full list of commands for both of them in the Commands for Commanders and Environmental Triggers.

•Transfering tilesets:
If you have a few tilesets downloaded and want to make a mappack with some of them or want to remove/change some tileset, but don't want to have to switch them manually? Well, now you can do it all in-game! Open the editor on "Tiles" tab and "Custom" sub-tab. If you have a custom tileset, a "Delete tileset" button will appear for you. If not, the game will allow you to transfer one to your mappack! Just put the downloaded tilesets on a folder called "tilesets" on "LOVE/Mari0".
More details/images: HugoBDesigner's blog post.

• Customizable variables:
They'll allow you to change Mari0 properties just for your mappack. Wanna be able to shoot 5 fireballs at once? Wanna make gravity stronger? And set some cheat on automatically? Now you can!

• Language selection:
If you like Mari0, you'd certainly like to play in your own language, right? So it is now possible! Just click in the language button on the main menu, select your language and you're done!

All the features from the mod (WARNING! HUGE LIST!):
Custom textures for any entity, any image, any aspect of the game;
Up to 10 custom textures per player;
Players can now have individual textures;
Added the "Mario" player type;
Custom block debris per tile;
Boxes can have up to 10 different textures;
Boxes can get gel effects;
Boxes change textures when activating buttons;
Buttons can have up to 10 different textures;
New button that can only be activated by boxes;
Buttons change textures when activated;
Added a coin entity;
Coin entities can activate inputs;
Coin entities can give the player up to 10 coins at once;
Custom coin block textures per tile;
Coin blocks/breakable blocks can activate Commanders or Logic Gates when hit from below;
Added a "Collider" entity;
22 new tile properties;
Added a "Commander" entity, which can change events in-game;
Added a "Cheat Commander" by pressing "C", which allows you to fire commands from Commanders manually;
Added an "Environmental Trigger" entity
Added 4 crusher (a.k.a "Mashy Spike Plate") entities;
Box dispensers change textures when activated;
Box dispensers can have up to 10 different textures;
Box dispensers can dispense cubes with different textures;
Added a Custom Indicator entity that display custom textures;
Custom Indicators change textures when activated;
Custom Indicators can be animated;
Boxes emit particles when emancipated;
Faith plates can now be activated;
Faith plates change textures when activated;
Fireballs can now kill players if specified;
Added 4 new types of gel: "Cleaning gel", "Deadly gel", "Non-Portalable gel" and "Slowness gel";
Added a Gel entity that allows you to place different gels in different sides of a tile;
Gel dispensers can now be activated;
Gel dispensers change textures when activated;
Gel dispensers have custom textures per gel;
Added upside-down gel dispensers;
Added 10 new Ground Light entities;
Ground lights can now have custom colors;
Added a "dot" GUI, which allows to choose a single option;
Added a loading bar to the loading screen;
Added various new quotes to the loading screen;
The "Intro" screen can now be customized;
Lasers can now be set between "Deadly" or not and between "Blockable" or not;
Added 10 new laser detectors;
Laser detectors can now detect Lasers, Light Bridges or both;
Level screens can now be customized per level;
Level screens can have elements customized, moved or hid;
Added a Logic Gate entity;
The Logic Gate entity has 10 different types of gates: "AND", "OR", "XOR", "XNOR", "NAND", "NOR", "TOGGLE", "DOUBLE TOGGLE", "TOTAL ON" and "TOTAL OFF";
Logic Gates can have different textures per gate;
Logic Gates can be hid;
Mario now has the normal texture (without the portal gun) when on "Mario" player type;
The menu can now be customized per possibility of selection;
Added 10 custom musics for the music selection;
The Not Gate entity can now be hid;
Added Portal entities;
Portal entities can be activated and support any portal of any player in the 4 directions;
Added 8 new Push Buttons;
Game variables can now be changed;
Added a Trigger entity;
Triggers can have custom sizes and custom positions;
Triggers can be activated by specific entities and entities can be specified by specific values;
Added an Underwater entity;
Underwater can have custom sizes and custom positions;
Players can have custom names displayed on the screen;
Added languages support;
Added HD textures for entities and tilesets;
Added options to set portal 1 or portal 2 shoot-able via Commanders;
Added options to set player running, jumping, walking, crouching and controls enabled or disabled via Commanders;
Added options to show/hide the player pointing dots via Commanders;
Added options to enable/disable offscreen portals via Commanders;
Added options to display extra game data, entities hitboxes and technical data by pressing "F1";
Added option to take screenshots by pressing "F3";
Added option to record images by pressing "F9";
Added option to stop and save recording by pressing "F9";
Added option to stop and save recording in high quality by pressing "F10";
Added option to cancel recording by pressing "F11";
Added option to add a custom mouse pointer that changes textures based on Portals and grabbing boxes;
Added option to add a custom mouse pointer in the menu;
Added options to move the "camera" of the player;
Added support for "Mari0:HEC only" levels by placing them in a "customlevels" folder;
Added support for "Mari0:HEC only" tilesets by placing them in a "customlevels" folder;
Added dynamic variables via Commanders;
Dynamic Variables can now be saved/loaded via text file;
Added custom overlay data for images (animated ot not), numbers, variables and text via Commanders;
Converted original HUD (playername, coinanimation, coincount, coincountx, scoreboard, time, timelimit) to the overlay data system;
Added individual portal removing by holding the "remove portals" key and pressing the correspond portal key;
Added options to access the "Options" menu when the game is paused;
Added option to save game without quitting;
Added menu music;
Added new mappacks to the DLC list;
Added options to delete mappack in the mappack list;
Added custom image for the error screen, which can be customized;
Original tilesets (SMB and Portal) can now be customized;
Added options to play custom sounds via Commander;
Added option to make boxes ignore emancipation grills;
Added option to make boxes kill players when hitting from above;
Emancipation grills can now be linked;
Added effects to change light bridges when hit by gel;
Added Adhesion Gel (used to walk on walls/ceiling);
Added variable "gravityside";
Added option to Underwater and Pixel Collision properties together resulting in a small region of underwater.

Added the Better Editor mod, by pbalazs;
Added customization for various entities by right clicking;
Added Multigui for various entities;
Added entities categorization;
Added a Tileset loader and transfering system;
Added real size visualization for big entities;
Added support for entities and entities data for saving objects, copying, pasting and moving selections;
Added a button to delete custom tilesets;
The "Testing level" image can now be hid;
The "Testing level" image can be customized;
Added a text bar to change the player name;
Added options to save maps on the mappack folder, in the "customlevels" folder or in both;
Added a text bar for scroll factor;
Added a text bar for map width;
Added in-category entities scrolling;
Added one-click tile groups;
Added support for linked entities while saving objects;
Added option to rename objects.
Added an entity categorization system for better organizing entities.
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3. Commands for Commanders and Environmental Triggers

To read commands:
- kill
- givestar

To use the givestar command for player2, for example, you must write player2 givestar

- spawn [enemy] [pos x] [pos y] [*speed x] [*speed y] [*data 1] [*data 2]

Commands under [] means that they depend on what the user want. The * means that it is optional.

To spawn a box with id 2 (companion cube texture) and gel id 1 (blue gel/repulsion gel) flying quickly to right and up (let's pretend it is at speed 20 to the right and speed 15 to up), after position x "5" and position y "12":
enemy spawn box 5 12 20 <15 2 1

Description for all them:

: value can be get via "extra game data" (by pressing "F1" in-game or in-editor)
[pos x] or [x]: The x position in map.
[pos y] or [y]: The y position in map.
[speed x]: The speed in x coordinate. Default: 0.
[speed y]: The speed in y coordinate. Default: 0.
[tile id] or [new tile id]: The tile id for the specific tile.
[id]: The entity ID. Each type of ID will be individually explained below.
[enemy]: The enemy name.
[w]: World (usually from 1 to 8).
[l]: Level (usually form 1 to 4).
[s]: Sublevel (usually from 0 to 5).
[n]: A numeric value, a variable number (see var below) or a random number (see rnd below). Using "<" before the number makes it a negative number. In Environmental Triggers, to detect quantity you can use "min" and "max" commands too. For example, timelimit max = 200, timepassed min = 50 or player2 lives min = 15 max = 30.
[player]: A command for players: players, player1, player2, player3 or player4
[dir]: A directional value (left or right)
[var]: A variable name. Will return the variable's value
[r] [g] [b] [a]: Values for colors: [red] [green] [blue] [alpha]

To get values at real time, you can use Commander's functions:
rnd([n]/[*n]): will return a random value between the first number and the second (or between 0 and the first value, if no second value is specified).
rnd(<25/40) returns a number between -25 and 40
rnd(15) returns a number between 0 and 15
rnd(<23) returns a number between -23 and 0

var([var]): will return the value of the specified variable.
var(goombaskilled) returns the value of the variable "goombaskilled" if the variable exists
Id: The ID of the object
- A numeric value greater than or equal to 0 or a text that specifies the entity/enemy type.

Gel id: The ID of a gel.
- 0: none
- 1: Blue gel/Repulsion gel (makes you bounce).
- 2: Orange gel/Propulsion gel (makes you quick).
- 3: White gel/Conversion gel (turns a non-portalable tile in a portalable tile).
- 4: Translucent gel/Cleaning gel (removes any gel where it passes).
- 5: Green gel/Deadly gel (kills you).
- 6: Dark gel/Conversion gel 2 (turns a portalable tile in a non-portalable tile).
- 7: Brown gel/Slowness gel (makes you slow).
goomba: Goomba
koopa: Koopa (green)
koopared: Koopa (red)
beetle: Beetle
kooparedflying: Koopa (red that flies)
koopaflying: Koopa (green that flies)
bowser: Bowser
cheepred: Cheep cheep (red)
cheepwhite: Cheep cheep (white)
spikey: Spikey
lakito: Lakito
squid: Squid
plant: Piranha plant
hammerbro: Hammer bro.
bulletbill: Bullet bill
upfire: Fireball that goes up
box: Portal cube
gel: Portal gel
hammer: Hammer bro. hammer
mushroom: Growing mushroom
oneup/1up: 1 up mushroom
star: Star
fireball: Player fireball
- add [n]
- remove [n]
- set [n]
- disable

- add [n]
- remove [n]
- set [n]
- clear

- add [n]
- remove [n]
- set [n]
- clear

- setplayertype [portal/minecraft/gelcannon/mario]
- teleport [pos x] [pos y] [*checktile] (using "<" or ">" before [pos x] or [pos y] will teleport the player according to it's position)
- growstate [small/big/fire]
- givestar
- giveinvincibility
- lives:
- - add [n]
- - remove [n]
- - set [n]
- - infinite
- checkpoint [*pos x]
- allowportal1
- allowportal2
- allowportals
- disallowportal1
- disallowportal2
- disallowportals
- removeportal1
- removeportal2
- removeportals
- makeanimation [walk/crouch/jump/upvine/downvine/leftvine/rightvine/leftvinedrop/rightvinedrop] way [forward/backward] time [n]
- setrunning [allowed/disallowed/always]
- setjumping [allowed/disallowed/always]
- setwalking [allowed/disallowed/always]
- setcrouching [allowed/disallowed/always]
- stopmoving
- lockcontrols
- unlockcontrols
- kill
- disable
- spawn [pos x] [pos y]
- showdots
- hidedots
- show
- hide
- pointingangle [n]
- fireball:
- - killsplayers [true/false/toggle]
- gravityside [down/left/up/right]
- [speedx/speedy]:
- - add [n]
- - remove [n]
- - set [n]
- - clear

- removeall
- [bullettime/portalknockback/bigmario/goombaattack/sonicrainboom/playercollisions/infinitetime/infinitelives] [true/false/toggle]

- kill [enemy/all] [onscreen/all]
- spawn [enemy] [pos x] [pos y] [*speed x] [*speed y] [*id/dir] [*gel id] ("gel id" is only used when enemy is "box")

- [global variable] = [value] (to see a list of global variables, check out "regularvariables.txt" inside the mod's file or here)

- [disable/none]
- [shader name]

- new [variable name] = [n]
- remove [var]
- [var] add [n]
- [var] remove [n]
- [var] set [n]
- [var] save


- play [sound name] [*loop/times=[n]/once]
- stop [sound name/all]
- pause [sound name/all]
- setvolume [sound name/all] [n] ([n] must be a number between 0 and 1. Put "~" before the number to make it a number between 0 and 10)
- setplays [sound name] [loop/times=[n]/once]

- [tile id] = [new tile id]
- [pos x] [pos y] = [new tile id]
- [pos x] [pos y] [pos width] [pos height] = [new tile id]
- [pos x] [pos y] [pos width] [pos height] [tile id] = [new tile id]

setgel [pos x] [pos y] [top/bottom/left/right] [gel id]

- saveprogress
- restart [*showlevelscreen]
- goto [w] [l] [s] [*showlevelscreen]
- set [underwater/intermission/bonusstage] = [true/false/toggle]
- set spriteset [overworld/underground/castle/underwater]
- set music [n]

- enable
- disable
- activate
- deactivate

envtrigger [obj1/obj2] [command related to object]

map [pos x] [pos y] [tile id] [*entity id] [*entity data] *link [*link x] [*link y]

- new:
- - image [text file name/image file name] [*pos x] [*pos y] *color *= [*r] [*g] [*b] [*a] *scrolling *= [*true/false/[n]] *frames *= [*n] *speed *= [*n] *loop *= [*b] *level *= [*n]
- - text [text file name/text] [*pos x] [*pos y] *color *= [*r] [*g] [*b] [*a] *scrolling *= [*true/false/[n]] *level *= [*n]
- - number [text file name/[n]] [*pos x] [*pos y] *color *= [*r] [*g] [*b] [*a] *scrolling *= [*true/false/[n]] *level *= [*n]
- - variable [text file name/[var]] [*pos x] [*pos y] *color *= [*r] [*g] [*b] [*a] *scrolling *= [*true/false/[n]] *level *= [*n]
- [overlay data name] show
- [overlay data name] hide
- [overlay data name] add [n]
- [overlay data name] remove [n]
- [overlay data name] set image = [image file name]
- [overlay data name] set text = [text]
- [overlay data name] set number = [n]
- [overlay data name] set variable = [var]
- [overlay data name] set color = [r] [g] [b] [a]
- [overlay data name] set x = [pos x]
- [overlay data name] set y = [pos y]
- [overlay data name] set scrolling = [true/false/[n]]
- [overlay data name] set frames = [n]
- [overlay data name] set frame = [n]
- [overlay data name] set speed = [n]
- [overlay data name] set level = [n]
- [overlay data name] set loop = [b]
- [overlay data name] fadeout [n]
- [overlay data name] fadein [n]

shootportal [pos x] [pos y] [player number] [portal number] [angle]

- add [n]
- remove [n]
- set [n]
- reset

offscreenportals [true/false/toggle]

printcursor [true/false/toggle]

printkeyboard [true/false/toggle]

box [box name]:
- emancipate
- set:
- - gelid [n]
- - id [n]
- - allowemance [true/false/toggle]
- - parentable [true/false/toggle]
- - killsplayer [true/false/toggle]
- - grabbed [false/1/2/3/4]
- rename [new name]

logicgate [logic gate name] [all/first/random] [activate/deactivate/toggle]

- add [n]
- remove [n]
- set [n]
- clear
Environmental Triggers:

playertype = [portal/gelcannon/minecraft/mario]

timepassed = [n]

timelimit = [n]

coincount = [n]

variable = [n]

scoreboard = [n]

- playing
- lives = [n]
- dead
- deadcause = [deadcause]
- jumping
- touchfloor
- crouch
- portal1 [exists/removed]
- portal2 [exists/removed]
- portals [exists/removed]
- throughportals
- falling
- growstate = [small/big/fire]
- gotstar
- holdingbox
- stompingenemy [enemy/any]

keydown [key]

mousedown [l/m/r/wu/wd]

keypressed [key]

timeloop [n] [n]

box [box name]:
- toggled
- parented [true/false/1/2/3/4]
- laser = [true/false]
- [variable] = [value]

trigger [trigger name]:
- triggered
- trigger:
- - name = [trigger's trigger name]
- - [variable] = [value]

logicgate [logic gate name]:
- activated
- deactivated
- total = [n]

- [object 1] [object 1 name] [object 2] [object 2 name] [n]
- [object 1]*.*[variable]*=*[value] [object 2]*.*[variable]*=*[value] [n]

tile [x] [y] = [id]
Some commands for either Commanders or Environmental Triggers may not be working. If you find any bug, please reply in this thread with the bug you've got AND the command you used AND in what entity (Commander or Env. Trigger).

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4. How to make your mappack compatible with Mari0:HEC

Make your mappack compatible with the mod is easier than you think:

• To add custom textures, place them in a folder named "custom" inside your mappack. The texture name must be the same name from the original texture;
• To add HD custom textures, place them in a folder names "custom_scale [scale number]" inside you mappack. The texture name must be the same name from the original texture;
• To add Overlay Data images/text files, place them with whatever name you want in a folder named "overlaydata" inside your mappack;
• To add Custom Indicator images, place them with whatever name you want and place them in a folder named "customindicators" inside your "custom" folder, inside your mappack;
• To add custom sounds to replace the existing ones, place them inside a folder named "customsounds" inside your mappack. The sound name must be the same name from the original sound;
• To add new custom sounds, place them with whatever name you want inside a folder named "customsounds" inside your mappack;
• To add custom textures for players, place them inside a folder named "marioanims[a]-[b]", where [a] is the player number (nothing if it's the player 1) and [b] is the texture number (a number between 1 and 10. Nothing if it's the texture 1);
• To add custom variables, type them (with "," in the end of each line, unless it is the last line, like "jumpforce = 30") and save it in a ".txt" file named "customvariables" and place it inside your mappack;
• To add dynamic variables to be saved/loaded, type them (with ";" between each variable, like "var1=2;var2=50") and save it in a ".txt" file named "variables" and place it inside your mappack;
• To add custom musics, place the ".ogg" files inside your mappack and name them "music[n]" ([n] being a value between 1 and 10. Nothing if the value is 1).

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5. Pre-made mappack tool for customizability (for v0.5)

Download this fake mappack if you wanna convert your mappack to the new Mari0:HEC system. Copy whatever file you want, modify them as you want and put them in your mappack. I highly recomend you to read the "-READ ME-.txt" files for extra information.

Download Compatibility Tool for Mappacks

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6. Mappacks already compatible

Here's a list of some mappacks that are already compatible with Mari0:HEC that you may wanna try:
(I'll try to frequently update this list)

Flappy Bird Mappack - by HowToEatGirafes
Blue Portals - The Mappack - by HugoBDesigner (me)
ViViD - by Firaga
Silh0uette - by alesan99
Scribble World - by alesan99
Awesome Bros. - by WiloKing
Super Mari0 World - by droidegamer
Pop A Portal - Mappack - by HugoBDesigner (me)
Pop A Portal - Time Challenge - by HugoBDesigner (me)
Curved Science - Concept Mappack - by HugoBDesigner (me)
•Portal Gel - by HugoBDesigner (me) - ZIP and RAR

Yes, those are the only mappacks made for my mod :) :'(

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7. Screenshots and videos

As some of you say, "Screenshots or it didn't happen", here are some (took with the new screenshot feature):
For more screenshots and news about my mod, you can visit my blog or check out a series of posts named Quick Update for Mari0 +Portal:
Many thanks to Alesan99 for doing this video!
The mappack he played is my Blue Portals mappack.
Check out Alesan's YouTube channel.

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8. Credits and contacts


•First of all, many thanks to Qcode for helping me with a lot of features (specially the changing-texture cube and random-textured gels), fixing a lot of errors and beta testing my mod;
•Thanks to B-Man for fixing the latest version of Mari0:HEC and it's download links;
•Thanks to FlutterPie for beta testing and reporting errors;
•Thanks to Costinteo for the original smb title screen (I know you said you don't need credits, but you did helped);
•Thanks to Maurice for "this awesome piece of celestial ambrosia" and for supporting mods;
•Thanks for The KKM and Idiot9.0 for the Chell's player skin;
•Thanks to pbalazs for the Better Editor mod (in my opinion the best Mari0 mod ever);
•Thanks to Gallas's "Mariolander" mappack for the multi-values idea for entities;
•Thanks to Gramanaitor's thread (and TripleXero and BobTheLawyer) for the co-op portal color thing;
•Thanks to everyone who supported me while making this mod!


If you wanna report me a bug, make a suggestion or ask me to put your mappack in my next mod update, here's my contact page:
HugoBDesigner's contacts

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9. Known bugs

•"cannot find "mappack/*Mappack*/custom/marioanims/*Something*.png" "(or something like this).
Solution: put all the player's textures in the "marioanims" folder.

•Whatever bug you get while playing in vanilla Mari0.
Solution: put all the incompatible levels of your mappack inside your "customlevels" folder.

If you find any other bug, report it in the comments.

And I'd be really thankful if you leave your comment/feedback below. Thanks and see you!
Also, a note, this is my 200th post, so... Commemorative avatar!
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10. Download

v1.1 - LÖVE 0.9.2



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Last edited by HugoBDesigner on 15 Sep 2021, 10:22, edited 49 times in total.

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Flutter Skye
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Post » 20 Jul 2013, 09:44

Really nice work. I'm going to try this as fast as possible. Also the one who did the GLados Voice mod was Turtle95 and Automatik. The one who made the Chell sprites was The KKM and Idiot9.0

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Post » 20 Jul 2013, 09:48

FlutterPie wrote:Really nice work. I'm going to try this as fast as possible. Also the one who did the GLados Voice mod was Turtle95 and Automatik. The one who made the Chell sprites was The KKM and Idiot9.0
Thanks! Updated the credits!

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Post » 20 Jul 2013, 10:23

Do you want me to help you work on the memory leak issue thing? It also happens in your 'nilla pop a portal, on any map with gels.

((Heavy lag bug that happens 'randomly'))

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Post » 20 Jul 2013, 10:53

Wow this looks awesome.

At first I thought it was only going to be a graphic mod, but this is amazing.
Good job!

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Post » 20 Jul 2013, 13:27

holy shit, you successfully made the best mod on this forum to date. I heard you talking about how you'd been developing this for so long, and along with costinteo I thought also it was just graphics, but this is is a full fledged customization mod that looks like you've done flawlessly. I can't give you enough claps!

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Post » 20 Jul 2013, 14:06

Assasin-Kiashi wrote:holy shit, you successfully made the best mod on this forum to date. I heard you talking about how you'd been developing this for so long, and along with costinteo I thought also it was just graphics, but this is is a full fledged customization mod that looks like you've done flawlessly. I can't give you enough claps!
I kinda had to agree with Kiashi. I saw screenshots and threads and I thought it was only a texture change, but no. When I read this entire thread, I realized: THIS LOOKS LIKE ONE OF THE BEST AND MOST USEFUL MODS IN THE HISTORY OF MARI0!!! Is it possible you could upload it to dropbox or box?

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Post » 20 Jul 2013, 14:15

Great mod Hugo :). Great thread too. Looking forward to your future projects!

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Post » 20 Jul 2013, 14:22

Gramanaitor wrote:
Assasin-Kiashi wrote:
Is it possible you could upload it to dropbox or box?
Take That !

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Post » 20 Jul 2013, 15:44

Hugo doesn't disappoint again!

On the subject of my stuff like the SJB mod, I don't think I'd be doing one for A0zora given how I've canceled the pre-SE version. But we could do one for the ports of Super Mario Bros. Special and maybe, just maybe, some of the SMB1 hacks we recreated.

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Post » 20 Jul 2013, 17:49

And you have put those line wall indicator (i don't know their name) that i wanted to be put! and the buttons!
It's awesome!

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Post » 20 Jul 2013, 20:23

Hans1998 wrote:WWOOOOOOWWW!
And you have put those line wall indicator (i don't know their name) that i wanted to be put! and the buttons!
It's awesome!
The first thing I thought after you updating your mappack was "Hey, now Hans can update his mappack with my mod, since he said he couldn't actually make the mod he wanted...", but then I saw you've also made the mod. I played your mappack with your mod and it was AWESOME too! That's why I included it in the DLC list of the mod (if you don't want just tell me and I'll remove it)!

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Post » 20 Jul 2013, 20:42

HugoBDesigner wrote:The first thing I thought after you updating your mappack was "Hey, now Hans can update his mappack with my mod, since he said he couldn't actually make the mod he wanted...", but then I saw you've also made the mod. I played your mappack with your mod and it was AWESOME too! That's why I included it in the DLC list of the mod (if you don't want just tell me and I'll remove it)!
Well, i can use your mod since the mine is just a "re-sprite" of some entities.

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Post » 20 Jul 2013, 21:23

Hans1998 wrote: Well, i can use your mod since the mine is just a "re-sprite" of some entities.
All right then. But if you prefer doing your own mod, just do it. You're not obligated to update your mappack to my mod. I've played it WITH your mod and it was still awesome...

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Post » 20 Jul 2013, 21:24

Is it possible that you could add part of infinite worlds/subworlds to this? (I hope that isn't too much.)

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Post » 20 Jul 2013, 21:34

Simple Amazing! I might just have to package this with my modloader (if you don't mind)

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Post » 20 Jul 2013, 21:49

Gramanaitor wrote:Is it possible that you could add part of infinite worlds/subworlds to this? (I hope that isn't too much.)
Well, I even thought on adding this mod, but then I let it to be decided later. But that's not a bad idea at all. I'll see if I can add it to my next update...
ucenna wrote:Simple Amazing! I might just have to package this with my modloader (if you don't mind)
Of course I don't, feel free. If you're making this as a way to load mappacks that are compatible to this mod, then I'd say that you don't need, since I've made a compatibility system myself. But if you're thinking on adding the modloader to Mari0 +Portal, then it's quite a great idea!

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Post » 20 Jul 2013, 22:48

Sorta both, if/when I add it, it would be to add compatibility and also to enable the making of mari0+portal-based maps.

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Post » 20 Jul 2013, 23:23

I think I found a bug. If I go to a different tab for at least 22 seconds, the game crashes. Can you please fix this?

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Post » 20 Jul 2013, 23:52

That's pretty much the least descriptive bug report you can give.
What tabs, menu or editor? Does it happen with all tabs, which specific tab did you get the error on?
Is it just a general crash or is there a blue screen error?
You need to be more detailed, as of right now I couldn't reproduce it.

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Post » 21 Jul 2013, 00:31

ucenna wrote:Sorta both, if/when I add it, it would be to add compatibility and also to enable the making of mari0+portal-based maps.
That's a great idea. If you do it, can I post it in my thread too? Seems to be a really useful feature to be added!

Gramanaitor wrote:I think I found a bug. If I go to a different tab for at least 22 seconds, the game crashes. Can you please fix this?
Qcode wrote:That's pretty much the least descriptive bug report you can give.
What tabs, menu or editor? Does it happen with all tabs, which specific tab did you get the error on?
Is it just a general crash or is there a blue screen error?
You need to be more detailed, as of right now I couldn't reproduce it.
Well, I sometimes get this to. Wherever I am in the menu, if I stay for some time, the game freezes. But, as I said in the thread, I'll fix this as soon as I find what's causing it, but, until there...
HugoBDesigner wrote: •A big amount of lag or game freezing.
Solution: restart the game (sorry, I don't see any other solution).

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Post » 21 Jul 2013, 00:42

I get the menu crash after a certain number of keystrokes. Doesn't even matter if I go into the menu proper or just stay on the title screen; as long as I'm hitting those arrow keys, it will crash eventually, after many presses of the keys.

Doesn't matter which direction, either; I tested pressing only one direction vs. pressing them all and it still crashed both times, so... :p

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Post » 21 Jul 2013, 16:06

same here i get a menu crash after 12 key strokes

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Post » 21 Jul 2013, 16:31

HugoBDesigner wrote: That's a great idea. If you do it, can I post it in my thread too? Seems to be a really useful feature to be added!
Works for me. I think I'll wait to make a compilation until after some of the "bug reports" are resolved. It's a pain to compile mods.
HugoBDesigner wrote: •A big amount of lag or game freezing.
Solution: restart the game (sorry, I don't see any other solution).
Curious question: what causes the lag?

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Post » 21 Jul 2013, 17:59

zorua7551 wrote:same here i get a menu crash after 12 key strokes
That's something I'll look for. Maybe it's the menu music that's causing the lag, but I doubt it is, since even before the menu music I was already getting lag. But I'll look really carefully at this!
ucenna wrote: Works for me. I think I'll wait to make a compilation until after some of the "bug reports" are resolved. It's a pain to compile mods.
At least for now the only bug I got was the menu freezing. The other 2 bugs aren't REALLY bugs, they happens only if the user makes something different from the compatibility system.
ucenna wrote: Curious question: what causes the lag?
I have absolutely no idea... I'll see that as soon as I can (I'm in another city and I'll only be back at night I'm answering from my phone), but if some of you discover what's causing this problem, please, let me know. Thanks!

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Post » 21 Jul 2013, 21:52

Qcode wrote:That's pretty much the least descriptive bug report you can give.
What tabs, menu or editor? Does it happen with all tabs, which specific tab did you get the error on?
Is it just a general crash or is there a blue screen error?
You need to be more detailed, as of right now I couldn't reproduce it.
Ok then.
I open the mod and I leave it on the menu. Then I open up Google Chrome. Twenty-two seconds later, my computer says the mod has stopped working.

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Post » 22 Jul 2013, 00:56

I'm sure someone thought of this already, but we should get 0' Brothers ported to this format.

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Post » 22 Jul 2013, 01:16

I was going to try porting over the All Night Stabyourself mod into this, but since it looks like there's only space for 1 custom player, that'd limit that part.

If anything, I'll just port it over with the duck.

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Post » 22 Jul 2013, 02:12

idiot9.0 wrote:I was going to try porting over the All Night Stabyourself mod into this, but since it looks like there's only space for 1 custom player, that'd limit that part.

If anything, I'll just port it over with the duck.
I thought on adding more players to this a while ago, so don't discard this possibility.. Also, thanks for the preference! I really enjoyed playing this mod and the mappack (that's one of the DLC mappacks I've added).

Also, I send to Hans1998 a PM asking him to allow me to update his mappack to my next update. I was going to do the same with your mappack, but you said that first, so thanks! But, if you want, I can do this for you...

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Post » 22 Jul 2013, 18:08

I'm making a map called "dream of science/Aperture Hologration Project"

Story is:
At the year 20XX (yes, at the same year as megaman. -_-), While aperture's ai system was a HUGE success, you, Subject #03120 get challenged in an easy chamber. When the camber ends, and you get back to mushroom kingdom, you'll see; test is just starting...

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Post » 22 Jul 2013, 18:26

eraykaan wrote:I'm making a map called "dream of science/Aperture Hologration Project"

Story is:
At the year 20XX (yes, at the same year as megaman. -_-), While aperture's ai system was a HUGE success, you, Subject #03120 get challenged in an easy chamber. When the camber ends, and you get back to mushroom kingdom, you'll see; test is just starting...

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Post » 22 Jul 2013, 19:52

Can I have the sprites used in these pictures?

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Post » 22 Jul 2013, 22:15

I want to do custom things, but I have no idea how to do them. Can you give a template?

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Post » 22 Jul 2013, 23:18

Turret Opera wrote:Can I have the sprites used in these pictures?
Curved Science - Concept Mappack
They're koopas, used in my Curved Science mappack. Just open the mappack folder and search for the texture in "custommobs".
TheJonyMyster wrote:I want to do custom things, but I have no idea how to do them. Can you give a template?
Just download the Mappack Tool in the main post. That's exactly what it is: a template. But I'll update that again (I made some changes to the mod), so keep an eye on that...

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Post » 25 Jul 2013, 02:52

When I was in the editor, I noticed this about the music: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7mf1o474nvchp ... 0music.png
So then I added three other songs and renamed them music2, music3 and music4, but then it didn't work. Did I do something wrong?

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Post » 25 Jul 2013, 03:37

Gramanaitor wrote:When I was in the editor, I noticed this about the music: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7mf1o474nvchp ... 0music.png
So then I added three other songs and renamed them music2, music3 and music4, but then it didn't work. Did I do something wrong?
No, you didn't. What happened: I had the mod all done to release, but somehow my computer deleted it (just when I finished, really...). Then I had to redo a lot of things, but I forgot to fix then custom musics. But this was already fixed to my next release, together with some other features (such as non-portalable gel, acid gel and 10 custom texture per player). I'll release it as soon as I find what's causing the lag problem on the menu. But if you want, I can release a copy of the current version with this bugfix. Thanks for asking!

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Post » 25 Jul 2013, 19:58

Is there an official release date for the next update? (It's fine if there isn't.)I'm considering releasing a demo for a mappack soon that requires this mod.

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Post » 25 Jul 2013, 20:25

Gramanaitor wrote:Is there an official release date for the next update? (It's fine if there isn't.)I'm considering releasing a demo for a mappack soon that requires this mod.
This week or the next. I just haven't released yet cause I'm still trying to figure out what's causing lag on the menu. Once I find it I'll release. But that's not the only thing I made to this update: gels! I've made the "unportalable" gel (the opposite to the conversion gel), the acid gel and added a gel flow control (any similarity with Turtle's Extra Entities mod is purely coincidence).

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Post » 27 Jul 2013, 14:16

The Sinatra wrote:Holy fucking shit, this is genius.

P.S. How the fuck i can receive a Visual C++ error if this run on Lua? ( Unless if Love crash or whatever )
Thanks! I have no idea of what happened, but that's probably a problem with LOVE running on your PC. I haven't added anything that needs Visual C++...

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Post » 27 Jul 2013, 18:23

I had a few suggestions if you want to here 'em:

1. It would be nice if you could add an additional option for tiles namely a foreground option. Personally I think a lot of people would appreciate it.
2. custom foregrounds (as in custom backgrounds but in the front)
3. Obligatory shaders. Allow an option for mappers to force a shader on (assuming someone's computer is shader compatible) per mappack or per level. i.e the DLC Acid Trip that forces you to use one of Kekaihami's custom shaders.

I was going to start combining this with my modloader but I noticed you were working on the next release. I might wait till then.

As a side note would you consider putting "The Journey" in your DLC after I compatiblize it.

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Post » 28 Jul 2013, 02:37

The Mediafire download says that it is copyrighted work, and it can't be downloaded.

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Post » 30 Jul 2013, 12:23

ucenna wrote:I had a few suggestions if you want to here 'em:

1. It would be nice if you could add an additional option for tiles namely a foreground option. Personally I think a lot of people would appreciate it.
That's a great suggestion, I'll take it!
ucenna wrote: 2. custom foregrounds (as in custom backgrounds but in the front)
This is actually one of the features I wanted to add in the first release, but I got some problems with it. But I'll sure provide it (if not in this release then as soon as I can).
ucenna wrote: 3. Obligatory shaders. Allow an option for mappers to force a shader on (assuming someone's computer is shader compatible) per mappack or per level. i.e the DLC Acid Trip that forces you to use one of Kekaihami's custom shaders.
That's also a great idea. My computer doesn't support shaders, but I'll try to add it anyway. Also, you gave me an idea: I'll add more shaders (like Kexaihami's ones) to Mari0...
ucenna wrote: I was going to start combining this with my modloader but I noticed you were working on the next release. I might wait till then.
All right then. I have a few things to do yet, but as soon as I can I'll release the newest mod (that brings a lot of new cool features, such as custom overlays(the custom foregrounds you suggested), customizable variables per level, the customizable textures/sounds(already implemented) will be customizable per level too and custom level screens(that'll draw in the screen things like "level 1-2")).
ucenna wrote: As a side note would you consider putting "The Journey" in your DLC after I compatiblize it.
Of course I will! All I want now is compatible mappacks to be added to my mod.
Mari0Maker wrote:The Mediafire download says that it is copyrighted work, and it can't be downloaded.
And that's not the first time it happens (and now even with my "Pop A Portal" mappack). I talked to Qcode via Steam a few days ago and we both think that this is being done by the same person, trying to take down my things (and I have no idea of why)...

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Post » 30 Jul 2013, 13:59

HugoBDesigner wrote:custom level screens(that'll draw in the screen things like "level 1-2")).
I have a suggestion, why don't you go ahead and add everything else in SE, too? I'm only half-joking.

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Post » 30 Jul 2013, 17:30

Turret Opera wrote:
HugoBDesigner wrote:custom level screens(that'll draw in the screen things like "level 1-2")).
I have a suggestion, why don't you go ahead and add everything else in SE, too? I'm only half-joking.
In fact, there's a lot of SE stuff I wanna add to the mod (like toggleable texts, for example). So yeah, you're half-right...

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Post » 31 Jul 2013, 14:30

HugoBDesigner wrote:
Turret Opera wrote:
HugoBDesigner wrote:custom level screens(that'll draw in the screen things like "level 1-2")).
I have a suggestion, why don't you go ahead and add everything else in SE, too? I'm only half-joking.
In fact, there's a lot of SE stuff I wanna add to the mod (like toggleable texts, for example). So yeah, you're half-right...
Well then you should take my suggestion seriously. I really want to see SE released.

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Post » 31 Jul 2013, 17:33

Turret Opera wrote: Well then you should take my suggestion seriously. I really want to see SE released.
That's what I'm trying to say: I'll release some of SE features, but not all them (come on, I'm only one guy). I'm adding (mostly) graphical improvements, so that means that I'll probably not add a lot of SE stuff...

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Post » 31 Jul 2013, 21:21

HugoBDesigner wrote:I'll release some of SE features, but not all them (come on, I'm only one guy).
You got my hopes up and then dashed them. :(

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Post » 03 Aug 2013, 03:23

Sorry if it is a bit of a bump, but just a warning: if you're planning on updating/making a mappack to Mari0 +Portal system, then I recommend you waiting 'til my next mod update, because there'll be a lot of new features that MAY OR NOT make current mappacks incompatible.

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Post » 03 Aug 2013, 11:48

I was switching shaders and the game crashed, you should look into that.
Also how did you put portals on a grey surface.

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Post » 04 Aug 2013, 01:08

Turret Opera wrote:I was switching shaders and the game crashed, you should look into that.
I'll sure look at this, but I've no idea how this happened. I haven't modded anything in shaders...
Turret Opera wrote:Also how did you put portals on a grey surface.
Um... I'm not sure what you mean...
WaryLouka wrote:If it will be updated in one week or + then no
Im making my TWMME mappack compatible with your game.
I'll try to update it soon, but I can't promise it'll be in less than 1 week. Sorry...

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