Mari0 SE: Tips, Tricks, Undocumented features & Reference

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Post » 22 Jan 2014, 04:50

Feel like enemies doesn't have enough options? Has the animation system been crippling your creativity? Have we got the solution for you!

This is a big community thread for everything not included in Trosh's documentation.
You might find something here really useful!

If you find any awesome tips, tricks or undocumented features in Mari0 SE, please post on this thread!

Animation system

Other Tips
Other Tricks


Animation system:

^ - Indicates a repeating trigger, which will trigger each update. Use the "Disable this animation" action to make it run only once

^ After seconds:
Triggers after X seconds

Animation trigger:
Triggers if a certain animation id is activated - to be used with the animation trigger entity.

On map load:
Triggers when any map loads
Tip: triggers after you die on the same map too.

^ Players x / y position < / >:
Triggers after a player x or y position is greater or lesser than a certain x or y position on a map

Code: Select all

> = Greater than
< = Lesser than
 X ----->
Tip: Count tiles to where you want it to trigger.
Level is number:
Triggers only if the level number is X

Map started here:
Triggers only if you didn't change from a sub-level

World is number:
Triggers only if the world number is X

Sublevel is number:
Triggers only if sub-level number is X
Game logic:
Add coins:
Adds coins to the coins counter
Tip: This can be used to give players an extra life (100 coins).

Add points:
Adds points to the points counter.

Change time left:
Changes the map time to X

Enable/Disable scrolling:
Snaps or un-snaps the camera to/from the first player.
Tips: When disabled, the camera will not go anywhere unless another action alters it.

Enable/Disable this animation:
Enable/Disables the current animation for use again.
Tips: Use "Disable this animation" at the beginning of the action table so the animation will only execute once.

Set camera to x/y:
Snaps the camera to the specified x/y position.

Pan camera to x/y:
Smoothly moves the camera to the specified position in the specified amount of seconds
Tips: The next actions do not wait for the camera to finish panning, so use "Sleep/Wait" in the same amount of time this action is using.

Shake the screen:
Shakes the screen with the specified amount of force.
Tips: The effect is best used with repeating triggers.
Tips: The "force" is how many pixels away from the center the screen will shake.
Tips: This purely affects the camera, controls and other stuff will not be changed.

Waits until the specified amount of seconds have passed to activate the next action.
Tips: You're going to use this a lot.

Player controls:
Animate to walk:
Makes the specified players move in the specified direction.
Tip: Use "Stop Player Animations" to stop this action.

Make jump:
Makes the specified players jump at maximum height.
Tip: You can use "Stop jumping" to make short jumps.

Enable/Disable aiming:
Enable/Disables the specified players ability to aim with the mouse.
Tips: Use this with "Make player aim to deg" to make the player face any direction in a scripted sequence.
Tips: While the player can not aim, the player can still shoot portals, keep mind of this.

Enable/Disable portal gun of:
Enable/Disables the specified players ability to fire portals.

Enable/Disable controls:
Enable/Disables the specified players ability to do anything.
Tips: This is almost mandatory for cutscenes or scripted sequences.

Make player aim to deg:
Makes the specified player aim at the specified degree.
Tips: Doesn't quite work if the player still has control of their aim.

Make fire portal:
Makes the specified player fire a specified portal color.
Tips: Use after "Make player aim to deg" to automatically place a portal in a scripted sequence.

Close portals:
Makes the specified players close their portals.

Kill player:
Kills the specified player.

Set player x/y:
Teleports the specified players x or y position in the map.
Tips: While it does teleport the player, it does not stop the player from moving. So if mario is running, mario will still be running after the teleport.

Map controls:
Change background color:
Changes background color to the following RGB numbers.

Load level:
Changes the world and level to the specified numbers.
Tips: You can use this to load a non-existent world and beat the mappack!

Play music:
Plays the specified music.
Tips: If the same song is already playing, it will override it and try to play again, so its best not to do this with repeating triggers.

Create dialog:
Creates a text box with the following message
Tip: The logic does not wait until all the text is typed in, so use this to cleverly time a certain action to a certain line of dialog.
Tip: The dialog will take about 6-7 seconds to automatically close after all the text has been typed in

Destroy dialogs:
Closes any dialog box that might be displaying at that time.

Movement Types:

"Wiggle": Enemy wiggles back and forth, think hammer bros.

How far the enemy will wiggle.

How fast the enemy will wiggle.


How long the turtle wiggles before it get backs up.

Movement actions:

If the enemy will jump.

How long before the enemy jumps again.

How fast the enemy will jump up.

How fast the enemy will jump down.
If true, the enemy makes the player grow on contact with it.

If true, the enemy gives the player a life on contact with it.

The maximum this enemy will spawn other enemies.

If true, the enemy will head in the direction of the player when spawned, based on speedx.

If true, the enemy will transform by "transformtrigger" into "transformsinto".

If triggered, the current enemy will transform into the specified enemy.

The trigger for enemy transformation, only works if "transforms" is true.
Current options:

Tip: This could be used to make an enemy with health, with separate enemies for each stages of health!

If true the enemy disappears instantly when hit by a fireball.

Allows you to collide with the player and pass through walls, used for bullet bills.

If you can figure out what this does, it would be greatly appreciated.

Sets the image rotation (Radians) for the enemy, note that the enemy will automatically rotate back in a second.

If true, the enemy dies on spawn.

Same as "Dead".

Guide to creating a custom character:

To begin: Inside your /LOVE/mari0_se, create a folder called "characters" - this is where all your custom characters will go.

Step 1a: Copy a character from the game and rename it as a reference.

Step 1b: Create a folder with the name of your character inside the characters folder.

Step 2: Inside your folder, create a config.txt with all your characters information (Use the reference to help you with that!).
TIP: If no config.txt is included, the game will not recognize your character and thus wont include it in the game.

Step 3: Name your spritesets!

Note that if your character has colors, you will have to name the spritesets like below but with a number added at the end (example0.png - example3.png), 0 being no color.

animations.png - Small mario animations.
biganimations.png - Big mario animations.

nogunanimations.png - Small mario animations without the portal gun.
nogunbiganimations.png - Big mario animations without the portal gun.
animationsdot.png - Small mario portal gun light, useful for custom portal colors!
biganimationsdot.png - Big mario portal gun light.

Step 4: If you have sprited and configured everything correctly, it should show up in the options menu and not crash.

Congratulations, you have a custom character!
Work in progress.
If true, the character can jump infinitely.

If true, the character can double jump.

If true, the character will have all the abilities of raccoon mario.

What the default hat for the character will be.

If true, the character will not use multiple quads for aiming.

Dictates how many colors will be used, and what they will be called. Leave this out if you don't want to use any colors.

What the default colors will be for all 4 players

What fire mario colors will be for all 4 players

How many running frames the image will use.

How many frames when jumping the image will use.

How many frames custom attributes such as "Raccoon" will use.

Hat Stacking:
You can stack hats by going into your options.txt, and finding "mariohats:[player#]:[hat#];". Put a comma before each hat number. (e.g. "mariohats:[player#]:[hat1#],[hat2#],[hat3#];")
Hat ID's:
00 - Nothing.
01 - (Default) Mario's hat.
02 - Tyrolean hat.
03 - Towering pillar of hats (Bowler, First).
04 - Towering pillar of hats (Redish Top Hat, Second).
05 - Towering pillar of hats (Boater, Third).
06 - Dr. Seuss's Cat in a Hats' Hat.
07 - Bird.
08 - Banana.
09 - Beanie & propeller.
10 - Toilet.
11 - Indian hat.
12 - Officers' hat.
13 - Crown.
14 - Top Hat.
15 - Batters' helmet.
16 - Bonk helmet.
17 - Brown Tweed cap. (Ye Olde Baker Boy.)
18 - Beanie. (Troublemaker's tossle cap.)
19 - Whoopee cap.
20 - Milkmans' hat.
21 - Aviators Helmet. (Bombing Run.)
22 - Superhero mask. (Bonk Boy.)
23 - Trilby. (Flipped Trilby.)
24 - Baseball cap. (Super Fan.)
25 - Fez & sunglasses. (Familiar Fez.)
26 - Santa Hat.
27 - Sailors' hat.
28 - Koopa Shell.
29 - Blooper Hat.
30 - Shy guy mask.
31 - Glasses.
32 - Jet set headgear.
33 - Rainbow dashes' hair.
Texture Packs:
You can change the default graphics for everything without need for a mappack or mod.
You can download and use this as a reference:
Default Texturepack.

Create a folder named "graphics" inside your mari0_se directory, this is where all your custom images will go.
Replace what you want, as it follows the structure of mari0's internal graphics folder.
Global Enemies:
Create a folder named "enemies" inside your mari0_se directory.
You can then drag the enemy .png and .json in as you would with a mappack.

This has good use for common enemy packs & memory efficient maps.
Though you will have to include a link to the enemy pack if you release such a mappack that requires this.
Custom Shaders:
Create a folder named "shaders" inside your mari0_se directory.
Though this feature requires shader knowledge, you can drag a .frag file into the folder and mari0 should pick up on it.

Other Tips:
Hatninja: Animation system X and Y positions are counted in tiles.

Hatninja: Enemy graphics tend to work best under 8x8, 16x16, 32x32 and 64x64.

Hans1998: If you don't want to make a lot of tiles for a big object, you can set up a static enemy to have the whole graphic. This works for animated too.

Hatninja: In any Json formatted file you can add comments like so:

Code: Select all

"_comment": "This is a comment!"
Other Tricks:
B-Man99: You can loop or alternate animations with any enemy by setting up a spot like this:

B-Man99: You can activate animations using a button by using an enemy spawner & animation region trigger.

B-Man99: You can create a sound player, by setting up an enemy to have a spawn sound and disappear instantly. Though, please note that this only works with default sounds.

Bubba_nate: You can create an enemy only field by setting up an enemy to collide with mario and let other enemies pass through.

Bubba_nate: You can create an air timer feature by setting up an animation to kill you in a few seconds. But every time you activate it, the timer resets, thus letting you live longer.

MagicPillow: You can make blocks with an offset. Make an enemy that acts as a block, and set the offset to whatever you want!
Last edited by Hatninja on 27 Mar 2014, 22:17, edited 73 times in total.

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Post » 22 Jan 2014, 05:22

Sorry, I'm on my iPod at the moment and can't check on this, but isn't there also a "move player to x/y" in the actions?
What happens if you set the "stop jumping" to an animation on repeat?
Does load level work with sub levels (okay that one I could probably check on my own this is a bit ridiculous I'll stop now :P)

Nice work Hatninja! Gee it seems like every one of your contributions on here are A+ quality. This helps a lot :)

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Post » 22 Jan 2014, 05:55

B-Man99 wrote:Sorry, I'm on my iPod at the moment and can't check on this, but isn't there also a "move player to x/y" in the actions?
Woops, completely forgot!


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Post » 25 Jan 2014, 02:44

If you set animations like this, then it acts as an animation looper.
Also, you can set up all of the elements to be invisible.
Using custom enemies instead of the goomba should allow for different speeds for looping the animation too.

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Post » 25 Jan 2014, 02:45

B-man99, you're a genius.

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Post » 25 Jan 2014, 02:49

Thanks! You too :)
Also I forgot to mention, my screenshot uses two animations, but it would easily be done with one too.

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Post » 28 Jan 2014, 04:23

If you want a button to activate an animation instead of having an object in a region trigger it, until/unless somethign is done in SE to let you do this, you can have the button, trigger, or whatever you're trying to have activate the animation activate a goomba spawner, which would then enable the goomba to activate the region trigger for the animation. As the same deal with my previous trick, you can set it up so that everything is invisible or out of the range of view.
PS: In the main thread, you called me "B-man"
Tisk tisk tisk
At least it wasn't in comic sans (No, I'm not really offended. Just mildly annoyed :P)

I prefer "B-Man," not "B-man" or "Arrogant jerk that wants me to fix his capitalization" xD

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Post » 28 Jan 2014, 23:50

Thread is now updated for any and all undocumented stuff!

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Post » 29 Jan 2014, 00:16

This should be included:
alesan99 wrote: Custom Character Guide
In LOVE/mario_se make a folder named characters.
In that folder you make another folder. Name it what your character will be named.
Inside it make a .txt named "config", I'll tell you what to put inside it later.
  • NOTE: This will NOT tell you how to draw your character, look in the game's files for help.
    First, here are the things you will need, small sprites of you character and big sprites.
    Option 1
    Name your small sprite sheet "animations" and name your big sprite sheet "biganimations"
    That's it
    If you want to have no portal gun sprites then put 2 more images named the same as before with "nogun" at the beginning.
    Option 2
    If you want to get fancy and make the colors changeable grab your sprites and separate each color (Look in the game files for help) and recolor it to white then make a image with only the portal gun.
    Name the files like you do in option 1 but you put a number at the end of the name (0 is the portal gun).
    Now, you should know that the dot in your portal gun changes depending on what your portal color is. Make an image with only the portal gun dot and name it what you named the other files (without the number of course) and put "dot" at the end.
    You do the same for the no portal gun sprites but without the portal gun stuff.
  • I'll just list all the things I found and tell you what the heck they are
    "colorables": [] things you can change color (EX: "hat", "hair", "skin"), don't put this if you didn't pick option 2
    "defaulthat": 1 the hat that is chosen for the character by default

    "defaultcolors": [] the colors the character has by default, you have to define it for all four player. Don't put this if you didn't pick option 2
    "smalloffsetX": 6 How much the image is moved in the x axis (for small)
    "smalloffsetY": 3 How much the image is move in the y axis (for small)
    "smallquadcenterX": 11 x center of the character's image, divide the frame width by 2 to find this (for small)
    "smallquadcenterY": 10 y center of the character's image, divide the frame height by 2 to find this (for small)
    "shrinkquadcenterX": 9
    "shrinkquadcenterY": 32
    "shrinkoffsetY": -3
    "shrinkquadcenterY2": 16
    "growquadcenterY": 4
    "growquadcenterY2": -2
    "duckquadcenterY": 22
    "duckoffsetY": 7
    "runframes": 3 How many run/walk frames your character has.
    "jumpframes": 1 How many jump frames your character has
    "customframes": 3 I have no idea what this is
    "smallquadwidth": 20 The width of all the frames
    "smallquadheight": 20 The height of all the frames
    "smallimgwidth": 240 Width of the entire image
    "smallimgheight": 80 Height of the entire image
    "bigquadcenterY": 20 These are the same but for the big form
    "bigquadcenterX": 9
    "bigoffsetY": -3
    "bigoffsetX": 6
    "bigquadwidth": 20
    "bigquadheight": 36
    "bigimgwidth": 240
    "bigimgheight": 144
    "hatoffsets": {} How much hats are moved
    "bighatoffsets": {} same as above, for big form
    Look in the game files for layout help
(I color coated btw)
also not included in this list is:
"nopointing": true, does not aim portal gun to pointer
"pegasus": true, Allows infinite jumping

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Post » 29 Jan 2014, 00:21

I'll test this later, but it seems like you could make an enemy follow mario by having it constantly change into is left and setting it to go towards mario at spawn.
There's probably an easier way to do this, but I still thought I'd post this.

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Post » 04 Feb 2014, 03:35

Post updated with the stuff you guys said as well as some other undocumented neat... stuff (?) that Hatninja found.
...He never posts when he updates this awesome thread xD

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Post » 04 Feb 2014, 03:44

Hey hatninja you edited the post and added my sound player idea but it would still only work with default enemy sounds unless there was a way to have custom enemy sounds...? Is there? That would be sweet, but I don't think it's possible :(
On a completely different note, does anyone know what speed bullet bills are travelling when they come out of the default bullet bill launcher in the entities tab? Using triggers, square waves, and spawners you could probably recreate them and tweak them (for custom enemies and et cetera) which is a tip you could probably put in the main thread, but I cannot for the life of me pinpoint the typical launcher speed (for use with the enemy spawner)

EDIT: I could have edited my last post but the thread was bumped by hatninja a few minutes ago and I was speaking on hatninja's behalf there so sorry for the confusion, this is actually a new post and I didn't bump it.

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Post » 10 Feb 2014, 14:52

This is an awesome guide

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Post » 15 Feb 2014, 22:54

Hm, could you make a enemy-only or player-only field with custom enemies that do nothing and collide with player but not enemy, and enemy but not player, and put them on top of back/foreground tiles that had the correct effect? (So you can make it look different with only one enemy) That would be useful for puzzle mappacks.

Also, you should be able to make an air timer of sorts. Simply create an animation with anim. trigger ID breathe, set it to set time to 10 (or whatever the time mario can hold his breath). Then, select the animation trigger entity, fill air with it like it was a tile that you were putting background in (Meaning every space of air should have an animation trigger entity in it) and select them all with the select tool. set them to the ID breathe, there, now mario takes a breath when he moves into an air tile. (Standing still or not changing what tile you are in will make you not breathe, no solution to this that I can think of. This is untested, however. These are both simply theories of what you should be able to do.)

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Post » 16 Feb 2014, 09:08

I remember turret found out you can set fire flower colors at one point
yet I can't seem to find the post...

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Post » 16 Feb 2014, 09:11

MM102 wrote:I remember turret found out you can set fire flower colors at one point
yet I can't seem to find the post...
You just gotta know what to search for. ;)

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Post » 17 Feb 2014, 16:30

What does the Mario animationsBAK do? (I thing that's what it is. I'm currently on my iPhone.)

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Post » 17 Feb 2014, 16:43

It does nothing. That's just where people draw the sprites.

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Post » 18 Feb 2014, 05:05

MakesMarioGrow (boolean)

GivesALife (boolean)

I noticed these two weren't in Trosh's docs and aren't here.

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Post » 18 Feb 2014, 17:35

Oh wow, great eye!

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Post » 18 Feb 2014, 22:58

You seriously didn't see that? I thought it was obvious. How do one ups and mushrooms work without it?

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Post » 18 Feb 2014, 23:52

Why the hell did you even post that jwright
You didn't help at all, and you sure aren't the one that even posted the information in the first place
That was a bit hurtful towards Hatninja and there's no reason for you to even say that besides making yourself look good, which you did the exact opposite of.
All you did was come off as a jerk who's too full of himself to say anything worth listening to.
I can't even tell if you actually know that. It wasn't in the documentation, and Kexai's the first person who I've heard that from.
Really. All you did was say that you noticed something when someone else didn't. Completely pointless.

Kexai, thanks for the tip, I wasn't aware of those. Hatninja, just ignore jw. I didn't see that either.

Also, regarding the OP, my sound player still only works with default enemy sounds, because I'm pretty sure enemies can't have custom sounds. You should probably note that.

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Post » 19 Feb 2014, 04:10

jwright159 wrote:You seriously didn't see that? I thought it was obvious. How do one ups and mushrooms work without it?
Hey when theres tons of settings to modify, you're bound to miss one of them. :P

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Post » 19 Feb 2014, 19:28

I'm gonna test the air timer thingy and enemy-player fields, be back with the result in a bit.

All of them work okay. Swap masks 3 and 4 to switch between enemy and player, if I'm correct.

Can you add them to the list?

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Post » 19 Feb 2014, 19:42

Alright, adding...

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Post » 20 Feb 2014, 22:51

How can the animations repeat?

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Post » 21 Feb 2014, 05:02

jwright159 wrote:How can the animations repeat?
Did you even try?

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Post » 22 Feb 2014, 01:42

Animated tiles automatically loop, I'm assuming you mean animations as in run left jump add coin shake screen. There's already something for that up in the top post.

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Post » 22 Feb 2014, 21:54

On the subject of animated tiles, is there any way to get them to freeze on the frame they're on when the trigger's deactivated? Sorry if this isn't the best place to ask.

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Post » 22 Feb 2014, 22:17

This isn't exclusive to SE and you might already know this, EDIT: and it doesn't involve mapping, but here it is anyway. You can stack hats by going into your options.txt, finding "mariohats:[player#]:[hat#];" and putting a comma and another hat number after the fist one. (i.e."mariohats:[player#]:[hat1#],[hat2#]") You can stack as many hats as you want.

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Post » 24 Feb 2014, 03:19

How do I make it so that a dialog shows the name of the speaker?

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Post » 24 Feb 2014, 12:24

Use the bottom scrollbar, there is a second "Author" text input behind the first one.

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Post » 25 Feb 2014, 03:46

Automatik wrote:Use the bottom scrollbar, there is a second "Author" text input behind the first one.

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Post » 25 Feb 2014, 04:55

hatninja wrote: Bubba_nate: You can create an air timer feature by setting up an animation to kill you in a few seconds. But every time you activate it, the timer resets, thus letting you live longer.
I meant the ingame timer, but that would be better if triggering an animation while it's running makes it start over... Except you can't see the animation timer.

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Post » 25 Feb 2014, 18:44

Of course, in-fact thats how i tested it!

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Post » 25 Feb 2014, 18:47

I have a little tip:
If you don't want to make a lot of tiles for a background object (like the castle at the end of the level, or the bushes and mountains), you can make an enemy with the appearance of that object, making it untouchable and static. This also works for animated background objects.

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Post » 25 Feb 2014, 23:32

Guess what?
You can make blocks with offsets that aren't 16x16!
Just make an enemy that acts as a wall, and set the offset to whatever you want!

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Post » 25 Feb 2014, 23:34

hatninja wrote:MagicPillow, you're a genius.

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Post » 27 Mar 2014, 14:34

Can some one find that post about a character attribute that only allows double jumping

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Post » 27 Mar 2014, 14:39

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Post » 27 Mar 2014, 20:50

Image :(

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Post » 28 Mar 2014, 01:19

Your avatar perfectly explains how I'm feeling after reading that post.

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Post » 28 Mar 2014, 17:09

Thats a bit mean, isnt it?

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Post » 28 Mar 2014, 17:19

Tecminer wrote:Thats a bit mean, isnt it?
Yeah and so useless ....

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Post » 28 Mar 2014, 22:57

1. This isn't a "help me plz mari0 isn't working" thread
2. (not sure if this is exactly your problem but it seems like it is)
Maurice wrote:Image

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Post » 09 Dec 2018, 15:21

is there a way to add frames to death animation ?

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Post » 26 Jan 2024, 11:53

where to download the game mari0_se?

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